• Published 17th Oct 2012
  • 9,055 Views, 259 Comments

Equestrylvania - Brony_Fife

A Castlevania/MLP crossover. But enough talk! Have at you!

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Prologue ~ Message of Darkness

Prologue ~ Message of Darkness

The train lumbers along, never slowing in its steady path. The night outside is cold and wet and lonely, the clouds clinging to each other only to break away mournfully. From the inside of her warm, dry passenger car, Twilight Sparkle assumes Luna is in ill humor tonight.

Twilight Sparkle fidgets in her seat. There are only two other ponies in the car besides her, and neither feel like beginning a conversation. Just as well, since there's no time for leisure either way. She pulls out the letter again, as if afraid the directions on it have changed, and reads it over one more time.

It's from her brother, Shining Armor. Its ink is smudged, likely from his hasty writing. Some words were difficult for Twilight to make out at first blush, and Shining Armor was not shy about scribbling over several spelling mistakes. It asks for Twilight's assistance at her earliest convenience (which was right away), but not for what. The haste and fright put into this message caused Twilight to nearly panic upon reading it the first time, and now that the initial shock is gone, her fears turn to curiosity.

Why had her brother sent this message? What had he seen that had made him so afraid?

She puts the letter away, and fidgets in her seat again. Twilight had resolved to get to the bottom of this mystery the moment she finished reading her brother's letter the first time; leaving her assistant Spike behind to manage her library and to tell her friends back home where she'll be, she feels she has all her bases covered. She relaxes a little, having nothing else to do while on her trip.

Somewhere outside in the waning hour of the night, in that impalpable hour before the sun breaks the silence and begins its symphony, a hideously beautiful ring shines against the starlit sky. A bone breathes beneath rich earth. A Timberwolf perks her ears at the sound of a heartbeat deep in a mysterious forest. An empty gaze stares out from the inside of a tree surviving in a desert. A single fang is added to a necklace and placed around a neck it would have bitten into, had it still been apart of a mouth.

Somewhere outside in the waning hour of the night, all this happens without anypony noticing. All that matters to Twilight Sparkle right now is to go to Canterlot and visit her brother...