• Published 13th Jul 2019
  • 7,057 Views, 243 Comments

Son of a Dragon - The Bricklayer

Adopted by a dragon couple instead of by the Sparkle family, Spike's life was set to take a very different course indeed...

  • ...

7: Atlantis of the Sands

Outside of the dragon realms, there were other kingdoms. One such world was a place in between Saddle Arabia and Peace Keepers, a mix of scorching sands and deep jungles. Great palaces peeked out from the sands and the towering dunes, built by dynasties that had been around since possibly time immemorial. Great treasures, diamonds in the rough if you will as Elora had once described them. Paradises built for sultans and sorcerers as their own personal playgrounds.

Of course, these places were rarely accessible if you were not a friend of the family. The area designated as ‘Shady Oasis’, hidden deep in the scorching dunes and behind howling winds was an exception. It had always been open to visitors from far off lands, trading being its central way of making itself a wealthy kingdom. However, reaching there didn’t come without some difficulty. Flying there was usually folly, given the long distances you had to traverse to even find the locale. And braving the deserts was next to insanity. Meaning the best way to travel to these locations was via a portal, the most commonly used inside a castle at Autumn Plains.

Spike found himself inside one such palace, alongside Ember and Elora. Ember, for her part, had arrived at the palace for her own personal reasons figuring she could trade some gems for some very exclusive fabric. She’d opted to take Spike along as a little field trip, let him experience some culture. Cynder had agreed to this, under one proviso. You see, after Spike’s little misadventure with a few Scale Hunters a week or so back, Cynder being who she was decided he needed a chaperone. So, this was why Elora had opted to go having been meaning to pay the hippos of Shady Oasis a visit anyways. Plus, it gave her a chance to actually spend time with Spyro’s adoptive son which was an additional bonus.

“...Ugh,” Spike grumbled having to hold back his lunch from earlier that day, which threatened to make a return visit. “...Did I forget to mention how I hated portal travel? Like seriously, every damn time…”

“Eh, you get used to it,” Ember shrugged, the pink dragoness giving him a soft reassuring smile. She fiddled with her necklace, a heart-shaped ruby lined with gold. “...Hey, you think it’s about time I change this thing out? It’s like… so last season.”

“Okay, A, everyone’s been saying I’ll get used to it. Ironically, I never have. Surprise surprise!” Spike deadpanned. “And B, I… I personally think you look great with the necklace. I know nothing about fashion, I admit, but as a dragon, I’d like to think I do have an eye for jewelry,” he commented with a little smug smile. “And that eye right now? Telling me you should keep it.”

“Wow, don’t let all that hot air go to your head,” Elora teased giving Spike a gentle noogie. “But Emms? Kid’s right. You look just fine. Don’t worry about it too much okay?”

“Yeah, you’re right,” Ember muttered as very distinctive flute music played in the background, and calls came up from the marketplace. Traders from near and far begged those arriving to part with their hard-earned bits and gems. “Hmm, wonder if I should get a henna tattoo or something… I want to come back with just a feeling of… culture. Not just buy some fabrics, I want to get something for myself.”

“...Are you always this concerned about fashion?” Elora asked raising an eyebrow. A long argument between the two, a playful teasing that had been going on since they first met. “You know, I’ve never met a dragon who was this much concerned about her personal appearance.”

“Says the faun who makes her attire out of leaves, you have no room to talk hun,” Ember teased poking her in the chest with a claw. “...By the way, I’ve never understood that.”

“You work with what you’ve got, what can I say?” Elora shrugged. “Not all of us are so blessed to be dealing with fine art and gems. Us fauns and satyrs? We work with what we’ve got!”

“And you do it well,” Ember smiled passing a tall white creature that seemed to be a cross between a bird and a horse, a peacock following behind her. “Okay now see that? That’s inspiration right there! A peacock! I mean, look at them! They have got something to flaunt! Oh, I know what my next design will be!”

“And I bet you’re going to use your husband as your mannequin, am I right?” Elora teased before she noticed something. “...Okay, where’s Spike?”

“Sorry, sorry!” the young drake said rapidly as he ran back up, flipping a coin towards a nearby vendor. He was now dressed in traditional attire, a loose shirt ala Aladdin and a fez. “Felt I had to look the part while I was here, right?”

“You look adorable,” Ember smiled as she began haggling with a nearby vendor over some fabrics. “What do you think? Purple or blue, or maybe a bit of red…”

Elora facepalmed. “...You’ll have to forgive her Spike. When she gets ideas in her head…”

“Yeah, I know,” Spike replied with a dismissive little wave. “She was like this back at the Festival a week or so ago. Used me as her own personal dress-up doll. I, of course, was having none of it!”

“...Yeah, that sounds like her.” Elora said with a small chuckle.

“Funny thing,” Ember said, the pink dragoness turning back to look at Spike. “You didn’t seem to be complaining when I made you look like a little Prince… Which is of course, what you are!”

“Oh, were you now…?” Elora said turning back to look at Spike who could only laugh nervously.

Ember smirked before going back to her haggling with the vendor. “Okay, okay! 60%, or you get nothing!”

Said vendor, of course, was having none of it. “60% of your sales? Or mine? Like… Like, if it’s 60% of your sales, that’s piddling! 80% or no deal!”

“Exxxxxxcccccueeeeeeessseee me?” Ember said rearing up and placing a hand onto her chest in shock. “That’s highway robbery!”

“That’s just business sweetheart,” the vendor smirked. “Now, 80% or you get absolutely nothing!”

“70%!” Ember fired back and soon it practically became a question of who could out haggle the other, and how loud this matchup would get.






“30-70! Now that’s my final offer for you young dragoness, take it or leave it!” the vendor shouted. “You need to get something out of this whole debacle.”

“Oh, I’m taking it indeed,” Ember smirked slamming a bag of gems in front of the vendor’s face. The little gems hanging off her horns jingled as she shook her head in what looked to be pity. “Oh, you are so totally not Moneybags. No good business sense, really…” she commented with a little grin of triumph. It took a few moments for the vendor to realize he’d been out swindled.

“...Wait, what? How did this happen…?” he asked even as he began handing over his wares. “Dammit… I really hate dragons.”

With her newfound wares in hand, Ember practically skipped off still carrying that little triumphant smirk.

“...By Tiamat’s wings…” Spike whispered. “She is good….”

“And doesn’t she know it,” Elora said with a little shrug. “Nothing gets between her when she wants something. Well, aside from Cynder but well… love’s a bitter thing. Ugly really.”

“Didn’t dad mention you used to like him, like ‘like-like’ him?” Spike asked as they continued their little walk through the palace. “...Sorry, is that like a private question or something?”

“No, no it’s fine. He was sorta cute when he was your age, but it never would have worked really. We tried to make it work, dated on and off for a few weeks but nothing came of it really,” Elora said. “In the end, it all came down to one thing really. Me and your dad, we’re just too different. Me, I wanted to lead Avalar, and Spyro just wanted to have adventures. Not just that, actually. I mean, look at me. Our relationship alone would violate so many laws of nature, and can you imagine the children? I mean, a faun/dragon kid? What would that even look like?” she laughed.

“...I hesitate to imagine,” Spike remarked. “...Err, sorry. No offense intended. They probably would have been a little cute or maybe a little freaky. I dunno.”

Elora bit back a giggle. “...Yeah, they probably would have been. Ah well, no sense reminiscing on what might have been eh? So, how goes things between you, Spyro and Cynder? Are things working out… okay? I heard there was a bit of trouble a few days ago…” she said sounding rather concerned.

“We’re… working on it,” Spike said. “I think we all sorta knew there were going to be a few bumps in the… er, road as it were.”

Elora frowned, Spike actually sounded a lot more mature than his fourteen years of age would have suggested. Of course, she wasn’t entirely surprised by this, given what he’d gone through. Still, it didn’t mean she had to like it. Personally, she would have liked it if Spike had been afforded to have spent more time as a kid, instead of having to grow up just a little quicker. It seemed to be a bit of a curse for that family really. Like father like son, really. Spyro himself had to grow up just that little bit quicker, being the hero of Avalar and all. And now that very same curse seemed to have been passed down to his adoptive son if under very different circumstances.

“You’ll get it together,” Elora said. “I don’t think any adoptive family could be expected to work out all of their issues in just a few short weeks.”

Truth be told, she was amazed they had lasted as long as they did without much issue. Elora didn’t want to sound mean about it, but teething troubles were always to be expected really with any new family.

She sighed to herself, smiling a little. All in all, though, she was happy Cynder finally had a child to call her own. She knew that although the dragoness hid it well enough, being infertile was something that she considered her own personal shame. Cynder had confided in her at times about this, including about how to break it to Nestor. In the end, they’d decided it would be best for the couple to do it in their own time. Still, as a woman it made her feel for Cynder, never being able to have a child of her own. She could only imagine what that felt like. Elora had been over the moon when she heard of Spike’s adoption. Not only would it give the poor kid quite possibly the most loving family she could think of, but it would also ease Cynder’s angst and personal issues. Oh, she hated to put it like that, Elora thought. Made Cynder sound… broken.

“...You alright Miss Elora?” Spike asked in a concerned tone, noticing how the faun had fallen strangely silent.

“...Yeah, I’m okay. Just lost in thought for a moment there really,” Elora admitted. “Anyways, shall we? Plenty more of this place to show you yet, really. Oh, I really must show you the baths. Trust me, there’s nothing quite so relaxing to ease the muscles after a long day than one of those!”

“I’m game for that,” Spike said in reply. “I’ve had this ache in my back that absolutely refuses to go away. ...Maybe I’m not sleeping right or something… Like seriously…” he muttered.

“Ooooooh, did someone mention the Griffish Baths?” Ember said as she walked up with a very big grin on her face. “Been in one of them, the best experience of my life…” she sighed. “After that, I figured I could die happy. Almost melted into a puddle of goo...”

Then they heard shouting. “Oh, you think you can out swindle the greeeeeeeatttt and poweeerrrfullllll Trixie?” came a woman’s voice. “She must be getting gypped! Gypped, she tells you! I had that fabric on layaway!”

All three looked back to see a cornflower blue mare with this torn star-spangled cape getting up close and personal with the same vendor Ember had been with earlier. Said cape seemed to be made out of the same fabrics as the one Ember now held.

“...Um, yeah… I’d say we should get out of here, quickly and quietly…” Ember said with both Spike and Elora nodding. “Before she notices us and all…”

Quickly and quietly, they did just that. Now, a short thing on griffish baths. Or a hamam if you prefer. The bath was a gently heated, lightly tiled room, but with a focus on the waters instead of a regular steam bath like a normal spa. Ember thought they were the greatest thing ever invented, aside from rubies of course. And Spike could now see the appeal, really, even as he lay down on a stone slab, twin ponies giving him a good oil massage. One was a light blue, the other a pinkish tone similar to Ember. “Oh, don’t you worry none,” the blue one said in this germane accent. “We have done this many times. In fact, it is our greatest desire to open up a bath similar to this in our hometown. But ponies have yet to see the appeal, it’s only out here have they caught on!”

“Well, between you and me… Aloe, is it? Between you and me Aloe,” Spike said. “Those ponies sound like fools. This is heaven on Avalar right here. Like, seriously. It is.”

“Glad someone appreciates this,” Aloe said before turning to her sister. “See, what did I tell you Lotus. I told you there would be gentlemen out here! Did I tell you not?”

“Yes, yes, that you did!” Lotus replied. “You were right, and I was wrong. This apparently is a successful venture…”

Spike tuned out the now squabbling sisters, Aloe saying: “You doubted me? You always doubt me!” and instead turned his attention over to Elora and Ember, being given massages of their own by the local hippos.

“Oh, you really didn’t hear about what happened yesterday? Apparently, somehow, a sheep got in the nursery. I blame Gavin of course, he does love his pranks,” Ember said shrugging.

“Might have had help from Hunter, I did see them laughing over a cup of coffee at the Green Dragon not too long ago in Dark Hollow,” Elora replied. “So, how’d things turn out actually? Did it get roasted?”

“Nah, Nana Goldenscales -you remember her, right?- herded it out before any trouble could be had,” Ember said. “Still a mystery how it got in, but I’m not going to wonder. I’m just glad hatchlings don’t have strong enough flames to do any damage. Otherwise, there probably wouldn’t have even been a nursery afterward!”

“...The poor sheep must have suffered a heart attack,” Elora laughed. “Poor little guy, they suffer enough abuse from the hands of you dragons as it is…” she teased.

“Well, least they all aren’t like Toasty and going up against dragonkind…” Ember smiled.

“Give ‘em time, there will be a sheep uprising sooner or later. All holding signs, chanting down with dragonkind! Just you watch!”

“And let by someone named Sheep Creep!” Ember said, the two now howling with laughter. Spike failed to see what was so funny and only shrugged before going back to nibbling on his gem.

“Dad has such weird friends…” Spike thought to himself before smiling as the realization hit him. “No, they’re not just dad’s friends… they’re mine as well…”

“Oh, by and by, I’ve been meaning to ask…” Ember said. “After this, want to go for a swim? Now that Ripto and his men have been given the boot by Spyro, I think they finally got around to fixing the plumbing ‘round here. Now the water’s not so… ugh, stagnant.”

“Actually, on that subject. Wasn’t there this rumor about some of the rivers and lakes in the Dragon Realms being filled with piranhas?” Elora asked. “I didn’t put too much stock into it but then again, I did see Hunter walking home nursing a bitten… Well, you don’t want to know where he got bit actually.”

Ember winced. “I think I can guess,” she muttered. “But those rumors are mostly just that, rumors. Nestor’s been leading a clean up of the rivers and such after Red -I think his name was?- got tossed out and exiled. Imagine, a Dragon Elder going up against the world and trying to conquer the lands! I think the last time that happened was 1,000 years ago with…”

Elora frowned, she had heard of traces of this ‘Dark Master’ as he was called still being found across the land. Apparently, he was the reason why there were things such as gnorcs and rhynocs at all. It worried her at times. If two powerful dragons could go completely insane what was stopping…? “Oh stop it, Elora, you’re beginning to sound like that mother of yours, always worrying about this and that!”

It still begged the question though, why was there so little information to be had on this Dark Master. Did dragons really want to forget about him that much? They cataloged and chronicled everything. Dark Hollow was evidence of that, given the entire realm was full of books. Elora had even heard legends of a mysterious dragon only known as the Chronicler, always tales told by her grandmother of course but all stories had to come from somewhere did they not? But she decided not to worry about it, at least for the time being. Looking towards Spike who was still nibbling away at his gem, she smiled. She was here to watch over their son, in this Atlantis of the Sands as they called it. And that was what she intended to do.

“So, Spike,” Ember said as the threesome continued their little walk around the castle grounds and surrounding bazaar. Gentle water trickled down from the nearby fountain and into a small river running all around the plaza. “You have any ideas, any… designs on what you’re planning to be later on in life?”

“Oh, stop it Ember,” Elora told her as she began ducking to avoid a hippo carrying around a basket full of hissing green snakes. Giving him a look, the hippo nervously shuffled off. “He’s still only fourteen! He shouldn’t be worrying about this sort of stuff just yet!”

“So what?” Ember sniffed. “I was only fourteen when I decided to become a fashion designer and look at how that turned out!”

“Well, Spike’s not you is he?” Elora said pointedly. “Let him make up his own mind in his own time okay?”

“I...I… I don’t know actually…” Spike answered. “I… I mean, I haven’t exactly been putting a whole lot of thought into it…”

“Well, you’ve got a few years yet, right?” Elora told him in a kind and quite reassuring tone. “Life shouldn’t be rushed, unlike what some of us seem to think,” she said glaring again at Ember.

“But… But I do admit,” Spike whispered pressing his fingers together nervously. “I probably should be thinking about this eventually…”

Was it that Kirin from the village responsible for this new train of thought? Rain Shine, he thought her name was? Maybe a little. Or maybe, Spike reasoned, he actually wanted to be of some use to the dragon kingdoms, live up to his adoptive parent’s famous legacies. The Hero of Avalar and the Terror of the Skies. “I mean, think about it,” Spike continued. “I’ve got to start pulling my weight around the household eventually. I love dad and all, but he can be a bit… bumbling I suppose?”

He then noticed Elora and Ember sharing a giggle. “What? What’s so funny?” Spike demanded as he crossed his arms in a huff.

“Oh, look at you!” Ember said. “Becoming all responsible and all that… It’s adorable really. Your mothers, both of them, would be proud of you… But really, Elora’s quite right. You mustn’t rush yourself. Plenty of things to do before you grow up. Go on, enjoy your childhood. Only comes around once really…”

“...I know, but…” Spike sighed. “It’s just… I want to do something around the dragon realms. Just… be useful, you know?”

“Well, they offer apprenticeships…” Ember said. “I suppose you could always follow your grandfather’s route and become a carpenter…”

“I suppose I'll just have to give it some thought I suppose…” Spike muttered. “Ah well, you’re right. I still have a few years before I really have to do anything about this…”

“Spike, just asking here, but do you uh…” Elora began. “But do you have any friends? I mean, besides Smolder.”

“Well, there’s you girls, I guess, and Smolder?” Spike flushed. “I’m not even sure where we stand really…”

Elora and Ember shared a knowing look before Elora continued. “I mean friends your own age. I mean, surely you’ve got someone right?”

“As I said, I’ve got Smolder. Isn’t one enough? I mean, quality over quantity right?” Spike asked looking back up at the faun.

“...I suppose,” Elora said. “It’s just, Smolder isn’t always going to be around, she does live in Beast Tamers, right? That’s sorta a long flight to the Artisans lands isn’t it?”

“Yeah, I… I sorta have to agree with Elora here really,” Ember said. “Not something I usually do, but there you have it.”

Elora simply stuck her tongue out at Ember in a childish fashion, with Ember rolling her eyes and returning it as Spike snickered at the two. He’d almost compare the two to an old married couple. Goodness knew they acted like his mom and dad at times. Not that he’d ever tell them that.

“Seriously though,” Ember continued. “There’s this saying I’ve heard a few pony visitors to Avalar like to propagate from time to time. Friendship is Magic, I think it goes? Maybe you should follow their advice.”

“Maybe…” Spike admitted. “It’s just… with… well, who my adoptive parents are I’m afraid to approach anyone at times. How do I know they just wouldn’t want to be friends with me because of who I am?”

Ember brought him in for a small hug, the pink dragon smiling down at him. “Trust me Spikey, you’ll know…”

“...Spikey…?” said dragon asked before faking a gag. “Bleagh! Oh, that is so girly, very frou-frou!”

“He loves it, he just won’t admit it,” Ember said in mock whisper towards Elora. “I do wonder how he’d react if Smolder called him that…” she said faking a swoon.

That set off another round of giggles from the twosome. Spike simply rolled his eyes, he wondered about those two sometimes. Or girls in general actually, it’s like they had nothing to do but gossip and giggle over him.

Not that he minded, really. They made such great adoptive aunts, or friends or whatever. They meant well he supposed, even if they both were a bit on the girly side. He did hope they didn’t infect him with their frou-frouness. (Was that even a word?) Oh by Tiamat, they were right. He needed another friend if only so he could have someone to talk to and not sound like a crazy dragon talking to himself all the time.

Then, as if someone heard his pleas they answered as Spike ran headlong into a massive bird-like creature. Rubbing his head, Spike looked upwards and swallowed nervously. The newcomer was well muscled, what one might call a punk really. His leather jacket certainly gave off that impression, along with the way his head feathers had been styled. Mostly shades of blue, this newcomer also had a few yellow feathers thrown in for good measure. Even as the griffon stared down at him, Spike swallowed nervously.

Ember stepped in front of him in a protective manner, but Spike slowly stood up. Dusting himself off, he said: “Let… let me handle this okay? I wasn’t looking where I was going, so I have to handle this.”

“...You want to watch where you’re going, huh kid?” the griffon asked. “Like seriously, are you blind?”

“I could say the same about you really,” Spike deadpanned. “I mean, how do you fail to notice two dragons and a faun?”

A tense moment passed as the griffon raised a paw as if to strike, but then he laughed and extended it in a friendly gesture. “Hey, you’re an alright kid. Name’s Gallus. You’re Spike, right? Been hearing a lot about you. News travels fast, really…”

Spike winced. He’d hoped he wouldn’t run into one of ‘these’ types. Fanboys, the ones who’d bow at his or his parents' feet.

“Relax, I’m just messin’ with you,” Gallus said. “Personally? I couldn’t give a flying feather about who your parents are. Like seriously, dragons mean about nothing to me unless they do something I really actually care about.”

“What, and saving the world doesn’t count as something you care about?” Spike asked looking this ‘Gallus’ dead in the eye. “I mean, if they hadn’t you’d probably be enslaved or something, I dunno…”

“It has to be something that matters to me personally,” Gallus said as the two began walking outside the palace into the scorching sun. Gallus relieved himself of his jacket, wrapping it around his arm. “Like, something that really matters. Big old grand gestures like saving the world? I could care less. It’s the small stuff, y’know?”

“Yeah, I getcha,” Spike said. “Just asking, but what’s a griffon doing all the way out here? I mean, this sorta seems a bit… out of the way?”

“Could say the same about two dragons and a faun really, right?” Gallus asked.

“Touche,” Spike admitted. “Touche.”

“So, I assume you’re here for about the same reason I am, right?” Gallus asked. “The Bullzantines Baths?”

“Griffish Baths, but same difference. Love the alteration, by the way!” Spike laughed.

“...I thought it was Bullzantines,” Gallus muttered. “...I really should have paid more attention in school. Like, seriously… I thought it was Bullzantines!”

“Well, it was till your people came along a few hundred years or so ago, and took this place for their own. Then the hippos arrived and took over. They kept the griffish name though, they liked it enough it seemed and had enough respect for history. It’s like this castle and the country just keeps changing hands…” Spike explained vaguely remembering something he’d read in Dark Hollow.

“Isn’t that how pretty much all countries work?” Gallus joked and Spike, at this, threw back his head and laughed. “So, how is Avalar nowadays? I heard you guys recently had this big bash. The Year of the Dragon, right?”

“Yeah, quite the whole shebang, as I heard Ember call it,” Spike said. “Mom had to play guard duty, just in case. Just in case.”

“So, what, is this Ember like your girlfriend or something? Or drakefriend or whatever you call it with dragons?” Gallus asked.

“No, no!” Spike blushed. “She’s married, and a bit out of my age range. More like an honorary aunt if anything else.”

Eventually, the two wandered outside the bazaar by pure chance and into a small grove of palm trees. They didn’t realize it at first, but then they did as coconuts landed atop their head. Coconuts thrown by monkeys. “Run!” Gallus said, and the two laughed as they did so leaving the screeching of angry primates far behind. Eventually, they tumbled down a dune still laughing. “Man, that was a rush wasn’t it?”

“I know, right?” Spike asked. “Nothing to get your blood flowing like a bunch of angry chimps throwing coconuts at your head!”

“...Seriously, this place rocks!” Gallus said as the two picked themselves off the sand and walked back into the marketplace, accidentally bumping into this gold pony wearing a pith helmet.

“...Kids,” she muttered before going back to studying her map. “...Now, if I’m right the treasure should be this way…”

As Gallus and Spike talked and laughed, Ember and Elora looked on with a small smile. Yeah, this was going to work out just fine. Then they heard it.

“There she is,” Trixie’s voice came. “There’s the dragon who cheated me out of my next cape!”

Ember tossed a glance skywards. “...Oh for Lord Torch’s sake…”

And then she ran like the wind.

As this happened, both Spike and Gallus observed this, watching the Great and Powerful Trixie chase Ember all around the bazaar. Elora was looking on as well, facepalming again.

“...So why’d she get so worked up about a cape anyway?” Gallus asked. “I mean, it’s not like they’re one of a kind or anything…”

“Suppose I’d better go help her…” Spike muttered before walking up to Trixie. “Trixie, is it? I apologize for my aunt ‘stealing’ your cape, but you must understand that-”

“No, you understand twerp,” Trixie said shoving the dragon backward as her horn began to crackle with energy. “I had those fabrics on layaway for weeks, while I was on tour!”

“Hey now, lay off him!” Gallus shouted coming to his friend’s defense. “I doubt Ember even knew you had eyes on those fabrics, and besides out here it’s first come first serve last I checked! You didn’t pick up those fabrics when you should have, so someone was bound to grab them.”

“Why you…” Trixie hissed before she let out a soft ‘eep’ as she felt swords poking at her back. She looked upwards, only to see two massively tall hippo guards looking down at her. “...Um, Trixie is sorry for causing such a ruckus and a disturbance?”

Still didn’t keep her from being literally kicked out into the nearest portal though.

“...You didn’t have to do that, you know that right?” Spike said. “I mean, I could have handled her…”

“Yeah, but it wouldn’t be like a friend to just leave ya hanging, right?” Gallus asked. “Seriously, I look out for my buds!” he said before fist-bumping Spike.

“Buds, huh? Yeah, I like that…”

Author's Note:

Okay, I may have... listened to a lot of the Uncharted 3 soundtrack for this chapter, as evidenced by the name. So sue me, okay? So, a few things to note. Gallus. A certain someone, he knows who he is, suggested Spike should have a guy friend. And why not Gallus? I mean, why not?

Also, the conversation in the baths. Inspired by this frankly adorable little ficlet I think you should check out.

Like seriously, adorable. Now yes, no Spyro or Cynder here. But that was entirely the point. Wanted to finally show Elora in the story, and give Ember some proper page time. I mean, how can you argue with this precious sight?

As ever, comment and critique!