• Published 20th Jun 2020
  • 9,891 Views, 318 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls and the Crimson Thief - Wildcard25

The Turtles and Rainbooms join forces with the Crimson Thief Carmen Sandiego to foil VILE's newest scheme

  • ...

Message and Warning

On one of the buildings roof tops, the ninjas, Rainbooms, Carmen, Zack, and Ivy were practicing their ninja moves, with Zack and Ivy improving better than how they did last time.

“Not bad, you two.” Mikey told the sibs.

“Just keep at it.” Keno said, as he did his own martial arts.

“Thanks. Been trying to get Shadowsan to teach me for awhile.” Zack said, as he did some moves.

“Bit annoying watching him plead for it.” Ivy added, making her brother pout.

“Bet they never taught ya this at crime school, Carmen.” Rainbow told the crimson thief as they practiced side by side.

Carmen smirked, “That's because the combat lessons we were taught were for more lethal strikes.”

“If you had Shredder training you, trust me you and your old classmates would really be in a world of hurt.” Karai warned her.

As they continued to train, April suddenly stopped and put a hand to her head concentrating. The others saw this and were concerned.

“April?” Sunset asked.

April spoke to them wearily, “Guys, there's someone up here with us.”

“Right you are, young lady.” came a stern female voice. This got the group on the defense, before they saw stepping out from behind a vent was a woman with copper skin, blue eyes, and light blonde hair pulled into a bun. She was dressed in a suit like Julia's and wore sunglasses around her eyes.

The sight of her got Carmen, Zack, and Ivy concerned, while the others were confused, “Who're you?” Rainbow asked.

“I am agent Zari of ACME," the woman replied, then turned to Carmen, "The Chief has some urgent news for you and your... new friends." she picked out her pen, clicked it, and sat it on the ground before it projected a hologram of the chief.

“Hey, Chief, what's the sitch?” Pinkie greeted.

“The sitch is dire, Ms. Pie.” Chief answered.

“What's going on?” Carmen asked.

“I'm afraid I bring terrible news. Agent Argent has been captured.” Chief explained darkly.

“What?!” Carmen gasped.

“Captured?” The turtles asked in shock.

“Oh, no!” Fluttershy gasped.

“By who?” Casey asked the hologram.

"We received footage from her last encounter." the Chief said, as Zari showed them video feed from a tablet.

They saw Julia being grabbed by a mutant Gorilla before a mutant Hippo stomped on the camera.

"Was that a mutant gorilla and hippo?" Donnie said, in confusion.

"Where in tarnation did they come from?" Applejack asked.

Carmen looked before gasped, “Zoom in on those mutants.” she told Zari.

The agent zoomed in closer on the two mutant abductors. Rarity looked and was shocked, “These two mutants were wearing clothes, but they tore them upon mutating. Oh, the shame of it all!” she said dramatically.

Carmen rolled her eyes, and clarified the bigger picture, “What they were wearing are VILE operative uniforms.”

“VILE uniforms?” Donnie asked.

“So those two mutants are VILE operatives?” Twilight asked the thief.

“No doubt about it.” she answered.

“This is even worse than I feared.” Chief said in worry.

“Looks like VILE wasted no time in turning their flunkies into zoo exhibits.” Raph said.

Carmen spoke to the chief, “Any idea on where they could've taken her?”

“I'm afraid not. And with her communicator destroyed we have no other means of tracking her.”

“Then we'll do it,” Leo spoke up, “VILE is working with Stockman, and he's our responsibility.”

“And I know how VILE works,” Carmen added, “Knowing them they want me to come to them.”

“Then we can expect to hear some message from them?” Zari asked.

“No doubt. But I request you leave this to me and the ninjas.” Carmen said.

“I'm afraid that's out of the question, Ms. Sandiego,” Chief replied, “Agent Argent is one of ours. And we don't leave any behind.”

“Well, that's good. Because we don't either.” Sunset put in.

Leo spoke up, “Chief, I know you don't know us well. Heck, we don't know you so well either. But this is our city, and if mutants are involved that's our field. And Carmen knows VILE best. So don't you think it is better to leave this to those who know how to handle both threats best?”

The chief raised a brow curiously, as Leo continued, “You have my word as a ninja we'll stop VILE's plan and bring Ms. Argent back safe.”

“And you have our word too.” Sunset said, as the Rainbooms backed her up.

Chief pondered on it, while Zari awaited instructions. Finally the head of ACME spoke up, “Very well. I'll leave you all to it. But make sure to let Julia know to inform me she's alright.”

“Can and will do.” Carmen promised.

“Agent Zari, back to base.” Chief instructed, before her hologram vanished.

Zari picked up her pen and walked with the chief appearing on the tablet, “Chief, is it wise to leave this matter to children?” she asked skeptically.

“There's an old saying, Agent Zari. The next generation will always surpass the previous one. It's one of the never-ending cycles in life.” Chief answered with confidence in the ninjas.

Meanwhile back at the lair inside the dojo, Shadowsan was in a meditative trance. He was deep in focus letting nothing around him be a distraction. He was in such a focus, the astral form of Splinter appeared before him and laid a hand on his shoulder. As he did, Shadowsan felt a sense of comfort.

Suddenly a voice called out, “Shadowsan!” the former faculty member woke up causing Splinter to vanish. Recognizing the voice belonging to Carmen, he exited the dojo and saw the group entering the lair looking worried.

“What is wrong?” he inquired.

“VILE has captured Jules from ACME.” Carmen began.

“Looks like they already started administering mutagen to their operatives.” Donnie suspected.

Shadowsan was concerned, but maintained a calmed mind. Leo spoke up, “We'll search every trace of the city if we have to to find Julia and VILE.”

“But that could take too long.” Applejack noted.

As Carmen set up her laptop to talk to Player, the hacker spoke up, “Red, I'm picking up an oncoming call. I'll pull it up." Then a video appeared. And on it was none other than Stockman.

“Hello, ninjas!” he grinned wickedly.

“Buster Storman?!" Pinkie exclaimed.

“It's Baxter Stockman!" The scientists yelled.

"That really irritates you, doesn't it?" Carmen asked humorously, while Zack and Ivy chuckled to themselves.

“You have no idea!" Stockman grumbled.

“What do you want, Stockman?" Leo demanded.

“Well, one of my new friends would like a word with you." Stockman replied, then the feed switched to show Maelstrom.

“Carmen Sandiego.” he greeted.

Carmen glared, "Professor Maelstrom!"

“Whoa, that dude's pale." Mikey said.

“He really needs some sun.” Rainbow added.

“Ah these must be the aforementioned Turtles and Rainbooms," Maelstrom began, "Greetings and Salutations. I am professor Gunnar Maelstrom. A pleasure it is to finally meet you. We at VILE have heard a great deal about all of you."

“We've heard about you guys too!" Leo replied.

“And what you're planning with that mutagen you stole!" Sunset added.

“Yes, and thanks to your meddling efforts obtaining enough of it was a headache,” Maelstrom said with a scowl, before smirking again, “But no matter. We have gained enough mutagen to put our new plan in motion.”

“Alright, Maelstrom what've you done with Jules?” Carmen demanded.

“The ACME agent? Ah, yes, such a clever woman. Though foolish to go poking around in our business.” Maelstrom answered.

The Ninjas frowned wishing they could punch him, before the adult continued, “Now-now. I have called to merely deliver an invitation. You, the Turtles, Rainbooms, and all their allies will meet us down by the dockyards for a... very special meeting.” he smirked.

“And what if we don't want to come to your little party?" Raph asked, rhetorically.

Maelstrom gave a sinister grin, "Then your friend will become the next mutation!"

The feed then showed Julia bound and gagged to a chair with Tigress, Le Chevre, and El Topo guarding her while smirking knowing Carmen was watching. The ACME agent was screaming and shaking her head wildly, trying to warn them not to come.

"No..." Carmen gasped.

The feed changed back to Maelstrom as the professor said, "I trust you will all do the right thing. I bid you adieu." And the call ended.

“Those jerks!” Rainbow frowned.

“VILE is just... Vile!” Pinkie shouted.

“You know this is an obvious trap, right?” Raph asked Leo and Carmen.

“They always are.” Leo replied.

“And the fact they want us to bring whatever allies we have means they're prepared.” Carmen added.

“Or possibly to give us a fighting chance,” Zack spoke up, as the group gave him a dry look, “What? They have an army of mutants, they know we got an army of mutants.”

“Not to mention, we have the means to take down their mutants with the retro mutagen tranquilizers.” Donnie added.

“That may be, but even if we have an advantage we cannot go into battle too confident and cocky.” Shadowsan warned them.

“Right, no cocky.” Rainbow replied knowing too well.

“Let's call up whatever allies we can.” Leo instructed, as they made some calls.

Soon enough, the Dazzlings, the Mutanimals, Bebop, and Rocksteady arrived in the lair as the ninjas and their friends were gearing up, “What up, yo?” Bebop called.

“We came as soon we got your call.” Adagio said.

“Good to see you all could make it.” Leo told everyone.

“Well, we figured if we're going up against a crime syndicate with a mutant army, then we should all be here.” Slash said, and stepping out from the group was Muckman.

“Ya got that right.” the garbage mutant said.

“Muckman!” the Rainbooms called.

“Hey, girls.” he greeted.

“Where have you been?” Rainbow asked curiously.

“Yeah, it's been awhile since we've seen you,” Pinkie added, “And by 'awhile' I mean 'forever'.”

Muckman rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, “Yeah. I've kinda been on a little Staycation over at the New York dump for awhile.”

“Staycation?” Applejack asked.

“Yeah. A vacation where you just stay at home.” Pinkie added.

“What she said.” Muckman confirmed.

“Well, it's good to see you again. The Mutanimals get you caught up on everything?” Sunset asked.

“You know it.”


Zack and Ivy looked up at Muckman looking ready to barf, as Ivy spoke, “Guys, who is this?”

Leo spoke up, “This is Muckman, another old mutant ally of ours.”

“Let me guess, you were once a garbage man?” Zack asked, while trying to resist sniffing the air around him.

“You got it.”

“As long ad you're willing to fight along side us, then we have plenty of reason to trust you.” Carmen smiled.

“Thanks.” he replied.

Everyone gathered around to discuss their strategy. Donnie spoke up, “They want us to meet them down by the dockyards.”

“You can be sure they'll have their mutants stationed around from everywhere.” Karai put in.

“And since they'll be expecting us, sneaking in won't even matter.” Twilight added.

“Which means we need to play it careful and safe.” Sunset said.

“And they got a captive to boot.” Shini finished.

“We have to make sure this rescue mission doesn't take a bad turn like it did when we tried to rescue Karai from Shredder.” Leo said, while Karai remembered that night which led to her mutation.

“Don't worry, Leo,” Twilight began, “With all of us working together, we'll stop VILE and save Julia.”

“And this'll be an experience for us too.” Ivy added.

“Yeah, we've never had an alliance as big as this one.” Zack put in.

“And given the circumstances, I'm glad it's a big alliance.” Carmen agreed.

“Alright, team, let's get to work.”

“Alright!” Bebop cheered, “Look out, VILE! The Mutant Heroes are comin' to get ya!” the groups headed off.