• Published 16th Dec 2019
  • 2,001 Views, 57 Comments

My Little Pony: The Fox of Everfree - Valtyrian

A young unicorn filly stumbles acrossed a treasured secret of the everfree forest., a young pre teen fox.

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Chapter 8 - Sweetie Belle's Diary/Kohaku's Journal

Sweetie Belle lay on a park bench. The wind blew through her mane as the sun filtered down through the cherry blossom trees, covering her diary with a pinkish shadow. A diary that she had been writing ever since she was trapped in Kohaku’s bed, still bound by her injuries. Her right hoof slowly rolled her silver quill back and forth along the wooden plank of the bench. Leaning in, she took a sip from the straw in her soft drink and sighed a little. She turned the pages back and read what she wrote several days ago.

Hey, Diary, I hope you're doing well. Hehe.

As for me, I have no idea what happened to me last night, but I woke up, and there was no pain or discomfort. Something that I had been so accustomed to this last month. It seems like my legs are perfectly healthy again. I was even able to buck them against a heavy beam without wincing. Silky said it was a night miracle, but I think it must have had something to do with that dream I had last night. I only wish I could remember it. Did that dream have something to do with my sister? I’ve been thinking a lot about her now. I’m starting to think I want to go home. But does she want me back? Something inside me is telling me she does, but I wonder…

Turning the page, Sweetie Belle continued to read quietly to herself. A warm smile crossed her muzzle as she got to the part when Kohaku had returned home. She couldn’t help but giggle at that particular encounter.

Kohaku finally came home today. It was early afternoon, not morning like I hoped. I questioned him as to why he was so late. He told me he had been in the village. But he almost never goes there, so why now? He said that he had something for me. He looked quite nervous about it, like he was fearing rejection. I have often seen that look from the boys at school who wanted to take me out. I asked him what was up, and he surprised me with a bouquet of candied flowers. He looked so cute shifting back and forth, those paws practically fumbling over each other as he handed me the bouquet. I was so swept up in the moment I actually kissed his cheek.

I never thought that he could ever blush so red. It was so adorable when all three of his tails puffed and stuck straight up in the air. I know pegasus ponies do something similar with their wings, I’ve seen it happen to Scootaloo a few times. But this is the first time I’ve seen it from another creature, and a boy no less. I did get something of a satisfactory thrill out of it.

His surprises didn’t end there though. Still shifting back and forth, he asked me if I wanted to go to a Full Moon Festival. Looking at him, I was almost in shock: a date! He was asking me out on a date. This was a change I never thought about. I know he always seemed rather gruff with me. Granted, I deserved some of it. I almost burned down his home by boiling a pot of water for tea. I mean, how was I to know you shouldn’t coat the inside of the kettle with oil and heat it on high before adding the water?

As for the date, I told him the only thing I could think of. Yes.

Turning the page, she let out a contented sigh. A soft meep crossed her lips as the wind blew up the tail of her kimono.

Kohaku just filled me in about our date. It’s a three day festival commemorating the first to last phase of the full moon. The village near here celebrates it all the time. He also told me something rather interesting. Apparently it’s the same type of festival his clan had so long ago. Same everything. I kinda wonder how that could be. Oh well, I’ll find out in time, I guess. It was rather depressing when he said that it’s tradition that we can’t see each other until the sun sets on the day of the festival. Which of course is a week away. I asked him if he was leaving, but he just looked sad and shook his head. Since the village is hosting it, I have to go there.

Kohaku said that Silky was going to be housing me, not to mention teaching me about everything I need to know. There’s apparently a whole slew of traditions I have to follow. I asked if he could teach me, but he didn’t know all of the female ones. But I’ll fill you in on that later. I have to finish packing as Silky’s going to be here any minute to get me.

She lifted a nearby daffodil sandwich and took a quick bite while reading over her past few entries.

I simply can’t believe my eyes, Diary!

This is just like Kohaku’s village, every detail is identical! Well, save for the massive oak tree and temple. And in the center, where the big tree should be, is a beautiful pond.

I never knew so many different mares existed before. I’m used to seeing various creatures, Ponyville has their fair share with all the kirins, hippogriffs, gryphons, and even dragons that have made their home there. However, the ponies here take first prize when it comes to variety. Just in this last hour alone I’ve lost count of how many different types of mares there are. I’ve seen more arachnoponies like Silky, then some that look like snakes, trees, and even sharks. I could be mistaken, but I’m sure I also spotted a few that resemble octopuses. I know you’d think me crazy, but I could even see through a few mares. One of them just floated about while the other bounced and jiggled. That one really made my head spin, because she looked to be made of gelatin. I’m just not sure what flavor, she looked blue, so maybe blueberry?

Silky told me that this village was founded over thirty thousand years ago by a great sky lord. Apparently the ancestors of everypony here came from over the sea from the same place the foxes did. She said that the creatures they were descended from were all known as yokai. A kind of demon. They wanted a peaceful life, and the golden sky lord made this village and apparently a few others across the forest just for them. Only females are allowed in this village, and everypony here is born female. It was something this lord decreed and arranged. Some kind of spell, I have to admit by then I kinda zoned out, so I missed the rest. Way too much information.

Silky even showed me a statue that was made in the sky lord’s honor. I couldn’t believe it. It was Kohaku, or some fox who looked just like him. I can’t shake the feeling I've seen that image before. Only a lot bigger and way sexier.

Silky mentioned that that statue was of Kohaku’s father. Until she learned who he really was from Kohaku, he was merely known as the Golden Lord. I also learned why Kohaku doesn’t come around here. Apparently all the fillies and even a few of the older mares in this village think that he’s the second coming of the ‘Golden Lord’ and want to hook their various limbs on him. So every time he gets near the village, they all swarm him and chase him around. You’d think that any little boy would be thrilled to have so many good-looking fillies and mares after him. I’ll have to ask him why he never took one as his special somepony.

I also learned that coming here reminds him of how much he misses his father, his idol and best friend. That’s something I can relate to… Rarity.

“Hey, Belle, you doing okay over there?” a slick voice asked as Sweetie Belle nearly jumped up in shock.

Looking up, Sweetie Belle watched a group of four fillies walking closer. The leader was a red and purple bat pony. That’s not too unusual, but also she had two tiny wings growing out of her head. Following her was a snake filly, a filly that looked to be part shark, and one who resembled a tree. Each girl was dressed in a short black dress, each accented with a different color sash.

“Hey, Batty, I’m doing well. Just reading through my diary.” Sweetie Belle smiled sweetly at her new friends.

“The girls and I are planning on rehearsing our number for the festival. You feeling up to joining us? I’m sure Kohaku would love seeing you up on stage.” Batty leaned up against the bench’s back. “And you will most certainly need to learn the routine.”

“Yeah, I’ll be there, I just want to get today’s entry in before I forget. You girls go on ahead, I’ll meet you there.”

“Hex Dolls forever?” Batty gave a large grin as she reached her hoof out towards Sweetie Belle.

“Hex Dolls forever!” Sweetie returned with a grin as she bumped hoof up against her friend’s.

“Great, see you there!” Bat turned around and walked toward her friends.

“Later, Belle!” the other Dolls said in unison as they waved to Sweetie Belle.

Waving in return, Sweetie Belle went back to her diary. Taking the silver quill in her magic aura and flipping to a blank page, she started writing.

Hey, Diary,

I just saw my new friends, the Hex Dolls. The very same group who always chase Kohaku around, and apparently the ones who convinced him to invite me. I was rather scared when they cornered me on my first day here. Their leader is a mare named Midnight Bat, who also goes by the name Hex Bat or Batty. She wanted to know what kind of girl could steal away the heart of the boy they’ve all desired and that only a Hex Doll was good enough for him.

I don’t think I've ever been so worried or upset at the same time. They all reminded me of Diamond Tiara and her little clique. I can’t stand other ponies telling me that I’m not good enough. I won’t take it from Diamond Tiara, and I won’t take it from these girls either. I was about to open my mouth to tell them off when Batty stepped up and offered to make me a Hex Doll. I was so shocked I couldn’t speak. I had to ask her why.

Batty told me that they all wanted to make him happy and declared only a Hex Doll was good enough to do so. So rather than make my life miserable, they chose to make me one of them. I just had to go through an initiation that night. Well, who was I to decline? I certainly didn’t want trouble, and it would give me new friends around my age. Something I miss as I don’t have Apple Bloom or Scootaloo here with me.

Last night at midnight was when it happened. How was I to know it involved a magical ritual binding me for life? Thankfully Leaf, Wave, and Scales told me all it will do is let everypony know I'm one of them. I’ll even get to join their band. Which I think is amazing.

The ritual was a little spooky. Here I am at midnight, dressed in a black silk gown, standing in the center of a pentagram drawn with what looked like salt. Dark-colored candles were set up in a large circle around us, making all of our shadows dance around. Looking around, I saw that each one of my new friends stood at one of the four cardinal directions just outside the pentagram. Attached to each of their tails was a censer, a type of incense burner on a chain, and they swung it back and forth while chanting in a slow, monotone voice. I couldn’t help but notice it was the same language Kohaku spoke. Batty took a small knife and pressed it on my cutie mark, drawing a little blood. It did hurt a little, but it passed. After the chanting had stopped, all of the candles flared up as Batty let that drop of blood drop onto the salt. I held my breath as the pentagram glowed with this bright crimson light before exploding in a flash. When the spots in front of my eyes finally cleared up, I saw a beautiful pendant floating in the air in front of me. It was a white lace choker with a blood red pentagram dangling from it on a thin silver chain. It was identical to the ones each of them had around their necks. It even had the same gemstones; red, blue, green, brown, and now all of them had a white one on the fifth point of the pentagram.

After I calmed down a bit from the excitement, they told me that they all went through this ritual. And the pendant I just got was special, linking all five of us together, marking us as sisters. They even gave me a name to use in the band, Hex Belle. A little odd, but I like it.

It’s only been a few hours now, but I feel like I've been one of them for years. I even told them if they ever come to Ponyville, my friends and I would make them Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Well, I have to get going, Diary. I want to make sure I get my part in the show just right for Kohaku. I hope he likes it.

Closing her journal, she put it and her silver quill into her new silk saddlebag. Pushing herself up, she galloped down the path toward the park to meet her friends.


Kohaku stretched out on the warm moss blanket he grew on the cliff overlooking his lake. A smile crossed his lips as he remembered the day that his marshmallow plummeted down into it and his life. His amber eyes watched one of the schools of fish circle around just below the surface. It wasn’t long before one or two small carp leaped out to catch a bug that got too close to the surface.

Chuckling, he turned back to his journal, reading over a few of his past entries. The letters on the pages were as sharp and crisp as the claw he used to write them.

I can see now why Sweetie-chan thinks of Rarity as a pain in the flank. Who would have guessed that with one phrase she could put me completely out of commission. That was the worst night of my life. What should have been a lovely time of moon gazing turned into a nightmare. One that I just can’t seem to forget no matter how hard I try. All I saw were dark shadows surrounding me, yelling and screaming as they ran back and forth in a panic amidst what looked like burning buildings. Then there was that crying voice in the back of my head again, I would have sworn it had disappeared. No matter how hard I try, I can’t recall what it was screaming, but I think it had something to do with my niisan Starry.

Thinking about him now, I just can’t help but feel… angry. Why. why would I feel that way? I’m always so excited and happy when I think of him. Maybe it will pass.

Taking a quick sip of his tea from a bamboo shoot cup, a loud rustling coming from the thicket on the other side of the lake caught his attention. He looked at the trees across the lake for a moment or two before shrugging and turning his attention back to his journal.

That night would have been a rather frustrating experience, but I did meet a very interesting pony. Her name is Fluttershy. She reminds me so much of my Kazumi Neesan. How tenderly she took care of me that night. And the look she gave me as I was leaving. It was almost as if she knew my deepest secrets. Only Kazumi could give me such a look. I found it quite heartwarming. The only thing I didn’t like was that foul-mouthed bunny of hers.

I still wish I had eaten him, I haven't had rabbit in years. But I guess Marigold’s idea was a lot better. Those hare friends of hers, I shudder to think what they are going to do to him in their bedroom. Marigold told me that they were rather heavy into whips and chains. I know Kade always liked the rough stuff in the bedroom as well. I long lost count of the number of times when I walked in on her when she was ‘punishing’ her lover. And I always thought she looked rather fetching in that black leather outfit. I wonder if Sweetie-chan will wear something like that for me? Or would she look better in white lace? Either way, I'd be the luckiest fox in the world.

Well, enough about kinky pleasures, back to Miss Fluttershy. I just can’t get over her ability to talk to animals. It was nothing short of amazing, who knew ponies had that kind of skill? I always believed it was exclusive to my kind. I kinda hope I see her again, I really enjoy how she took care of me. She had such a gentle touch, especially when she tucked me in after my nightmare. I felt like I was back home with my sisters. For the first time in so long, I didn’t miss them so much.

Wiping a tear from his eye, Kohaku sighed longingly. The rustling sound from the bush became louder, making his ears perk up. Lifting his head, he looked at the thicket again before tilting his head and watched the sky. After a moment or two pasted, he spotted what seemed to be a large yellow bird with a long pink tail circling high overhead before disappearing past the canopy. Letting out a sigh, he watched as the bird flew around again. As it drew a little closer to the top of the trees on that second pass, he saw it wasn’t a bird, but a pegasus.

What is a pegasus doing here, I thought they stopped coming this way months ago? And it’s too early for the usual muffin-craving mail mare to show up at the village, he thought. Taking a few long breaths and shrugging his shoulders, he wasn’t worried about being discovered as his fur pattern matched the moss he was lying on, making him virtually invisible from above. Shaking his head, Kohaku pulled his ink tray closer.

Dipping his tail tip into a small bowl of water he kept with his ink kit, he swung it around and let several large drops fill the slanted ink tray. Picking up a solid black tablet, he rubbed it repeatedly against the textured base of the tray till it turned into thick ink. Placing the small ink block at the top of the slanted tray, Kohaku turned to a new blank page in his journal. Dipping his claw into the black liquid, he started to write, his strokes quick and sharp.

It’s been three days since Sweetie-chan went to the village. I can’t believe how quiet things are. Who could have guessed what an impact she has made on my life. But the Dolls were right, it was wrong of me to keep her sequestered in my home for so long.

I never thought my trip into the village would open up my eyes so much. I went there just to get Sweetie-chan something, a present, you could say. I didn’t think anything was different, but I’d be fooling myself. My first clue was when the Dolls came at me, and I just said hi and walked past them. Barely even noticed them until Midnight stopped me directly.

Come to think of it, this was the first time I’ve looked at her without turning to run away at full speed. I’m not sure why I wasn’t running away. Then again, I have had a lot on my mind lately. They were just as confused as I was that we weren't playing our game of chase. Midnight even asked if the ‘harlot’ in my home was to blame.

A harlot! How dare she call my Sweetie-chan that. I even yelled that at her. I was halfway through my little rant that I noticed all of their faces changed. I’m not sure how to describe it. It was something between shock and graceful defeat. It was after I went silent that they asked to meet her. And that I should invite her to the Full Moon Festival.

I was a little taken aback, but I do think it was a good idea, but why leave my home to watch the full moon? They were all shocked. I barely had time to speak again before they asked if I had taken her anywhere outside of the house. Well, of course not. I’m glad they taught me that girls like to be out in the open, not kept away like a porcelain doll. Who knew females were so complicated.

I wonder what it’s going to be like, seeing her at that gate at sundown. What is she going to be wearing? Will she be in a festival dress, or a decorative short kimono? Hmm, should I dress to match? I’ll have to see if my old festival kimono still fits. Perhaps I’ll…

His claw made a slight drag on the last word as the rustling sound he heard earlier returned. Looking up, he watched a large brown bear crash through the thicket and come skidding to a stop at the edge of the lake.

As the bear looked up and saw Kohaku, he widened his eyes, a nervous smile crossing his large muzzle. He was not expecting this as his fox friend was usually not around this time of day. Offering a wave of his paw, the bear then sat down by the trees

“Hey, H,” Kohaku said as he closed his book and swished his claw in a small bowl of water set on a lower rock shelf. “I don’t usually see you till the weekend, what brings you around?”

Kohaku folded his forelegs as H groaned and growled several times. While the bear gestured behind him, Kohaku kept his eyes focused on his friend, taking note of how his gaze nervously turned to the sky.

“You don’t say. Bird watching, huh?” Turning his eyes to the sky, he blinked twice as he saw the large yellow pegasus from earlier coming closer and closer to the other side of the lake, only now did he notice that it was the one he had wished to see again.

“Harry!” Fluttershy shouted as she swooped down and landed in front of the large bear. “Oh, thank goodness, I thought I lost you in the thicket.”

Harry eeped as he gave a low nervous growl.

“I see, well, I’m glad I caught up, are we any closer to Kohaku’s place?” Fluttershy smiled, sitting down as her wings flexed up and down. She slowly tilted her head as Harry’s eyes widened and a look of terror crossed them. “Are you okay, is something wrong? Please tell me you're not going back on your promise to bring me there.”

Harry whimpered and shook his head while he pointed behind her with his claw.

Fluttershy slowly turned around and looked toward the other side of the lake. I wonder what’s got him so nervous, I’ve seen Harry take down manticores. What could possibly make him so unhinged? There, lying on a small cliff, was Kohaku with a sly grin on his face.

He chuckled a little to himself as he closed his journal and waved his paw. “Yo.”