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Chapter 3: In the pyramids

Shang Tsung, Skarlet, Sunlight Blaze, Kollector, Erron Black and Kano were arrived at the entrance of the Pyramid of Argus.

“Wow, this is impressive!! Said Sunlight. How do we get to Blaze?”

“Kronika knew about the power of Blaze and tried to recruit him, but he refused, said Shang Tsung. So. She sealed him in the deepest place in the Pyramid of Argus. How i know that? Well, I will explain you later.”

The group entered in the pyramid. They soon arrived at a room where 3 different paths showed up.

“We will split in 3 groups, said Shang Tsung. Kano and Erron will be the first team, Skarlet and Kollector, the second team. Me and You, Sunlight will be the last team. Oh, i almost forgot, take these”

Shang Tsung gave to everone a magical device to communicate between them and the group splited in 3. Kano/Erron took the path on the left, while Skarlet and Kollector took the one on the right. That let to the two magicians the last option: the middle path.

[Meanwhile, at Shao Khan’s castle]

Kronika was watching in her hourglass the scene where Shang Tsung was betraying Sindel and Shao Khan.

“Well played, Sorcerer, she said for herself. I guess i underestimated you, Where are you now?”

Geras, her bodyguard, suddenly appeared from nowhere.

“I know where he is, said Geras. I located him in the Pyramid of Argus”

“Shang Tsung probably want to free Blaze, she said. He must not succeed!!”

“But this is not all, he said. They are 6 in total. Shang Tsung, Skarlet, Erron Black, Kano, Kollector and another one unknown to me”

“Oh, in that case, you will need reinforcements” said Kronika

Kronika summoned Kitana, Kung Lao, Jade ( all of the 3 in their Revenant version), D’vorah and Noob Saibot

“You 5, she said, go with Geras to the Pyramid of Argus. Kill everyone in there, and then, bring Shang Tsung to me. I want to kill him personally, for good, this time”

“Count on us” said Revenant Kung Lao.

She teleported the group in the Pyramid, by team of 2. During this time, Shang Tsung and the rest of the group were now deep into the Pyramid. Skarlet and Kollector arrived in a room full of treasures.

“Gold, said Kollector. Tons of gold.”

“Not now, Kollector” she said.

“I know, he answered. But count on me to raid this room when our mission will be over”

“You will go no further!!” said Revenant Kitana and Revenant Jade.

“I will take Kitana, you, you take Jade”

Kollector deployed his 4 daggers and faced Revenant Jade.

“I will make sure to keep your rod after i kill you, Jade, he said. Jade have great value”

“A Naknada like you have no chance to beat a Edenian Warrior like me.” she said.

Skarlet and Kitana were staring agressively at each other.

“I will take pleasure in killing you Kitana” said the blood sorceress.

“Same for me, she answered. I will kill you slowly and painfully.”

On the side of Kano and Erron Black, they were facing D’vorah and Kung Lao.

“I will take care of that ugly motherfucker, I have unfinished business with her” said Erron Black.

“In this case, hat boy is for me” said Kano.

Erron Black deployed his guns and pointed them in direction of D’vorah. Kano shot a laser beam at Kung Lao, who avoided it.

“Last time we saw each other, you devored my bounty, said Black. If hate when someone stole my bounty, I will kill you, and claim your bounty as compensation”

“This one will not be easy to take down, cowboy” said D’vorah.

“So, hat boy, said Kano. Don’t underestimate me”

“You will be no challenge for me, said Kung Lao. I’ll chop your head off "

“I will kill you with your own hat” said Kano

Finally, on the side of Shang Tsung and Sunlight. The duo was in front of the last room before the final one.

“We just have to cross this room, said Shang Tsung. After that, we will be in front of the door leading to the chamber where Blaze is kept captive. But you will have to do the final part of the mission alone.”

“Why?” asked Sunlight.

“None of us, except you, will be able to stand the heat in the chamber, he answered. This place is literally an oven”

“For that, you will have to beat us first” said Noob Saibot, who appeared behind Shang Tsung

“Don’t resist, sorcerer, said Geras, appearing from the ground. For your treason, Kronika will kill you”

Sunlight faced Noob Saibot and Geras faced Shang Tsung.

“I will take care of Geras, said the soul sorcerer. I think you can take on Noob Saibot.”

Noob attacked Sunlight and this one blasted him away with a magic light ball.

“What? He said to Saibot, you are afraid of the light? How sad for you!”

“Light magic or not, he answered. I will kill you.”

“So, Kronika discovered my plan” said Shang Tsung to Geras.

“And she ordered me to stop you” he answered.

“That will be more harder than you think” said the old man.

Shang Tsung and Geras started to fight. On his side, Sunlight was avoiding Noob’s attacks, or blocking them with a magic shield.

“Why don’t you attack me? Asked Bi-Han. Are you afraid to face Death?!!”

“If you insist” said Sunlight, who was holding two blades made of Light magic.

Noob Saibot and Sunlight started clashing, but Sunlight quickly took advantage and Noob Saibot was knocked back.

“Give up, he said, your Shadow magic will never surpasse my magic of Light.”

Noob laughed and the room was suddenly filled with darkness.

“Are you sure? He answered. Let’s see how you fight totally blinded!”

Meanwhile, Skarlet and Kitana were still battling. Kitana had took the advantage of the fight and was keeping Skarlet on her toes. She then kicked her against a wall and was about to kill the blood witch.

“I told you, i am way more powerful than you, Skarlet! I always was!” she said, seeing that her enemy could not escape

“But not smarter, said Skarlet. Take this, bitch!!”

She activated a trap under Kitana, who made her fall in a pit. This one used her fans to grip on the sides. Skarlet smiled and use her magic to cut Kitana’s hands. She then fell for good in it. Kollector, him, had found in the pile of treasures a relic that he used to turn Jade into, well, a jade statue.

“How did you do that, Kollector?” asked Skarlet.

“I used this, he answered, showing the relic to her. I was looking for this beauty for centuries, it have the power to turn into statue any being, Outside of Elder Gods and Titans. But the setback is that it can be used only once...”

The duo continued their way in the pyramid. Meanwhile, the battle between Erron Black and D’vorah was ending. Same for the one between Kung Lao and Kano.

“What is the problem, Cowboy? Asked D’vorah. Realizing that you will die soon?”

Erron Black smiled to her.

“What make you laugh?” she asked.

Erron Black aimed his gun at D’vorah’s head.

“Boom!” he said, firing at her.

The bullet make her head explode.

“Explosive bullet, said the mercenary. I was keeping one for you”

He got up and shot Kung Lao in the head as this one was about to kill Kano.

“Bullets solve everything, he said. Are you okay, pal?”

He helped Kano got up.

“I didn’t need your help, he answered. But thank you.”

They headed to the next room. On his side, Sunlight was still in the total darkness, taking the attacks of Noob Saibot. This one was laughing. He ran in direction of Sunlight with the intention of finishing him. But at the last second, Sunlight dodged and blasted him away with a ball of light. Noob fall on the groud, making the darkness disappear.

“How?” he asked.

“I was faking all this time, answered Sunlight. You see, I wear goggles that allow me to see through illusions, like the one you used on me. To make it simple, i was seeing you from the start.”

Suddenly, Noob Saibot shadows began to fade away, revealing his original body.

“My shadows, what have you done to me!?” he asked, confused

“I replaced the shadows in you with light, said Sunlight. I used a reformation spell on you”

“I...What do you want from me?” he asked.

“Nothing, he answered. But we can use your help to defeat Kronika”

“You are really trusting the sorcerer?” asked Bi-Han

“No, of course not, answered Sunlight. But i have no choice for now.”

The two arrived in the room they were before, and saw Geras throwing Shang Tsung against the wall. They combined their power of fire and ice on Geras. Shang Tsung got up and materialised a magical fire Cobra he threw at him and the bodyguard of Kronika disappeared in a portal.

“We have one more ally on our side now” said Sunlight, pointing Bi-Han

“Good, the more we are, the better it is” answered Shang Tsung.

Skarlet, Kollector, Erron Black and Kano arrived in the room.

“Guess we all made it, said the cowboy. Let me guess, you too were attacked by Kronika’s minions?”

“Now that we killed them, said Shang Tsung, Kronika will probably send Frost and her army of Cyber Lin Kuei. We will hold them back while you, Sunlight, will free Blaze. Don’t forget that you have to absorb his power.”

Shang Tsung used a spell to open the last door, and Sunlight passed it.

Meanwhile, on the Island of Time, Kronika was furious, She had summoned Frost, Quan Chi and Sektor.

“You, and your armies, head to the Pyramid of Argus. Make this place their grave!”

The trio disappeared.

“You will not win, Shang Tsung, she said. Uh?”

“I am sorry, Kronika, said Geras. They beat me and killed the other.”

“I know, i saw everything. But defeating them was not my intention, she said. What did you learned? I want to know everything!”

“Shang Tsung is not the one you should be afraid of” said her servitor.

“Then who?” she asked.

Geras used his sand magic to create a Tri-dimensional replica of Sunlight.

“His name is Sunlight Blaze, and he is dangerous” he said.

“Let me see” she said.

She touched the head of Geras and read his memories.

“No! She said. Cetrion, Shinnok!! Head immediately to the Pyramid of Argus!! When you will see him, kill him!!”

“Yes, Mother” said Shinnok and Cetrion.

The siblings left and let her alone.

“That won’t be enought, she said. I need more power...And i know who will be perfect”

“Who are you thinking of?” asked Geras.

“Onaga” said Kronika.