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Chapter 2: Hunted

Sunlight had left the city a few hours already. He decided to take a short break but suddently, he had a vision. He saw a group of person facing an army of monsters somewhere on an island. The vision disappeared as suddenly as it appeared.

“What was that? He thought. These memories are not mines.”

He had another vision where a man mastering lighting was fighting a shirtless man controlling fire. Then another vision, where a man with metal arms was fighting an older version of himself in a cave. After a few minutes, the visions stopped again.

“Something told me these visions will come back, he thought. Beside, i have no idea where to go now.”

He decided to take a nap for a few hours, but he was interrupted only after 2 hours by a noise coming from the woods. He got up and stayed on his guards. He heard a gunshot and teleported to avoid the bullet.

“You are fast, said a deep voice from the forest. Not a lot of people can avoid bullets”

A man walked in his direction. he was dressed like a Cowboy and was holding two revolvers at his direction.

“Erron Black’s the name, bounty hunting’s my game” said the mercenary

“You think that these guns can kill me? Good luck” said Sunlight.

He suddenly received a laser beam in the back but his body absorbed it immediately

“Whoever did that, know that lasers have no effects on me” said the hero.

Another man showed himself, behind Sunlight. He was wearing a cybernetic eye and was smelling like crap.

“You will be an interesting opponent, he said to Sunlight. My name is Kano, Mercenary and leader of the Black Dragon”

“Last time, you defeated me, said a voice he recognized. But this time, i came with friends.”

Skarlet showed herself and faced him.

“How did you find me so fast?” asked Sunlight.

“Don’t underestimate the power of blood magic, dear” she answered.

He looked around him.

“Don’t think about teleporting away, said Kano. We will just retrieve you if you flee somewhere else.”

“I don’t have intention to run, answered Sunlight. I deliver myself to Shao Khan”

“He gave us the order to capture you, said Erron. But i was expecting you to fight us at least, Why surrender without a fight?”

“I could easily beat you 3, he answered. But then, Your emperor will just send someone else, And i don’t want to risk innocent people’s life. Plus, if i don’t kill you, thing i won’t do, you will just keep hunting me.”

Shang Tsung, listening from distance, smiled devilishly. A few hours later, the trio (and Shang Tsung), came back to Shao Khan’s castle. They brought Sunlight in front of Shao Khan’s throne.

“We got him, master, like you wanted us to do” said Skarlet.

“I am surprised though, said Shao Khan, I expected him to beat you...”

Shao Khan gave a look to his minions and Sunlight, and saw they were not hurted.

“He surrendered on his own, said Kano. Told us that he didn’t want to risk innocent lifes”

“Hum, you 3, you can leave, said the Emperor. Kollector, give them their reward before they leave.”

“As you wish, Master” answered Kollector.

The trio and Kollector left the room.

“Oh, so, you are the big bad meanie that i heard so many things about... Shao Khan, right?” asked Sunlight.

“You have been well informed, answered the Overlord. Yes, i am Shao Khan, the Conquerer of Realm.”

“You want to know why i surrender to your minions?” asked Sunlight.

“Told me, why?” answered Shao Khan.

For only answer, Sunlight created a huge ball of flame that he threw at Shao Khan.

“That was the easier way to get to you, Asshole, said Sunlight. You will pay for what you did to these people!!”

Shao Khan laughed. Sunlight used his magic to create a wall of flame blocking all the issues and doors.

“Your minions won’t help you, he said. Prepare to feel the burn!!!”

Sunlight used his magic to create a puddle of ice under Shao Khan. This one fell on the ground heavily

“You know what they said, the bigger and heavier you are, the harder you will fall!!” said the hero

“You just doomed yourself, fool, said Shao Khan. I will crush you like a bug!!”

“Come at me, Fatty!!” said Sunlight, charging his magic.

Shao Khan, enraged, dashed in direction of Sunlight, his hammer ready to crush his bones. Sunlight teleported to the last moment and hit Shao Khan from behind with a beam of light.

“Oh, come on, said Sunlight. What is the use of having this big bad hammer if you can’t hit someone with it?”

During this time, Shang Tsung and Sindel were heading in direction of the throne room. They were stopped by a wall of fire.

“Our master is inside, said the sorcerer. He seem to need our help, but...”

“But what? Asked Sindel. Speak!!”

“This is too bad that you won’t be able to help him”

“What?” said Sindel.

Shang Tsung used a spell on Sindel to make her fall asleep...

“You, traitor, You...Will...Pay” said Sindel, before fainting.

“Sorry, but i have my plans, he said, smiling. And i will not let you or Shao Khan ruin them.”

Shang Tsung absorbed her soul. Skarlet arrived and saw the body of Sindel, lifeless.

“I don’t feel bad for her, said Skarlet. But i won’t let you hurt Shao Khan!!”

“Oh please, said Shang Tsung, would you not prefer ruling Outworld instead. Make Shao Khan your minion?”

“I want, she said, But how?”

“If you accept to follow me, i will told you.”

“You have picked my curiosity, she said. What is your plan?”

Shang Tsung smiled. Meanwhile, Shao Khan had not touched Sunlight once, and was beginning to get very mad.

“I have to admit he is resistant, thought Sunlight. None of my attacks seems to affect him and he won’t give up, i don’t want to kill him, i am not a killer.”

Shao Khan was suddenly impaled by a spear of solid blood. Skarlet appeared behind Shao Khan.

“Skar...Skarlet? You dare betray me?” he said.

“Don’t forget who created her, Shao Khan” said Shang Tsung.

“Why are you betraying me?” he said.

“Because i know about the Sands of Time, I know about this reality and that Kronika is behind it” said the sorcerer.

“So, this world is an alternative reality? Thought Sunlight. That explain why i had these visions, they must be from another reality, another timeline, the one before this one...”

Shang Tsung absorbed Shao Khan’s soul and laughed. Sunlight made the flames disappear and Kollector entered the room. He saw the body of Shao Khan on the ground as Shang Tsung finished to drain the life out of him. Instead of being mad, he smiled at the sorcerer. Shang Tsung had talked to Kollector a few times ago, about the Sands Of Time and his plan to take control of it, Kollector accepted to follow Shang Tsung, this one promising him endless treasures to collect, free to collect without giving anything to anyone. But Shang Tsung had is own plan: Gain control of the Hourglass, with the help of his allies, and also someone strong enough to defeat Kronika. He knew Sunlight was the person he needed. And Once Kronika would be out of the way, he would betray Skarlet and Kollector, and use Kronika’s Crown to gain the power to defeat Sunlight. Then, he would finally rule over this world for eternity. Shang Tsung told Skarlet and Kollector to play nice, in order to make Sunlight think they were victims of Shao Khan’s tyranny and gain his trust.

“Why did you do that to him? Asked Sunlight. I thought he was your master?”

“We never liked him, said Skarlet. He treated us like trash and we had enough.”

“But he was just a pawn in this world, said Shang Tsung. Listen to what i will say”

Shang Tsung proceeded to talk to Sunlight about Kronika, a godly being with the power of controlling time. He also mentioned that this timeline was her creation, a timeline where the good never existed. He also said that she used the Sands of Time to do it. (He didn't told him about the crown, though) Sunlight shared with them his visions and that he was not from this universe.

“If we realize that exploit, said Shang Tsung, We will be able to repair the damages made by Kronika in this timeline”

“He lie, this is evident, thought Sunlight. I don’t trust him, this guy is the evil incarnated. I can feel it. But if this story about the Sands of Time is true, i will be able to restore this timeline by the one i saw in my visions. This old man know where to find it, but he need me to make it to the Hourglass, and i need him to lead me to it. I reserve to him something he won’t see coming, something that even with all the power he will possess at this moment, will defeat him. I just have to play his games, for now”

Sunlight looked at the group and smiled.

“What is your gain in this adventure, asked Sunlight. I doubt that we want to use the Hourglass for the same reasons?”

“You are right, said Shang Tsung, but we will bargain about this when the time will come. You need me if you want a chance to restore this timeline and i need you. We need each other...”

“True, said Sunlight. I will follow your lead until we make it to the Hourglass. Then, we will fight on who will have it.”

“I love the way you are thinking, said Shang Tsung. Very well...”

Erron Black and Kano appeared behind a door.

“Count me in, said Kano, a chance like that appear only once in a lifetime”

“I just want to shot scumbags, said Erron Black, I am sure Kronika will not let us arrive to her.”

Shang Tsung smiled.

“The more we are, the easier it will be for us to win, said the sorcerer. But our priority is to protect Sunlight, he is our secret weapon against Kronika”

“Wait, what? Why?” asked Sunlight.

He looked at Sunlight,

“She would have already reseted this timeline, said Shang Tsung. But she didn’t, and this is because of you. You said to have visions of another reality and if this is the case, then you are not mentally affected, or affected differently from us. That mean that no matter how many time she reset this timeline, she won’t be able to reset your memory. "

“And that mean i would just have to remind you of that, said Sunlight. Well, in that case, She will have to kill me, but why she didn’t do it since the time?”

“Knowing Kronika, said Shang Tsung, She will let us arrive to her before. She love to play with her enemies. She know that she can’t simply reset this timeline over and over again. She won’t have other choice than killing us. But she can’t kill us if she doesn’t know where to find us. But we can’t hide forever, we will need firepower, I have no doubt she will send Cetrion and Shinnok, her childrens, two Elder Gods, to hunt you down.”

“You think i can’t beat them?” asked Sunlight.

“Not with the power you have actually, Skarlet told me that your blood was special. You have the power of the fire and of the dragons in you. I know a place, know as the Pyramid of Argus, where a fire elemental deity named Blaze live. He is a being of fire like you, and his power can rival those of gods, even Kronika.”

“Will he help us?” asked Sunlight.

“No, he is evil, unfortunately, said the old man. He was sealed in the depts of the Pyramid because of that. But his power can serve us in another way”

Without preventing anyone, he threw a blast of fire at Sunlight, fire that is immediately absorbed by his body.

“Like me with the souls, you can absorb fire, heat and Light. If you can absorb the power of Blaze, you will be powerful enough to take on Cetrion and Shinnok. And with them out of the way, Kronika will stand no chance agaisnt us”

“She still have her bodyguard, you know, the one that can't be killed!” said Skarlet.

“He will be no match for all of us, said Kano. What are we waiting for? Let’s head to this pyramid”

The group, led by Shang Tsung, walked in direction of their next destination.