• Published 28th Jul 2019
  • 743 Views, 53 Comments

Post-Processing - Bookish Delight

After the Equestria Land parade fiasco damages her perfect social media image, Vignette Valencia is reminded that sometimes, you need to find your family.

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Scene 7: Vignette Valencia: The First Gofer (Pt. 2)

After nearly a full minute of thought, Canter perked up, and ran to his chair, picking up a large stack of stapled papers by its side.

"This is the script," he said, handing it to his niece. "I had some creative control over this one, as I always do, and I know we took great pains to avoid just retreading old ground while not alienating people from what they loved about the first Trucks. There's more emphasis on character this time around. A male and female lead, both with fantastic chemistry and great dialogue." He sounded more and more excited as he talked. "But, we still melded all of this with action and high-speed truck chases. We wanted people to really care about these sentient trucks who talk a bunch, not to mention their human friends. Really show the bonds." He chuckled. "We axed the military invasion subplot to fit all that other stuff in. That'll probably lose us some viewers, but our studio literally has an army movie being made across the lot to grab their money."

Vignette gasped as she flipped through the script's pages. Now she was getting just as excited. "You're making me want to watch this! Have we done any advertising for everything you just said, yet? Because I promise you, the people don't know this."

"Well, no," Canter said, with a sheepish hand behind his head. "We were actually wondering if we shouldn't hedge our bets on that. Go the safe advertising route. We've got our social media people making sure folks know that the movie's coming, but it really is just 'hey, it's the sequel to that thing you liked'."

"Yah, about that. It's been a week since that trailer's dropped, and coverage is, like, almost zero. We need to get people interested again," Vignette said. "I know I'm not part of the promos committee, but my thoughts are that we struck with this knowledge now, we could cut a trailer that shows that Trucks II is deeper than being 'just the sequel', and willing to swing for the fences! Even if it's bad, people would be interested in seeing just where it goes!" She grinned wide. "But my uncle doesn't make bad movies."

Canter thought some more, before smiling from the corner of his mouth. "Damn straight, I don't. At least, not anymore. Tell you what. Finish your research, get a pitch for your strategy together. I'll set up a meeting with marketing."

Vignette's eyebrows shot up. Did she hear that right? "Seriously, Uncle C? You capital-M Mean It?"

"Capital-R Really," Canter said. "I always have my hands full just making sure these movies are good as they are. I don't usually get to worry about the public reception until way later in the process, which is why we trust our promo departments." He rolled his eyes. "But I just keep hearing from them that everything's just hunky dory and right on schedule. Which baffles and slightly angers me, the more I think about it. What's the point of staying 'on brand' if we don't know what our brand is, or could be?"

Vignette nodded energetically. "I totally agree! I'll get right on it!" She threw her arms around her uncle, kissing him on the cheek again. "Thank you so much!"

"Of course," he said, just as he and Vignette watched a shorter, green-haired girl run up to them, practically slamming herself into Canter's body with a side-embrace. The girl smiled up at both of them, braces glinting in the artificial light.

"And who have we here?" Canter said, tousling the girl's hair. "Hey there, Junie. Enjoying your stay?"