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Chapter 6: Light vs Light, Darkness vs Darkness

Sunlight was facing Cetrion, in the middle of her sanctuary. She made the first move and threw at him a flurry of sharp stone projectiles. Sunlight protected himself with a magic barrier and returned the favor by projecting fireballs to her. Cetrion protected herself with a stone barrier.

”I have the feeling this battle is going to last an eternity” thought Sunlight.

Cetrion used her magic to make plant and rock monsters appear.

“Get him, my minions!!” she said.

The magical creatures attacked Sunlight, who destroyed them easily using fire beams.

“Like if these creatures were strong enough to defeat me, said Sunlight. We both have control over the elements, this battle is useless and a waste of time.”

“Maybe we can both control the Light and the elements, said Cetrion, but the difference is that i am an Elder God, while you, you just have the power of a god. My power surpasses yours.”

“Power is not everything, Cetrion, said Sunlight. I will find a way to end that fight, trust me.”

Sunlight fired a flurry of fire beams on Cetrion, who countered with water jets. Sunlight froze the steam and turned it into ice spears that he threw at Cetrion. The Elder Goddess took them directly without flinching.

“You will need more than ice spears if you want to best me, said Cetrion. Let my show you what real power is!!!”

She materialized hundreds of rock spears that she threw at Sunlight all at once. This one dodge most of the projectiles with agility and grace, and blocked others with a magic barrier. But 3 projectiles hit him in the left leg, the chest and the right shoulder, making the hero fall to his knees. Cetrion laughed and prepared to crush him under a big boulder. Sunlight teleported at the last moment to avoid being crushed. He removed the sharp rock projectiles out of his body and healed himself using a spell.

“I hope you can do better than that” said Sunlight.

Meanwhile, Shang Tsung and his allies were still fighting the armies of both Frost and Quan Chi. Kano and Kollector had died a few moment ago in the battle, and got their souls absorbed by Shang Tsung. On his own, the sorcerer killed almost a thousand of enemy soldiers (also stealing their souls) After a moment, Shang Tsung judged that he had enough power and decided to take on Quan Chi. He teleported directly to the Dark Sorcerer with a smile.

“I will enjoy taking your soul after i kill you, Quan Chi” he said.

“And i will enjoy corrupting your soul after i killed you” answered Quan Chi

The two sorcerers started to battle. Meanwhile, Skarlet and Erron Black were fighting Frost.

“You have no chance against the two of us” said Erron Black.

“Don’t underestimate me, said Frost. I still have an ace in my sleeve. Cyber Lin Kueis, engage the self-destruction sequence!!”

The cyber ninjas obeyed and start to shortcut, Frost tried to get away but got trapped in a bear trap. Skarlet then shaped the blood she collected from the enemies she killed into chains and ropes to hold the villain on the ground.

“Not so fast, said Erron. If we die, we will take you with us”

“I know that you value your own life more than anything else, said Skarlet. Told your soldiers to cancel their self-destruction protocol and you will stay alive.”

“You fools, she said. Once that their self-destuction program is activated, i can’t cancel it.”

“There is hundreds of these cyber Lin Kueis, said Skarlet. If they all explode, everyone in a area of 2 kilometers will be vaporized!!”

Frost contacted Quan Chi and told him to leave the area, before being killed by the duo of killers. Quan Chi transported himself and Shang Tsung in the Netherealm. Erron Black sat on the ground and smoked a cigar.

“Well, 10 seconds before we die, he said. I regret nothing, but do you think you can kiss me?”

“You wish” she said.

“Well, at least, i tried” said Erron

The cyborgs exploded. The power of the explosion destroyed the Pyramid of Argus and everything in an area of 2 kilometers.

Shang Tsung and Quan Chi landed on the ground. They quickly got up and continued to fight. Quan Chi suddenly saw the statue of Shinnok, not so far away from him, as well as Shang Tsung.”

“Look like your master can’t help you now” said Shang Tsung.

“I will find a way to free him from his curse, said Quan Chi. I will do it after i kill you!!!”

The Dark sorcerer attacked Shang Tsung directly, this one parried each of his moves and knocked him back. Then, he summoned a magic fire Cobra to bound him.

“You will never best me, Quan Chi, said the old man. And now, Your soul is mine!!”

Shang Tsung absorbed the soul of Quan Chi. Then, he killed the rest of his army and stole their souls too. He walked in direction of the statue of Shinnok.

“Now, your turn, he said. Your body may be stone, but your soul is not.”

He proceeded to absorb slowly the soul of the Elder God. He laughed, feeling the power flowing in him. After a few minutes, Shang Tsung stopped.

“Because i am in a nice mood today, i will let you keep your soul, he said.”

Meanwhile, Sunlight and Cetrion were still fighting, The Elder Goddess was starting to get overwhelmed by Sunlight’s attacks. A critical blow finally sent her crashing against a tree.

“How this is possible, she said, trying to get up. I...can’t lose to you! Curse you!!!”

“I don’t wish to kill you, Cetrion, said Sunlight. But if you persist to be loyal to your mother, then you will let me no choice. This is why i ask you to fight by my side. We both are on the good side, you know it...”

“I...If i betray my mother, she will make me pay, she said. I can’t disobey to her”

“She is manipulating you, said Sunlight. You are her most precious ally, she know it. If you and me team up against her, we will win, i am sure of that.”

Cetrion stayed silent. Sunlight had visions of Cetrion being absorbed by Kronika, increasing her power.

“What do you prefer? Asked the hero. Sacrificing yourself for your mother, and change nothing to the fact she might lose, or fight by my side, so we had a chance to defeat Kronika and save the world?”

Cetrion still stayed silent. She knew Sunlight was right about to who her loyalty should go. Teaming with her mother meant her death, she knew that Kronika would ask her to sacrifice her life for her. But teaming up with Sunlight meant that Kronika would kill her first for her betrayal. Cetrion got up and walked in his direction.

“Take my power, she said. But promise me that you will kill my mother...”

“I promise that in the timeline i will create, said Sunlight. You will have a better life, a life without Kronika, a life where you will be the Lighthouse for the forces of good.”

Cetrion smiled and transfered her power to Sunlight by putting her hand on his chest.

“Thank you, Cetrion, he thought. I will make sure your sacrifice will not be in vain.”

He then left the sanctuary, heading in direction of Shang Tsung location. Meanwhile, Kronika was in her headquarters, pissed that her son and daughter have both been defeated and absorbed by Shang Tsung and Sunlight. Then, she suddenly smiled.

“There is still a hope for me, she thought. Shang Tsung and Sunlight both want my Crown, and they will inevitably fight for it. Both have a similar power level and they will just exhaust themselves. I will send Onaga at this moment, And even if he fail, he will at least weaken them enough for me to achieve them both. But they are not stupid, this is why i need to bait them. And i know exactly what will do the job.”