• Published 6th Feb 2020
  • 7,420 Views, 101 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls on a Yacht - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and their ninja friends are ready for some Rest and Relaxation on board the Hamato Cruise Line. With some funny hijinks to go with it

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Cheer them on

As the Hamato Cruise ship set sail out into the ocean, the Rainbooms and their allies of New York were busy relaxing and having fun in their own ways.

Currently, Leo, Twilight, Karai, Sunset, and Fugitoid were sitting at a table under an umbrella with all but Fugitoid having a drink.

“I never in my wildest dreams ever imagined I'd be here on a cruise ship in public.” Leo told the group.

“Given all that's happened, it's no longer uncommon.” Twilight added.

“Yeah. Though just because there are those who acknowledge your existence here doesn't mean you should no longer stick to the shadows when you need to.” Sunset warned him.

“Yeah, Sunset. Even with most of the threats gone. Shredder, the Kraang, the Triceratons, even a majority of our old mutant enemies, we still need to make sure to watch ourselves.” Leo admitted.

“Agreed,” Fugitoid confirmed, “After all, there will always be enemies to replace old ones. Maybe not right away, and maybe not for a long time.”

“Plus the Purple Dragons are still a problem to deal with.” Karai reminded them.

“Hey, mind if I join you guys?” came a voice. The group looked and saw Flash Sentry approach.

“Not at all, Flash.” Leo said, as Flash sat down with them.

“So whatcha guys talking about?” Flash inquired.

“Just ninja things.” Leo answered.

“Leo's just talking about how most of their old enemies are all gone, and there's not too many problems in New York.” Sunset explained.

“If that's the case, you're more than welcomed to move closer to us.” Flash suggested.

“What?” Leo asked in confusion.

"Huh?" Twilight asked, while faintly blushing.

“There's always a lot of magical problems happening over by us.” Flash said.

“So I've been told,” Leo squinted to Twilight and Sunset who smiled sheepishly, “But I don't think we could ever do that. My brothers and I belong in New York.”

“Just a suggestion.” Flash shrugged.

“Wish I could move to someplace else,” Karai admitted, “But New York needs me and the Foot Clan. Shredder and his goons may be gone. But there are still Purple Dragons or other followers of Shredder lurking about somewhere.”

“You guys really must live for that stuff.” the rocker boy said.

“It's what we were trained in.” Leo reminded him.

“And just because our father is gone doesn't mean we shouldn't let our training dwindle.” Karai put in, as Leo nodded in agreement.

“Good point. I'm gonna fill my drink.” Flash said, as he got up.

“Me too.” Leo said, as he got up.

“I'll come with.” Fugitoid offered, as the three walked off.

As the boys headed for the refreshment table, Fugitoid took notice of Flash looking troubled, “Flash, is something troubling you?”

“It's nothing.” he answered with a sigh.

“Flash, Master Splinter taught me keeping troubles to yourself is not healthy. It is encouraged to share whatever pain you are feeling no matter how bad it is.” Leo explained.

“It's not that it's painful. If anything I feel jealous of you, your brothers, and the Rainbooms.” Flash admitted.

“Jealous... Of us?” Leo asked in confusion.

“Why would you feel jealousy over them?” Fugitoid asked.

Flash sighed, “Well, I was there among so many when all the stuff involving magic happened. The Fall Formal, the Battle of the Bands, the Friendship Games, you name it. But I was always in the background, brainwashed, under a spell, or forced to watch from the sides. While Sunset and the girls were always there to save the day. Then when we were all at Camp Everfree, when Gloriosa went mad with magic I thought it was all going to be the same. But Master Splinter commended me for wanting to help you guys, and gave us all a chance to help you all. When I fought those creatures I felt an adrenaline rush. Something I only felt when jamming on my guitar. It felt good getting in on the action, same as it was when me and the others helped you fight those bug mutants in New York.”

“Flash, sure it gives you an adrenaline rush, but it's not as fun as it looks. I'm sure you realized that when fighting along side us.” Leo reminded him.

“I know, but it felt good to be part of the team instead of on the sides. I still watch the girls take on various rogue magic threats around school or in town and sometimes wish I was there helping them. But I guess I'll always be there to support them.”

“Cheering on the girls from the side is an important part, Flash,” Fugitoid said, “Sure it's not so physical, but the girls always need ways of encouragement to keep their spirits up. Knowing there are those like you supporting them gives them the courage and strength they need to overcome even the most difficult of obstacles.”

Leo nodded and spoke, “Being supportive may not be as exciting, but trust me when I say it can make all the difference.”

Flash listened to both Leo and Fugitoid's words started feeling a new-found respect for his role of being the Rainbooms support from the sides, and just had to express it in a way the Rainbooms always did when expressing their feelings... Through song.

Flash: Leading ladies, I'm happy where I stand

'Cause you're the superstars, and I'm a super fan, yeah

You're my heroes, you've got the master plan

So into you

Flash started imagining the Rainbooms powered up taking on enemies of many kinds. Before long, he envisioned the Turtles along side the girls helping them.

I'm just here to cheer you on

Someone you can count on

I live to cheer you o-o-on

The supporting man in your world

All for Equestria Ninja Girls

(Girls, Girls, Girls, Girls)


(All for Equestria Ninja Girls)

(Girls, Girls, Girls, Girls)


Flash then started imagining himself as a ninja while wielding his iconic weapons two Mambu Duo Swords given to him by Master Splinter. He imagined himself along side the Rainbooms and Turtles taking down the Kraang both android and Norman bodies.

If I could be the wind under your wings

To watch you soar so high makes my heart sing

You don't have to ask, I'd do anything

So into you

I'm just here to cheer you on

Magnificent and strong

Someone you can count o-o-on

The supporting man in your world

All for Equestria Ninja Girls

The rocker boy envisioned himself facing off against the Foot Bots, and several mutant enemies like Rahzar, Fishface, Tiger Claw, and Stockman Fly, as fellow Wondercolt Sandalwood began to rap.

Sandalwood: (rapping) Haters gonna hate, he knows where he stands

They wish they could be an Equestria Ninja Man

He is the one, he'll never be fake

Friendship forever, bonds you don't break

"F" is for freedom, "R" is for rare

"I" is inspired, "E"-questria, yeah

"N", never-ending, "D" is for dreaming

Don't stop believing, he'll always be there

As Ninja Flash finished off a bunch of Foot Bots, a silhouette fell over him. He looked over and saw staring him down was the Shredder before his mutation. He squinted at the teenager before tossing his cape away and got into a stance beckoning him to come. Ninja Flash armed himself and charged in attacking Shredder like a trained ninja. Sure Shredder landed plenty of sneaky blows, but Ninja Flash wasn't going to give in. The two exchanged blow after blow before Ninja Flash took a page from Master Splinter's handbook and put his index fingers to Shredder's torso armor and suddenly the evil ninja found himself getting blasted backwards off his feet and crashed into a wall.

Flash: I'm just here to cheer you on

Someone you can count on (yeah!)

I live to cheer you o-o-on

The supporting man in your world

All for Equestria Ninja Girls

Ninja Flash was congratulated by the Rainbooms before the Turtles approached him and expected in joining them for a high three/five. Ninja Flash smiled, as the five did so.

(Girls, Girls, Girls, Girls)

Magnificent and strong

(Girls, Girls, Girls, Girls)

Someone you can count o-o-on

The supporting man in your world

All for Equestria Ninja Girls!

Flash opened his eyes clearly no longer daydreaming before speaking cool and collected, “Booyakasha.”

Leo and Fugitoid were shocked and surprised at Flash, before Fugitoid spoke up, “That was very... exhilarating.”

“We're glad to hear you support Twilight and the girls, Flash. Especially since my brothers and I aren't always there to help support them.” Leo commended him.

“Thanks, Leo. But this doesn't mean I don't still wish I could be more like you guys.” he makes a few ninja poses, as Leo and Fugitoid chuckled.

“Come on, let's get our drinks.” Leo said, as they collected their drinks and headed back to the table.