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Chapitre 5: Light Vs Dark

Sunlight and Shinnok were facing each other in the Netherrealm.

“So, here, you don’t have to care about hurting innocents, said Shinnok. Not that i care. Plus, in this Realm, i have way more power!!”

“You made a mistake bringing me here, Shinnok, told Sunlight. You told me that in this realm, you have more power. But it is the same for me too, all that fire, this heat, you gave me access to an unlimited supply of it.”

“So maybe this fight will not be a waste of my time” said Shinnok.

He rushed in direction of Sunlight, who parried the attack and delivered a powerful kick in the Elder God’s stomach. Shinnok projected a deluge of dark energy on him and Sunlight countered by throwing a magic light beam. The shock of the two attacks caused a big explosion that blew away many demons. Sunlight sent on the evil god a blast of magic lightning that have no effect.

“That was a while since i met someone able to use thunder magic, said Shinnok. I think that was in another timeline, The guys name was Raiden. I couldn’t get my revenge on him for torturing me, but you will be a compensation.”

At the mention of the name of Raiden, Sunlight had flashbacks of the God of thunder torturing Shinnok, he also saw his battle against the army of the Netherrealm. He came back to reality just in time to avoid Shinnok’s punch. Sunlight blasted him away with another beam of light.

“You are too slow, said Sunlight. That form make you big and resistant, but it also make you heavier. You have no chance to match my speed in your actual form.”

“I don’t need it anyway, said Shinnok, returning to his original form. Very well, now, admire!”

Shinnok teleported behind Sunlight and stroke him with a skeleton fist and pounded him on the ground. In her base, Kronika was watching the battle with a smile. Sunlight teleported to avoid being fisted a second time and slashed Shinnok with a Light spear he made appear out of thin air. Shinnok grabbed him, turned on himself and threw the hero away. This one put is hands in the ground and stop moving. He then dashed in direction of Shinnok, covered in light and fire, slashing him multiple times with light daggers and magic projectiles. After a few moment, the evil Elder God parried his attacks and countered with magic bone blades.

”Interesting, said Kronika. This young hero is indeed powerful. Cetrion, can you hear me?”

She was using telepathy to talk with her daughter.

”I hear you, Mother” answered Cetrion.

”Prepare to join the battle soon” said Kronika.

Shinnok and Sunlight were still battling with blades, and it was looking like no one had the upper hand. Sunlight teleported a few step backs to find another strategy.

”Shit, this guy is better than i thought, thought Sunlight. I will have to be smart if i want to defeat him, My magic of light affect him, but it won’t be enough, i need to find his weakness...”

He suddenly remembered what Shang Tsung said to him sooner, about an amulet that was is weakness. He have visions of Raiden using it to trap Shinnok, then a young blonde girl doing the same. Sunlight saw that Shinnok was wearing this amulet on him.

”Plan B, take that amulet from his body and seal him, he thought. But he won’t let me get my hands on it...I need to break his guard down.”

Shinnok threw multiple beams of dark red energy at Sunlight, who avoided most of them. He was hit by one and got knocked back.

”Ouch, that one actually hurt, said Sunlight. I need to find a way to take the amulet away from him.”

Shinnok continued firing beams at Sunlight, who was doing his best to avoid them. He combined fire, air and ice magic to create a fog and block the view of his opponent.

“You think you can hide from me?” asked Shinnok.

He blasted the fog away with a powerful wave of dark magic and saw nothing. Sunlight arrived from behind him and tried to grab the amulet, Shinnok laughed, grabbed him and threw him away.

“Oh, so you know about the power of my amulet, said Shinnok. I guess i will have to be more careful now...”

Sunlight appeared in front of him and kicked the god in the balls. Then, he hammerfisted Shinnok on the ground for finally landing on him like a meteorite. Sunlight took the amulet and tried to seal Shinnok, but nothing happen. The Elder God laughed again and got back on his feet.

“Stupid human, said Shinnok. This is a copy you hold. Were you actually thinking that i would bring on me the only thing able to defeat me, on a battlefield? I am not stupid.”

Sunlight threw the amulet away and beat up Shinnok, not holding back his power. He threw laser beams, light beams, fire beams, many sort of beams at the Elder God, who was overwhelmed by the power of the attacks

“How? Said Shinnok. 10 minutes ago, you were not that strong!”

“This is because i was holding back, said Sunlight. But not anymore, prepare to feel the burn!!”

Sunlight threw a storm of light blades on Shinnok, who blocked them with a magic wall. The hero teleported behind him and stabbed him repeatedly with magic daggers. He then grabbed the god and threw him away against a rock formation. Shinnok got enraged and turned back to his Corrupted form.

“I wil kill you!!!” said Shinnok.

The evil god projected a beam of dark energy at Sunlight, who blocked the attack with a magic beam. The dark energy beam suddenly overwhelmed Sunlight's magic beam. Sunlight teleported once again, this time, behind Shinnok, and threw a beam of fire. The god was knocked back a few meters away, before deflecting the attack.

”He is too resistant, thought Sunlight, Defeating him in that state would require almost all of my capacities, and after him, i am sure Kronika will send Cetrion. I only have one option, I was keeping it for Shang Tsung and can only be used once. But i have no choice...”

Sunlight focused in his hands a ball of magic.

“I will need a few moments to charge the spell, he thought. But Shinnok will not let me that much time”

Sunlight flew high in the sky. Shinnok projected a big beam at him, that he avoided at the last moment. The Elder God multiplied the attacks, forcing Sunlight to dodge. This one dove in direction of the ground and landed in front of Shinnok and then ran in his direction, the magic ball charged fully in his hand. Shinnok tried to knock him back, but Sunlight avoided all of the blows.

“Game over, motherfucker!!” he said, releasing the magic ball inside Shinnok’s body.

The Elder God made a few steps back and started to return to his normal form.

“What is happening to me? He asked, what have you done?”

Shinnok’s body began to turn into stone, slowly.

“A petrification spell, answered Sunlight. It work only on beings made of darkness or with corrupted souls. And the more corrupted the victim is, the more powerful the effect of the spell is. I was keeping it for Shang Tsung and coan only be used once in a lifetime.”

“Well played, said Shinnok, Well played.”

He then turned completely to stone and Sunlight returned to the Pyramid of Argus where he saw his allies in a bad situation. Sunlight rushed to help them, but is hit by a blast of energy that sent him to the ground.

“Not so fast, said Cetrion, revealing herself. Congratulation for defeating my brother. But i prevent you, i am way more powerful than him”

She teleported herself and Sunlight in a place full of vegetation, water and rocks.

“Welcome to my sanctuary, said Cetrion. This place will be your grave!!”

“This place is beautiful, are you sure you want to fight here?” asked Sunlight.

“I will repair all the damages after i kill you, she answered. Now, let this Kombat begin.”