• Published 20th Aug 2012
  • 4,342 Views, 179 Comments

Don't Stop Believing - R_O_Y_G_B_I_V

Lazy, carefree and lucrative meets spunky, sporty and rash. But the latter depends on the first.

  • ...

Chapter 4:

Twilight, with the invaluable assistance of the goddess sisters of Equestria, was able to reach the rip in the sky. It appeared whiter than blank paper, yet it held a silvery hue to it. It was almost a beautiful and majestic work of art, had it not been one of the most powerful magical anomalies in existence...

Upon further inspection, Twilight noted that the rip seemed to be two dimensional, yet when speculated on any angle, it would look the same. She also took note that the white wall of the barrier was almost like an impenetrable jelly. It would circle like water at the touch, but no matter how hard you pressed, it would not break. Also, the actual rift itself looked more like a sonic-rainboom frozen in time with the colours drained. If it was in-fact a paralyzed sonic-rainboom, then they knew who they knew who they would have to consult. And so a unanimous decision was made to contact Rainbow Dash and have her explain her thoughts on the matter...


"Huh? Wait Jesse where are you going?" Flo asked abruptly as she saw Rainbow Dash run off.

"I'm sorry!" Was all she got in return. She noticed the tears coming from Rainbow's eyes and knew what she must be feeling. So in a panic, she pulled out her phone to call Ray...

"Jesse!" Florence called out, but it was too late. Rainbow Dash had been swallowed up by the crowd. So she did the next best thing she could do, she immediately flipped open her phone and speed dialed Ray.

She put the receiver to her ear and listened to the ringer buzz a few times before she heard the lazy "hello?" that meant Ray was on the other line now.

"Ray, Jesse ran off in some kind of panic. She apologized for whatever reason and ran off into the crowd!" She spoke into the phone with a obvious hint of worry in her voice.

Ray was silent on the other end of the line for a moment, "fine, if she wants to run off and get lost, than that's her choice".

There was a coldness in the way Ray had said it that peeved Florence. She was taken aback by the heartless response for a few moments, but the reality of what Ray was saying unnerved her.

"Ray, what are you saying? She's an amnesiac girl with no sense of where she is, where she's going and what to do. You're just going to let her run loose in Toronto? The largest city in Canada? The girl has rainbow hair for god's sake, she sticks out like a sore thumb! Who knows who she might run into" Florence berated her older brother. She knew he was stoic, but she never would've thought he'd just abandon someone in Jesse's situation. Especially with what he's seen in his days.

"..." More silence came from the other end.

"Ray! This is serious! Que feriez Rose dire?"

There was even more silence, and Florence was starting to give up on trying to convince him, but then Ray spoke up, saying "she couldn't have gone too far, maybe if we start now we can find her..."

Florence felt a wave of relief flow over her, but this didn't last long as she quickly remembered the reason she had even needed to call Ray in the first place. They had a rainbow-haired misfit to catch. Should be that hard right? I mean, the girl was as vibrant as well... a rainbow.

"All right good. Where are you right now?" Florence quickly changed the subject to the more pressing matter. She got her answer when she felt a tapping on her shoulder. She eeped and jumped a little, then turned around to see the blank expression of Ray standing behind her.

"Don't do that" she scolded him, lightly punching his arm while blushing slightly. Ray smirked halfheartedly, than said "don't we have on Rainbow haired kook to catch" raising an eyebrow slightly.

Florence's expression hardened at that, and she said "yeah, that's priority number one. Where do you think we should look?"

Ray shrugged and simply said "we could ask around I guess"

"It's better than nothing" Florence said, holding her head hand. "Well we might as well get started".

Ray had suggested that they split up and call if either of them found anything. Flo agreed and they both went their separate ways, both asking around randomly in a seemingly hopeless effort to find the rainbow haired amnesiac girl that had caused so much trouble.

"Are you sure? I mean, she has rainbow hair! Rainbow dude! How could you miss her?" Ray asked exasperatedly.

"Then how did you lose her? If she's so hard to miss, then by that logic you should be able to see her too..." a random man in a dark jacket replied to Ray's sarcastic question.

"I- um, y'know... f#ck..." Ray darted his eyes to the ground, avoiding the strangers scrutinizing gaze.

"That's what I thought" he chuckled out and went on his marry way.

'That girl... I swear when I find her...' Ray thought to himself begrudgingly.

Another hour an a half had gone by and still no trace of the elusive Rainbow Dash. Twice had Florence called Ray to see if he had found any leads only to be answered with silence or a sarcastic remark. The two of them were starting to give up hope on this plan. Well, that would imply that Ray had any faith in the plan to begin with... So I guess Florence was the one giving up hope.

"Look, let's meet up near the fountain. This isn't getting us anywhere" Ray said through his phone.

Flo sighed and said "yeah okay, I'll be there in ten." They both hung up and made their way to the big green fountain in the center of the mall.

A few minutes later, Florence spotted Ray and waved him over. He made his way to where she was and took a seat, reaching into his pocket and tossing a penny into the flowing water.

"What are you doing?" Florence asked.

"Making a wish. What's it look like?"

"What did you wish for?"

Ray smirked a little and answered "Hn. Silly, you know that if I tell you it won't come true." Something about the way Ray had said it sounded a little melancholic to Florence, but she had a more pressing matter at hand.

"Right, well what were you thinking we do now?" She asked.

"Right now? We go home. It's getting late and Dante has been by himself for a while now" Ray said.
Florence's eyes widened in shock a little and she was about to protest, when Ray held his finger to her lips, stopping her from speaking.

"No Florence. We'll search again first thing in the morning. I'll let Cedric know too, he should be of use." The tone in which he was speaking wasn't his regular sarcastic or stoic manner. He stated this is a soft monotone that he only ever used when he was letting Florence or Dante know that there was to be no argument.

Florence cast her eyes down to the ground and huffed. "Fine, have it your way. But why are you being like this? This isn't like you..."

"It was her choice to leave. I offered a hand and she smacked it away. If she wants to go and get lost, then that's her choice, and I have no business stopping her-"

"Dammit Ray, this is real! What the hell is wrong with you? Would you let me run away like that if I was confused and lost?" Florence exclaimed.

"... That's different. You're family" Ray explained.

"And what about Dante?" Florence pressed on further. "You share no blood with him, yet I know you'd throw away your own life for his!"

"He's just a child! Rainbow Da-, I mean Jesse isn't... She's old enough to take care of herself" Ray countered, clearly starting to get annoyed.

"Clearly not, else you wouldn't have had to carry her on your back to our place and feed her, water her and clothe her! That hardly seems Independent to me!" Florence continued.

"And what am I supposed to do; take a total stranger under my roof? She could be insane for all we know, hell the shit she was spewing when I first met her was enough to convince me of that!"

"If she truly was insane, I know you wouldn't have even bothered to bring her home. Don't think you can fool me that easily Ray. You may not want to admit it, but you're a good person and you'd never let an innocent person perish if you can do anything about it. You've helped others before..." Florence added softly.

"That was a while ago. Now I have you and Dante to worry about. I can't keep walking around picking up any poor old bum and helping them find their wings again... Those were different times. I not a super-hero, I can only handle so much-"

"It's because of Rose isn't it..." Florence interrupted quietly.

"...She looks just like her Florence... Without that wacky hair of hers, she's even got those ruby eyes that Rose was named after..." Ray said in a melancholic tone.

"Ray, I know how you feel. Rose was very dear to me as well but she's gone now. I know that it seems so much darker when the light is turned off than if it hadn't been on at all, but you've got to find a new source of light. Not to replace the old one, but to fill the void it left behind."

"Yeah, you may be right. But I digress, we still need to get you home. Like I said it's getting late, I don't want you out at this time of night, especially with the walk home you'll have to take. And Dante has been home alone for hours, I wouldn't be surprised if there was no home to go back to" Ray joked, smiling gently at his sister.

"Wait, what?" Florence asked, blinking in confusion.

"You go home, make sure there is a home, and make some dinner for Dan. You know how he can get when his stomach is rumbling" Ray answered, half-jokingly half-serious.

"But, but what'll you do?" Florence asked, still confused.

Ray sighed a bit and said "I'll stay out here and give one last look around for Rainbo- Jesse. If I find anything I'll call you immediately. And if you get in any trouble at home, you call me, you got it?"

Florence's expression brightened up instantly and she nodded her head vigorously, smiling brightly at her older brother.

"I knew you'd come around. Alright, let's not waste any time. Dante is probably tearing a hold through the apartment as we speak" Florence joked.

"Yeah, he's a little tornado that one." They both laughed lightly at the thought of a rampaging Dante. He may be testy at times, but he was still a good kid.


Ray and Florence made it back to their apartment in about thirty minutes, and were greeted by a tackle provided by Dante as he shouted "Remerciez un dieu tu es rentrée! Je suis affamée!"

A laugh was shared between Ray and Florence, and then Ray told Dante -who was less than pleased about it- that he would be going out again for a bit. When asked why he simply told the twelve-year-old that he had to go get some things and that he wouldn't be long. And so reluctantly, Dante released his death-grip on Ray to go sit at the kitchen counter where Florence was making some kind of stew for him.

"You remember to call me if anything happens okay?" Ray reiterated.

"Yeah, I know. And you too! Keep me posted on what's going on" Florence replied. They spoke in English so that Dante wouldn't pry. "Oh, and will you be taking the car?" Flo added.

"No, ironically, it'll be harder to see with the headlights. And if she's anywhere, i doubt it'd be on the main roads"

"Yeah I guess. Okay well, good luck! there'll be stew when you get back, if you're not home by twelve I'll put it in a microwave dish".

"Yeah okay, merci beaucoup. Voit plus tard" Ray called over his shoulder as he left the apartment building to go continue his search for the route of all his stress as of right now. He left his bag at the apartment this time though. Better not to risk these things in the busy streets and shady alleys of Toronto at night.


Ray though that he'd try his previous tactic, and asked a few people if they had seen a Rainbow haired girl walking around, probably causing a ruckus. As he had expected, no one had seen her. No one, except one scuzzy looking bloke with long hair and a patchy beard. The man smelled of liquor and bile. He had claimed to know someone that had seen a girl that matched the description to a tee. It wasn't much of a lead, and it was probably a load of horseshit, but it was the first lead Ray had gotten all night; and so even if it came from a bumbling drunken bum, it was still better than nothing.

And so Ray followed the man to a shady looking alleyway in between a couple of old convenience stores. The place seemed to look like the mans makeshift home. It was composed of old milk boxes and some box-board he had managed to snag. Talk about a humble abode...

Ray thought for sure that the man was bullshitting him and that this person who "had seen the Rainbow freak" wasn't here or didn't exist. But right when Ray was starting to turn on his heel, he saw the pile of trash move. It moved and shifted some more until a man about one-hundred-ninety centimeters tall emerged from the pile.

He was a burly man with dusty skin and one hell of beard. When he spoke, his voice was deep and rumbled when he used it. "Are you the one looking for the girl who calls herself Rainbow Dash?"

Rays eyes widened for a moment, but he quickly regained his composure. He knew that working with people like this required a certain... finesse.

"I might be. Why, you got any information on her whereabouts?" Ray said nonchalantly.

"Of course he does, I already told you tha-"

"Quiet!" The tall man interrupted the smaller drunk with a thunderous voice. It was clear who the dog on top of these guys was. The smaller man cringed and went to go sit in the trash that his superior had previously been enveloped in.

"I might know where your friend is, I might not" the giant of a dude continued in a calmer tone.

Ray subtly danced a coin across his fingers, knowing now that he was dealing with a thug instead of just a bum. "Could you be persuaded to remember?"

The thug put his chin in his hand in mock consideration, obviously over-dramatizing this as thugs often do.

"Depends on the one joggin' my memory..."

"How about the queen and her sister?" Ray said slyly, scrutinizing every move the man before him made. Ray had dealt with his kind before, and know that things could get ugly at the blink of an eye. You can't offer too little, or they'll think you're playing with them. But you can't offer up too much or they'll know you're loaded and just mug you anyway.

The look in the thug's eyes said it all though. He was a desperate amateur. He practically drooled at the very thought of forty bucks to spend on whatever he was addicted to. Ray could play this off without burning a hole in his pocket if he played the game right.

"Hmmm, homie knows I love twins. But triplets is better..." he said rubbing at his beard.

"Triplets are better. But her majesties aren't going anywhere until I see those gears in your head start turnig..."

The man nodded his head slightly and slowly started to recount a bit of information. "Hmm, yeah it's coming back to me now. Yeah, there was a girl with rainbow hair, average high, real cute... oh, and she had beautiful ruby eyes".

Ray nodded his head and slipped the man a twenty dollar bill, then made a gesture for him to continue.

"She ran by here all teary eyed and stuff. I don't know what you did, but it really messed her up..." the man continued.

Ray glared at him, and started to put away the money.

The man narrowed his eyes, but decided to continue his explanation.

"While she was cryin', a bunch of hoodies just so happened to be in her way, and she accidentally stumbled into one of 'em".

Ray was all ears now, but he didn't show his worry, that'd be showing weakness. Not something to be done around guys like these.

"them boys weren't too happy 'bout her bumpin' into e'em like that. Said it was mighty rude of 'er".

Ray didn't like where this was going. Not one bit.

The man stopped talking and made an obvious fake cough while holding out his hand. Ray reluctantly gave him the next twenty dollar bill and the man continued again.

"Them boys said they was gunna teach her a lesson. Teach her 'bout manners 'n such. I'd wager they hauled 'er off kickin' and screamin' to their alley-"

That was all Ray needed to know. He knew exactly where the thugs had taken Rainbow Dash, and it was not a good place to be taken. Especially for a confused, lost and worst of all good-looking girl with rainbow hair and no way to defend herself.

"How long ago did this happen?" Ray asked, dropping his stoic exterior and submitting to the overwhelming panic that took over him.

The man coughed again, hold out his hand. Ray just grunted angrily and slammed the money down on the man's hand.

"Hey now boy, don't make me teach you a lesson 'bout manners" the man said while glaring at Ray.

But Ray readily out glared him with the most malicious, violent and threatening glare man had even seen. He say the thug infront of him visibly shrink.

The man surrendered to Ray's stare and said "a-about twenty minutes ago".

Ray's eyes widened. He immediately turned on his heel and ran down the street to where he knew Rainbow was. He knew who he was dealing with, and he knew that it was going to ruin his night. He was about to tango with the legendary "Red Jacket" gang. A notorious gang of thugs and lowlifes that ran the Greater Toronto Area's underground world.

But Ray had no time to think about things like that. He had a rainbow haired Rose to save. And so he dashed down the street, turning right into a shady one-way street that was known to be run by the Red Jackets.

Ray had continued to run down the street, hastily searching for some sign of where Rainbow Dash might be. but he didn't have to look any longer, for his adrenal trance was broken by a single scream. a scream that belonged to none other than Rainbow Dash...


A/N: What the hell Avery, it has nearly a month since you last updated ಠ_ಠ. I don't even have an excuse like writers block or family commitments (゜_゜). I was lazy, plain and simple. But I will try my absolute hardest to never make you guys wait that long for my pieces of shit ever again! I don't deserve to be saying this, but please like and favorite this story if you haven't already. Feel free to leave a comment scolding my unforgivable tardiness, and I will see you all on Saturday with a new chapter. (Seriously, I've already started on it, it should be cool-beans to get it up on Saturday).

As an apology, I give you a retardedly sexy anime picture (Credit to whoever the fuck drew it)
