• Published 10th Mar 2020
  • 344 Views, 0 Comments

A Pie's Mind's Eye - DroshinNote

Just the everyday life of Ponyville's own Pinkamina Diane Pie. Baking cakes, throwing parties, and checking up on her friends.

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A Parties Start and End

Pinkie peered around the room one last time. Everything was ready, Everypony but Luna and Twilight were here. Pinkie took a quick tally of the amount of ponies in the room. All in all there were about ten to fifteen ponies in the room, chatting, drinking, and eating. This party wasn’t going to be the flashiest, in fact Pinkie designed it to have more of a slower, more relaxing house party feel. The party go-ers trotting around the room starting small conversations and sharing jokes. Pinkie had made sure that everypony here had at least one other pony that knew them, giving the party goers a bit of comfort. Nopony liked it when they were in a room filled with strangers.

Pinkie's ears stood to attention as she heard the door at the far end of the small ballroom open, and turned her head to see Diamond Tiara poke her head in. “Get ready!” Diamond called into the room. Pinkie signaled Trixie to dim the lights as Diamond Tiara and Sunbeat Melody pushed themselves into the room and closed the door. Everypony shuffled to the sides of the room, dropping whatever they were currently doing and getting ready to greet Luna as she walked in the door.

After a few moments the door opened again. “Wait, isn’t this room rather large for a simple tea par-” Luna was mid sentence as she entered the room. Her eyes went wide as she viewed the room full of familiar faces.

“Congratulations!” the room cheered together, taking the alicorn by surprise. Pinke then nodded at Vinyl, giving her her cue to start up the music. With a quick nod in reply the white unicorn slipped a record onto her DJ station preparing the first song.

Luna didn't hide her surprise as she waved her head side to side, inspecting the room. As the music started to play. Both the guards, and Twilight seemed surprised with the choice of music for the event. Vinyl was playing a soft rock style ballad to start off the night. When Luna didn’t object and openly bobbed her head to the music the subject seemed to be quickly forgotten. Finally Luna found her target, the party planner who had been the one to plan tonight's events. Pinkie met her gaze with a smile and wave of her own. “I knew it!” Luna said as she broke out of her daze and trotted over to Pinkie. Around the room the ponies started to resume whatever they were doing before the guest of honor entered the room.

“I mean, I didn’t plan a tea party.” Pinkie started, giving Luna a rather sly smile. “Instead I threw a ‘Hey you're going to be a princess again, congrats!’ party!”

“I can see that.” Luna took the opportunity to look around the room again. “I have to say, I would of expected something flashy, but I rather like how calm all this is.” Around the room Luna could see her companions, Diamond and Sunbeat, near the DJ, having a conversation with Vinyl. No doubt Sunbeat was freaking out about meeting one of her idols while Diamond watched in an amused manner. Towards the opposite side of the ball room she also noticed a drinking contest going on between some of her old personal guards. Maybe she would take the time to rehire whoever won the contest considering that she would have to reestablish the Lunar guard for the third time in her life. Out of the corner of her eye Luna could see Trixie performing a series of small magic tricks for a few of the guards at a table near the punch bowl. She made a mental note to go see what kind of illusion magic was being used by the mare. Considering the few tricks she could see from across the room Luna was sure that if what she was seeing was not sleight of hoof... That or it was the best sleight of hoof she had ever seen. Either Way it was sure to be amusing. To be honest the only pony who Luna could see who didn’t look like they were in the partying mood was Twilight. Luna allowed herself a small frown. “Is Twilight OK? I have noticed that she has been rather nervous around me all day. I wonder if I have done something wrong?” Luna mused to herself.

“Oh I wouldn’t worry about that. She has some stuff on her mind. If you want though I do think she needs somepony to talk to her about it.” Pinkie suggested, deciding she would help Twilight out a bit. Pinkie wasn’t sure if Twilight really would talk to Luna at the end of the party, but if Luna approached her instead of the other way around then maybe the situation would be easier for her. “Though I would wait towards the end of the party if I was you. Twilights made a BIG effort to make sure you got a really good party. I don’t think she wants to bring anypony down, or have any kind of serious talks, at least not mid-party.”

Luna nodded in understanding. “I may just do that.” She then let her ears perk as she held her head a bit higher as the next song in rotation. This song started off with a faster beat and sounded much more punkish compared to the last song. “I happen to know this band. My new apprentice introduced me to them not too long ago. Now that I am thinking about it, I’m quite curious how you knew my musical interests. The last song was also one that I listen to quite often.”

Pinkie simply pointed over towards Diamond Tiara. “Why, from your new student of course. Though she only told me what bands you like, I went to another pony for recommendations for the specific songs.” She then swung her hoof to point at Fluttershy who was currently standing by the punch bowl, watching Trixie perform a trick involving a rubber ball, a whiskey glass, and three playing cards.

“I see. I suppose I shouldn’t underestimate a party ponies web of connections” Luna sounded quite amused as she looked down at Pinkie. “I must thank you. This party looks marvelous. Now if you excuse me, I am going to go drink my old guards under the table.” With that Luna trotted away happily, crossing the room.

Looking over at Twilight Pinkie could see her friend breath a sigh of relief. It seemed Twilight could see that Luna seemed to be liking the party so far. Now all Pinkie had to do for the rest of the night was make sure that the snacks, drinks, and music kept flowing in plenty. For a party this small Pinkie was sure this was going to be an easy task.


Pinkie had never seen a single pony consume this much alcohol. Looking upon the pile of ponies that Luna had bested in alcoholic combat, she honestly felt a bit in awe for the situation in front of her. Past the pile of passed out drunkards sat two mares and a stallion, each with 3 shot glasses in front of them. Luna sat there, a wide smug smile and a large blush on her face. She had easily drunk the weights of both ponies in front of her tonight. In fact this was the third drinking contest she had held since the party started hours ago, each one ending with her standing over the bodies of those who had challenged her. Across from Luna sat Trixie, who was on her last legs. Pinkie was sure she had slipped a good deal of the alcohol served to her away during the contest, storing it in a bottle that she held with the rest of her “magic” items. It was a trick that she used to help her try to out drink Berry Punch. Though even if she was using that trick, Pinkie was sure that Luna had caught on a few rounds ago, as she was now keeping a constant eye on Trixie’s glasses and Trixie knew it. In the middle of the two was a thin looking pegasus. Pinkie honestly didn’t think the stallion had it in him but here he was. The table only 20 minutes ago had an extra 4 ponies seated, but now all four of those ponies had been dragged to the passed out pony pile.

“Quite Impressive.” Luna stated as she swayed. “Allow me to propose that each of you join my Lunar guard after this night. You both have impressed your princess this night.” She then steadied herself, leaning back against her chair, and glanced at Trixie. “Some have even proved to be quite crafty in this battle.”

“The GREAT and Intoxiti-intox-” Stumbling on the word she wanted to say Trixie cleared her throat. “DRUNK Trixie has no idea what youz be talking about Ms. Moony!” This got a snicker from the stallion at the table as Luna simply gave the drunken mare a knowing smile.

“I, uh, think I’ll take ya up on dat offer Princess!” The stallion slurred. Something about the stallion though irritated Pinkie, but she just couldn’t place her hoof on why. “I’m Straight Shot by the Way Princess! My friend over there-” he pointed to one of the passed out ponies. “Kinda sneaked me in tonight.” Pinkie sighed at his drunken admission. That was why she felt so irritated. Every party always had at least one uninvited guest. Thankfully this one fit in, so she decided to let the matter slide. “Since I figure I am one of the only ponies here ya don’t know, I figured if you wanna be given me a job, ya might want to be knowing my, uh, whats it called? The sounds that ponies call you?” He leaned his head back as he thought. “Oh yea, a name. That my na- WOAH!” At this point he had leaned back a bit too far in his chair as it fell backwards. Pinkie was sure at this point he was out of the contest. “Name...” He croaked from the floor before passing out.

“Well then,” Luna turned her attention back to Trixie. “Shall we?”

“We sh-shall!” Trixie replied before letting out a small belch. The two shared a snicker before locking eyes. With that the last round of the contest had started, giving Pinkie some relief. Even her secret stores of liquor she had previously hidden in the room were almost drained. Pinkie silently wondered to herself if Twilight would one day be able to drink this much.

Deciding that it was a good idea to check up on her, Pinkie glanced to the other side of the room to see Twilight was locked in conversation with Diamond Tiara and Sunbeat Melody. For some reason she looked much more relaxed now. By the time Pinkie had looked back at the table each mare was on their last shot, Lifting the shot glasses to their muzzles and downing the whiskey within the glasses.

Luna then placed her glass face down on the table. “Good job Ms. Trixie, and good night.”

“Just Trixie is fine” Trixie nodded to the Alicorn before sliding from her seat and onto the floor. With that Pinkie decided it was time to start wrapping this party up. With a quick wave to a nearby dusk guard stationed by the door to the ballroom she signaled that it was time for the passed out guards to be helped to some of the castle's spare rooms. The guard nodded and poked his head out the door to inform his colleges that he would definitely need some help with this task.

Author's Note:

I've always found the idea of Ponies with alcohol amusing. Also I should let y'all know that I have done some edits and rewrites for the first few chapters, to clean them up a bit, but I haven't changed up the story. So if you want to read them, feel free, if not then that's ok to!

Also, Next chapter last chapter!