Equestria Ninja Girls on a Yacht

by Wildcard25

First published

The Rainbooms and their ninja friends are ready for some Rest and Relaxation on board the Hamato Cruise Line. With some funny hijinks to go with it

After dealing with constant stray Equestrian magic threats and dimension hopping, the Rainbooms, Fugitoid, and all their friends from New York are ready for a little R&R aboard the Hamato Cruise; courtesy of Karai.

The group will be relaxing and meeting old friends again and having fun in the sun. Along with meeting a new mutant and a new friend.

The Hamato Cruise

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In New York City, the Rainbooms, Spike, and Fugitoid were in Applejack's family truck driving through the city before heading to the harbor

They looked and saw parked in the waters was a cruise ship decorated with the Hamato symbol, “Wow!” the girls gasped.

“So awesome!” Rainbow cheered.

“Astounding.” Fugitoid marveled.

“I'm so excited!” Pinkie cheered, “Another yacht cruise!”

“And this time no surprises like last time.” Sunset added.

“Uh-huh.” the girls agreed, as the truck parked in a lot where other vehicles were.

They got out to see other people gathered around, ranging from families, friends, and others. Even several of their friends from CHS and even students from Crystal Prep were gathered. Everyone was already decked out in cruise wear, even Fugitoid.

“Hey, girls, over here!” came a voice.

The group looked over and saw the Turtles, the Mutanimals, Bebop, Rocksteady, April, Casey, and Keno. Every single one of them was also decked out in cruise wear.

The Rainbooms rushed over to greet their friends, “Leo, it's good to see you all.” Twilight greeted.

“We missed you guys so much!” Pinkie squealed, as she hugged Leatherhead and Mikey.

“It's so nice we can all enjoy the cruise together.” Fluttershy said, as she hugged Slash.

“Especially since you guys are all dressed for the occasion.” Applejack noted.

“Yeah,” Slash agreed, “Thanks for hooking us all up with this cruise wear, Rarity.”

“My pleasure, Slash. You all look so wonderful.” Rarity marveled.

“That's because we're wearing outfits you designed.” Bandit reminded her.

“I know.” Rarity giggled.

Mikey spoke to Fugitoid, “Hey, Fugitoid, love the look you're sporting too. Especially the hat.”

“Why thank you, Michelangelo. Yes, Rarity hooked me up with an outfit too.” the professor admitted.

“I felt the professor should have at least some selected choices in clothing. Even though he's never had to before.” Rarity said.

“And it does make me stand out less.” Fugitoid admitted.

Mona looked at the ship, “This'll be a real experience for me since the ships I'm used to being on fly through space, and not ride atop water.”

“One thing both have in common is you can get seasick.” Applejack said while thinking about last time during Spring Break.

“Will you be alright, Applejack?” Sunset asked in concern. The girls recalled how A.J spent most of the cruise seasick.

“Don't worry. I brought medicine this time.” Applejack assured her.

“I may need that myself.” Raph said.

“Yeah if your space sickness gave us any clue.” Mikey added.

“Come on, buddies, let's get on board.” Bebop said excitedly.

“Da. Let us cruise.” Rocksteady agreed.

“Hey, don't overlook us!” came another voice.

The group looked over and saw their Shadowbolt friends, Sour Sweet, Sunny Flare, Sugarcoat, Indigo Zap, and Lemon Zest.

“Sour Sweet. Sunny Flare. Good to see all you girls made it.” Leo greeted them.

“And miss a chance on a yacht?” Lemon asked.

“Takes us back to when we got to have our Spring Dance on one.” Sugarcoat put in.

“With help from us.” Rainbow reminded.

Indigo went to Keno and kissed him right on the lips. When they parted, the pizza boy spoke amazed, "Man I missed that."

"Me too." Indigo added, as the two chuckled.

“This is great,” Mondo cheered, “The more here the better it is.”

“Couldn't have said it better myself.” Rockwell agreed.

Sour turned to Bebop and Rocksteady, “So you guys are allies now?”

“And friends too.” Rocksteady added.

“Pretty neat, huh?” Bebop asked.

“Sure is.” Lemon agreed, as she fist bumped with Bebop.

“Well, come on team.” Leo said, as the group followed the crowd up the ramp and onto the cruise ship.

Waiting for them was Karai, Shini, and the Dazzlings who were all decked out in cruise wear, “Hey, guys.” Adagio greeted.

“So great to see you!” Sonata cheered, as she hugged Pinkie and Mikey.

“Welcome aboard the Hamato Cruise, courtesy of yours truly.” Karai declared.

“Not bad, Karai.” Donnie admitted.

“Though how were you able to afford all this?” Raph inquired the cost.

“Well, the yacht used to be a Foot cargo ship when Shredder was in control,” the girl began, “But I pulled it out of storage and decided to give it a makeover.”

“This makeover couldn't be cheap.” Applejack suspected.

“How were you able to afford this?” Casey wondered.

“Yeah, didn't we burn Shredder's dirty money?” Leo asked her.

“That shrine wasn't the only place Shredder kept loot. He has hundreds of accounts that I took control over when he died. Don't worry the money that went into this was legit.”

“So why turn a cargo ship into a cruise anyway?” Sunny asked curiously.

“Even with all of Shredder's riches, the Foot Clan still needs funding. So I decided to do something for the community and create this cruise ship.”

“And that's sweet you named it after sensei's clan.” Sunset smiled.

Karai nodded, “I owe it to him to use the name for real good.”

“So is everyone ready to have fun and excitement?” Shini asked the group.

“You bet we are!” Mondo answered in joy.

“Same here,” Spike added, before grumbling, “I wasn't even invited on the yacht the last time.”

“Oh, Spike,” Twilight said, while holding onto him, “We wanted to bring you, but the Luxe Deluxe had a strict no pets policy.”

“And yet they allowed an on board petting zoo?” Spike countered making Twilight laugh sheepishly.

Karai smiled, and scratched behind Spike's ear, “Don't worry, Spike. You're absolutely welcomed on board because you're more than a dog. You're our friend.”

“Good to hear.” Spike barked happily.

“It's also good you invited the students of both our school here.” Rainbow put in, as she saw several of their friends and classmates like Flash, Lyra, Bonbon, Snips, Snails, and more.

“I felt they should enjoy this like you guys,” Karai began, “I also tracked down some other friends, some of you may know.”

“Like who?” Applejack wondered, until a little boy's voice could be heard.

“Bebop! Rocksteady!”

The mutant duo's ears perked up as they looked over and saw a bunch of familiar kids running over to them. As it turned out it was Lily, Billy, Sally, and Johnny; the kids Bebop and Rocksteady befriended on the beach after the Memory Stone incident.

“Hey, there's our little buddies!” Bebop cheered, as he patted the boys heads.

Rocksteady squatted down to their levels to hug the kids, “Good to see little comrades again.”

“It's good to see the two of you.” Lily giggled.

“Having you guys on board is sure to be a blast.” Johnny said excitedly.

“That's because we're awesome.” Bebop said doing a dance.

“We'll catch up with you later, ok?” Billy asked, as the kids went back to their parents.

The group was surprised, as Raph spoke flabbergasted, “You guys have admirers?”

“Da. We help kids on beach when bully teenagers mess with them.” Rocksteady explained.

“Oh, that's so sweet of you guys.” Fluttershy said happily.

“Well, yeah. I mean what fool in their dumb mind would pick on children?” Bebop asked.

Karai nodded, until a voice called out to her, “Karai!” Everyone looked over as a little girl familiar to Karai and Spike came running over and embraced the ninja girl who returned the gesture.

“There's my little sister.” Karai said, as she ruffled the girls hair.

“Sister?” the group asked in confusion.

“Guys, this is Harmony Song. My friend from the beach. And surrogate little sister.” Karai introduced them.

Harmony spoke to them, “It's nice to meet you all,” she spotted Spike in Twilight's arms and pat his head, “Hi, Spike.” the dog panted happily.

“You know Karai?” April asked the girl.

“Oh, yeah. I got lost on the beach and she helped me find my mommy.”

“Did she now?” Leo asked, looking smugly at Karai.

“That's right. She's the best big sister I could've ever asked for.” Harmony said standing by Karai's side.

“Aw.” Mikey cooed at the cute scene between them.

“Harmony!” the girls mother called.

“Coming, mommy!” she called back, before looking up at Karai, “I'll see you later.”

“See ya.” Karai replied, as Harmony hurried back to her mom.

“Karai a sisterly type?” Raph asked in disbelief, “Now I've seen everything.”

“Har-har.” Karai laughed sarcastically.

“Well, come on. Let's check this ship out.” Leo told the group, as they started to check the ship out.

"I hope they got bread here." Pigeon Pete said hopefully.

"May wanna keep them away from the deck." Indigo said.

"Yeah, otherwise seagulls will be wanting to snatch them." Donnie put in.

"No seagulls taking my bread!" Pete said with determination, as the group laughed.

They explored the ship seeing it had an all you can eat buffet, a pool, a jacuzzi, a deck for shuffleboard, a fitness gym, an indoor basketball court, a petting zoo, a theater, the works.

As Karai watched all the passengers get settled in, Adagio approached and spoke, “Karai, everything's in order.”

“All passengers accounted for.” Aria added, as she walked over.

“Safe to say we can get the show on the water.” Sonata joked, as her sisters rolled their eyes.

Karai nodded, as she spoke into an earpiece, “Ok, crew. Anchors away!” The ship pulled up its anchor, and the cruise ship moved away from the harbor and headed out to sea. The Turtles, the Rainbooms, and their allies were eager to have some much needed fun and relaxation.

Cheer them on

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As the Hamato Cruise ship set sail out into the ocean, the Rainbooms and their allies of New York were busy relaxing and having fun in their own ways.

Currently, Leo, Twilight, Karai, Sunset, and Fugitoid were sitting at a table under an umbrella with all but Fugitoid having a drink.

“I never in my wildest dreams ever imagined I'd be here on a cruise ship in public.” Leo told the group.

“Given all that's happened, it's no longer uncommon.” Twilight added.

“Yeah. Though just because there are those who acknowledge your existence here doesn't mean you should no longer stick to the shadows when you need to.” Sunset warned him.

“Yeah, Sunset. Even with most of the threats gone. Shredder, the Kraang, the Triceratons, even a majority of our old mutant enemies, we still need to make sure to watch ourselves.” Leo admitted.

“Agreed,” Fugitoid confirmed, “After all, there will always be enemies to replace old ones. Maybe not right away, and maybe not for a long time.”

“Plus the Purple Dragons are still a problem to deal with.” Karai reminded them.

“Hey, mind if I join you guys?” came a voice. The group looked and saw Flash Sentry approach.

“Not at all, Flash.” Leo said, as Flash sat down with them.

“So whatcha guys talking about?” Flash inquired.

“Just ninja things.” Leo answered.

“Leo's just talking about how most of their old enemies are all gone, and there's not too many problems in New York.” Sunset explained.

“If that's the case, you're more than welcomed to move closer to us.” Flash suggested.

“What?” Leo asked in confusion.

"Huh?" Twilight asked, while faintly blushing.

“There's always a lot of magical problems happening over by us.” Flash said.

“So I've been told,” Leo squinted to Twilight and Sunset who smiled sheepishly, “But I don't think we could ever do that. My brothers and I belong in New York.”

“Just a suggestion.” Flash shrugged.

“Wish I could move to someplace else,” Karai admitted, “But New York needs me and the Foot Clan. Shredder and his goons may be gone. But there are still Purple Dragons or other followers of Shredder lurking about somewhere.”

“You guys really must live for that stuff.” the rocker boy said.

“It's what we were trained in.” Leo reminded him.

“And just because our father is gone doesn't mean we shouldn't let our training dwindle.” Karai put in, as Leo nodded in agreement.

“Good point. I'm gonna fill my drink.” Flash said, as he got up.

“Me too.” Leo said, as he got up.

“I'll come with.” Fugitoid offered, as the three walked off.

As the boys headed for the refreshment table, Fugitoid took notice of Flash looking troubled, “Flash, is something troubling you?”

“It's nothing.” he answered with a sigh.

“Flash, Master Splinter taught me keeping troubles to yourself is not healthy. It is encouraged to share whatever pain you are feeling no matter how bad it is.” Leo explained.

“It's not that it's painful. If anything I feel jealous of you, your brothers, and the Rainbooms.” Flash admitted.

“Jealous... Of us?” Leo asked in confusion.

“Why would you feel jealousy over them?” Fugitoid asked.

Flash sighed, “Well, I was there among so many when all the stuff involving magic happened. The Fall Formal, the Battle of the Bands, the Friendship Games, you name it. But I was always in the background, brainwashed, under a spell, or forced to watch from the sides. While Sunset and the girls were always there to save the day. Then when we were all at Camp Everfree, when Gloriosa went mad with magic I thought it was all going to be the same. But Master Splinter commended me for wanting to help you guys, and gave us all a chance to help you all. When I fought those creatures I felt an adrenaline rush. Something I only felt when jamming on my guitar. It felt good getting in on the action, same as it was when me and the others helped you fight those bug mutants in New York.”

“Flash, sure it gives you an adrenaline rush, but it's not as fun as it looks. I'm sure you realized that when fighting along side us.” Leo reminded him.

“I know, but it felt good to be part of the team instead of on the sides. I still watch the girls take on various rogue magic threats around school or in town and sometimes wish I was there helping them. But I guess I'll always be there to support them.”

“Cheering on the girls from the side is an important part, Flash,” Fugitoid said, “Sure it's not so physical, but the girls always need ways of encouragement to keep their spirits up. Knowing there are those like you supporting them gives them the courage and strength they need to overcome even the most difficult of obstacles.”

Leo nodded and spoke, “Being supportive may not be as exciting, but trust me when I say it can make all the difference.”

Flash listened to both Leo and Fugitoid's words started feeling a new-found respect for his role of being the Rainbooms support from the sides, and just had to express it in a way the Rainbooms always did when expressing their feelings... Through song.

Flash: Leading ladies, I'm happy where I stand

'Cause you're the superstars, and I'm a super fan, yeah

You're my heroes, you've got the master plan

So into you

Flash started imagining the Rainbooms powered up taking on enemies of many kinds. Before long, he envisioned the Turtles along side the girls helping them.

I'm just here to cheer you on

Someone you can count on

I live to cheer you o-o-on

The supporting man in your world

All for Equestria Ninja Girls

(Girls, Girls, Girls, Girls)


(All for Equestria Ninja Girls)

(Girls, Girls, Girls, Girls)


Flash then started imagining himself as a ninja while wielding his iconic weapons two Mambu Duo Swords given to him by Master Splinter. He imagined himself along side the Rainbooms and Turtles taking down the Kraang both android and Norman bodies.

If I could be the wind under your wings

To watch you soar so high makes my heart sing

You don't have to ask, I'd do anything

So into you

I'm just here to cheer you on

Magnificent and strong

Someone you can count o-o-on

The supporting man in your world

All for Equestria Ninja Girls

The rocker boy envisioned himself facing off against the Foot Bots, and several mutant enemies like Rahzar, Fishface, Tiger Claw, and Stockman Fly, as fellow Wondercolt Sandalwood began to rap.

Sandalwood: (rapping) Haters gonna hate, he knows where he stands

They wish they could be an Equestria Ninja Man

He is the one, he'll never be fake

Friendship forever, bonds you don't break

"F" is for freedom, "R" is for rare

"I" is inspired, "E"-questria, yeah

"N", never-ending, "D" is for dreaming

Don't stop believing, he'll always be there

As Ninja Flash finished off a bunch of Foot Bots, a silhouette fell over him. He looked over and saw staring him down was the Shredder before his mutation. He squinted at the teenager before tossing his cape away and got into a stance beckoning him to come. Ninja Flash armed himself and charged in attacking Shredder like a trained ninja. Sure Shredder landed plenty of sneaky blows, but Ninja Flash wasn't going to give in. The two exchanged blow after blow before Ninja Flash took a page from Master Splinter's handbook and put his index fingers to Shredder's torso armor and suddenly the evil ninja found himself getting blasted backwards off his feet and crashed into a wall.

Flash: I'm just here to cheer you on

Someone you can count on (yeah!)

I live to cheer you o-o-on

The supporting man in your world

All for Equestria Ninja Girls

Ninja Flash was congratulated by the Rainbooms before the Turtles approached him and expected in joining them for a high three/five. Ninja Flash smiled, as the five did so.

(Girls, Girls, Girls, Girls)

Magnificent and strong

(Girls, Girls, Girls, Girls)

Someone you can count o-o-on

The supporting man in your world

All for Equestria Ninja Girls!

Flash opened his eyes clearly no longer daydreaming before speaking cool and collected, “Booyakasha.”

Leo and Fugitoid were shocked and surprised at Flash, before Fugitoid spoke up, “That was very... exhilarating.”

“We're glad to hear you support Twilight and the girls, Flash. Especially since my brothers and I aren't always there to help support them.” Leo commended him.

“Thanks, Leo. But this doesn't mean I don't still wish I could be more like you guys.” he makes a few ninja poses, as Leo and Fugitoid chuckled.

“Come on, let's get our drinks.” Leo said, as they collected their drinks and headed back to the table.

Find the Magic

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Somewhere on the cruise ship, Raph, Casey, Slash, the Dazzlings, and Rocksteady were busy engaging in a game of shuffleboard.

Casey went up to take his turn and concentrated before sending his puck flying and landed on a ten, “Oh, yeah! When it comes to pucks, Casey Jones dominates!” he played air guitar on his shuffleboard stick.

“Not bad, Casey.” Aria admitted.

“Don't be celebrating just yet, Jones. Is Rocksteady's turn now.” Rocksteady said taking position.

“Be careful, Rock,” Sonata began, “With your strength you could send the puck off the ship.”

“Nothing to worry, Sonata. I got this,” Rocksteady said, as he readied himself and sent his puck forward landing on a lower number, “Well, is still good.”

“And ya didn't send it off the ship.” Slash put in.

“Hey, guys. What's up?” Came Rainbow's voice, as she walked over with a girl about the CMC's age. She had long orange hair in a ponytail, and was wearing a green dress decorated in pink hearts and sandals.

“Rainbow, all's good.” Adagio answered.

“Just getting our shuffleboard on.” Rocksteady answered.

Raph took notice of the new girl, “Hey, who's this?”

“A friend of mine,” Rainbow began, “This is Megan Williams.”

“Nice to meet you all,” Megan greeted them, “Whoa, Rainbow, you really are friends with mutants?”

“You betcha. This is Raphael, Slash, and Rocksteady.” the older girl introduced them.

Megan looked up at Slash and Rocksteady, “Wow, you two are big.”

“Thanks, I work out.” Rocksteady flexed a muscle.

"And this is Casey Jones, Adagio, Aria, and Sonata." Rainbow continued, as the four smiled at the girl.

“So how did you two meet?” Slash asked Rainbow.

“We actually met at Equestria Land Amusement Park.” Rainbow began.

Megan giggled, “She panicked on the roller coaster, and boasted to her friend Applejack she was fine with it.”

“Megan tried to let the truth slip, but I stopped her,” Rainbow put in, “Afterward we started seeing more of each other around the park, and as it turns out she's a cool kid.”

“And despite Rainbow's screaming on the ride, she's actually very awesome.” Megan admitted.

“Ain't it the truth.” Rainbow replied, before continuing, “Got any room for another player?”

“Sure.” Raph replied, as Rainbow took a shuffleboard stick.

The girl launched her puck that landed on a high number, “Oh, yeah!”

Megan spoke to the group, “Rainbow's told me you guys deal with a lot of wild and crazy stuff.”

“Well, it's all true no matter how strange it sounds.” Raph assured her.

“Well, actually, I've seen strange up close myself.” Megan admitted.

“How?” Casey wondered.

“Well that day in Equestria Land, social media celebrity Vignette Valencia got her hands on this magical phone she used to transport anything into some white room and replace it with holographic images. When she was unimpressed by the Rainbooms for petty reasons, she 'digitized' most of them and replaced them with holograms depicting them ridiculously while she tried to be lead singer. Needless to say her performance was terrible, and she looked ready to use her magical phone on all of us.”

Rainbow spoke, “If Vignette succeeded in using her phone on the whole audience teleporting them to that one room... Well, let's just say it wouldn't have been big enough to contain everyone.”

“We get it.” Slash replied knowing what could've happened to all those people.

“But we came together and destroyed her phone with Rarity and A.J teaching Vignette success and popularity should never come at the cost of one's friends.” Rainbow finished.

“And that's a fact.” Rocksteady put in.

“Wish we knew that before we decided to conquer this world through the Battle of the Bands.” Adagio said on behalf of her fellow Dazzlings in sorrow.

“What do you mean?” Megan wondered.

“Well, we weren't always friends with these guys.” Aria admitted.

“We were bad to the bone.” Sonata added, as Adagio continued.

“We were obsessed with wanting to steal Equestrian Magic to rule this world and be adored by all. But we paid the price with our magic. Following that we tried partnering up with a crazy ninja and that almost cost one of our own.” she and Aria looked to Sonata who recalled that memory too well.

“But after that we learned being friends is better than being enemies, and that friendship is the greater magic. Much better than the power we had.” Aria said.

“Rock and I also understand that.” Slash agreed.

Rocksteady spoke, “For longest time I was arms dealer to anyone who would pay big price. And when I became mutant rhino I was tasked with doing even more bad things under employer. When I was part of plan to destroy world, I abandoned bad ways and become superhero!” he pumped a fist.

“And when I became this I was obsessed with wanting to destroy Raphael's brothers,” Slash explained, “And I even partnered with this crazy alien to defeat the Kraang, until I realized he wasn't going to stop with just the Kraang but innocent lives as well. So I stopped him and decided to form a real team to help protect New York.” Raph patted his pal's hand and nodded knowing he has come a long way.

“That's amazing to hear. You really were different back then.” Megan told the former baddies.

“We know, “Adagio confirmed, “But when we found the magic of friendship we changed for the greater good.”

“Still we look back on the old days as a reminder of who we used to be.” Aria said.

“So that we wouldn't make the same bad mistakes as we did before.” Sonata finished.

The Dazzlings looked to each other and started to sing about their struggles since their defeat at the Battle of the Bands and breaking ties with the Shredder. They imagined themselves wandering a maze in darkness.

Dazzlings: Where do we go? Every day's the same

Did we lose the magic, magic, magic?

So ordinary, stuck on repeat

Gotta find the passion, passion, passion

The days go round and round, round and round

Gotta break away, find a great escape

Round and round and round

Round and round and round


Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, let's find

Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, let's find

Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, let's find the magic

Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, let's find

Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, let's find

Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, let's find the magic

Adagio: Can I find the beauty in the simple things?

Dazzlings: Can I learn to see it, see it, see it?

The days go round and round, round and round

Gotta break away, find a great escape

Round and round and round

Round and round and round


Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, let's find

Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, let's find

Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, let's find the magic

Adagio: Let's find the magic

Dazzlings: Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, let's find

Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, let's find (Adagio Dazzle: Hey!)

Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, let's find the magic





Megan, Casey, Rainbow, and their mutant friends applauded, “That was wicked, yo.” Casey admitted.

“Thanks, it may not be magical like before. But our vocal lessons have paid off constantly.” Adagio said.

“So you three really don't mind your new lives?” Megan asked.

“Not at all.” Aria admitted.

“We've learned to enjoy the simple things in life. Like tacos. Mm.” Sonata said while thinking of her favorite food.

“Or even a good game of shuffleboard,” Adagio said, “Come on, let's keep this game going.”

“May I play?” Megan asked.

“Sure.” Raph answered.

“Take a shot.” Rainbow offered.

Megan took a shuffleboard stick and launched her puck surprising everyone when it landed on a high number, “Yes!” she cheered.

“Now that is awesome.” Rainbow patted the girls shoulder.

“I'll say.” Raph agreed, and the group continued to have fun.

The Buffet

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At the cruise buffet Mikey, Pinkie, Lemon Zest, Shini, Applejack, and Fluttershy were checking out the spread, “Wow. Honey walnut crisp! Candy-coated cupcakes! Banana sorbet delight! A chocolate fountain?! This cruise has everything.” the turtle cheered.

“Just about.” Shini confirmed.

Lemon looked to A.J who was sitting down, “You gonna be ok, Applejack?”

“Don't worry. I already took my medicine for seasickness.” she assured the rocker.

“Hey, Mikey, try some Triple Choco-Berry Blasted Butter Biscuit Bundt Cake.” Pinkie offered.

Mikey took a bite and smiled, “Yum. Chocolaty goodness. Gasp! Can it be? Yes, it is!”

“What is it, Mikey?” Fluttershy asked.

Mikey stood beside a lidded with with the image of a pizza on it, “This. Novantanove Formaggio, The 99-cheese pizza.”

“Whoa! Seriously?” Lemon gasped.

Pinkie spoke in shock, “A pizza with that variety of cheese is a culinary impossibility! I mean there's so many! Cheddar, Provolone, Asiago, Taleggio, Mozzarella, of course.”

Mikey just shushed her, “Pinkie, please! Let's see this masterpiece,” he opened the lid, and his crazy smile turned into sadness, for there was nothing there, “NO!” he cried.

“Wow, that went fast.” Applejack said.

“It's not fair!” Mikey whined dramatically, “I can't go on! I have nothing to live for!” he clung to Pinkie hanging off her, “Pinkie, I see a light. It calls to me!” he turned to the fourth wall, “You know, this scene could win me an Academy Award,” he quickly returned to his dramatic acting.

“No! Stay with us, Mikey!” Pinkie pleaded.

Suddenly the French chef Puffed Pastry approached carrying a plate with a lid, “Excusez moi, Monsieur Turtle. How about one fresh from ze oven?” she lifted the lid to reveal the pizza Mikey had been dreaming of.

The funny turtle gasped in joy, “So beautiful,” Puffed Pastry cut him a slice and offered it. Mikey gazed at all the layers of cheese atop the other. He put it to his lips and took a bite, while the group watched in anticipation. Mikey chewed it up and swallowed it.

“You ok, Mikey?” Lemon asked in worry.

“That... was... THE BEST PIZZA I EVER HAD!” Mikey cheered, making his friends sigh in relief. Mikey spoke to the chef, “You ma'am, have made perfection.”

“Naturally.” Puffed Pasty said proudly.

“Hey, guys!” Pigeon Pete called, as he Rockwell, Leatherhead, Sour Sweet, and Sunny Flare approached.

“Just in time guys. You gotta try this pizza.” Mikey suggested.

“Looks cheesy.” Sour noticed.

“Don't mind if I do.” Rockwell said, as they took a slice.

“Here, Leatherhead, open wide.” Pinkie instructed the gator who opened his mouth, before Pinkie tossed the slice in.

“Tasty.” Leatherhead said.

“Mm, boy, doggy. This is some good pizza.” Applejack added.

“Totally awesome.” Sunny agreed.

“I shall leave you to enjoy it. More are still in the oven.” Puffed Pastry took her leave before looking at Pete, and began analyzing him.

“Uh, can I help you?” Pete asked nervously.

“Hmm. You might be too big for the normal sized pan, but a little trimming and you'll fit nicely.” she smirked.

“What?!” Pete squawked as he backed away.

“You can't cook Pigeon Pete!” Fluttershy gasped, as she shielded the mutant from the chef.

“And I'm not even tender.” Pete cried.

Puffed Pastry just laughed, “Relax, it is just a chef's joke.”

“Oh, a joke?” Pete asked while laughing nervously.

As the chef left, Pete sized, “Chef's, a birds greatest enemy.”

“Makes you glad you weren't born a turkey, huh?” Sour asked.

“Ya got that right.” he answered, until Derpy walked over and offered the mutant a muffin.

“Here ya go, Pete.” she said.

“Hey, thanks.” Pete said, as he took the muffin, before offering the girl a bread roll in return.

“I'm so glad we can enjoy this cruise without any problems.” Fluttershy said in relief.

“I know,” Pinkie agreed, “Thanks to Rainbow Dash I got kicked out of the buffet.”

“Because she caused a scene from paranoia about Equestrian Magic?” Shini asked.

“Exactly!” Pinkie cried, “But not this time.”

As Pete looked out one of the ships windows he saw some seagulls flying by, “Hey, I know those guys! They're my Poker buddies.”

“You play poker with seagulls?” Sunny asked in disbelief.

“Yeah. They're surprisingly good. I met those guys while I was south visiting family.”

“You must have a lot of bird friends.” Mikey noted.

“Oh, yeah.”

“I can imagine it must be hard keeping track of all of them.” Fluttershy guessed.

“It's not so hard once you figure out each one's unique habit.” Pete explained.

And so the group continued to enjoy the buffet as more of the special pizzas were being brought out for them and the rest of the guests could enjoy. Mikey was planning to sneak some slices for himself, but A.J, Pinkie, and Fluttershy made sure to make him save those slices for his brothers.

Don the Turtle

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Out on the ships deck, Donnie, April, Rarity, and Bebop were kicking back on lounge chairs while soaking up some sun and enjoying that fresh breeze.

April reached for her drink on the table next to her, and spoke up, “I tell ya guys you don't get this kind of relaxation in the city.”

“Oh, I know,” Rarity agreed, “This is a much more relaxing environment.”

“Yeah. Especially when you have to live in a warehouse.” Bebop put in.

“Are you and Rocksteady still residing in Rocksteady's old warehouse?” Donnie asked.

“Well, it's not like we got a lot of options. I mean who wants to rent to a mutant warthog and rhino? But at least Rock's learning to pick up after himself. And Karai pays us when she ever needs us on missions that requires our talents, so our money situation is no longer a problem.”

“And it's better than robbing banks and working for supervillains.” April noted.

“Definitely,” Bebop confirmed, “So I shouldn't have much to complain about since it's better than my last life. But coming out here is good to get away from the big city. I'm just kicking back and soaking up some rays, ha-ha!”

“Well, careful you don't burn your bacon.” Donnie joked.

Bebop glanced over at Donnie, “Oh very funny with the pig jokes.” The group laughed, as they decided to just relax and enjoy themselves.

As Donnie rested, he suddenly felt his chair rise up, “Hey, what's going on?” he saw it was Snips and Snails carrying him across the deck before dumping him on the stage. As Snails ran off, Donnie got up and spoke to them, “Snips! Snails! What is the meaning of this?”

“Your doing the Ukulele karaoke, right?” Snips asked.

“No. I was relaxing until you two dropped me here!” Donnie voiced his aggravation, “Besides, I don't even have a-” Snips suddenly handed him a piece of paper and a microphone.

“Here are your lyrics! Snails, bring in the props!”

Snails pushed out a cardboard palm tree, a tiki lamp, and a fake volcano, “Waikiki!” he announced before dropping a fan near the turtle, “Your island breeze, Donnie!”

“Hold on! I'm completely unprepared to do a solo!” Donnie protested, but the two ignored him.

“Your backup singers!” Snips introduced him to Derpy, Desert Sage, and Lyra.

“Hey, Donnie.” Derpy greeted.

“Sorry about this.” Lyra said.

“Look, this is more Mikey's thing.” Donnie tried to tell them.

“You know what they say: The Show Must Go On!” Snails announced before speaking to the girls, “That's your cue!”

Derpy started beating a bongo, while Desert Sage and Lyra play ukuleles. Desert Sage tapped her foot to the rhythm.

“But-” Donnie tried to protest more, but Snips spoke to him.

“Just go follow along, you'll be fine.” he and Snails walked off, as the three girls began singing.

(Lance the Turtle)

Donnie seeing no other way out of this decided to follow along and read from the lyrics page. As the girls performed, Mikey danced in doing a hula dance while wearing a grass skirt. Snails turned on the fan to give Donnie a breeze as the tied part of his mask blew in the fan's wind.

Donnie started speaking normally from what the lyrics were explaining, “Oh, I get it! Turtles are perceived as slow, so it took him a long time. That's pretty good!"

While Donnie danced, his lyrics were accidentally shredded through the fan, which got him nervous, “Uh...” he tried reading the pieces of lyrics, “Syrup with his feta cheese? I-I'm sorry, I-” Snips and Snails taped up the lyrics and gave them to Donnie, “Lance's purple turtle shell has ketchup if you please. Pineapples are shiny! Spotted tiki bumblebees?! Oh, man!” he began cracking under nervousness.

“Wait a minute, guys. I don't think this is right. It doesn't make any sense!” Donnie protesting to the two boys.

“It works for us! Ha-ha!” Snails laughed.


“The song! The song!” Snips reminded him to stick to it.

Donnie tried to continue, “Uh... There are luscious chocolate fingers, spinning slowly in the school. Mele Kalikimaka. Fluffy bunnies driving in the pool! Uh, Mikey?! A thousand igloos wax the beach, spray luggage in the tree! Raining puppies, flying clowns. Flossing punahele-” suddenly it dawned on Donnie who shouted at his younger brother, “Wait? Mikey, is this another one of your pranks?!”

As Mikey continued to hula dance, he answered, “All I can say to that is... Dr Prankenstein for the win!” he ran off laughing.

“MIKEY!” Donnie shouted, as he ran after him.

Seeing Donnie go AWOL from the show, Snails and Snips decided to carry on in his place.

As Snips and Snails dropped the mics, it let off cringing feedback, “Don't drop the mics!” one of the passengers called.

Donnie continued to chase Mikey while shouting at him, “Mikey, when I get a hold of you, your face will be poi!”

Mikey answered while running, “C'mon, dude! Show some aloha!” he pleaded.

“That word also means GOODBYE, you know!” Donnie noted, as he jumped at Mikey.

“AAAHHHH!!!” Mikey screamed, as Donnie pinned him to the floor.

“Guys?” came April's voice, as the two saw April, Bebop, and Rarity.

The two got up, “Hey, so uh, did you happen to see...” Donnie asked nervously.

“Oh we saw it alright.” Bebop confirmed.

“Quite an amusing performance.” Rarity giggled.

“Despite how awkward it got around the end, I enjoyed it, D.” April admitted.

“Really?” Donnie asked excitedly before playing it cool, “I mean, thanks.”

“And it's got me in a hula mood.” April put in.

“Me too.” Rarity agreed.

“So what's say we shake it up?” Bebop suggested.

“I got spare grass skirts.” Mikey held some up.

As they put them on they joined in the hula dancing, until Mikey held a grass skirt for Donnie, “Huh? Come on, you know you wanna.” Mikey tempted his brother.

Donnie rolled his eyes and smiled, “Oh, alright.” he dawned it and the two joined their friends in hula.

Boys and their Girls

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On board the Hamato Cruise inside their indoor gym, Bandit Raccoon, Mondo Gecko, Keno, and Sandalwood doing a game of two-on-two B-Ball. It was Bandit and Keno as one team and Mondo and Sandalwood on the other team.

“Come on, show me watcha got!” Mondo called, as he was dribbling the basketball around Keno who was blocking.

“You'll be sorry.” Keno replied, as he stole the ball and passed it to Bandit who started dribbling it around.

“Oh, yeah! This is my element!” Bandit cheered.

“Sorry, bro, but not on my watch!” Sandalwood tried blocking the raccoon, but the mutant was too fast and climbed up the eco-boy's back and made a leap to the basket and dunked the ball.

“Yeah!” Keno cheered, as Bandit waved while hanging from the basket.

“Good game, dudes.” Mondo commended them.

“That felt good.

Bandit let go of the basket and landed on the floor, “I never thought in my wildest dreams I'd be playing basketball on a yacht.”

“Given your appearance it would be easier said than done.” came a familiar voice as they saw Sugarcoat standing in the gym entrance along with Lyra, Bonbon, Juniper Montage, Wallflower Blush, Mona Lisa, and Indigo Zap.

“Hi, guys.” Juniper greeted.

“Now there's someone I haven't seen in awhile.” Bandit said with a smile, as he ran over and embraced the girl.

“I missed ya, Bandit.” Juniper said.

“Likewise, Juniper.”

Lyra and Bonbon went hover and hugged Mondo from both sides, “It's so good to see you, Mondo.” Bonbon began.

“And it's good to see my fave besties as well.” Mondo admitted, as he hugged the two.

Mona Lisa looked around and spoke to Sandalwood, “You know it's pointless to try and challenge Bandit at a sport he excels at.”

“Maybe, but it was all for fun.” the boy replied.

“We were about to walk around the cruise. Care to join us?” Lyra asked.

“We were planning on calling it quits anyway, so sure.” Bandit replied.

“Then let's go.” Juniper said, as the group started walking.

As they walked around the ship they stopped by seeing several other activities taking place with their friends and everyone. They walked by the on board petting zoo where who else but Fluttershy was happily bonding with all the little animals.

When they decided to check out the theater, they saw Trixie trying to put on a magic show with Snips and Snails as her assistants. Needless to say the show was standard and mediocre, but the two boys were having fun.

They stopped upon seeing Bebop was currently doing his dance moves while his kid friends were trying to keep up with him.

“Come on, little buddies. It's all in the hips. Like this,” Bebop did some spins and poses, as the kids copied him, “Yeah, now ya got it. Ha-ha!” he cheered.

“Hey, Bebop. Looks like you got yourself some activity here.” Wallflower noticed.

“Oh, yeah. I'm teaching these kids how to dance like a pro.” the warthog mutant explained.

“Pro is right.” Sandalwood agreed.

“We hope to one day be as good as Bebop.” Lily said, as she did some dance moves.

“You keep at it and you just might.” Mona encouraged her and the kids.

“We're moving along, Bebop, we'll catch up with you later.” Keno said.

“See ya.” Bebop said, as he went back to teaching the kids.

As they continued on, Indigo hung back with Keno before pulling him off to the side, “Indigo, what're you-” Indigo clamped his mouth shut.

“Come on, let's go find someplace vacant for us time.” Indigo said.

Keno getting where she was going smirked, “Lead the way.” and so the two snuck off.

The others carried on before spotting Karai and the girl Harmony in a workout room. They were standing atop two separate mats, while the other girl was doing some basic martial arts stances and moves while Harmony was following along.

They walk inside, as Mona spoke up, “Karai, what're you up to?”

“Oh, hey, guys. I was just doing a little demonstrating for Harmony here.” Karai motioned to said girl.

“And I'm learning from her.” Harmony added.

“Well, you got the form down.” Sugarcoat admitted.


“So how're you guys enjoying the cruise?” Karai inquired.

“It is awesome!” Mondo cheered.

“We're really glad you put all this together.” Wallflower added.

“Well, like I told the others I wanted to give back to the community.”

“And you're doing a fine job with that.” Bandit noted.

“Thank you,” she looked around, “Guys, wasn't Keno originally with you?”

Bandit, Mondo, and Sandalwood realized they were one man down, “Hey, where did he go?” Sandalwood looked around.

“Indigo's gone too.” Lyra noticed.

“Knowing those two, probably snuck off for alone time.” Sugarcoat stated.

“Well, that would explain it.” Bonbon replied.

“Should we go look for them?” Wallflower suggested.

“I think we should let them be.” Juniper suggested.

“Agreed.” Mona nodded in agreement.

Bandit looked up at Juniper and spoke to everyone, “You know, June and I are gonna split too.”

“We are?” Juniper asked curiously.

“Yeah. Gives us some more time to catch up.” Bandit winked.

“Oh, right.” she replied.

“Hey, Mondo, we hear there's also a halfpipe set up on the ship.” Lyra said, as Bonbon nodded in confirmation.

Mondo's eyes lit up, “So why're we standing around here? Let's go!” Mondo took the besties hands and dragged them along, while Juniper left with Bandit.

“I think we'll hit the buffet.” Mona said, as she, Sugarcoat, and Sandalwood left Karai and Harmony to continue their exercise.

Meanwhile Indigo and Keno had went to a secluded spot on the ship and started to make out, “Oh, I definitely missed this.” Keno said between kisses.

“Me too.” Indigo agreed, as they continued to kiss.

“But you know it's risky doing it here. What if someone catches us?” the boy teased.

“That's what makes it so exciting.” Indigo replied mischievously.

“Good point.” Keno agreed, as they went back to making out.

Elsewhere, Bandit and Juniper who was now dressed in her swimwear were by the pool sinking their feet and legs in it, while others were busy lounging or swimming about.

“This is nice.” Bandit said, as he relaxed.

“Sure is.” Juniper agreed.

“It's also nice being with someone I care about, outside from my team that is.” the raccoon put in.

“What do you mean?”

“I like my team, don't get me wrong. But it's nice to be around more humans like you and the Rainbooms. I guess I just miss the old days when I was a student. Back when I had normal friends, and my family.”

“Haven't you tried to reach out to them?” Juniper asked.

“What's the point? Mondo said when he got mutated his parents kicked him out. So I spared myself that pain by just leaving.”

“If you've been away from home that long your family must be worried.”

“If they knew what became of me they probably could care less.” Bandit replied.

“I know it's difficult, and some people are scared of mutants, but it sounds like you still care about them.” Juniper said.

“I do. But how can I even face them knowing what I've become?”

Juniper laid a hand on his shoulder, as he looked up at her, “It never hurts to just try. And if it doesn't go well. You'll always have the Mutanimals, the turtles, the Rainbooms, and even me.”

Bandit smiled, “Thanks, June. I'll think about seeing my parents.”

“Anytime.” Juniper said, as the two embraced. Suddenly the two were hit by water balloons and got drenched.

“Hey!” they shouted, and saw Mikey holding two more water balloons.

“Ha-ha! You didn't see it coming!” he laughed.

The two stood up, and Bandit shook his fur dry, “If I were you I'd better start running.” he warned the turtle.

“Oh, come on, it was all good fun.” Mikey whined.

“I'm about to have some real fun!” Bandit hissed, as he chased after Mikey who ran away screaming. Juniper just watched and smiled seeing how happy she made Bandit feel.

With Mondo, Lyra, and Bonbon, the mutant gecko was busy doing skateboard stunts on a halfpipe, while several guests watch and applauded for him.

“Cowabunga!” Mondo cheered, as he posed in mid air with his board.

Lyra and Bonbon applauded, as the mutant finished and took a drink, “Mondo, you were amazing.” Bonbon said.

“That's how I do.” Mondo replied.

“With those moves you really could go pro.” Lyra believed.

“Well, thanks, Lyra. Too bad they don't allow mutants to join the pro leagues.” Mondo sighed.

The girls felt bad for Mondo, until Lyra spoke, “Well, you're too good for pro anyway.”

“Huh?” Mondo looked up.

“Yeah, I mean you're a mutant that can do skateboard tricks better than most teenage boys.” Bonbon added.

“True.” the gecko admitted.

“It's a shame you mutants don't have your own kind of sports teams or events,” Lyra said, “But then again given how there are more bad mutants in the city than good it'd be hard to establish anything like that.”

“Yeah,” Mondo agreed, until a thought came to him, “So maybe it should be me to start something like that.”

“Really?” the two asked.

“Yeah. If a skateboarding league should exist for mutants it should be started by someone who loves the sport as much as humans do. And I'm just the gecko to do it.”

“That could take some time and money.” Bonbon noted.

“True. But I got the time to plan it all out.” Mondo said.

“Well, it's good to know you have a plan for the future.” Lyra smiled.

“Yeah, thanks to you girls.” Mondo hugged the two who embraced him back.

Some time later, Bandit, Keno, and Mondo met back up looking happy. Bandit looked to Keno, “You seem awfully happy.”

“Oh, I am. I notice the two of you look it as well.” the vigilante noticed.

“Yeah. When we get back, I'm gonna reconnect with those I left behind after I mutated.” Bandit promised.

“And I got big plans for the future.” Mondo put in.

The boys smiled at each other and high fived, “Cowabunga!”

Ray Fillet

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The ninja group was out on deck looking out into the distance the ship was sailing in admiring the view and everything.

“Now this is relaxing, guys.” Mikey said.

“Blue skies and clear waters.” Fugitoid noted.

“And the water's not choppy.” Applejack put in.

Everyone continued to enjoy themselves, until a splash was heard, “Girl overboard! Girl overboard!” someone shouted.

“Where?” Mikey asked, as he turned and looked only to realize he was on thin air. He screamed and quickly grabbed back onto the ship.

The others arrived to see Trixie, “Trixie, what's wrong?” Sunset asked.

“That girl Megan, who Rainbow was hanging out with?” the girl inquired.

“Yeah what about her?” Rainbow asked in concern.

“I saw her hanging by the railing that broke and she fell into the ocean!” Trixie cried.

“What?!” the Rainbooms gasped.

“Then we better get her back before she drowns!” Leo instructed.

“I'll take a look.” Leatherhead was about to dive, until Raph stopped him.

“Hold on, look there.”

They looked down and saw Megan floating above the water and was ok, “How?” Twilight asked in confusion.

“She's floating?” Shini asked in disbelief.

“That's not possible.” Sugarcoat stated.

Megan looked around, until suddenly emerging from the water was a humanoid stingray about the same size as Leatherhead and was wearing a blue diver suit. Megan was surprised to see what she was on top of.

“Are you alright?” the creature asked.

“I'm fine. Thank you.” she answered.

The others on board were shocked, “Holy!” Donnie gasped.

“Chalupa!” Mikey finished equally shocked.

“Whoa nelly!” Applejack gasped.

The mutant called up, “Hello up there! Is this girl with you?”

“Yes, she is.” Sunset called back.

“Hang on.” Twilight said, as she used her magic to levitate Megan up and back on the ship.

“Well, guess that's it.” the stingray was about to dive, until Karai called out.

“Wait! You're welcomed to come aboard!”

The creature looked back and looked surprised, “Are you sure that's ok?”

“You just saved a girls life. That should show you mean no harm.” April reminded him.

“How about it?” Leo offered.

“Well, it has been a long time since anyone has ever talked to me. Kay I’m coming up.” he swam closer and climbed up the ship. When he got up to the railing, Leatherhead, Bebop, and Rocksteady helped him onto the deck.

“Dang, you're a big fella!” Bebop gasped.

“You are mutant like us, da?” Rocksteady asked.

“Yes. Yes I am,” he confirmed, “My name's Ray.”

“Ray, huh?” Raph asked.

“Well, my full name was Raymond Berimore. I was once a marine biologist.”

Twilight gasped, “A marine biologist? Sounds amazing!”

“You must love aquatic life.” Fluttershy noted.

“I do. All kinds of marine life. In fact my favorite is the stingray.”

“How did you become a mutant if I so may ask?” Rarity inquired.

Ray sighed, “Well, shortly after I graduated college and earned my biology degree, I was walking home. When I discovered a lonely stingray swimming in a barrel of some greenish gunk on the beach. I reached in and pulled it out, unaware that I got infected by the stuff.”

“Definitely mutagen.” Pinkie suspected, as everyone agreed.

“Shortly after I sent the creature back to the ocean, these robots called the Kraang attacked me and my only means of escape was the ocean, so I dove in, unaware that I was mutating into a stingray myself until I escaped. It was then I realized my new mutated form, so I remained in the ocean. It wasn’t too bad. It was like a dream I had about swimming with the marine life. I would save anyone who fell in the ocean from shipwrecks to over boards. Luckily, they were all unconscious when I saved them. You guys are the first to see me like this.”

“Well, you've obviously done a good job in laying low.” Sour Sweet said.

Megan embraced Ray happily, “Thank you for saving my life.”

“Happy to do so.” Ray smiled.

“So do you need to go back anytime soon?” Karai asked.

“I don’t really have much to go back to. Just the ocean.” Ray admitted knowing he could never truly go back home.

“Well, we’re enjoying a cruise. Would you like to join us?” Sunset offered.

“Well, it has been a while since I have been among others and you guys aren’t afraid of me, plus you guys are mutants as well. Okay I’ll stay.” he answered, and everyone cheered.

“Welcome aboard, Ray Fillet!” Mikey greeted him.

“What?” Ray asked.

“Mikey! Don't be rude.” Raph scolded the younger turtle.

“I kinda figured since his name was Ray and he swims with fishes-”

“We get it.” Leo interrupted him.

“You know. I like it,” Ray admitted, “Ray Fillet it is. I was thinking about Man Ray, but that was too cliche.”

“No kidding.” Casey confirmed.

“So then, who're all of you?” Ray asked.

“My name's Leonardo. These are my brothers Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo.”

“I'm April O”Neil.”

“Casey Jones.



“I'm Shinigami.”

“And we're the Rainbooms,” Sunset started, “I'm Sunset Shimmer. This is Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Fluttershy.”

“Don't forget about me,” Spike barked, “My name's Spike.”

“Wow. A talking dog too. Are you a mutant?”

“No. Just a normal dog who happens to speak English,” Spike admitted, “Though I have been taking these online courses for Japanese.”

“I'm Slash, and these are the Mighty Mutanimals,” Slash said, “Dr. Tyler Rockwell, Leatherhead, Pigeon Pete, Mondo Gecko, Bandit Raccoon, and Mona Lisa.”

“We is the Bebop and Rocksteady.” Rocksteady introduced himself and his partner.

“What up, yo?” Bebop greeted.

“We're known as the Shadowbolts,” Sour began, “I'm Sour Sweet. This is Sunny Flare, Sugarcoat, Indigo Zap, and Lemon Zest.”

“I'm Juniper Montage.”

“I'm Wallflower Blush.”

“Adagio Dazzle.”

“Aria Blaze.”

“Sonata Dusk.”

“And I am the Great and Powerful Trixie!”

Ray raised a brow at Trixie, who spoke dryly, “Please hold back your applause.”

“I'm so glad to meet you all. I never would've imagined humans being ok with mutants.” Ray said.

“Well, have we got a story for you, bud.” Mikey said, as they led Ray around.

Later on, everyone was in the yachts lounge telling Ray about their adventures and everything, while Ray was greeting several more guests who weren't terrified of him.

“And here we are now.” Leo finished.

“These stories you've told me are unbelievable,” Ray began, “And yet I can believe them. Imagine mutants trained in ninjitsu. Or humans possessing magical powers.”

“We know it's a lot to package.” Twilight said.

“But it's all true.” Leo added.

“You all really lead exiting lives. I mostly live in the wide ocean keeping to myself and avoiding, jellyfish and sharks.” Ray said.

“Do you ever miss land?” Fluttershy asked.

“All the time, but it doesn't matter. There's no one on land waiting for me.”

“No friend or family?” Juniper asked.


“Sorry to hear that.” Raph said.

“Makes us all lucky to have each other.” Slash said, as his fellow mutants agreed.

“Lucky indeed.” Karai agreed, as Shini and the Dazzlings smiled at her.

Pinkie gasped, “I just remember, we still gotta set up!”

“Set up?” Ray asked.

“That's right.” Leo remembered.

“We're supposed to do a little musical number for our guests as part of the entertainment.” Sunset said.

“Wanna stick around and see it?” Applejack offered.

“Sure thing.” Ray nodded.

“Come on, let's go set up.” Twilight said, as they went to get ready.

ENG's on this Yacht

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Megan showed Ray Fillet around until they saw their ninja friends and the Rainbooms getting ready, “Yes, they're almost ready.” Megan said in excitement.

“Explain to me again what they're doing?” Ray inquired.

“If there's one thing the Rainbooms love it's singing and dancing. And they put together a little number for everyone on board.” the girl explained.

“They must be really good if everyone on board is getting this excited.”

“Well, you're about to find out.”

Soon music began playing as it cut to the front deck where the Rainbooms, Shadowbolts, Dazzlings, Turtles, Mutanimals, and the human allies were ready to break it down.

Group: Hey, hey!

Sunset: Check our new ride

The wind is blowin', and we're feelin' real fly

Me and my friends are pumped up

Group: That's right!

Rarity: Gonna see some dolphins before the end of the night

Rainbow: Hold up, pass the sunscreen

Can't nobody stop us from doin' our thing

Casey: We flossin' on 'em with our bling-bling

Fluttershy: Pinkie Pie and Mikey's on deck, and it's

Group: Fire they'll bring

Pinkie and Mikey took verse popping in and out in several areas on the ship.

Pinkie: We hotties on a yacht-y

It's a special kind of party

Mikey: Setting sail so we can play

Because it's anchors away

Pinkie: We got floaty-woaties

Mikey: Beach toties

Pinkie: Masters of the sea

Mikey: We're fabulous, phenomenal

Group: Don't you agree?

Hey, hey, hey, hands in the air

Oh, oh, oh, wind in our hair

We're hoppin' on, so float along

'Cause ENG's on this yacht

Hey, hey, sippin' on lemonade

Shinin' bright, but we're throwin' no shade

Exclusively, we're V.I.P.

'Cause ENG's on this yacht

Oh, no!

Sunset: The sun's beatin' down

AJ and Mondo fell asleep when no one was around (Shini: What?!)

Now they got a burn and a serious frown

Applejack and Mondo: That won't even stop us from really gettin' down

Group: Hey!

Rainbow: DJ drop that beat

Karai: She knows what we need to make us move our feet

Leo: Divin' in the pool to escape the heat

April: Now we're getting hungry, and it's time to eat

Pinkie: Lobster on a silver platter

'Cause the costs don't even matter

Donnie: All expenses are paid

ENG crew

Group: Got it made

Bandit: Little boats are driftin' by

Pigeon Pete: Seagulls up in the sky

Slash: We're a picture of perfection

As we wave to them

Group: Hi!

Hey, hey, hey, hands in the air

Oh, oh, oh, wind in our hair

We're hoppin' on, so float along

'Cause ENG's on this yacht

Hey, hey, sippin' on lemonade

Shinin' bright, but we're throwin' no shade

Exclusively, we're V.I.P.

'Cause ENG's on this yacht

We're livin' our life like

This moment never ends

Sun shines on us so brightly

When we're chillin' with friends

As the group sang spotlights shined onto Bebop and Spike who was now wearing a dark purple opened vest shirt with a dark maroon hat, which was backwards and dark oval sunglasses over his eyes. He also wore dark blue collar with golden spikes instead of his usual collar, two golden bracelets around his left fore paw and two dark maroon shoes over his two rear paws.

Spike: Worldwide, y'all!

Bebop: Equestria Ninja Girls crew!

Keepin' it hot!

Spike: On a yacht!

Both: And it's aaaaaall good!

The two fist bumped, as the group carried on.

Group: Hey, hey, hey, hands in the air

Oh, oh, oh, wind in our hair

We're hoppin' on, so float along

'Cause EG's on this yacht

Hey, hey, sippin' on lemonade

Shinin' bright, but we're throwin' no shade

Exclusively, we're V.I.P.

'Cause EG's on this yacht

The whole group posed as the cruise guests applauded, Megan and Ray clapped before going over to them.

“You were all amazing there.” Ray commended them.

“Thanks, we try.” Twilight answered.

“Dudes, check it out.” Mikey gasped, as they looked ahead seeing the sun going down.

“What a beautiful sunset.” Mona marveled.

“Sure is.” Raph agreed, as he scooted close to her.

“A perfect end to a perfect day.” Sunny Flare noted.

“You said it.” Aria agreed, as they all went to the front of the deck to marvel at the sunset until nighttime fell.

That night, everyone was indoors to stay warm. With Mikey serving up extra trays of the 99-cheese pizza to everyone.

“Come and get it, yo.” he told everyone.

“Alright.” Raph said, as he took a slice.

“Yum.” Mondo took a slice.

“And here I thought this was an impossibility.” Keno added.

“So I take it you enjoyed the first day of the cruise?” Karai asked everyone.

“We loved it, Karai.” Lemon Zest answered.

“I'm glad, because we got a few more days of this until we have to head back.” Karai noted.

“Plenty of time to do other things on board we haven't gotten to yet.” Leo said.

“I hear ya.” Raph agreed.

“And I haven't had so much fun in a long time.” Ray added.

“It probably can get rather boring staying under water for so long.” Fugitoid guessed.

“You have no idea.”

“Maybe we can help with that.” Slash suggested.

“What do you mean?” the mutant stingray asked.

“Well, we in the Mutanimals are always looking for new recruits. And it's so hard to find honest to good mutants these days.”

“So perhaps you could join our team?” Leatherhead offered.

“Really?” Ray gasped.

“Why not? We're already a merry band of misfits.” Rockwell admitted.

“So what's another one to add to the group?” Mondo asked.

"Yeah, we need fresh faces around." Pete added.

“What do you say?” Bandit inquired.

“Well, I've always wanted to be part of a team.” Ray admitted.

“And you'll find no better team to be on then the Mighty Mutanimals.” Raph put in.

“Unless you count us.” Mikey spoke up, only for Raph to push his face away.

Ray thought about it before answering, “I think I'll take you up on that offer, Slash.”

“Then welcome to the team, brother.” Slash welcomed him.

“Another teammate in the ranks makes us all the more a force to be reckoned with.” Mona said.

“This day really has turned out to be full of surprises.” Sunset told everyone.

“Because days with us are awesome.” Rainbow reminded her.

“Come on, ya'll bring them in.” Applejack said, as they all took their drinks and clinked them together.

“Booyakasha!” they announced. And so they all enjoyed the rest of the night before turning in.

A few days later, the Hamato cruise returned to New York, where Karai turned supervision of the ship over to the captain and crew until she would reserve a spot for her and her friends again. The Mutanimals brought Ray Fillet back to their lair and made him feel welcomed. Bandit taking Juniper's advice went back to his home to see his parents. Upon seeing them, his mother ran towards him and embraced him followed by his dad. Bandit smiled and shed tears of joy knowing they really did miss him and accepted him mutant and all. The Rainbooms and the turtles went their separate ways, but would always know their paths were always destined to cross again.


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One night in Equestria, the scene panned out to some cavernous skull lair located in a swamp.

Inside the lair was three of Equestria's most notorious villains. One was Chrysalis the former Queen of the Changeling's, Lord Tirek the centaur who instead of looking old and pale looking was at medium strength with his black and red colors darker, and his horns sharper, and finally Cozy Glow the twisted little sociopath filly with a friendship complex.

Appearing before them was a big blue ram wearing a red harness with orbs that had runes on them. The ram spoke up, “It's good to see you are all awake for this.”

“How can anyone here sleep with Tirek snoring so much?” Chrysalis asked rhetorically.

“I do not snore!” Tirek argued.

“Ya kinda do.” Cozy replied, only for Tirek to glare at her.

“Silence!” the Ram announced, as the three shut up.

“So, Grogar, what is the big emergency at this hour of the night?” Tirek inquired.

“It had occurred to me that while there's strength in numbers for us, it can also be applied to our enemies.” Grogar began.

“What do you mean?” Cozy asked.

“Twilight Sparkle and her friends may be our main objective, but they have allies outside of this world. Allies that would surely stand in my way!”

“And who are these allies of whom you speak?” Tirek inquired.

Grogar motioned to the eyeball orb on the table that showed them the turtles fighting enemies in Equestria and in their world.

“The turtles!” Chrysalis gasped.

“Oh, the Turtle Ninjas of the other world!” Cozy remembered, before flying over to Grogar, “But you don't need to worry about them, Grogar. They're pretty easy to fool. And I should know. I tricked them along with Twilight and her friends.”

Grogar spoke up, “Really? Would the same go for the turtle, Michelangelo? Who wasn't fooled by your act, one bit!” he showed them scenes of Mikey distrusting Cozy Glow, and arguing with his friends about her, and finally him ranting and gloating right in her face upon her arrest. This of course made Cozy frown at that memory.

“Yes, it's true Cozy Glow's act didn't fool the young turtle,” Tirek confirmed, “But, luckily, no pony believed him. And from what I gathered from Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends temporary stay in Tartarus, his brothers and friends never listen to him or take him seriously. And because of that, they still walked right into Cozy Glow's trap.” he snickered, until Grogar stomped his hoofs.

“And that is why, they might listen to him now!” Grogar paced around, “From what I've observed, those Turtles and their allies also have an annoying habit of showing up in Equestria at the worst possible times! And I have a guaranteed hunch that they'll show up in Equestria again.”

“Just what are you saying?” Chrysalis inquired.

Grogar squinted, “I'm going to bring in four more villains to strengthen our forces. Four villains you and Cozy Glow know too well.”

Chrysalis realized what he was talking about and spoke nervously, “Oh, no! Not them!”

“Yes... them!” Grogar drew a symbol on the ground and lit it up with his magic. Then a column of magic erupted from it, until it suddenly died down. When it did the group saw four anthro figures, “Welcome back, Dark Turtles!” he smirked.

The evil clones emerged onto the scene, but this time they looked different. Their color scheme was switched with their bodies all black with their manes and masks darker shades of their counterparts' colors, and they each had a dark purple gem shard embedded into their chests.

The four groaned, and stretched, before looking around, “What the? Where the heck are we?!” Dark Raph demanded.

“Well, don't look me! I don't know where we are!” Dark Leo growled, as he pushed Dark Raph away.

“Last thing I remember was being destroyed by the Tree of Harmony,” Dark Donnie admitted, while trying to think, “But I feel like we were brought back before in some other world in a different form.”

Dark Mikey spoke up, while looking himself over, “But now we're back. And we look cooler!” he laughed crazily.

“But who brought us back?” Dark Donnie wondered.

“I did!” Grogar stepped forward, “I am Grogar! I was the one who revived you.”

“Ha! Grofar!” Dark Raph laughed, “You supposed to be some kind of super powerful big bad or something?” He was suddenly surrounded by a yellow and black magical aura and lifted off the ground before being pulled right up to Grogar's face.

“It's Grogar! And I am!” he blasted Dark Raph into a wall, “I'm not some creature to be taken lightly. Understood?!”

“Loud and clear.” Dark Raph groaned, as he peeled off the wall.

Dark Leo spoke up, “So why did you bring us back?”

“For the same reason I brought all of them together...” he stepped aside to reveal Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow.

Cozy flew over to the four and spoke joyfully, “Dark Turtles! Remember us!”

“Yes.” Dark Leo answered bitterly, while glaring at both Cozy and Chrysalis.

“Yep. Chrysalis created you from hairs and photos of the Turtles and you became her loyal servants, up until she abandoned you when her ex-partners, Shredder and Krang, were defeated by Twilight's students. Do you remember that?” the filly asked.

“Yessss!” Dark Donnie hissed, “And we also remember that you took us in only to frame us for your plan and let us get defeated by the turtles and destroyed by the Tree of Harmony!”

“In my defense, if you four had just stayed and watched Neighsay like I asked, you wouldn't have. So that one's on you.” Cozy stated only to get flicked away by Dark Donnie.

Grogar spoke to them, “But you needn't worry about that. Thanks to a former member, the Tree is no more! So there is nothing that can destroy you now.”

“Well, that's good to know.” Dark Mikey laughed.

“So why is it you got us all together?” Dark Leo asked, while crossing his arms.

“To answer you're question, I must first start at the beginning...” Magic seeped out of the runes on Grogar's harness, as he began telling the tale while his magic provided visuals.

“Thousands of moons ago, the land that would become Equestria was nothing more than fields and farmlands, until I declared myself Emperor of Equestria! My magical power was unmatched and unrivaled by any. And I gave life to the foulest of creatures, letting them run wild, taking what they wanted and destroying any who stood in their way. My reign was a glorious, fear-soaked epoch of darkness over Equestria. Until one day, a unicorn called Gusty the Great rose up and defeated me!”

“Um, if you're all powerful and whatnot, then how did this Gusty the Great defeat you?” Dark Raph inquired.

“By taking the item that contains most of my power: my Bewitching Bell! Gusty stole my bell and hid it somewhere, where no creature can get it. And without it, I was defeated and banished. And since then, I've spent a millennia gathering power and waiting for the perfect opportunity to seize control of Equestria. And watching all your humiliating defeats by Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends! And do any of you four know why they've always bested you?”

“Because they cheat!” Dark Raph answered.

“They're annoyingly lucky!” Dark Donnie said.

“They play dirty!” Dark Mikey spat.

Dark Leo shouted at the three, “Because they work together, you morons!”

Grogar nodded and spoke to the gathered villains, “Well, at least one of you knows the true reason to your defeats. And that is precisely why I have gathered you all here. So that we can band together and use their own strategy to defeat them. And I have returned you four to life because the Ninja Turtles and their allies will undoubtedly return to Equestria. And we will need allies who know how they think.”

“So basically you brought us back so we can join you in defeating our enemies?” Dark Donnie guessed.

“Exactly,” Grogar answered, “Where one is weak, another is strong! And together, they're unstoppable.”

“And what if we don't want to join your little bad guy club?” Dark Raph asked defiantly.

“Then I shall return you four back to the darkness from which you came!” the villain threatened him, “But if that's not enough to convince you, then let me show you what happened to King Sombra, who also refused to join me!” he showed the Dark Turtles how the ponies defeated King Sombra in his orb.

After watching it, the four clones were shocked, as Dark Donnie spoke to Grogar, “ That's a... pretty solid argument.”

“But, if joining you means we get to have revenge on the Turtles and their allies for our defeat, then all I can say is, count us in!” Dark Leo answered, as the other three stood ready and willing.

Grogar smirked, “I'm glad you see it my way,” he walked around the four clones, and three villains, “With our combined forces, we shall inevitably defeat Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends and Equestria will be ours!” he laughed maniacally as the scene fades to black, with only his glowing eyes showing.

That very night down in the turtles lair In New York, the four brothers were in their respective rooms sleeping peacefully, until their medallions glowed, and in their minds saw the Tree of Harmony projecting its astral form of Twilight Sparkle who spoke.

“Ninja Turtles!”

Suddenly the four turtles woke up gasping, before rushing out of their rooms and saw each other, “Did you guys see it too?” Leo asked.

“Depends on what you saw.” Mikey answered still in shock.

“I think it's safe to say we all had the same dream.” Donnie stated.

“That was freaky.” Raph said.

“What do you think this means, Leo?” Donnie asked.

“I'm not sure, Donnie,” Leo began before looking determined, “But one thing is perfectly clear. We need to go back to Equestria!”

“Alright, dimension road trip!” Mikey cheered, only to get slapped by Raph.

“Can we do this in the morning when we're actually awake?” Raph asked Leo.

“Plus we should inform the others about this.” Donnie added.

“Alright, first thing in the morning. Get some sleep.” Leo instructed, as they returned to their rooms.

As Leo laid on his bed and gazed up at the ceiling while thinking of Princess Twilight, “Twilight, please be ok.” and with that he eventually fell asleep.