• Published 22nd Jun 2020
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Discord Teaches Philosophy: On Love - CrackedInkWell

It's been years since Discord had taken up a teaching roll at the School of Friendship. Now as a summer class, he's teaching on the subject of love - no one knows why.

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Lesson 5 - Why Do Some Have Affairs

The next morning, the class had assembled back inside the warm hallways before room 256. Since they have arrived early, many of them took this opportunity to engage in some small talk while they waited for Discord to open his classroom door.

“So, you two got engaged?” Filthy inquired of Fancy. “Considering what happened yesterday, color me surprised.”

“The method was… unconventional,” Fancy admitted, rubbing the back of his neck but blushing. Next to him, Fleur smiled with the golden ring on her horn. “And I didn’t think we would be from our first fight, but here we are.”

“I’d say it was a welcoming change of pace,” Fleur added. “After the lesson yesterday, we returned to Canterlot just so he could find the ring and propose to me… again.”

Spoiled, who leaned against the wall frowned. “You know, considering the things that happened to all of us yesterday, that I’m surprised that it got such a… mixed response.”

“What do you mean?” Fleur tilted her head.

“I don’t know about you, but all Discord did for us is to confirm what we thought about the other for a long… long time.”

“Ah yes,” Fancy nodded, “you two are getting divorced.”

“Still,” Filthy added, “with all that’s said and done… I’m strangely glad that Discord went out of his way to paint a more honest portrait of what relationships are like. Now I wish that I knew this stuff a long time ago.”

Spoiled nodded.

Behind them, the Cakes were in deep conversation with Cadence and Shining. “We just felt so bad after yesterday.” Mrs. Cake explained, “As soon as we got out, we just went home, and we held our foals tightly. Letting them know that they’re loved, and we just wanted them to be happy.”

“It’s rather weird that we’re the ones apologizing for stuff that hasn’t happened yet.” Mr. Cake added. “I still don’t know if what we saw are things that will or could happen to them. Honestly, I really hope it’s the latter.”

“Yeah, I can completely understand that…” Shining sighed, “But at the same time, I think we needed it.”

“In what way?” Cadence inquired.

“Well, we were so focused on seeing our foal as just that – a foal, and not the pony that she wants to become one day. Yeah, we have really high expectations of what we’d expect Flurry to be – but that’s the wrong way of looking at it. Flurry probably needs to grow up not trying to prove that she’s worth anything – just needed to be loved for what she is.”

Cadence sighed, “Even as royalty, I don’t think I could be the perfect parent.”

“Maybe not,” Mr. Cake said, “But with your husband talking, I’m reminded of something my dad told me. Back when Cup was pregnant and I was worried about raising foals that he said to me, ‘Your foals don’t need a perfect mom and dad; you most likely will be a good enough parent, and that’s what they need from you.’”

Shining raised an eyebrow, “That sounds something that Discord would say.”

“Maybe, but it’s true.”

At the furthest end from the rest of the class, Fluttershy waited for the day’s lesson to start.

“Excuse us, Professor?” Craning her neck over, she found that behind her was Ocellus, along with the rest of her former students.

“Ocellus, how are you?” Fluttershy smiled at her warmly. “Are you all enjoying the class?”

“Well uh…” Ocellus looked back at her friends, Smolder waved a claw as if to tell her ‘Go on…’ “So far we’ve found what Discord as… interesting.”

“Oh good. Discord has worked extra hard in putting these lessons together.”

“Yes… and about that.”

Fluttershy’s smile disappeared, replacing it with a somewhat concerned expression. “Why? Is something wrong?”

“Well not with us by any means. Just… How do I say this elegantly…?” After thinking for a moment, she asked, “Did you and Discord fought?”

This caught Fluttershy by wide-eyed surprise. “Excuse me?”

“I know, I know, it’s none of my business. But all of us were wondering why Discord is doing all of this and we have some reason to think that maybe it has something to do with you.”

Fluttershy blinked, “But why would you assume that Discord and I had a fight?”

“Gee, what could possibly tip it off?” Smolder asked dryly. “Maybe it has something to do with Discord practically giving us all the reason why not to go in a relationship.”

“No,” Ocellus snapped at her, “Well… that too, but lately, I’ve begun to notice that Discord seemed hesitant around you – more than usual. He’s been extremely cautious as if doing everything he could to not ruin something for you. If I may ask, is there a reason?”

“Well, there is.” Fluttershy nodded. “Discord and I have been dating for a while-”

Gallus clapped his claws, “I knew it.”

“Dude,” Sandbar chastised his friend, “don’t interrupt. Sorry, you were saying?”

Fluttershy resumed, “Anyway, we started to go on dating after my friends had picked up some… subtle hints that Discord maybe liked me more than a friend. It wasn’t until the twentieth fruit basket of banana kittens that I had to ask if he had feelings for me. Over the years, Discord looked up every kind of advice about relationships he could find, not just in philosophy but in many areas too so he would have a better understanding of how to have a better relationship. After all, he had a relationship before but… it wasn’t good.

“After spending these past few years, I made a deal with Discord to make some special classes about love. Since he has picked up on so much that, as I saw it, should be shared for other couples that could benefit learning about this.”

“Aww… That’s so sweet,” Silverstream gushed but after a beat, she thought aloud, “all of this was made on a deal?” Fluttershy nodded, “What was it?”

Before she could answer, the classroom door opened. The class started to move towards it. “Maybe later,” Fluttershy told them as she followed everyone else in.

The class walked through the doorway that was lit brightly at first, but once every single one had entered in, the lights dimmed enough so they could see what Discord had in mind this time.

The first thing that they all noticed was they had stepped into an oval room where absolutely everything was tinted a slightly green color. Except for the classroom door, there were hundreds, perhaps thousands of television screens from the white floor to the white ceiling. On every screen, they saw themselves but multiplied everywhere they looked. The only piece of furniture in the room was a black cushion chair with wheels on the bottom. Discord’s paw stuck out, holding a silver pen that he held it like a remote. When the door to the room was closed, Discord turned in his chair, wearing a gray business suit, vest, and a black collar.

“Hello class,” Discord began.

“Discord, what’s all this for?” Twilight asked.

“First off, compared to what we’re gonna talk about today, that question is irrelevant. But to answer it for the fun of it – this room is merely a place of possibilities.” After a tap of his pen, the screens flashed and turned into a mosaic of random events. “This is to show even the tiniest range of the choices that all of us could have made or haven’t made. The purpose is to help illustrate something that is so universally practiced, yet universally taboo.

“Now, question,” Discord leaned forward in his seat, “why do we cheat? Now I’m not talking just about sleeping around behind your special someone’s back here. Although that too, I mean, despite being married for a long time or even happily in a relationship – how come there are so many who sees someone else despite loving their partner?” Leaning back in his seat, he waited for an answer. “Well…? Anyone?”

Cadence stepped forward.

Discord raised an eyebrow. “Ooh, so the Princess of Love is gonna answer my question then?” She nodded. “Okay, Mi Amor Cadenza, why do some have affairs?”

“I think it might be because one doesn’t love the other anymore,” Cadence answered.

“Oh? And why do you think that?”

“Because, logically, if you are in a relationship with someone, and they have given you everything to be happy – a family, stability, even letting know that they’re loved; why would anyone want an affair? The only reason, as I see it, that anyone would stray is because they have fallen out of love and they’re unhappy with their current spouse.”

“My, what flawless logic… except you’re overlooking one tiny detail in that reasoning.”

Cadence tilted her head. “And what’s that?”

“If you looked at the records of the couples that have an affair, you’d find that a lot of them were already happily married with everything they needed. I guess that’s why even monogamy has changed definition. It used to be one spouse for life, now it means one spouse at a time. Even those in a polyamorous relationship cheat – so clearly, something else must be going on, right? But what could it be?”

“Well…” Cadence’s eyes shifted, trying to think of a more solid reason. “I guess sometimes it just boils down to the one having the affair is doing it out of either falling into sexual temptation or just being mean about it.”

“Now that’s an incredible answer.”

Cadence tilted her head: “It is?”

“In illustrating how little understood this affair thing really is – especially coming from the Princess of Love herself!”

“Excuse me!”

“Despite all the knowledge of how creatures fall in love, you seem to lack in knowing the reasons why anyone would cheat.”

“What’s there to misunderstand? If a couple – especially married – had where one has an affair without the other’s knowledge, it’s still wrong because it’s lying and a betray the other.”

“Oh,” Discord snapped his paw, “I see where your thinking is coming from.”


“This core belief has its roots, Princess,” Discord used the pen to blackout all the screens except for a few that makes up one image. And that was Discord the Romantic.

What’s so wrong with her thinking?” the Romantic Discord inquired. “Her reasoning is sound. Love and sex should be combined to mean something that’s one and the same. The ultimate expression of trust and love. Why, if one has sex with someone that isn’t their eternal love, that would be the sign that the relationship has failed.

“And yet,” Discord pointed out, “throughout the rest of history, that’s rarely the case.” Tapping his pen again, many except for a few screens went dark. Those that were still running showed ponies and creatures from different time periods from thousands of years ago to a couple of centuries. “So, here’s a quick reminder for everyone here. Once upon a time, marriage was seen more as an economic issue – not an emotional one. For most societies, having an affair was kinda expected for anyone with power. Having mistresses, for example, was considered as a status symbol; the more you had, the powerful you were. The reason why kings and queens had affairs? Because having another lover was practically expensive. You married for the sake of stability, and then you’d get yourself a lover for fun.

“They could do this with a clean conscience because love and sex were considered two different things. For someone like say… Louis XV, it was indeed possible to be in love with someone but never have any sexy times with. And at the same time, it was also possible to have sexy times with someone, and yet not love them.”

Twilight raised a hoof, “Are you saying that when someone cheated, those in the past didn’t get upset?”

“Well there are cases that they did – but not for the reasons you’re thinking. In fact, do you know why for a long time that it was more acceptable for stallions to have affairs over mares? Originally, it wasn’t out of love, but because if any of the females get pregnant then it would be easier to figure out whose child is whose and which one would inherit the farm. Besides, those who couldn’t afford a lovely companion get upset when their spouse does it because of financial reasons – it was never seen as a betrayal of love.”

No wait a minute,” the Romantic Discord from one of the screens objected. “If any of that’s true, then how come it is seen as a betrayal?

“Well… you invented it.”

What? What did us Romantics do?

“Well, when you Romantics came along, you spread this revolutionary idea. That there is a soulmate out there who can satisfy both your needs for love and sex along with a billion other things. But that thinking came with a bi-product. That it turned adultery from an expensive, but a predictable problem – into a disaster. The biggest catastrophe that could ever befall on any couple.”

“Well, why not?” Cadence replied, “I don’t know about you, but if my Shining did cheat on me – I would be devastated.”

“Oh?” Discord moved his chair closer to her. “Well Princess, you just gave me an idea for a thought experiment.” Looking over at one of the screens and a tap of the pen, it changed to show Shining and a maid in the Crystal Palace. “Before you go murdering your husband, keep in mind that this isn’t what happened, but a what if.”

Cadence raised an eyebrow. “Okay…?”

“Let’s pretend for a moment that Shining here is having an affair with one of the maid staff.” Waving his silvery pen like a magic wand, it showed a montage of her husband and the maid doing activities that an outside observer would call dating. On the screen, she watched them getting ice cream, go on walks through the crystal park, went roller skating, read comic books, and even watch the sunset together. Things that Cadence knew that they have done before. “Let’s say that they have been seeing each other, going behind your back without giving you the slightest hint of what’s going on.” Then the screen showed Shining, with lust in his eyes escorted a happy mare into their bedroom. “And let’s pretend further that it got to a point where they did it. As often as they could. Oh, and let’s add that this has been going on for a good… couple of years without you knowing it. So,” he turned the screen off with his pen, “with all that in mind, let’s say you suddenly and unexpectedly discovered them in the act. What kind of thoughts would come into your mind?”

At first, Cadence didn’t answer, glancing over at her husband. “I… I don’t know. I guess I would feel hurt-”

“Ah-ah-ah!” Discord waved a talon at her. “I didn’t say feel. I asked you what you’d think. If you walked in on your husband doing the sideways tango with anyone that isn’t you – what would you think?”

“I…” After thinking for a moment she replied, “If that did happen, I would wonder why Shining doesn’t love me anymore.”

“How come?”

“To us… at least, to me, sex is more than just the ultimate act of love – but the pinacol of trust. An extremely private, if personal thing that you shouldn’t just do it with just anyone. Getting anyone to agree to do it means that you’re not just placing their trust with your body, but your emotions too. If Shining were doing that behind my back, I would be heartbroken because it would be a clear sign for me that he no longer trusts me, nor loves me. As a wife, it would put everything I thought about who I thought he was, who I was, and who we are as a couple. If I caught Shining doing that, I would think he did so to hurt me and my family.” She felt a hoof on her shoulder to find that it belongs to Shining. He looked at her with wet, sympathetic eyes. She put her hoof on his. “I trust Shining enough that he wouldn’t hurt me intentionally, nor do I believe that he would be cold enough to keep something like this a secret.”

“For the record,” Shining said, “there have been mares that have tried to seduce me over the years, even when we’re married. But I never once gave in because I know what it would mean to her if I did.”

“And I thank you for that,” she nuzzled him.

Discord hummed. “Interesting… You already have a piece of the puzzle, but not all of it.”

“Excuse me, Discord,” Ms. Harshwhinny raised a hoof. “What do you mean by that? The Princess’s reasoning is sound, isn’t it?”

“To an extent. But Cadence,” he said to her, “with all of that in mind, let’s add one more element to all of this.”

Cadence raised an eyebrow. “And what’s that?”

With another tap of his pen, the screen that showed Shining’s affair rewinds, “This you’re going to have to use a leap of imagination to get across. But let’s try to put you into your husband’s horseshoes,” another tap and the screen paused at a certain point, “so think extra carefully with this question.” He leaned forward a bit, “If you were Shining, what reasons would you have to want to have an affair?”

There was a very long pause as Cadence thought it over. “Knowing Shining,” she said, “if he did cheat, I don’t think he would do it simply because he wants to. But maybe because of something I’ve done.”

“Oh?” Discord tilted his head, “For example…?”

“Well… maybe he got… bored of me?” She looked around at the other students who were giving her looks. “What?”

“With someone with a body that models’ envy,” Trixie pointed out, “somehow, Trixie doubts that.”

Discord sighed, “Cadence, you were so close, but no carrot.”

Okay, time out!” the Romantic Discord cried out from his screen. “What’s with you and talking in riddles today? First, you say that the idea that cheating isn’t always seen universally as a catastrophe; and now you’re saying that Cadence’s line of thinking when it comes to cheating is sound? What gives!

Discord smirked, and with another tap of his silvery pin, and behind him, several screens lit up in which it showed the students. All frozen with various expressions and situations. “Well Romantic me, I’m glad you asked. Because I’m about to reveal quite the truth bomb on all of them.”

“What truth?” Fancy Pants inquired.

Not letting his smirk down, Discord pressed his talon/paw together, “What if I told you that the reasons why some cheat isn’t just out of cruelty or because they got horny all of a sudden? And if in the right conditions, everyone in the room – including those who are reading or listening to my words right now – is just as capable of having an affair.”

“That’s preposterous!” Spoiled Rich interjected, “I was a the receiving end of an affair, and you’re having the gall to tell me that I could have done with Filthy did?”

“Yes.” Discord said bluntly, “And so does everyone.”

“But how?” Soarin asked, “And more importantly, why?”

“I’m getting to that. Because there are a few reasons.” Discord tapped his pen and the screens behind him began to play. “Here’s something that I have left out of the marriage lesson – and saved it for this one. You see, one of the unspoken truths about being in a relationship or marriage is that to have a successful relationship, couples must balance two essential things between themselves and each other: a need for closeness, and a need for distance. You want it where you want to be close enough, so you’re secured enough to feel free to touch, hug, and be comfortable enough with; but not so much that you feel submerged or owned by them. At the same time, you also want to have just enough freedom where you have space to relax and peruse your interests in, yet not so much you make each other forget that you exist.

“The problem? When two individuals get into a relationship, their amounts for closeness and distance are rarely matched. If couples don’t go over from the start about what they need for themselves and each other, the result is couples will accuse one another of being ‘too clingy’ or ‘too cold.’ As vicious as these words are, they actually get to the beating heart of how one feels comfortable when it comes to love. But if left unmentioned and warned ahead of time, the consequences could prove disastrous in the long run.”

“Hey, wait a minute,” Ocellus raised a hoof, “how exactly does being too close a bad thing? I thought that was the point of love?”

“If your idea of love is being over consumed by Smolder by being with you 24/7, even when you pee that you have next to no privacy, that you can’t form your own opinion without getting her approval – then yes, being too close sounds like heaven. Yet, the very idea of doing it with someone else is a powerful desire. In such a situation where we feel overcontrolled by the other, we’ll think that if we do the very thing we’re not supposed to do, then we can feel like we are in control of what we want.”

The Romantic Discord tapped on the glass screen. “Okay, but what about being too distant?

“To be fair, such a relationship could be incredibly lonely. I mean, the idea that just when you want to reach for their hoof or a kiss but constantly been turned away where you’re being rejected every day, even wanting to bring up something personal that they change the subject – just who would want a relationship like that? Now that I think of it, it’s almost tragic/comic in a way that if caught, the one who did it would be accused of not carrying when it was carrying too much that started it in the first place.”

Silverstream raised a talon, “So what does either of these have anything to do with cheating?”

Discord waved a paw at her as if to approach him. “I think the best way to understand that is to see it yourself.” He pointed to the screen that showed a reflection of her. “Picture if you will,” he began, having that screenplay out. “A happy-go-lucky hippogriff who loves her potential spouse so much that she wants nothing more than to smother him.” On the screen, it flickered to show Silverstream at a beach. She happily talking away while the silhouette of her lover nodded on the side but never shown his face. By the looks of it, a hippogriff or a griffon because of the beak. While Silver talked, she reached out to her claw to try to hold his but was pulled away. On the scream, she paused with a hint of a hurt expression on her face. “As much as Silverstream loves this sweetheart and he has made clear that he wants space, her need for validating if he still loves her becomes fewer by the day. Until the unthinkable happens – he hardly looks at her at all.” The screen changed to a new scene; an overview shot of a bed in which Silver reaches for his claw in the dark. However, as soon as she touches him, he turns over away from her. “For years, she took on the private suffering of being ignored to the point that she felt invisible. As much as her mate, the silences, the lack of touch, and the lack of passion became worse than being signal. Having that hope of taken notice night after night is shattered.

“Now I’m going to add one more element to this picture,” Discord added, showing Silverstream on the screen aging. “That let’s say you have been married for a good twenty years of your life with nothing but an unresponsive husband that has seemed to have forgotten you exist.” The screen changed to an underwater festival in Seaquestria where the aged Silverstream watches the dancing when her eye catches a younger but handsome seapony. At this moment, Discord paused the screen. “Now, with all of that in mind, if you were in this position, why would you want to have an affair?”

All eyes of the students were on her. Silverstream looked at them before turning to her teacher. “Well… if that was me… I guess the only reason I would want an affair was because I have a need that was going unnoticed. That I would want to feel that I’m… desired in some way. Maybe I could do it, not because I would find this guy hot, but because I would feel so… hurt. That my need to be close for someone, to say ‘Notice me. I’m right here. I exist.’ The only reason I could think of doing it is that I'm lonely.”

I didn’t hear that.” By everyone’s surprise, another screen behind them lit up. It showed the mysterious mate of Silverstream’s speaking. “When I confronted her about it, all I heard from her was: ‘I hate you. I want to humiliate you for what you did. He’s bigger than you. He screws me better than you ever can…’” He sighed, “And you know what? For a long time, I believed it. I thought she had the affair because she hated me.

Discord used his pen to shut that screen off. “I think that right there gets to the beating heart of most affairs. If anything, a lot of stuff from going to strip clubs to writing clopfics, scratch the surface of any of these, and you’d find someone who is lonely, hurt, and afraid with no other place to go. It’s extremely easy to point at the one who gets caught in such sexual taboos, yet the ones who do so often do it for a very poignant reason – they want an emotional connection to have freedom, novelty, dependence, and sexual intensity of some kind to help soothe the hurt of loneness and being overly controlled.”

Filthy Rich’s ears folded back flat against his head, “Something I can easily relate.”

“Cadence was onto something when she talked about her philosophy regarding sex.” Discord added, “It is, in a way, the ultimate form of trust, yet addictively reassuring when you think about it. For those that had it for the first time, the events that led up to it is equally thrilling and terrifying at the same time. That you finally found someone that has agreed to do something that most wouldn’t – to make you feel good on a very intimate level and not be disgusted by it. To call those embarrassed parts of you (to put it elegantly) beautiful is the most heart-melting thing in the world. And Cadence was also right that sex is all about placing your body and emotions in someone else’s that you have to have a huge amount of trust that they won’t hurt you.”

Cadence nodded in agreement.

“At the same time, to have a lack of it – or none at all is pretty isolating. That’s why individuals of either sex have been driven to desperate measures from making a clop collection to paying prostitutes, not because they’re degenerate per-say, but because they have been driven from a need of connection that hasn’t been fulfilled. Sometimes when we cheat, we do so because we are looking for those who secretly we want to become in some way. The adolescence we never had. The boldness that we were to meek for. The open-mindedness that we thought was out of reach for us. Something in someone else besides their spouse is where the desire is sparked. Said desire plays a huge role in affairs: the desire for attention; to feeling special; to feel important. Even the structure of it all, that you shouldn’t and couldn’t have your lover that keeps you wanting, it is as powerful than any aphrodisiac.”

“Well that and…” Filthy began but quickly tailed off, getting the entire class’s attention.

Discord raised an eyebrow, “Care to share something with us? I think that out of everyone here, you seem to be an expert on the subject.”

Filthy glanced over at his wife, a cold stare looking back at him. “A good chunk of what you brought up is accurate, but there’s something else – at least from my experience that made me took that leap.” Nearby, a screen flickered to life, static at first. Filthy walked over to it until the picture became clear. It showed a montage of his daily life of paperwork, business meetings, his wife that did her best to keep a distance from him, his daughter being sweet, and going to bed looking up at the ceiling in the dark before it repeated in a loop.

“It might not look it, but I’m already in my fifties. My pappy died at sixty-seven, and I realized that I’m getting older. That might not sound like much to you young folks, but when you have been doing the same thing and already have everything – it just doesn’t feel like living after a while. On top of a wife that demands a lot of things yet does the bare minimum to be around – I might as well be single. Every day, I think about how much time I have, and I wonder if this truly is it. Am I really going to live another twenty, thirty more years like this? Will I ever feel those same things that I did with Spoiled in our early years?”

Looking up at the screen, he saw the sectary that he had the affair with. “The thing was… I did it as a last resort. It’s not that I just jump right in without giving a second thought. I did, on numerous occasions to get Spoiled to at least notice me, that I’m here, I need some love too. And each time, I was turned away. It was clear that even a stranger found me appealing, so why couldn’t she? Now could it have gone differently? Maybe. Don’t get me wrong, even now I still feel guilty that I had to hurt Spoiled like this just to get her to notice me. But oddly… I don’t regret doing it because for the first time in decades – I felt alive. I only wish that I could get through her without hurting in the process.”

The screen flickered and change to show Discord’s face. “Which I believe leads to the next part of this lesson – how to get past it.

“Agreed,” Discord nodded. “I will give you this, Filthy, you might not know it, but you’ve taken the first steps to help both you and Spoiled to recover.”

“In what way?”

“That you felt guilt – not for the affair itself but hurting your wife – as well as acknowledging it is the first step in your overall responsibility. If you had an affair, not only do you have to come clean with it, but now you have the duty to be a protector of boundaries. Even if this leads to divorce, the very least you could do for Spoiled is to relieve her from the obsession, and, making sure that the deed isn’t forgotten, you must make an effort to restore trust.”

Spoiled huffed, “Easier said than done,” she muttered under her breath.

“Which brings me to you,” Discord said. “This might come as a slap across the face for you – but just because you’re on the deceived on, doesn’t give you the golden ticket to think you’re blameless.”

Spoiled’s eyes narrowed. “Now you’re going too far.”

“Oh, my apologies, Filthy wasn’t the one who…” Tapping on his pen, a huge chunk of the screens showed Spoiled circled a newspaper article about Filthy being the wealthiest bachelor. “Fell in love with Filthy for his money…” He tapped again to show her observing moving ponies carrying her things into the Rich’s mansion, “Married to live inside a mansion…” another tap and it showed her scolding a crying maid staff, “Never have a reason to work again so you can tell others what to do…” another tap and it showed her and Filthy dining from opposite sides of a very long table, “Push your spouse aside as they’re no longer useful to you because you’re rich now…” another tap and it showed a montage that regardless what Filthy did to try to get close to her, she either turns away, shuts a door on him, interrupts, or walks away from him. “Or ignore your spouse despite the countless times they tried to get close to you.”

Turning back to Spoiled, her head was in a furious shade of red, on the cusp of exploding at him. “Being a victim of an affair isn’t the same as being the victim of a bad marriage. It’s kinda ironic, really, when all those times you push him away from that when it’s revealed that he’s had an affair that you accuse him of the very thing that you’ve been doing. Curious, isn’t it?”

It was that moment that Spoiled snapped and leaped at Discord. But before she could strangle that long neck of his, Discord tapped on his pen. Suddenly Spoiled became static for a moment before her essence was moved to one of the screens.

You ignorant, overblown, mitch-match, hodge-podge of a–!” Spoiled began screaming when Discord pressed the fast forward button for a moment, “ –ramming, reality-raping–” Discord doubled the fast forward in which Spoiled continue to scream insults at high speed, even banging on the glass. “–hippopotamus–” Discord let her continue her insults at a lightning pace.

“This might take a minute,” Discord said matter-of-factly. Eventually Spoiled finally stopped with her insults and was panting. It was then that Discord used his pen to bring her out. “You done? I got a lesson to wrap up.”

Spoiled harrumphed, sat on her haunches, and folding her forelegs like a scolding child.

“As a heads up for everyone listening,” Discord continued. “If you suddenly found out that our spouse of whatever friend has cheated on you – don’t do what Spoiled has done. It’s so very easy to fall into rage and self-righteousness. Thinking that the one who did it is a monster, you’re the innocent saint who would never do what the other has done; and that’s how it shall be forever and ever, amen. If you want to know how to cope if… or perhaps, when it happens, falling into thinking that they’re simply a monster is just as helpful as a hamster running on its wheel thinking it’ll get from here to Neighpon. If you think so, you’re gonna be stuck for a very long time. Playing the blame game will not get you anywhere while the rest of the world moves on without you. If anyone here has any hope of moving onto something productive, the deceived must do three simple, but critical things.”

“Like what?” Spoiled questioned.

“First, if you truly want to bypass this impasse of exploding with anger – stop, and take a step back to do something simple, yet difficult – put yourself in their horseshoes. To do this, you’ll need to have an honest self-reflection of your own mind and see how even someone like you could have done what they did. You might say with proud arrogance that you’ll never be capable do having an affair yourself all you want, but if you’re being honest, if things have gone differently – you’d find that you’d absolutely would. I’d bet that if you look at everything you’ve experienced honestly, you’d find that you’re capable of deeply caring for someone and yet, entertain the idea of a sexual scenario with someone else. The best way to recover from infidelity is to look at what the idea of it means the last time it crossed our minds or in our lives.”

Spoiled raised an eyebrow, “And the other two?”

“When you have to confront your spouse over this affair, instead of asking questions that won’t bring you any peace like: ‘Where were you? Where did you do it? Were they better than me? How long has this been going on?’ It’s stuff like this that will keep you up all night. So when both of you are calm enough to where your anger has cooled, do something unexpected. Become curious and ask questions that get straight to the heart of it all: ‘What did this mean for you? What are you able to express and do with them that you couldn’t with me? What was it like for you coming home? What is it about this relationship with me that you value? Are you pleased this is over?

“And finally,” Discord added, “regardless if the two of you want to stay in this relationship or not when this happens, take this as a call to action. What I mean is that this should be an opportunity to redo the social contract with your spouse. Even if both of you agree to divorce, the very least you can do is to draw up new conditions, new boundaries, new ‘if you do this, I will do that.’ The truth is, many in their lives will go through on average two to three marriages in their lifetime, sometimes with the same individual. When you discover that infidelity, that marriage is over, but it’s time to draw up a new one – so what kind of a marriage do you want this time?”

Sitting back against his chair, Discord took the silvery pen in his claw/paw and broke it in two. All around, every screen was shut off, turning to black. “Tomorrow’s lesson is probably going to be the hardest of them all. So be prepared.

“Class is dismissed.” With a snap of his tail, the classroom door opened. The students began to make their way out and into the school’s hallway.

As this happened, Ocellus noticed that Fluttershy wasn’t making any effort to move. She waited until most of the students had left the room where there were only three of them. Ocellus cleared her throat. “So… you were saying?”

“What?” Fluttershy asked.

“About earlier when we asked you what was going on?”

“Oh, that,” Fluttershy nodded, “well… I don’t think I should give anything away yet. But all I can tell you is that nothing is wrong between Discord and I.” Discord coughed in his paw, to get her attention. “But I promise that once these lessons are over, I will tell you.”

“But you and Mr. Discord aren’t-”

“It’s fine,” Fluttershy smiled at her, “but if you don’t mind, I’d like to talk to Discord alone please.”

“I…” Ocellus stepped back, “Okay, I trust you.” With that, she walked out of the door to which it shut behind it.

Discord let the illusion drop, letting the round wall of screens melt until the classroom had returned.

“What was that about?” He inquired.

“Ocellus and her friend were concerned about us and wanted to know if we’re alright.”

Discord swallowed, “Well… are we? I mean the lesson from yesterday, today, and certainly tomorrow… Are you sure?”

Fluttershy trotted up to him to nuzzle his neck. “You’re doing fine. Just two more lessons to go and-”

“I know, I know, just…” Discord rubbed the back of his head. “I’m surprised that you’re still here, after everything I said.” Fluttershy nodded. “Truthfully, I’m more scared about tomorrow because it’s gonna be a dozy.”

“But it’s important to know, isn’t it?”

“Yes, but-”

“Then it is something that I and all of them should know. It may be a hard truth, but it’s one that they might need one day.”

Uneasy, Discord nodded. “So uh… we’re still on with our tea party today, are we?”

“I’m looking forward to it. Just remember to bring the cucumber sandwiches.”

Discord snapped his talons in which a flying tray with wings held the small, crust-cut sandwiches. “As if I would forget.”