• Published 28th Apr 2019
  • 8,581 Views, 282 Comments

Equestria BatGirls - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and their Ninja Allies from New York are thrown into another dimension with their enemies the Kraang and must join forces with the Dark Knight to stop them and return home.

  • ...

Bathound and Harley Quinn part 1

In the Batcave, Batman was discussing some things with the Ninjas

"There seems to be a connection between the villains and the Kraang-" he was cut off when Fluttershy's scream echoed through the cave.

"Fluttershy!" Twilight Sparkle cried, as everyone looked to see Fluttershy with her back turned and staring at something with her hands on her face.

"What is it?" Robin asked.

"Is Jason Todd back?!" Mikey said, in worry.

Fluttershy slowly turned around. She had a huge smile on her face, "Who, is, that?!" She pointing at a large grey dog laying on the floor. And what surprised them was that the dog was wearing a mask and cape just like Batman.

"That's Bat Hound." Nightwing said.

"Really?" Raph asked, rhetorically.

"You have a dog?" Sunset Shimmer asked the caped crusader.

"Partner more like," Batman replied, "His name's Ace."

"Aw! How cute!" Mikey reached out to pet Ace, but the dog stood up and growled at him. Mikey yelped and hid behind Leo.

"Stand down, Ace!" Batman ordered, "They’re with us."

Ace stopped growling and sat back down.

"Wait, where was he when we snuck in here?" Raph asked.

"Believe it or not, Ace has his own missions," Batman said, "As I was saying, there seems to be a connection to the Kraang and the villains."

"What would that be?" Leo asked.

As they talked, Fluttershy noticed Ace trotting off. Curious about what Batman said about him having his own missions, she followed after him. She watched as Ace boarded a bat-shaped board and rocked down one of the tunnels. After a quick glance to make sure no one was watching, Fluttershy snuck into one of the Batmobiles and drove after Ace.

Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie had noticed Huntress walk off, probably to go on patrol. She grinned and snuck off after her.

Bat Hound arrived in the city of Metropolis and stopped at a park. Fluttershy parked the Batmobile near the entrance then flipped out and hid behind a tree. Then she peeked out and watched Ace. The dog just stood there as if he were waiting for someone, but who? Then two shadows flew overhead and touched down near Ace. Fluttershy saw that it was a white dog in a red cape and an orange cat with a yellow lightning bolt and a blue cape.

"Bat Hound, glad you could make it!" The dog said.

'We were beginning to think you weren't gonna show up." the cat added.

"I would have been here sooner," Ace said, bluntly, "But I was held up at the cave."

"Really?" The dog asked. "What happened?"

The cat floated up and sniffed at him, "And why do you smell like turtle?" He asked, then sniffed again, "And pizza?"

"Batman has some... unique guests, and one of them followed me here," Ace answered, then he looked back at the tree, "I know you're behind that tree! And that you've been following me since I left the cave."

Sheepishly, Fluttershy came out and waved, nervously, "Um, hi," she said.

"Wait, she can understand us?" The cat said, in surprise.

"Who are you?" The dog asked.

"My name is Fluttershy," the shy girl introduced, "And the reason I can understand you is because of my geode," She held out her necklace for them to see, "Plus, I have a thing for animals."

The dog smiled, "Well, nice to meet you, Fluttershy," he said, "My name is Krypto, but you can also call me Superdog. And this is Streaky, the Supercat."

"So why are you three here?" Fluttershy asked.

"Pets of the Gotham villains have teamed up," Krypto explained, "So we thought Bat Hound could help us."

Ace explained further, "Penguins birds, Artie, Griff, and Waddles allied themselves with Isis; Catwoman's cat, along with Bud and Lou; The Joker's hyenas."

"Who’s The Joker?" Fluttershy wondered.

"A very bad clown who's not funny!" Ace said darkly.

"Pinkie Pie won't be happy to hear that," Fluttershy said to herself, before asking, "So why are they working together?"

"That is what we will find out while you go back to Gotham," Ace stated, "Besides, I'm pretty sure your friends will wonder where you went."

"I know, but, maybe I can help you," Fluttershy insisted, "Not to boast, but I'm a trained kunoichi."

"A what?" Streaky cocked his head to one side.

"A female ninja," Ace told him, then turned back to Fluttershy, "And as great as that is-"

"Hey, come on, Bat Hound," Krypto interjected, "Let her come. Maybe she could be helpful. Besides, Streaky seems to like her."

They looked over to see that Fluttershy was giving Streaky a good scratch.

"Oh, yeah!" Streaky mussed, "That's the spot! Right there!"

"Fine," Ace relented, "You can come. Just don't get in the way!" He hopped back on his board and rocketed it off.

"Don't let his gruff attitude get to you. He's pretty cool when you get to know him," Krypto assured her, "Now let's go!" Then he and Streak took to the skies, "Ruff-Ruff and Away!"

"Wait up!" Fluttershy called. Then she got back into the Batmobile and drove after them.

In another part of Gotham, Huntress was spying on some hoodlums in an alleyway. She was just about to spring on them, when...

"Whatcha looking at?"

Startled, Huntress whirled around and aimed her crossbow, only to see that it was just Pinkie Pie, "What are you trying to do?" She snapped, "Give me a heart attack?"

"I saw you leave the Batcave, so I followed you to hang out," The pink girl explained, "You know, cause that's what friends do!"

"I don’t hangout," Huntress stated, in annoyance, "And I don't have friends!"

"Then what would you call the birds of prey?" Pinkie asked.

"Co-workers," Huntress answered, "Now go back to the Batcave."

"C’mon!" Pinkie Pie said, "I already got to know Nightwing, Robin, and Batgirl. Batman is a working progress, and since Black Canary wasn’t around, I'd thought I'd try to get to know you."

"Well, let’s see," Huntress started. "My origin story is none of your business, I don’t like talking about my family, I don’t do friends, so Bug Off!"

"Hey, do you hear clicking?" Pinkie Pie asked.

The two looked down to see the hoodlums aiming their guns and firing at them! They quickly dodged the shots and jumped down and fought them.

"If you really are a ninja," Huntress said, as she knocked the gun out of one of the thugs hand and deflected his swinging fists, "You should know the first rule about being a ninja," She grabbed the man's arms and kneed him in the gut before punching him across the face, knocking him out. "Is to be quiet!

"Duh!" Pinkie Pie dodged some shots before she threw her sprinkles, destroying the gunman's weapon, then nailed him in the head with the weight of her weapon, "That was the first thing Splinter taught me!"

"Well, apparently you never listened!" Huntress said, and back-fisted a thug trying to sneak up on her.

"I snuck up behind you didn’t I?" Pinkie retorted, making Huntress growl. Then the party girl flipped over a goon, grabbing him by the shoulders of his jacket and tossed him into a dumpster.

Before he could get out, Huntress bashed the lid on his head, knocking him out. Pinkie Pie then pulled a rope from her hair and tied up the rest of the downed hooligans.

"Well, that was fun!" Pinkie said, dusting off her hands, "Not bad for our first team up!" She nudged the rather annoyed heroine.

Huntress roughly shoved her back, "This isn't some game, kid!" She snapped, "If you're doing this because it's fun, then you are going to die!"

"I'm just trying to get to know you." Pinkie Pie said, taken aback.

"Why? It's not like we're friends at sleepover," Huntress rebuffed, "Besides, when you go back to your world, it's not like you're going to find a way back here."

"Ooh, maybe Donnie can make a portal thingie and we can come back as many times as we want." Pinkie Pie suggested.

Huntress had just about had enough of Pinkie Pie's obnoxiousness, "You don't get it do you?! We, are not friends! You go home, you don't come back here. Not everyone you meet is automatically your new friend, Pie! And if you don't start to take things seriously, I might as well be on my own! Not like it'll be anything new," Then she shouted right in her face, "So why don't you do us both a favor AND GET LOST, YOU ANNOYING LITTLE OBNOXIOUS PINKIE SKINNED FREAK!"

Inside, Pinkie Pie's heart shattered to pieces, and her hair deflated, "Oh. Okay," she said, sadly, and turned away to leave. She looked back with tears in her eyes, but Huntress showed no remorse. Pinkie hung her head low and walked off.

Huntress turned away with no sign of remorse or regret. But she hadn't gone far when she felt a sudden sharp pain in her neck, "Argh!" She reached back and pulled out a very thin needle. Then she turned around and pulled out her crossbow, "Who shot that?!" She demanded.

She got her answer when a young lady in a cat mask dropped down in front of her, "Is it really that hard to figure out?" She asked.

"Cheshire!" Huntress scowled.

"You weren't very nice to that girl," Cheshire said, "And after she helped you out with those ruffians. You could have shown a little gratitude."

"I've got your gratitude right here!" Huntress said, and fired her arrows. Cheshire whipped out her sais and deflected them, before she threw them, knocking the crossbow out of her hands. Huntress threw punches and kicks at the ninja, but she effortlessly dodged each strike. Huntress began to pant, as if she were exhausted.

"Are you getting tired, Huntress?" Cheshire asked, coyly, "It might have something to do with that tranquilizer I shot you with. And it should be taking effect right about, now!" No sooner had she said that, Huntress dropped to her knees as she begins to feel drowsy. Then Cheshire stood before her, "But, let me help speed up the process! And she kicked Huntress across the face, knocking her out cold.

Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie, completely unaware of Huntress' capture, kicked a can aside as she walked sadly down an alley. When suddenly, her hair poofed back up. She could sense that someone was watching her, "Hello?" She said, looking around, "Is someone there in the shadows?"

"Hey, why so glum, kid?" A female voice asked.

Pinkie Pie turned and saw a figure smiling in the shadows, "Oh, nothing much," she answered, dismally, "Just the fact that Huntress is always going to be mean to me."

"I'm sorry if that hard case hurt ya," the figure said, "She's always like that to basically anyone." The figure stepped out of the shadows. It was a young woman dressed like a jester.

Pinkie Pie gasped, "A clown?!"

"You ain’t afraid of 'em, are ya?" The clown lady asked.

"I love clowns!" Pinkie exclaimed, with a big smile.

"Well, how bout that? Two seconds and we have something in common. What’s your name, kiddo?"

"I’m Pinkie Pie! Party girl extraordinaire!" Pinkie introduced.

"Friends call me Harley Quinn," The clown lady said, "I’m always looking for a good laugh."

"Wow! Me too!" Pinkie Pie grinned, "Ooh, I wish the others could be here. I have a feeling we're going to be the bestest friends."

"Yeah we are!" Harley agreed.

"So, how do you know Huntress?" Pinkie Pie said.

"Oh, I met that loco in the coco girl a while back," Harley explained, "For some reason she always had a thing against people with eccentric personalities."

"Really?!" Pinkie Pie gasped, "That's awful!"

"Yep," Harley nodded, "I tried to be friends with her, but all she ever did was push me away!"

"Me too!" Pinkie said.

"I tried and I tried, until finally she yelled at me that we would never ever be friends!" Harley Quinn went on, "And to top it all off, she said I was the most annoyingest and UN-funniest clown she'd ever been unlucky to meet!"

"Yeah," Pinkie said, dismally, "That’s pretty much what she told me as well."

Harley started crying, "Is it a crime to just crack a smile?" She sobbed. She pulled out a hanky and blew. Of course she was faking, but Pinkie Pie didn't know that.

"I guess it’s hard to smile in a big gloomy city like Gotham," Pinkie Pie said, "The closest I got from Batman was a smirk."

"You know Batsy?" Harley asked, "He and I go way back."

"He’s helping us get back to our dimension." Pinkie Pie explained.

"You're from another dimension?"

"Yep. Me and my friends were fighting these alien brains called the Kraang when one of my friends ended up damaging their portal device and BOOM!" She threw her arms up to illustrate her point, "The next thing we knew, we were here in Gotham. We managed to get Batman to help us find a way home, but the Kraang keep teaming up and mutating all the villains and sicking them on us! And on top of that, no matter how hard I try, Huntress just won't be my friend!"

"Well, I’m surprised that you’re still trying," Harley said, "I gave up after she yelled at me. So Why bother?"

"You know what? Your right!" Pinkie Pie frowned, "I'm done trying to be that Big Fat Meanie's friend! From now on, she’s on her own!"

"Well, said," Harley Quinn smiled, "What say we go somewhere fun?"

"Now you’re speaking my language!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, "What'd you have in mind?"

"We're gonna catch a show..." Harley Quinn replied, while trying to hide the sinister grin creeping onto her face.

Krypto and Streaky flew through the air with Bat Hound and Fluttershy riding down below, searching all over the city for any sign of the villain pets.

"How on earth are we going to find them?" Fluttershy asked Bat Hound.

"Krypto and Streaky will be able to find them." Ace assured her.

"Right, Bat Hound," Krypto nodded, scanned the area with his x-ray vision.

"So, Krypto's an alien dog?" Fluttershy asked Bat Hound.

"If that's how you wanna put it, yes." Ace replied.

"Well, not me," Streaky flew down low next to Fluttershy, "I was just a regular cat, till got powers from Krypto here."

"Really?" Fluttershy said, "How did you get them?"

"Well, before I became Supercat, I was always being chased by these bad dogs called the Downtown Dogs," Streaky explained, "The first time they chased me I almost fell into the river but Krypto saved me. The second time, they chased me into S.T.A.R. Labs, where they had this big laser. Krypto chased them off, but I accidentally turned the laser on and it bounced off Krypto and zapped me!"

"Oh, my!" Fluttershy covered her mouth.

"Yes, but he was fine," Krypto said, "Turned out that laser was actually a doubling ray that could make a copy whatever it zapped. Instead of making another me, it copied my powers and gave them to Streaky."

"And it felt great!" Streaky said, "I had super speed, super strength, super everything!"

"But I warned him that having powers is a responsibility," Krypto put in, "And that he should only use them to help people."

Streaky scratched the back of his head, sheepishly, "Yeah, but I didn't listen too good. I used my powers to try and get even with the Downtown Dogs and I ended up causing the old building we were in to crumble. I held it up long enough for Krypto to get them out. But the building crashed down right on top of me!"

"Oh, no!" Fluttershy gasped.

"Don't worry," Krypto said. "We kryptonians have invulnerability to most things like that. And since he had kryptonian invulnerability, he was fine.

"More or less," Streaky shrugged, "I thought it would be great to get back at those guys, but it wasn't. So I became Supercat and I've been Krypto's sidekick ever since."

"That’s wonderful!" Fluttershy smiled.

"Hold that thought!" Krypto interjected, "I found them! In this factory!" He pointed to a building just up ahead and they stopped in front of it.

"Let’s go!" Ace said, and they snuck in quietly.

While they crept through the factory, Ace stopped and hid behind a machine. The others followed and peeked out. In the light of one of the over head lights, they saw a bunch of animal shaped figures standing together. But the funny thing was, none of them moved a muscle.

"Something doesn’t feel right." Krypto said, suspiciously.

"Other than they’re there?" Streaky inquired.

"I’ll check it out." Fluttershy was about to head out when Ace stopped her.

"I got this!" He said, and he snuck up towards the figures.

"But I really wanna help." Fluttershy protested.

Ace walked up and put his paw on one of them. The figure fell over with a thud. It was a cardboard standout!

"It's a set up!" Ace shouted back.

"Ace, get out of there!" Krypto called.

Then suddenly, Bat Hound found himself caught up in a net.

"Oh, no!" Fluttershy cried.

"We'll get you, Bat Hound!" Krypto said, as he and Streaky flew over, but just as they got close, the overhead light turned green and shined on them and they instantly fell to the ground.

"Ahhh... kryptonite..." Krypto groaned, weakly.

Fluttershy gasped, "What’s wrong?"

"That light is radiating kryptonite! Their greatest weakness!" Ace said, as he struggled in the net, "Help them!"

"I have just the thing!" Fluttershy pulled out her blowgun and fired a dart at the light, shutting it down.

"Oh, I’m gonna be seeing green for hours." Streaky groaned, as he and Krypto slowly stood up.

"Are you two alright?" Fluttershy hurried over to them.

"Thanks to you we will be." Krypto said, and used his heat vision to cut Ace down from the net.

"Thanks," Ace said, "Now, to find out who set up that trap," He sniffed the air, "I smell a rat!"

Krypto's ears perked up, "Yeah. And I think I hear a rat!"

A small grey rat tried to creep away, only for Ace to step on his tail.

"Hello, Jimmy." he said to the rat.

"Uh, hiya, Ace," Jimmy said, nervously, "Long time no see, heh-heh!"

"Cut the small talk, Jimmy!" Ace snapped. "Isis put you up to this, didn't she?!"

"Uh, well, that is to say..." Jimmy began, and broke down, "Alright, it's true! She said she'd eat me if I didn't set up this trap!"

Fluttershy gasped and picked up the rodent, "Oh, you poor little rat!" She nuzzled him against her cheek, "That cat was just mean to do that!"

"Wait, she can understand us?" Jimmy asked.

"Yes," Ace said, "Now, tell us what Isis is planning!"

"I don't know?" Jimmy shook his head, "She never told me the plan."

"If you’re lying to us..." Ace narrowed his eyes.

Jimmy panicked and scurried up Fluttershy's arm and hid behind her neck, "I swear I don’t know!" He insisted.

"But I do." said a perky young voice.

"Oh no." Ace moaned, in annoyance.

Everyone looked up to see a small brown bird fly in from a window and perch on Fluttershy's finger. He wore green shorts, a small yellow cape, and a black mask around his eyes. He kind of looked like Robin.

"Aww! Hello there," Fluttershy cooed, "Are you an animal superhero too?"

"Yes I am," the bird confirmed, "My name's Robbie the bird! I’m Bathound's partner!"

"Something like that." Ace said, dryly.

Robbie chuckled, "Your sense of humor never get's old!"

Ace grunted, "The plan?!"

"Oh, right, the plan!" Robbie said, "They're heading to Bludhaven to rob Roulette's safe!"

"What's Bludhaven?" Fluttershy asked, "And who's Roulette?"

"Bludhaven is the city Nightwing protects," Ace explained, "But since he's helping Batman with the Kraang, Isis must have figured this was the perfect opportunity to strike in Bludhaven. As for Roulette, she's a crooked woman who runs a fighting ring called the Meta-Brawl!"

"The Meta-Brawl?" Streaky inquired, "What's that?"

"The Meta-Brawl is where two or more meta humans are forced to battle each other for entertainment," Ace said, "One time, Roulette had the best women of the Justice League mind controlled and fight each other to the death."

"That's cruel!" Fluttershy exclaimed.

"Exactly," Ace agreed, then turned back to Robbie, "Is there anything else you learned.

"Yep," Robbie nodded, "Before they left, Isis said they were first gonna pick something up down at the docks."

"We should stop them before they get the chance!" Krypto stated.

"And hurry!" Fluttershy added.

"Let's go!" Ace ordered, and they all hurried off.

Soon Bat Hound, SuperDog and Cat, Robbie, and Fluttershy arrived at the docks and hid behind some crates.

"There they are!" Krypto whispered.

Fluttershy could see a Siamese cat sitting around as two red hyenas with green and purple collars, a puffin, a vulture, and a penguin in a blue scarf and pink snow cap were trying to open a very large crate with some crowbars.

"Hurry up, boys!" Isis ordered, impatiently, "We haven't got all night!"

"Easy for you to say, dudette!" Griff said, grunting, "You're not the one busting their backs here!"

"What's in this crate anyway?" Artie inquired.

"It's a surprise..." Isis chuckled.

"Well, we do like surprises!" Bud said.

"Yeah!" Lou added. And they both laughed.

"How'd we get stuck with the clowns?" Waddles asked his fellow birds.

"Just hurry and get it open!" Isis said, "Bat Hound and his friends could show up any moment!"

"Right you are, Isis!" Ace called as he, Krypto, Streaky, and Robbie came out.

"Ah, Bat Hound, good to see you again," Isis greeted, "And you brought Superdog and Supercat! How delightful!"

"Don't forget me!" Robbie said.

Isis frowned, "And you brought that annoying bird too."

"Ah, he ain't so bad." Lou said.

"Yeah, he gives great getaway tips!" Bud added.

"They're not the only ones I brought." Ace said, and Fluttershy flipped out.

Waddles shouted and dropped his crowbar, "They got a human with them!"

"A funny looking human!" Bud snarked.

"What's up with her skin and hair?" Lou teased, and they both laughed again.

"Hey! That's not very nice!" Fluttershy scolded.

"Huh?" The hyenas and birds said, in confusion.

"Wait, she can understand us?" Griff asked.

"I've been getting that a lot tonight." the girl admitted.

"Hmm, she must one of those meta-humans the news spoke of," Isis said, "My mistress ran into one of them with Black Canary."

"That was my friend Rarity," Fluttershy noted, "And Catwoman also tried to steal her bracelet!"

"She's a thief, what'd you expect?" Isis said, matter-of-factly.

"Enough small talk!" Ace broke in, "What's in the crate, Isis?"

Isis hopped onto the crate, "Let me show you!" She picked up Waddles' crowbar and jabbed it into the right spot and pried the lid open.

The lid fell down with a thud and standing inside were ten yellow, cat-shaped robots.

"Catbots?!" Krypto and Streaky exclaimed.

"That's right," Isis confirmed, "A little gift from your old friend Mechanikat."

"Ha!" Streaky scoffed, "We can take those buckets of bolts!" Then he flew straight at them only to suddenly drop to the ground weakened.

"Streaky!" Krypto went over and he fell to ground too.

"Oh? Did I mention they're fitted with an extra little surprise inside them?" Isis said.

The Catbots opened their chests, revealing some green glowing crystals inside.

"Kryptonite..." Krypto groaned.

"I’d love to see you all suffer defeat, but I’m afraid we have a schedule to keep." Isis said.

"Adios, Loser pets!" Bud chuckled, as the villainous animals left.

"They’re getting away!" Ace said.

"But we can’t just leave Krypto and Streeky like this!" Fluttershy said, pointing at the weakened dog and cat.

"You’re right!" Ace admitted, "If we can get rid of the kryptonite, they can help us beat the cat bots!"

"Please.......Hurry...." Krypto pleaded weakly.

"Hang on." Fluttershy called.

Ace pressed a button on his collar and a batarang popped out. He caught it in his mouth and handed it to Fluttershy, "Take this! Now aim it just so and wait till I say..." The Catbots were about ready to crush the dog and cat, "Now!"

Fluttershy hurled the Batarang. It sailed through the air and knocked the kryptonite out of the Catbots and onto the ground. Ace then fires a small cube that instantly doubled in size and contained all the kryptonite crystals.

With the kryptonite contained, Krypto and Streaky got up, "Thanks..." Krypto said, returning to full strength.

"Ugh!" Streaky groaned, "Definitely seen enough green to last time!"

"Now where were we?" Krypto said, looking at the Catbots.

"Booyakasha!" Fluttershy shouted, as she charged at the robots.

"What'd she say?" Krypto asked Ace.

"Booyakasha," Ace replied, "Apparently, it’s their catchphrase. It sounds annoying."

"BOOYAKASHA!" Streaky and Robbie called as they joined in.

"Really annoying." Ace added

Working together, they fought against the Catbots. Krypto and Streaky flew circles around them making them so dizzy that their heads shot off. Bat Hound launched a bat grapple that wrapped around some of the Catbot's legs tripping them up. Robbie threw some of his birdarangs a Catbot that blew it up. And Fluttershy took out some with her ninja moves until only one was left.

"I'll take care of this one," Streaky floated up to it, "But you guys might wanna cover your ears."

"Why?" Fluttershy asked.

"I think I know why." Krypto suspected.

"Time to fight back, time to fight dirty, time to... sing!" Then Streaky started to sing very loud.

Streaky: The cat went over the trash can

The cat went over the trash can

The cat went over the trash caaaan

Everyone winced and covered their ears. Streaky was a terrible singer. The Catbot didn't like his singing especially. It started to short circuit, until it blew up.

"Thank you." Streaky took a bow.

"Uh, no offense, Streaky, but your singing needs work." Robbie said.

"A lot of work." Fluttershy added.

"Now that the Catbots are taken care of, let's get to the Meta Brawl." Ace said.

Waking up after her knock out from Cheshire, Huntress found herself locked inside a cell. She had a feeling she'd been here before. Then there was a knock at her cell door. She looked up to see a woman with dark brown hair fixed into a bun by two big needles and blue eyes looking through small red glasses. She looked down at Huntress with a sly smile.

"Morning, Huntress." she said.

Huntress glared. This woman was someone she despised almost as much as Mandragora, "Roulette!" She gritted her teeth.

"I hope you’re fully rested." Roulette said.

"I should have known you’d be behind Cheshire’s ambush!" Huntress accused.

"On the contrary, I asked her to pick you up." Roulette countered.

"What do you want?" Huntress asked, bluntly.

"I’m gonna give my audience a little show," Roulette explained, "And congratulations, you're the star attraction! Consider it payback for last time!"

Huntress stood and glared at Roulette, "You’re gonna regret not killing me when you had the chance! Cause I’m gonna make sure you don’t give reruns!"

"Don't worry, I plan to rectify that error tonight," Roulette assured, "Oh, and, give the audience a good show. They paid good money for a fight and I intend to give them one." And she walked away.

As the audience took their seats, high up in the rafters right above the arena, Pinkie Pie and Harley sat with excitement. But Pinkie was the most excited.

"Ooo! When's the show gonna start?" She asked Harley, "Is there gonna be band performing? A magic show? Why are we sitting in the rafters?"

"For the best view," Harley replied, "And don't worry, the show's about to start real soon. And it's gonna be one heck of a performance!"

Soon a spotlight shown down as Roulette appeared in the center of the ring.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to Meta Brawl!" She spoke throw a microphone, "Tonight, we have a special guest competing in this match tonight! Please give a big warm hand to the one and only: Huntress!"

Huntress rose up from a trap door with her hands in shackles. the audience booed and hissed at her. Pinkie Pie, on the other hand, was more shocked to see her.

"Huntress?!" She exclaimed, "What's she doing here?"

"And, her opponent!" Roulette announced, as a familiar blonde woman rose up at on the opposite side, "Black Canary!"

"You've gotta be kidding!" Huntress said in disbelief.

"Place your bets, viewers! Which of these beautiful bruisers will win?! Let the fight, begin!" As Roulette walked past Huntress, she whispered, "That's right, she's been brainwashed again! Payback to her for destroying my previous ring! And I can think no better and humiliating way than to have you be crushed by your long time rival! And I'm going to make sure she beats you till your last breath!" With that, she walked of the arena as the glass walls closed up.

The bell went off and Huntress' shackles fell loose, right before she was kicked into the wall by Canary. Huntress got up just in time to see the blonde charge at her and dove out of the way.

"Seriously, Canary?!" She said, as blocked and deflected her strikes and kicks, "You let yourself get mind controlled again?!" She grabbed her by the jacket and body slammed her to the floor, "Just how careless can you be?!"

Black Canary spun on to her feet, sweeping Huntress's feet, and kicked her down. She raised her foot to nail her, but Huntress rolled out of the way. Then the two fought hand to hand until Canary grabbed Huntress' arm then kicked her in the gut and kneed her in the face. Then she jumped onto to her shoulders, holding her head by her knees, then she leaned back using her up weight to body slam Huntress and her face and toss her into a wall. Then she flipped into the air and landed on the ruthless heroine, nailing her knee into her gut, making her yell in pain. Then just like her mentor Wildcat did to Green Arrow, she punched Huntress left and right across the face, harder and harder with each strike.

Roulette watched the scene with an evil grin, "Never cross Roulette, my dear Huntress. Ever!"

Up on the rafters, Pinkie Pie watched the fight and began to worry.

"Why's Black Canary fighting Huntress like that?" She asked Harley Quinn.

"Oh, it's probably because she'd got one of those mind control thingies on her neck," Harley Quinn blurted out. "My puddin' used the same ones the Kraang gave to him so that he can- Oops, uh, did I say that out loud."

"Wait, your puddin'?" Pinkie said, in shock, "Your puddin's working with the Kraang?!"

"Was that something that I should've said earlier?"

"Yeah!" Pinkie Pie frowned, "Why did you lie to me?"

"I didn't lie. I just didn't tell you the whole thing." Harley Quinn rebuffed

"I thought we were friends," Pinkie began to tear up, "I thought you thought I was fun."

"I do think you're fun. That was never a lie," Harley Quinn smiled sincerely at her and Pinkie smiled back with hope. Until Harley broke the nice moment, "But not as fun as hitting Bats with a Baseball bat, so, it was fun while it lasted." Then she pushed Pinkie off the rafters, sending her down screaming.

Back on the ground, Canary threw Huntress into the glass wall and was moving in to finish her off. Huntress stood up ready to fight again, when suddenly, Pinkie Pie crash landed on Canary, knocking her to the floor.

"Pinkie?!" Huntress said, in surprise, "What are you doing here?"

"It's a long story," Pinkie Pie replied, "Oh, let me take care of that." And she yanked the mind control device off of Canary.

Black Canary blinked and looked around, "What happened?"

"We're back in the Meta Brawl." Huntress said.

"Oh great," Canary frowned, "Let me guess, I was mind controlled again?"

"Yeah." Huntress answered.

"This isn't the first time you've been in a situation like this, isn't it?" Pinkie asked.

Huntress walked up and called out, "So much for your show, Roulette!"

"Oh, no, the show's just beginning..." Roulette countered.

Then two figures rose up behind them. One of them was Cheshire. The other was a woman with black hair and dressed in red and black.

"Lady Shiva?!" Black Canary exclaimed.

"Well this just keeps getting better," Huntress frowned.

"Don't worry, it's three against two!" Pinkie Pie assured them.

Just then, Harley Quinn dropped down from the rafters and whipped out her mallet, "As you were saying?" She asked.

"Aaaand I'll stop talking now!" Pinkie Pie said, sheepishly. But pulled out her weapon and stood ready.

The three sides charged in at each other and attacked. Huntress against Cheshire. Black Canary against Shiva. And Pinkie Pie faced Harley Quinn.

"I can't believe you lied to me!" Pinkie exclaimed, swinging her weapon, "I thought we were friends!"

"I can't believe you totally bought it!" Harley chuckled, "What a sap!"

She leaped at her with her mallet raised, but Pinkie back flipped to dodge the slam and bounded off the the glass wall to land a kick. Harley blocked Pinkie's feet with her mallet handle, but was forced back. Then the pink girl threw the weight of her weapon down, but the crazed clown lady dodged to the side to avoid it.

Harley then rushed at Pinkie, swinging her mallet left and right with the pink kunoichi dodging every swing.

"Besides," she went on. "Old Kraang Subprime's been giving my puddin nothing but bad lip! And their supposed to be partners!"

"Partners?!" Pinkie did a double take, "Your puddin's partnered with Subprime?!"

"Well, duh," Harley said, as if it were obvious, "I mean, why else would he distract you ninjas with the mutant baddies so Dr Khan could build the Kraang their portal! Oops!" She covered her mouth. "I probably shouldn't have just said all that too!"

"Say, whaaaat?!" Pinkie Pie's mind was blown.

Huntress was shooting her arrows at Cheshire, who used her sword to deflect two and dodged the rest. She then ran at Huntress, attacking her with her weapon. Huntress used her armored gauntlets to block her attack and then kick Cheshire off.

"Heard your dad got used by Tetch," Huntress mocked, "That's gotta be embarrassing for you."

"Just for that, I'll make your death as painful as possible!" Cheshire proceeded to attack Huntress and managed to knee her in the face.

Cheshire then threw her shurikens at the heroine. She dodged the ninja stars and ran at the cat masked girl, throwing her punches and kicks. Cheshire blocked her attacks and dropped to her hands, spinning legs out, kicking Huntress back.

"After all," she went on, flipping back to her feet, "We both know who the better fighter is..."

"Not you!" Huntress threw her fists, only for Cheshire to catch and twist them behind, like she had once done to Roulette.

"So, Huntress, who's the better fighter?" Cheshire asked, mockingly.

"Not... you!" Huntress grunted, and head-bashed her off.

"So stubborn!"

As they were fighting, Canary was managing to block some of Shiva's attack, but was receiving blows. Shiva on the other hand, being the superior fighter, was perfectly dodging, blocking and countering Canary's blows. They locked arms with Canary using her cry to hit Shiva at point blank, knocking the deadliest woman alive back. Shiva lifted her head up to receive a punch in the face from Canary. The heroine was about to deliver another one, only for her fist to be caught by Shiva.

"Oh..." was all Canary had time to say, before Shiva pulled, giving her the opening to hit Canary's throat, hindering the canary cry.

As Black Canary clenched her throat in pain, Shiva struck her a bunch of time with a variation of punches and kicks before performing a sidekick to the face, knocking Black Canary to the floor. Shiva then pinned her foot on Canary's face.

Huntress blocked more of Cheshire's attacks, until they reached a grapple.

"Quite the fighter!" Cheshire said, "Mommy and Daddy would be so proud. If they were still alive!"

Huntress growled and head bashed her again. Then she punched her across the face left and right, before roundhouse kicking her back. Then she grabbed her by the arm and pulled her in, kneeing her in the gut. She body slammed her to the floor and gave her pile-driver to the chest before kicking her off.

Cheshire got up, "Did I hit a nerve?" She asked coyly.

Huntress charged at her, "When I'm finished with you, you won't even need a-"

Before she could land a blow, Cheshire dropped to her back and hooked her legs around her neck and slammed her onto the ground. She flipped back onto her feet struck Huntress in the spots Canary had hurt her, before kicking her off her feet and onto the ground.

Pinkie Pie saw everything, "Huntress!" She cried. Harley Quinn was about to hit her, when the girl backfisted her in the face and she slumped to the floor, unconscious.

Cheshire readied her sword, "I was trained by the League of Assassins, you never stood a chance!"

Just then her sword was knocked from her hand by Pinkie's weapon. Then she was tackled by the pink girl and they rolled around on the ground until Cheshire pinned her.

"You'll pay for that!" She sneered, and aimed one of her sai at Pinkie's throat.

"Hey, you sound a lot like my friend Karai," Pinkie Pie noted, "Only evil!"

Before Cheshire could stab her, Huntress grabbed her arm and threw her off. Then she punched and kicked her across the face hard before landing an upper cut that knocked off her mask. The last thing Cheshire saw was Huntress's foot as she kicked her right in the face, knocking her out.

Then the heroine helped Pinkie to her feet, "You okay?"

"Yep," Pinkie nodded, "But I thought you hated me, why'd you save me from that cat lady?"

"Look, I don't like you, but I don't want you to get killed," Huntress said. "I'm not heartless."

"Ooo, Ok!" Pinkie Pie smiled cheerfully, right before she punched Huntress in the face.

"What was that for?!" Huntress asked, in surprise.

"For hurting my feelings earlier!" Pinkie shouted.

"Fair enough." Huntress admitted.

Suddenly, Black Canary was thrown past them and into the wall. They looked to see Shiva coming towards them.

Author's Note:
  • Pinkie Pie saying that Cheshire sounds like Karai is a reference that both characters were voiced by Kelly Hu.