• Published 10th Mar 2020
  • 344 Views, 0 Comments

A Pie's Mind's Eye - DroshinNote

Just the everyday life of Ponyville's own Pinkamina Diane Pie. Baking cakes, throwing parties, and checking up on her friends.

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An afternoon with Trixie

The day had been a relatively eventful one. After leaving Sugarcube corner Pinkie had decided to do a little bit of shopping, then run by the post office, and finally restock her surprise spots. Oh how she loved her surprise spots. Little nooks and crannies all over Ponyville where she hid a variety of Items. Mostly these spots held useful little things like balloons, bouncy balls, a few party cannons, and other useful items. She even kept more of her less used items stored around Ponyville for just in case situations. These were Items for extremely specific events, tissues and hankies for crying creatures, umbrellas for flash storms or weather pegasi mess ups, and bandages for injuries usually caused by her friend RainbowDash. Because of her endless supply of "random" items no creature had called or would call Pinkie Pie unprepared.

This was also one of the reasons Trixie had asked for Pinkie's help with introducing the new dragon to both the school and the town. Usually Smolder would help Trixie out with this but she was currently on vacation in the Dragonlands visiting her brother. Pinkie didn't mind though, she rather enjoyed leading the young dragons around. The only real complaint that Pinkie could have with the students was that many of the young drakes came to their school more for the promise of a free bed and free meals rather then for the lessons the school offered. For some reason this was a trend among Dragon students. This would cause a variety of issues for the first week or so. First they would arrive and avoid classes, causing the teachers and other students would nag them to come to class. After a few days of this most of them tend to finally come to class either out of boredom or because they got tired of the nagging. The only exceptions to this were the few rare cases where the young dragon had been sent to the school specifically by Dragon Lord Ember herself. Thankfully it seemed that most the dragons that came to the school, forced, bribed, or otherwise, took rather well to the ideals of friendship, even if they usually struggled with generosity. Twilight had once told her that a dragons greed wasn't a cultural problem like the griffons, but a instinctual factor. This meant that Dragons often had to go against their face their own hoarding instincts head on in a lot of the generosity lessons. On the other side of the coin though dragons tended to excel on other subjects such as Laughter or honesty. Smolder was definitely a prime example of this, considering that she was the newest teacher of the school's laughter lessons. Pinkie was sure after a few weeks these young drakes would start to fit into the school just like the others before them.

After reloading her last surprise spot she headed to the train station to meet up with Trixie. Once she had found the light blue mare the two of them had a short conversation while waiting for the train to arrive. Pinkie had really come to enjoy Trixie's company over the years, and moments like this, with the two laughing loudly as they waited for the train to arrive really showed it. After another twenty minutes or so the train finally arrived and about 20 small drakes exited the train car and the tour began. It started off with a quick stop by Sugarcube corner to grab some gem cupcakes. Then once the young ones were fed the two mares showed them the rest of Ponyville, from the town square all the way to Sweet Apple Acres. The tour then ended with them stopping by the edge of the Everfree and warning the dragons of the dangers of the dangers inside before heading back to the school of friendship.

Once they arrived at the school Pinkie helped Trixie get them all to their rooms, and introduce them to their roommates. There was one little bump in the road when one of the young drakes, a dragoness named Silverclaw, threw a small temper tantrum over having to share a room. She gave up soon enough though when she figured out that she could, indeed, not lift or throw a yak. Even if it was a teenage yak.

Finally after about 2-3 hours of work, the two mares who had led the group around town sat down in Trixie's office to take a break before Pinkie Pie would set home to go pack her stuff for her trip to Canterlot in the morning.

Trixie sat back in her big comfy chair and sighed, letting herself sink into the furniture. After a few moments of comfort she wiggled herself up so that she could properly address the pink pony in the room. “The Great and wise counselor Trixie would once again thank you Pinkie. And in thanks, I have prepared...” Trixie paused for suspense before pulling out a clear bag of brownies from inside her desk. “These! And don’t worry, Trixie used all the right ingredients this time... I hope.” Trixie said, though the last two words she more of mumbled to herself.

Pinkie, sitting on a chair on the other side of Trixies desk, perked up. “Ooooo.... Those look good! It's been a while since I've had another ponies baking! Usually they just expect me to bring sweets or have something on me when it comes to little hangouts like this. Not that I mind of course, it's super fun baking and one of the things I enjoy most. Like if I could choose between breathing and baking it would be a tough one. I mean breathing is SUPER important but it gets so boring you know? In and out and In and out and In-'' Pinkie began to ramble before Trixie stuck a brownie in her mouth. Pinkie quite enjoyed her ramblings. Sure sometimes she ran out of breath by the end and would have to suck in large gulps of air before continuing but the results of her rants were often worth it. Usually it ended either with the pony she was talking to to either have a rather funny look of confusion on their face, or if they knew the pink pony a bit better, for them to shove food in her face. In her opinion it was a win-win situation. Well... at Least most of the time. Every now and then one of her rants would end with either the other pony looking uncomfortable or scared. Or if the pony was irritated before the rant began there was the chance of them blowing up at her, or again with ponies who knew her, with a hoof in her mouth. She tended to try and avoid these situations as best she could, but at this point spewing whatever was on her mind was a bit of a habit.

Trixie gave a small sigh and popped a brownie into her own mouth, chewing as she talked. “Yesh, well I really do apree’-” she paused to swallow.”appreciate your help.” She then took a quick look around her office. “ I really do enjoy this job but the tours around town can get a bit tedious without you or Smolder there to keep my spirits up. "Trixie gave a more content sigh, quickly remembering the better parts of the last few years."You know, If somepony told Trixie that she would be both a tour guide and, well, morale guide to the 'Twilight school of friendship' a few years ago then Trixie would have laughed in their face. But look how things turned out.” She gave a small chuckle as she reminisced about her time in the school. “It’s funny how time changes things.”

“I know what you mean!” Pinkie said with a chuckle of her own. “I was a teacher here for a good little bit, you know. Though I guess there's no way you don’t considering I was still technically teaching classes when Starlight hired you. Unless you REALLY didn’t like to pay attention.” Pinkie reached out her hoof to take another brownie, which Trixie gladly nodded and passed the bag over to her Pink friend. “Also you're doing the thing again. You know the ‘TRIXIE IS TRIXIE’ way of talking.”

Trixie opened her mouth for a bit before shaking her head with a smile. “Sorry, I usually treat the tours as something akin to one of my old shows, and after a few hours of talking in first pony, well, it's hard to stop. Anyway, how could I forget the surprise ‘You're hired’ party you planned out for the end of my first day? My heart nearly stopped when I walked in the room! I swear my ears are still ringing from the party cannons you tied to the roof.” Trixie made a small motion to her ear as she gave it a little flick. Both mares burst into a small tinge of laughter at the memory. Since that Party Trixie and Pinkie had grown rather close. Not closer than Trixie and Starlight, or Pinkie and the rest of the elements, but close enough that they hung out often enough to know each other's schedules. “By the way, are we still on for drinks tomorrow? Trixie- ahem, I- will finally drink that villainous Berry Punch under the table!”

Pinkie’s eyes widened a bit as she realized that she had completely forgotten about the get together. She would have to reorganize her calendar when she got back and quadruple check all the dates to make sure everything else was correct on it. If she forgot about somthing that she had scheduled on a weekly basis then who knows how many events she had forgotten about. Thinking about it she quickly came to the conclusion that the parties yesterday took more out of her then she thought if she was becoming this forgetful. Not to mention that to forget about any kind of event going on in Ponyville, whether it be a small get together that she is involved in or a big party that she had personally planned was simply unacceptable to the pink mare. “Oh no, I completely forgot. I was planning to go see Twilight tomorrow.” Pinkie said, a frown forming on her face, a bit disappointed in herself. “I don’t think I can... well this definitely ruins my night.”

Trixie looked up at her with a surprised and almost worried look. She and Pinkie had been taking weekly trips to the tipped mugg, Ponyville’s only bar, for a few months now. It had gotten to the point where Trixie usually just had to show up and Pinkie was already there when she walked in the door. Trixie wondered for a moment if Pinkie was feeling alright, or maybe over stressed. Still Trixie could definitely excuse the slip-up. “Well aren't you glad the Great and Merciful Trixie is in such a good mood. Besides, I believe that I can let Berry Punch off for the night. Spare the poor mare of my drinking prowess.” Trixie started with a joking smile. “Just make sure you remind Twilight Sparkle that Trixie is getting even greater as she sits on her boring old throne.”

Pinkie brightened up at this, letting a small smile form on her lips. “I’ll pass the message along. I’m sure she will be glad to hear you're doing alright. I mean she asks about Starlight all the time, and you come up whenever we talk about her. You two being to-” Pinkie was stopped by the hoof of a blushing blue unicorn being shoved in her mouth.

“Yes well. No need to tell her about everything we discuss while drinking is there?” Trixie asked almost pleadingly. Pinkie secretly loved seeing her friend this embarrassed. It was quite cute.

Pinkie giggled and spared Trixie with and a nod. The light blue unicorn removed her hoof from pinkies mouth with a suspicious glare.“Okie Dokie. Not a word from me! Besides, starlight tells her WAY more than I could even know about.” Pinkie teased her friend. Trixie's ears then adopted a deep blue color as the blush spread up from her cheeks.

“I... Wha.... STARLIGHT!” Trixie yelled at the nopony in particular. Although somewhere in the distance a certain light purple unicorn felt a shiver go down her spine as she started settled into the safety of her home. unfortunately for her though the one who caused the shiver had a key her home, and practically lived there.

With that Pinkie got up out of her chair with a happy sigh. “Well thanks for the brownies, but i have a lot to pack. Like, A LOT to pack. Fitting a party cannon into a suitcase is WAY harder than it looks.” Pinkie stated as she stretched her limbs a bit. After a quick round of goodbyes and farewells she stepped out of the mares office and started heading towards the exit of the castle. She just couldn’t wait to see twilight tomorrow.

Author's Note:

Originally this talk with Trixie was going to be a small part of the chapter but well... guess that didn't go as planned.

(Edited 8/17)