• Published 16th Dec 2019
  • 2,001 Views, 57 Comments

My Little Pony: The Fox of Everfree - Valtyrian

A young unicorn filly stumbles acrossed a treasured secret of the everfree forest., a young pre teen fox.

  • ...

Chapter 6 - A Mother's Vision

Sweetie Belle lay there with a small cup of tea between her hooves. She just watched as the liquid swirled around and around. The soft feel of the mother's paw lightly brushing back her mane sent a warm shiver down her small body. With a deep breath she lifted the cup and sipped the strong-flavored liquid.

“Are you feeling better now, little one?” Kiyoko warmly asked while lovingly caressing the filly’s mane, fussing over it the way any mother could.

“Yes... “ Sweetie Belle sighed, setting down the cup, and bowed her head. Taking a long deep breath, she looked up into Kiyoko’s eyes. “How… how long was I out?”

“No more than a few minutes, dear,” the vixen said while putting aside a tea set after finishing her own drink. “I would have let you sleep, but your time here is limited. And no doubt you have countless questions you wish to ask me. Of course, I’ll do my best to answer them. It is after all why you came here. So just ask me the one question that’s first and foremost in your mind.”

“Um… am I really twenty thousand years in the past?” A few tears formed on the side of her eyes, her heartbeat increasing slowly as she felt her throat go dry.

A harmonious chuckle escaped Kiyoko’s lips. “Well, that has a very complex answer. I’ll try to simplify it for you. I wouldn’t want to overwhelm your mind with the complexities of temporal mechanics of spirit walking. Yes, you are in the past, but only your spirit is here. Your body is not. At the moment I’ve made a temporary astral body for you while you are here. Identical to your real one in every way.”

“I see. So where’s my real body?” Sweetie Belle trembled a little as she looked into those moonlight eyes.

“You are exactly where you were. But asleep,” Kiyoko said, gently taking Sweetie Belle’s half-finished drink and placing it on a platform along with her own finished cup.

“I’m asleep? I’m dreaming? And I’m twenty thousand years in the past?” The filly groaned as she rubbed her temples with both hooves. “Ughh, my head hurts now.”

“Oh, little one. I’ll try and explain this better for you.” Kiyoko wrapped both of her forelegs around the small girl and pulled her in close, crading the filly as if she were her own. “You see, time travel has always been possible in dreams. Any good dreamwalker could tell you that. In fact, I believe your Princess Luna is somewhat a novice when it comes to this.”

Putting her hooves on the vixen’s floof, Sweetie Belle wiped her tears with her foreleg, half shrinking into that warm, motherly embrace. “So I never walked out of Kohaku’s little house? I’m still snug in bed?”

A soft, somber look crossed Kiyoko’s face as she shook her head slowly. “No, my dear. You didn’t fall asleep until you crossed those double doors. Well, your mind fell asleep, that is. Your body is still wide awake. But there’s no need to worry, I’m taking very good care of it, my dear little pony.” With a warm nuzzle she draped her nine tails over the filly’s lower half like a blanket.

“Well, why couldn’t you just bring me here from there? Why did I have to strain myself to walk all that way?” Sweetie Belle sniffled and shut her eyes tightly. “My legs still feel like they’re on fire.”

“The distance between us was far too great. Both physical and temporal, it would have placed too heavy of a strain on my mind.” Kiyoko let out a painful groan, a tail rubbing against her right temple. “It was all I could do to open your mind to my power from that distance. That’s why you could only hear a whisper of my voice. I had to bring you physically closer to a place where my power is concentrated and the crossing would be easier.”

Sweetie Belle watched as a look of pain crossed Kiyoko’s face. Biting down on her lip, she was about to open her mouth when the vixen continued, “I’m sorry you had to travel so far on such weakened legs, the last thing I wanted was to cause you discomfort.” Kiyoko smiled down at Sweetie Belle. Her paw still tenderly caressed the girl’s back. “Thankfully that is one thing I can fix easily enough.”

Sweetie Belle trembled a little as the paw stopped at the center of her back. A warm tingle ever so lightly waved over her coat as that paw was ignited in a brilliant, moonlight silver flame. Gasping loudly, she slumped into the vixen’s body as the flame spread over her whole body. She moaned lightly as the heat intensified around her legs.

This is just like when Kohaku uses his flames on me… but so much stronger. I… I can’t feel my legs, she thought as she tried to lift a foreleg when the fire died out, but it failed to answer to her desires. “Wha… what did you just do?”

“Call it a mother’s gift, you’ll understand it better in the morning. I promise.” Kiyoko smiled and placed her leg back around Sweetie Belle’s body. “Now, let’s get onto the main reason you are here. Your… Come in, darling!” Kiyoko grinned as she turned her face to the double doors, which promptly opened.

“Even after all these centuries, it still surprises me that you can do that,” a deep, harmonious voice said with a chuckle

That’s Kohaku’s voice! Sweetie Belle yelled out in her mind as she turned her head to the entrance, half expecting Kohaku to come strolling in, but what she saw forever earned a place in her wildest fantasies.

Entering the room was a massive nine-foot-tall golden kitsune, his nine tails fanned out behind him. Sweetie Belle’s mouth dropped open as she looked at him. It was as if some immortal hand had taken Kohaku and aged him to full adulthood, accentuated every muscle and feature of his body before chiseling it out of living solid gold.

Even dressed up in a short, but highly decorated kimono, Sweetie Belle could see his body was rippling with lean, powerful muscles under that short fur. She watched as each one flexed with his movements. His large paws barely made any sound on the tatami mats. The only thing she actually found off-putting was the green furry cap between his ears.

Looking up into his face, she wasn’t too surprised to find it was definitely Kohaku’s, but older, yet still just as playful. His solid golden eyes radiated both wisdom and a child's mischievousness. A smirk was affixed on his muzzle as those eyes stared deeply into Kiyoko’s moonlight eyes.

He. Is. Gorgeous! Groaning a little, she felt her breath get heavier as she watched him move. A soft paw finger lightly pushed Sweetie Belle’s mouth closed. Being shaken from her viewing of this male, the filly looked up and saw that sideways glance with a wink from Kiyoko.

“He most certainly is,” Kiyoko whispered to Sweetie Belle. “Five thousand years of marriage and he still gets my blood boiling and my hind legs quivering every time I look at him.” A low playful and slightly lustful growl emanated from the vixen’s throat.

Gasping, the filly just continued to stare at this large male. Oh my, this is Kohaku’s father! Now I see where he got those good looks.

Sweetie Belle just lay there and watched the interaction between Kohaku’s parents, certain this was not something she should interrupt. Looking at the large male, she blinked when taking a second look at the small, green-puffed hat situated atop his head. Tilting her head a little, she saw that the hat was actually an even younger Kohaku lying sideways across his father's head, the small fox’s hind leg draped and swinging loose between his father’s eyes. She fought hard to keep from bursting out in laughter as Kohaku wrapped his front legs around his father’s large ear and was nibbling on the tip with both eyes closed.

“Good evening, my love,” Kiyoko said and leaned up, kissing her mate tenderly on the lips as he moved onto the bed. “When did he fall asleep this time?”

“Oh, the same place as usual. Just as we left the pegasus domain.” Kohaku’s father chuckled as his eyes lifted up to the top of his head. “A few of the colts there kinda wore him out in a game of tag.”

“And how are things in the pegasus domain?” Kiyoko asked as she continued to tenderly caress Sweetie Belle’s mane and giggle at her son’s attempt to eat his father’s ear.

“Oh, not too bad. There seems to be a bit of trouble with their leader.”

“The High General, the one with the rainbow mane? What was his name again? What kind of trouble is he causing this time?”

“Yup, Rainbow Star.” Kohaku’s father chuckled. “He’s the youngest ever to have been appointed High General. He’s an exceptional flyer, but a fair to middling administrator. He has this odd idea of forming a group of the best flyers around. Called the Wonder Jolts or something along those lines. I have to admit, I wasn’t paying too much attention by that time. I had something heavier on my mind.”


“Yeah, there’s been a shake-up on the Alicorn Isles. They have a new leader, King Solarus. They say he has the power to control the sun. And he’s been using it to extend the daytime around the isles,” Kohaku’s father started, his voice lowering into an audible mumble.


“I mean, it’s not like I have a problem with them controlling the sun. Them having some extra daytime might be beneficial. But then again, it’s going against the laws of nature, I mean why mess with something that already works, just because a few ponies want a few more hours of daylight? The night has its benefits too, after all. Right?”


“And then there’s the earth ponies. What will happen with them if their planting timetables get out of sync? How will they cope, will it be a problem I have to fix myself? Remember the last time I got involved with fixing a farming problem. I turned a perfectly good, open farm into a canyon they now call Ghastly Gorge.”


The sharp voice shot through the room like a clash of thunder, which caused the male to sit up straight and stare directly into her eyes without blinking. Leaning back a bit, he gulped loudly and gave a nervous chuckle.

Kohaku’s ear twitched before he lifted his head up, having heard his mother's voice. The young fox yawned and went back to munching on his father’s ear.

“I was doing it again, wasn’t I?” Akihiko asked as his mate’s paw caressed his cheek tenderly.

“That’s what happens when you have too much work and not enough play.”

“I know, and as much as I would love to play, I just don’t have a lot of time right now. The clan meeting is in half an hour,” Kohaku’s father said as he placed a paw on the side of his wife’s face, soothing out that desire he saw in those liquid eyes. “I just need a couple of things right now. I know you're tired and busy tonight, but could you watch Kohaku?”

“Why can’t you take him to the meeting?”

“Well, the elders kinda... banned him.”

“What!” Kiyoko sat back as her eyes widened. “Don’t they know how much he enjoys being with his daddy? What could possibly make them ban our baby boy from spending time with you?”

“Well,” Akihiko blushed, “I think it had something to do with him turning their cushions into ice cream. Then made it rain hot fudge for about twenty minutes.”

“He didn’t?” Kiyoko snorted as a grin crossed her lips.

“He did.” Akihiko chuckled to himself. “I do wonder where he could have learned such a trick.” A soft smirk crossed his face

The large vixen leaned forward and giggled gleefully.

“Well, our son and Discord have been spending a lot of time together while his mother Catastrophe and I enjoy our weekly tea ceremony and book club.”

“I see, I should have guessed it was that teenage punk who taught our son that hot fudge spell.”

After collecting herself, Kohaku’s mother sat up again. “Speaking of which, why is it you didn’t come home covered in hot fudge? I would have enjoyed cleaning you up,” she said with a lick of her lips.

“Well, I saw the twitch of his magic and blocked it.” Akihiko chuckled, wincing a bit as his son’s fangs bit harder into his ear.

“And being the oh so noble soul you are, you just happened to forget saving them?” Kiyoko purred as she nuzzled his neck.

“Well, I do need to get some entertainment out of those meetings.” Blinking for a moment, he got up. “Oh, speaking of which, I’m going to be late. I better be going.”

“Darling, the second favor you needed?”

“Oh yeah. My mask. I can’t find it. He hid it rather well this week.”

“Left side of his bedroom, middle dresser, bottom drawer.”

“I checked there.”

“Under the false bottom?”

“That little imp. Thanks, my love. I’ll see you when I get back.” Akihiko smiled and ran out the double doors, closing them with his tails.

Sweetie Belle blinked and looked up at Kiyoko, then turned back to the door. “Wasn’t he supposed to leave…” A paw lightly placed on her mouth silenced her.

“Three… Two… One,” Kiyoko said with a smile and pointed to the door which promptly opened with Akihiko walking back into the room, shaking his head. Kohaku was now resting square on his father’s muzzle, as his three tails swished back and forth along the large kitsune’s nose.

“Good one, my love. You were going to let me walk into that meeting with him like this.” He chuckled as his wife only smirked and shrugged, trying to look innocent. Leaning down, he flipped his muzzle up a bit, causing Kohaku to roll backwards off of his face and land upside down against his mother’s floof, never once waking up or stirring uncomfortably. Turning around, Akihiko stopped and sniffed. Moving back to the bed, he looked down and waved his paw which glowed with a golden flame.

Sweetie Belle blinked as the world seemed to shimmer around her for a brief moment. Feeling exposed, she pushed herself up against Kiyoko’s side a little. She trembled as those large golden eyes bore straight into hers.

Looking to Kiyoko, he smiled. “Past or future?”



“Of course.”

Examining the young filly, Akihiko grinned wide. “She’s definitely a beautiful little filly. A little pudgy around the midsection, not all skin and bone like some girls desire to be like. Nice ample floof. He’s got great taste.”

“Just like his old man.” Kiyoko smiled before wincing and groaning in pain. A paw shot up to her temple.

“It's the headaches again, isn’t it? They aren't getting better.” Akihiko’s face went from joyful to concerned so quickly it made Sweetie Belle’s head spin. The young girl looked up at the vixen and bit down on her lip as the two adults continued.

“You shouldn’t be working tonight. You know each time you use this power, you just get worse. I’m worried that I’ll come home, and you’ll be…” Whatever else he had to say was silenced by a tender paw finger on his lips.

“You worry too much, I will be just fine. I have only two seeings tonight. The first with Sweetie Belle here and the second immediately after, which won’t take that long.”

“Just promise me you’ll get some rest.” Akihiko kissed his wife as she nodded quickly. He then dashed out of the room.

“Twelve thousand years of experience as the head of this clan. Five thousand years of marriage to me. The sum of the universe’s knowledge pouring into him. And he can still forget that our son is on his head chewing on his ear.” Kiyoko looked down at Sweetie Belle. “Learn how to deal with boys your age now, because they will never get any more mature.”

“Is everything okay, ma’am? He seemed really concerned,” Sweetie Belle asked as she looked up with worry. “And so am I.”

“Well, I won’t sugarcoat it, I’m dying, little one. I have only a few short weeks left,” Kiyoko sighed out.

“Then should I really be here? You are going through so much.”

“I appreciate the concern, but I’ll be just fine tonight. And would you really want to deny a mother the chance to meet her son’s first love?”

Blushing a bit, Sweetie Belle gave a weak giggle. “Well, no. But how can you be so sure you’ll be fine tonight? What if you...”

Hushing the young filly with a finger, Kiyoko smiled and just shook her head. “Because I am. You see, I am an oracle, my dear. I constantly see the past, present, and just about every possible future there is. I see it all fanning out in front of me like a vast ocean.”

“That sounds like…”

“A gigantic pain in the ass,” Kiyoko said with a tender smile. “The blessing of it is I can see and talk to creatures I might not otherwise get to. The curse, is I know the precise moment and circumstance of my own death. You don’t have to feel sorry for me, little one. I’ve lived a very full life. I have four amazing daughters who all take after their father. And most of all a son, well, I don’t need to tell you what he’s like. He is his mother's child.”

Sweetie Belle could only nod as she felt Kiyoko’s paw resume its tender caress down her back.

“But, we aren't here to discuss me, we’re here to discuss your problems.” Kiyoko purred ever so tenderly as she looked down at Sweetie Belle. Kohaku groaned a little and crawled over, curling up between Sweetie Belle’s forelegs. “He likes you.”

Sweetie Belle watched as Kohaku nuzzled in close to her, his head pushing up against her floof. “He’s so tiny. Just how old is he right now?” Raising her hoof, she lightly started to pet along his back, which was rewarded with an all too familiar purring. With the image of Akihiko still fresh in her mind, she couldn’t help but picture Kohaku like that.

“He’s four. And yes, he will look that way,” the vixen said with a proud smile as she answered the filly’s thoughts, making her blush.

Sweetie Belle continued to caress along Kohaku’s small form. A light giggle escaped her lips as she felt the trio of tails wrap around her hoof. “Can you explain something for me?”

“If I can, I shall, Sweetie Belle.”

“Coming here, I saw various young foxes. All of them had just one tail.”

“And you are curious as to why my son has three tails. Is that right?”

“Well, yeah.”

“Well, being born with more then one tail is very rare,” Kiyoko purred. “But it does happen. My own mate was born with two tails. It’s usually a sign that the child has great potential.”

Smiling, Sweetie Belle looked up at Kiyoko as she hugged Kohaku close.

“When our son was born, my mate took one look at him and said, ‘Oh lovely, thanks for the sparkly little girl.’” Kiyoko reached down and put a finger on Sweetie Belle’s mouth. “You see, Kohaku has my fur pattern as you well know. This pattern is sort of a signature of the vixens of my clan. Even my own mother thought he was a girl. It wasn’t until I told them otherwise that they laughed at themselves.”

“So Kohaku is a sort of rare all around.”

“That he is. When Akihiko saw those three tails, he strutted around the heavens like he owned them for a week. I know he likes to cloudwalk, but even I thought that was too much.”

Nodding softly, the filly lightly twirled her hoof about Kohaku’s tails. Which wrapped around her hoof and leg affectionately. “It’s kinda nice, learning about him. His family. I’ve learned more in the last few hours than I had in the last month.”

“I bet,” Kiyoko purred out. “Speaking of family, did you truly mean it?”

Blinking for a moment, Sweetie Belle tore her eyes from Kohaku and looked back up at Kiyoko. “What?”

“What you said in Kohaku’s room. About your sister, Rarity. Did you truly mean it?”

“I…” Sweetie Belle’s voice died in her throat. Sighing deeply, she lowered her head and closed her eyes tight. She could feel her heart pounding harder as her stomach ached. It was only the soft touch of the vixen’s large paw along her back and the baby Kohaku’s body up against her that kept the filly from bursting into tears. Hugging Kohaku hard, she nodded.

“Yes,” she answered in her weakest voice.

“What do you want?”

“I... I want to go home.” Tears started to drip from Sweetie Belle’s eyes as she held onto Kohaku, who just slept on, nuzzling closer. “But she said I could never come back. She hates me.”

“Look up, little one.”

“Sweetie Belle!” a familiar voice called out.

Sweetie Belle’s head shot up, as her eyes went wide. “Tha... that’s my sister’s voice!”


Looking forward, everything from the bed to the main double doors was replaced with a vision from the Everfree Forest.

“Sweetie Belle!” Rarity called out as she walked through a heavily shaded section of the Everfree Forest. Stopping only for a moment to brush off her well-tailored vest, shorts, and an explorer’s hat, which were now covered with leaves and bits of wood. “Sweetie Belle, where are you!”

Her eyes went as wide as dinner plates as she watched her sister continue to move through the forest. She had to admit that her sister was a mess, something Rarity never allowed herself to be.

“There’s more,” Kiyoko said and waved her paw. The vision shimmered and changed.

Rarity trembled, her breathing increasing rapidly. As the wolf growled even louder, the mare let out a shriek that echoed in the trees. As quickly as she could, Rarity leaped off the leg of the timberwolf. Landing on all fours, Rarity bucked a few nearby rocks toward the massive wolf’s face before dashing into the trees. Looking over her shoulder, Rarity smirked as the wolf stumbled backwards for a moment.

Running along between the trees, Rarity heard the heavy thump of her pursuer’s paws behind her. Her breathing grew heavier and more labored. As she entered a small glade, she tripped over a large root and rolled on the ground. Her vest tore as she slid in the dirt. Sitting up with a hoof to her forehead, she heard the timberwolf getting closer. Crawling backwards, she gasped as her back pushed up against a fallen tree. The timberwolf who was chasing her soon came into view, with two more emerging from the shadows.

Her breathing hard and ragged, she watched as the trio of wolves came closer, snarling louder as the lead wolf let out a howl that pierced her ears.

Just as the lead timberwolf lunged for Rarity’s throat, a pillar of emerald flame erupted between the wolf and its prey, to the surprise of both the mare and her attackers. The flame was then followed by a three-tailed canine that leaped out from behind a set of nearby bushes and landed in front of all three timberwolves.

Rarity watched as this small creature faced off against the trio, each one easily four times larger than him.

“Back off!” Kohaku barked as loudly as he could.

It was there that the vision ended. The room quickly returned to normal as Sweetie Belle just lay there dumbfounded. “I don’t believe it,” the filly whispered unconvincingly.

Kiyoko purred softly, holding both her son and the young girl close. “What you just saw happened today.”

“That was today?” Sweetie Belle gasped as she just held onto Kohaku.

“It was. Now, do you still believe that your sister hates you?”

All Sweetie Belle could do was shake her head slowly.

“She loves you so much that she put her own life on the line looking for you.” Shifting herself, Kiyoko got Sweetie Belle’s cup of tea. Taking a small ceramic jar from a bottom shelf, she dipped a claw into a blue powder inside it. Once it was coated, she swirled her claw into the cup. “Here, drink this, Sweetie Belle. It’ll help you sleep easier in a little bit.” She handed it back to her, smiling as the filly nodded.

“Siblings often fight amongst themselves. My daughters normally have fights that go on for years on end, one almost lasted a hundred years. And it was another two hundred years before they spoke to each other again.”

Sweetie Belle listened as she just finished the cup of tea. “But what she said to me…”

“Were words said in anger, she didn’t mean them.”

“So I can go home?”

“Of course.”

Sweetie Belle felt as light as a feather. Taking in a deep breath, she slowly let it out as a sigh of relief. To go back home to a sister who loved her, whom she loved just as much. Just as she was about to speak out about how nice it would all be, a sharp stinging sensation came from her chest, causing her to cry out in alarm. “Ow!” Looking down, she saw the four year old Kohaku nibbling on her tiny floof, his sharp fangs accidentally scraping along her chest.

Ya little imp, watch those fangs, she thought with a chuckle and shook her head, only to stop abruptly. “If I go home… what’s going to happen to Kohaku?” she asked, looking up at Kiyoko, who closed her eyes and looked away from the filly, slowly shaking her head side to side.

“It isn’t for you to worry about, Sweetie Belle. My son’s fate is his own right now.” Kiyoko’s voice suddenly became very tired and heavy. “As a mother, I’ve done my best to help you with your problems. Helped you find your way home.”

“Please, I want to know what’s going to happen to him,” Sweetie Belle asked again. Biting her lower lip, she looked at the young boy in her limbs. “You saw something, didn’t you? Something… bad,” Sweetie Belle’s voice quivered.

“Why do you want to know so badly?”

“I care about him. I lov…” The filly’s voice died in her throat. Her whole body trembled.

Kiyoko smiled as she heard those words. Leaning in, she looked deep into the young girl’s eyes. “Be careful, little one, daring to know another’s fate has grave consequences. And is not a responsibility to be taken lightly. Now, do you still wish to know? Answer carefully, because once told, it can never be taken back.”

Sweetie Belle felt a cold sweat drip down her spine. Looking into those deep liquid pools of moonlight, she swallowed hard. Sitting up with her back straight, she felt her chest was slightly heavier. Looking down, she saw that Kohaku had a very tight grip on her floof. The young fox’s head was pressed up against her while his lower half swung back and forth. His hind paws barely touched the bedding as they kicked, as if trying to catch a footing on which to climb. With a sweet chuckle at Kohaku’s antics, Sweetie Belle looked back up and nodded slowly.

“Very well. I’ll tell you.” Kiyoko’s tender voice broke a little as she continued, “As you know, Kohaku is a very caring soul. Like many of our kind, he wears his heart out on his sleeve. I’m sure you’ve experienced it in certain ways. Gifts, little words, warm cuddles in the middle of the night.” Kiyoko giggled as Sweetie Belle blushed. “And you will continue to experience this for a while longer. You’ll come to understand just how much he truly cares about you. Probably just as much as you do for him.”

Listening carefully, Sweetie Belle saw a tear streak down Kiyoko’s cheek

“But, as much as my son’s heart will be filled with all the love he deserves, he’s going to shatter his heart just to make your sister’s heart whole again. And it’s going to destroy him down to the core.”

“No… no why... Why would he do that?”

“Because he understands how she feels. What she’s lost and the pain that she lives with every day right now. It’s the same pain he’s felt for the last two years of his life. To him, his sisters were everything. Parent, playmate, targets for his pranks. So you see, nobody can give him his sisters back, but he can give her you.”

Looking down at the young Kohaku, Sweetie Belle clutched him, holding him close to her body as he fell back asleep. “Then how do I help him?”

“You can’t. It’s beyond your power to do so.” Kiyoko blanketed Sweetie Belle’s body with all nine of her warm tails. “But there is a mare in Ponyville who can. One who understands his pain, what he’s lost. One who can put his heart back together again by giving him what he needs the most.”

“I see,” Sweetie Belle whimpered as she nuzzled Kohaku’s head tenderly.

“Oh, don’t worry too much about it, my dear. You are not going to remember most of this. I’ll be surprised if you remember any of it.”

“Huh?” was all that Sweetie Belle could muster as her eyes started getting heavy.

“That’s how it works in a dream. You never remember the details, only the feelings. And I told you all of this, to make it easier to accept it when it happens.”

Yawning wide, Sweetie Belle rested her head down on a nearby pillow. “This mare... do I know her?”

“You do. But don’t worry about her or who she might be. You just get some sleep, and when you wake, everything will be just as it should be.” Kiyoko smiled as the filly’s eyes closed. As the girl fell asleep, Kiyoko held both Sweetie Belle and her son close before looking up at the double door, watching with anticipation as her next appointment walked into the room.


The morning sunlight weakly streamed through the open window of Kohaku’s room in Zecora’s tree home. The young fox groaned as he rolled onto his side, kicking his blankets off his body to dissipate the gathered heat. He was completely unaware of a small white bunny who hopped through the partially open door.

Angel moved up toward the sleeping fox, stopping only when he reached the spot on the mats his mother had slept on, signified by a few yellow feathers. Standing there on his hind legs, he crossed his arms and tapped his foot.

“What’s so damn special about you? Making my mommy sleep up here all night. She should have been at home, cuddling with me,” Angel said to himself as he kicked Kohaku in the front leg.

“I wouldn’t go doing that, little bunny,” a harsh female voice advised from the corner of the room.

Angel turned his head and watched as the marten lifted herself up off of her cushion and sat up, lightly brushing her fur with a paw.

“Oh, buck off, you ol’ hag, I’ll do what I want,” Angel grumbled as he kicked Kohaku in the leg again.

“You should really watch your language, it could get you in trouble.” Marigold smiled, coming in closer.

“I said buck off, you old bitch…” Angel started, but was swiftly silenced by a heavy swing of Marigold’s paw across his face. A strike that sent him tumbling down to the floor.

“I told you, watch your language.” Marigold shook her paw a little.

“Oh, now you’ve done it,” Angel grumbled as he leaped from the floor onto Kohaku’s chest, his foot thumping wildly as he ranted. “I’m going to go get my mommy. Tell her what you just did. Then you’ll be sorry.”

“Oh, I wouldn't be doing that if I were you, it’ll end very badly.” Marigold grinned as she crossed her legs across her chest.

“Oh yeah? And who’s going to stop me. You!” Angel laughed as he continued to thump his foot harder.

“Him,” was all Marigold said as she pointed up with her tail.

“Huh?” Angel blinked as he turned around. A low deep growl finally caught his attention. His eyes widened as he looked up, his reflection staring back at him from a pair of narrowed amber eyes. “Oh, bunny beans.” Just before the darkness took him, his eyes fixated on a set of razor sharp fangs dripping with saliva. Coming closer and closer before finally closing with a bone-shattering snap.