• Published 28th Apr 2019
  • 8,554 Views, 282 Comments

Equestria BatGirls - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and their Ninja Allies from New York are thrown into another dimension with their enemies the Kraang and must join forces with the Dark Knight to stop them and return home.

  • ...


After the portal imploded, everyone got up from taking cover.

“Well. That was fun.” Catwoman rolled her eyes, picking herself up.

Just then, Commissioner Gordon hurried over, “Is it over?”

“Yes, Jim. The portal is shut down.” Batman assured.

“And Subprime won’t bother Gotham for a long time.” Sunset added.

“Wish I could say the same about the Joker.” Gordon frowned.

“What ya mean?” Batgirl asked.

“Before my men could put him back in his cell, he got got loose and stole one of the remaining mutagen canisters.”

“Oh, come on!” Rainbow cried.

“What does it take to keep that guy down?!” Casey facepalmed.

“He hasn’t left the building yet and I have Bullock guarding the exits.”

“We better find him before he mutates anyone else.” Leo stated.

“For once, we agree.” Red Hood gleamed.

But before they could hurry-

“Surprise, Batsy!” Joker appeared out of no where and threw the canister at Batman!

"NO!" April pushed Batman out of the way, but she got hit instead and fell to the ground.

"APRIL!!!" The Rainbooms cried in horror.

Joker laughed until he punched by Red Hood and apprehended by Commissioner Gordon.

Meanwhile, the Rainbooms were freaking out as they gathered around April.

"Oh no oh no oh no!" Fluttershy panicked.

"Darling!" Rarity cried.

"No no, April, stay with us!" Sunset dropped to knees next to April.

"You'll be okay, as long as you didn't touch anything! You didn't touch anything, right? Right?!" Twilight asked, in a panic.

"Ooo! I wonder what she'll turn into?" Joker said.

"Can it, Joker!" Gordon ordered.

"What are we gonna do?!" Applejack exclaimed.

"We used up all the retro mutagen!" Rainbow Dash said, frantically.

"Someone, anyone, PANIC WITH US!!!" Pinkie waved her arms wildly.

"Um, girls?" April looked up at them. She was still human, "You know your overreacting, right?"

The Rainbooms stared in shock.

"You're not mutating." Twilight said, pointing.

"How, where, huh?!" Rainbow Dash babbled in shock.

Donnie recalled something, "Oh, right. I forgot to tell you: April is immune to mutagen. And we all found that out the hard way too."

"Immune?!" The girls shouted.

"Yeah, that's why the Kraang were so focused on getting her back then. Her DNA can perfect mutagen." Leo explained.

"And it's also the key ingredient in making retro-mutagen." Donnie added.

"Mind blown!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"And y'all didn't think about telling us!" Applejack snapped.

"We were scared half to death!" Rarity chided.

"Hey, give me a break, it happened a long time ago!" Donnie retorted.

April stood up, "Also, you didn't ask," she stated, wiping the mutagen off her, "Although, I'm kind of already a mutant."

"You're huh?" Sunset said.

"It's true," Donnie confirmed, "She's a half human, half alien, mutant."

"You're a mutant?" Fluttershy asked, surprised.

"Why do you think I have psychic powers?" April responded.

"Mind double blown!" Pinkie exclaimed.

“Well, that explains a lot.” Robin shrugged.

“At least you picked the right side, young lady,” Gordon nodded, “Now if you’ll all excuse me, I’m locking him up and throwing away the key.” he motioned to Joker.

"Well, that was a real let down," Joker pouted, "But before I get sent back to my room, I'll say this: that little spare cure you made? Pretty clever."

"Thank you!" Pinkie said, cheerfully.

"Don't thank the wack job!" Raph told her.

Before Commissioner Gordon could take Joker away, Twilight spoke up, "Wait! I've got a question for you, Joker!" She said, "Why do you keep doing this?"

"Excuse me?" Joker raised a brow.

"You had all the chances of changing for the better," Twilight stated, "Batman always brings you back here. But still, all you do is just keep doing things like this. Why?"

"I already told you! Back at the amusement park. But then again, I shouldn't expect you kids couldn't possibly understand," Joker replied. "You're going to try and relate to my problem and be all "we've been there, we know how you feel" and blah, blah, blah."

"Actually I could-" Sunset started.

"Oh, I wouldn't try that kid," Joker cut her off, "Unless you're ready to get your brain flossed."

"I cannot believe I am saying this, but I agree with him," April said, "It's not worth the risk."

As Commissioner Gordon left dragging the Clown Prince of Crime away, Batman turned to the ninjas.

“You disobeyed me. Again! I told you to stay in the cave and you-“ He was then cut off by a outburst by Leo.

“Well THAT IS WHO WE ARE! Our Sensei told us once that sometimes our failures can be our best teachers! We’ve had our fair share of failures and yet we were able to come back for the victory! I get it! We almost lost to the Joker! But I’m sure you had your fair share of failures! You’re not flawless, Batman! NO ONE IS FLAWLESS! If that’s not good enough for you, then so be it! Donnie and Twilight can rewire the portal machine and we’ll go home and out of YOUR WAY!” After breathing heavily, Leo began to lead the others to the portal.

“I was actually going to say you did good,” Everyone turned to Batman, “Leaving you in the cave was part of the plan, but it wasn’t my idea. It was thought up by Raphael and Applejack.”

“What?!” Everyone turned to the hot head and cowgirl, who each had smug smiles.

"We figured you guys might not bring your A-game." Raph explained.

"So we thought that we should give ya'll a reason for it." Applejack added.

Twilight looked to Batman, "And you were willing to lose our trust and friendship?"

"If it got you home and back to your families, yes." Batman answered.

"A lot of good that did." April noted, as everyone looks to the destroyed portal.

"What now, Leo?" Mikey asked.

"I don't know." Leo replied.

"Our last chance to get home. Gone." Sunset lowered her head.

"So that's it?" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, "After everything, we don't go home?!"

"Maybe we can repair the portal," Twilight suggested.

"And risk tearing reality apart all over again? No thanks." Nightwing retorted.

"Maybe we can." Batman informed.

"Really?!" Pinkie Pie asked, as the ninjas perked up.

"I know people who can help with this. I'll contact them tomorrow and-" before Batman could finish, a blue portal suddenly opened.

And stepping out of it was a man in a black suit, short curly hair, and sunglasses. Following him was a white robot with a large rounded head.

"Bishop?!" Leo said.

"Fugitoid?!" Sunset cried in joy.

"My friends! So good to see you are all right! I was beginning to- oh my," Fugitoid took notice of their Bat outfits, "What exactly are you all wearing?" Then he noticed the Bat Family, "And who are they?"

"It's okay," Leo informed, "They're friends."

"Man, are you two a sight for sore eyes!" Rainbow Dash said.

"When that portal blew up we thought we'd never get home again." Applejack stated.

"How'd you find us?" Donnie asked.

"When the portal exploded, it acted as a sort of flare that let us knew of your location." Bishop explained.

"We would've gotten here sooner, but we lost our contact with Keno when he entered the portal and we couldn't get his coordinates." Fugitoid added.

"It must have been a difficult time finding us." Twilight guessed.

"These last 3 hours after you all vanished were quite stress inducing." Fugitoid said.

"Three hours?!" The Turtles and Rainbooms exclaimed in surprise.

"We've been here for about a week!" Raph said, "How is that possible?!"

"Time is relative," Batman explained, "When someone travels between dimensions, he, or she, travels between space AND time. And not every world shares the same time consistency. For example: one week in this world is 3 hours in yours."

"That's the exact same thing that happened the first time we went to Dimension X." Donnie recalled.

"Yeah," Leo added, "Mikey went ahead of us for like five second and to him he was there for months."

"Or weeks," Mikey put in, "I didn't have a watch."

"Does that mean-" Sunset began.

"No one has been aware of your absence," Bishop answered, "Well... almost."

Then a familiar small purple dog came out of the portal, "Twilight!"

"Spike!" Twilight laughed as Spike tackled her.

"Did her dog just talk?" Huntress asked, while staring.

"That... actually makes sense." Black Canary said, while also staring.

“I was so worried!” The dog cheered before seeing their outfits, “Was there a costume party?”

“Not exactly.” Twilight sighed.

Spike then noticed the Bat family looking surprised at him, “And who are they?” He asked, causing Robin to step back in shock while Batman just raised a brow. This made Spike frown.

“It’s okay, Spike. They’re heroes in this dimension.” Leo assured him.

Spike then spoke to the bat family, “What? You never seen a talking dog before?”

“I have.” Nightwing stated, recalling an adventure with the Titans involving an alien man child and his green talking dog.

“I've seen weirder.” Batman shrugged.

"I've worked with a talking chimpanzee to solve a few cases," Commissioner Gordon stated, after putting Joker away, "What I'm seeing is not as weird as you'd think." he left.

"Finally!" Spike said, "Someone who isn't weirded out about a talking dog!"

"Excuse me. We aren't weirded out either." Huntress said, in annoyance.

"Yeah, but you guys are superheroes," Spike noted, "You deal with weird stuff all the time."

"He's got a point there." Robin agreed.

As everyone spoke Batman looked at Catwoman, "Selena."

"Tall, dark and handsome." Catwoman replied.

Robin took notice and muttered, "Oh, boy. Here we go."

"Where were you last Friday?" Batman asked, "Between Midnight and one a.m.?"

"Giving blood - no, wait, volunteering. Why?" Catwoman inquired.

"There was a break-in at the Museum of Gotham," Batman informed, knowingly, "A valuable gemstone was stolen."

Catwoman gasped, "What? No! Who could DO such a thing?"

"Just put it back." Batman said.

Catwoman frowned, "You never change."

"You did before." Batman retorted.

"Yeah, I did like it. Another day maybe," Catwoman put her hand on his cheek, "But not today. Be seeing you, Bruce." And she left Arkham.

The ninjas were completely perplexed.

"They used to date." Batgirl explained.

"Ahhh." they said.

Batman then looked to Red Hood, "Nightwing told me what you did to him and the ninjas. And that you tricked Subprime to get enough mutagen to make retro mutagen to de-mutate Joker."

"Yeah," Red Hood admitted, "Would've found out if it worked or not if that psycho hadn't surprised me."

"And what if it had killed him?" Batman narrowed his eyes.

"Then it's a win win." Red Hood shrugged.


"Let me stop you right there before you get into one of your lectures on no-killing and let me ask you this: Is it easier for you to think that my little dip in Ra's fountain of youth turned me rabid? Or this just the real me?" Red Hood asked, and Batman was silent on the question, "That's what I thought. I'm pretty sure my work is done here. I'll see you around, Bruce." And he left without another word.

"Are you okay?" Twilight asked.

"Let's get you home," Batman said.

After returning the costumes and changing back into their own outfits, the Turtles, Allies, and Rainbooms stood ready.

Robin watched as some Utrom droids carried the defeated Kraang droids into the portal, "So, what's gonna happen to them?"

"They'll be taken to Utrom headquarters, where hopefully they can be freed from Kraang Prime's control," Bishop explained, then turned to the ninjas and Rainbooms, “Are you all ready?”

Everyone nodded as they all walked up to the Bat family to say goodbye.

Leo bowed to Batman, “Thanks for putting up with us and helping us.”

Batman then shook his hand, “You all did well. Your father would’ve been proud.”

April hugged Batgirl, “I’m really glad we got to know each other. Now I’m really gonna miss you.”

“Back at ya,” After they broke, Batgirl then walked up to Donnie, “Donatello, I don’t know any other-“

She stopped when Donnie held up his hand, “I should probably say this myself. I haven’t been fair. To you. Or to April. While I do find you intriguing, I really care about April more. And probably gonna be working really hard for her forgiveness,” He gulped, “I hope we can still be friends.”

Batgirl smiled, “Of course.” As the two hugged, Batgirl signaled a thumbs up to April who signaled back.

Casey headed towards Nightwing, “I.... I’m.... you are totally metal.”

Nightwing smiled, “You’re alright with me, Jones.” And the two fist bump.

Pinkie walked up to Huntress, who looked away, “I guess you’re glad we’ll be outta your hair soon.”

Huntress didn’t turn around as she answered, “I’m more happy you’re going home,” She then placed her hand on the party girl’s shoulder, “Keep smiling, Pinkie. They’ll need your happiness.”

Pinkie almost shed a tear as she headed towards the portal. As she headed out, Huntress looked back and smiled.

Robin was saying goodbye to Mikey and Rainbow Dash, "As annoying as you were at first, I'm actually glad we got to know you and your brothers, Mikey," He looked at Rainbow Dash, "You and your friends too, Rainbow."

"Thanks, Robin." Mikey said.

"We're glad we met you guys too," Rainbow Dash smiled, "And who knows, maybe we'll find a way to come back here? Hopefully with a way to return to our dimension too?"

"You know, I look forward to it." Robin admitted.

Rarity hugged Black Canary, "Farewell, Dinah."

"Take care, Rarity." Black Canary replied.

"And do give my regards to Green Arrow."

"Will do." Black Canary said.

Fluttershy was petting Bat Hound one last time, “You be a good boy, Ace,” She cooed, "And Tell Krypto, Streaky, and Robbie, I'll miss them too."

“It was an honor fighting alongside you, Fluttershy. I...will miss you.” Ace admitted in his language.

Sunset walked up to Alfred, “Thank you for everything, Alfred. Especially when we were injured.”

“It was my pleasure, Ms. Shimmer,” Alfred smiled, “Take care now and may your friendship continue to bless you all.” He then was taken by surprise when Sunset hugged him but smiled.

The ninjas were about to enter the portal, when Batman called, "Sunset Shimmer!" The girl turned to him as he said, "Tell Princess Twilight I said hi."

"Wait!" Sunset asked, in surprise, "You know Princess Twilight?"

"Who do you think helped us catch Luthor?" Batman inquired.

The Turtles, Allies, and Rainbooms looked at each other, before Leo shrugged and one by one, they all went through the portal.

Raph and Applejack were the last to leave. They walked up to Batman as Raph spoke first, "I know we didn't get off on the right foot, Batman. But we're sure gonna miss you."

"We know you lost your family, but you've got one good one right here." Applejack motioned to his team.

"And if you ever stop by our dimension, you got a family there too," Raph said, "And here's something to remember us by."

Raph took off his mask and Applejack removed her hat and they gave them both to Batman. Then A.J hugged him.

"See you around." Raph said, walking into the portal.

"Happy trails." Applejack waved, as she followed.

Later, back in the Batcave, Batman, with his cowl off, placed Raph’s mask and Applejack’s hat in a display case. After putting the glass cover on, Bruce then looked at it with the rest of his collection and trophies and gave a small smile.

“Got room for one more?” Bruce looked to see Alfred walking up with a small picture frame and opened it up and let the butler place the picture inside, revealing it to be a picture of the bat family with the ninjas and Rainbooms before they left for Arkham and almost leaving them behind.

“So things go back to normal?” Robin asked as he and the others walked up to him.

Bruce responded by pulling his cowl back up, saying, “Crime never rests.”

Then as if on que, a news flash appeared on the Batcomputer as the reporter Vicky Vale spoke, "This is GCN bringing you an urgent report!" The screen then showed helicopter footage of a warehouse, "A gang working for local mob boss, Black Mask, have taken over a shipping company warehouse. Gotham City police are on stand by-"

Nightwing looked at Batman with a knowing smile and the Dark Knight nodded. Then the Bat Family ran out as they passed the hat, mask, and picture.

Author's Note:
  • Raph gives Batman his mask like he does in the comic