• Published 11th May 2019
  • 330 Views, 12 Comments

Daring Do and the magic lamp - Andy Ray

[Unabandoned work] Daring Do meets a genie. An actual genie. Her soon-to-be book has just gotten a lot more interesting... Will she curse herself multiple times for ever discovering that lamp?

  • ...

Chapter 8. One night has passed, and...

The sun had almost set. Its disk was halfway through the horizon line, as it was casting its good-bye rays to whoever were watching it set.

Truly a beautiful time to be writing inspirational texts! Though -- some writers preferred to write late at night, when the younger ponies were asleep, and the elder ones thought they were; though... were they actually?..

Some parents are probably checking on their children right now. Let us wait for them to come back, before we continue...

Have they come yet?

Ugh... Certainly Daring Do had no kids to check on. Or to send to go to bed, for that matter... Perhaps, it was for the best. She could sit at her desk, relax, gaze at the sunset... reaching for the quill occasionally...

Actually no. She had worse things to worry about!

For example, Stealth Pun! She... didn't honestly know, how to behave, now, that he had been teleported along with her into her house! She had talked with Gee about it. The latter had only been shrugging: she had wanted some help, and here it was; she had wished to be safe, and... well, wasn't she safe in her house?

Not with this... pony! -- had Daring shouted in whisper, as she'd glanced back to check, if he'd done anything yet or had been about to. Or had been planning something...

But no. Even though he was excited to be around Gee -- about which Gee had no complaint, -- he behaved himself, as if he'd been actually invited by Daring Do; he was polite enough and quiet, just sitting there, sometimes requesting a glass of water, or a hanky... or some tea with honey... sometimes just honey without any tea... until Daring had glared at him so he had nearly burnt down... in shame.

Due to the late hour all had agreed Stealth Pun should stay. Daring had been reluctant, of course, but Gee had assured he would keep an eye on him, and if need were, even as many eyes, as he could produce. And, though cold with the stallion and a bit hostile to him, she had to be polite to him as well.

Some snide remarks had, nonetheless, been thrown either way. It had not been "each and every way" only because Gee would have interfered and inhibited the tension. For example, here's a recreation of a conversation that took place in the living room, when all had agreed it was the time for bed.

Daring brought a mattress, a bed sheet, a pillow and a blanket and threw them on the floor before Stealth Pun.

"Here, -- she grumbled. -- Have a good night".

"Thank you", -- did Stealth thank her immediately, politely. He proceeded to setting up his bed, while Daring stayed, standing nearby and watching him expectantly.

Stealth was busy with his resting place for a while, but then stopped, raised his head and looked at her questioningly. He arched his eyebrow:

"Pardon me, Miss. Is something a matter?"

Daring glanced away for a moment:

"Oh... I don't know... How about you being uncomfortably close to my house?!.. not to mention close to the point of being inside it?!"

Stealth answered nothing at first, lowering his gaze, but then spoke:

"I see... I am not welcome here..."

"You are my sworn enemy's henchpony! Were it not for the sunset, I would have long shown you the door!"

Stealth harrumphed in indignation, but said nothing else otherwise.

"You work for a villain!.."

"Not, that I'm pleased with that decision", -- remarked Stealth grumpily.

"...And you interrogated me! Worst of all -- I shared with you a secret! Now, what do you think? -- Daring asked, her tone sarcastic. -- What do I expect of YOU?! Huh??"

"Now, Miss! -- Stealth retaliated. -- Even when you were tied up and, might I mention, gagged, -- he squinted his eyes, -- I was just as polite to you, as I am now. The same, unfortunately, can't be said about you..."

"Oh! Please!.. -- Daring raised her snout. -- Do you think I can't tell you're definitely up to something??"

"I don't suppose, -- mumbled Stealth, -- I can be up to anything, considering my current circumstances..."

"Listen! DON'T! -- she glared at him. -- ...Try to go for the lamp! I'm warning you! If!.."

"But... how can I?!.." -- complained Stealth pitifully.

"Don't! If you!.. as much as think!.. about it!.. -- she paused menacingly and stared at him threateningly. -- Then!.."

She was interrupted by a suddenly appearing Gee:

"Are we hitting the hay yet... lady and gentlecolt?"

Both ponies yelped in surprise, Stealth more so, as he was not accustomed to Gee's random popping up.

"My, my! -- the genie exclaimed. -- What have we here!.." In his eyes danced a sparkle of entertainment. "A spicy commotion! Some drama! Action! Conflict!" He assumed a pose in mid-air.

"Gee, -- Daring asked, sneer entering her voice, -- what have you come here for? Haven't you a place of your own to sleep?"

"Uh, speaking of which! -- interfered Stealth Pun. -- Genie! Where do you sleep? In the lamp?.. or in your own bed?"

"Sleep? -- erupted Gee in disbelief and shock. -- Who needs sleep?! Sleep is for the weak!"

"Gee! -- demanded Daring. -- To your bed. Now! Wherever that bed be!"

The genie, bearing a look of a disappointed child, grumbled:

"Oh, well!.. OK, Mom, whatever!.. Don't worry, I've already brushed my teeth, washed my face, put on my pyjamas and prepared my bed! Will you tuck me in, please?"

"Gee!" Though Daring was clearly not in the mood to be goofing around, a grin of amusement was secretly hiding in a corner of her mouth, and a chuckle -- deep in her throat.

The genie, not hiding his grin at all, hastened to disappear.

"Good night", -- addressed Stealth Pun the both of them and resumed his preparations for sleep, deeming them more important, than bickering.

Daring mumbled something under her breath, still stiff about the pony, but nonetheless departed for the night after Gee too. The night was descending, and she did need to get some sleep after the long day. Of course! She'd minded her business, been caught, kidnapped, interrogated; she had escaped, run through the forest, experienced thrill of the highest levels!.. During the whole day she had only eaten in the morning. And now after a meal she was ready not only to eat, but to hit the hay as well...

In the end everypony lay to rest. Except, maybe, for Gee. Though he could fall asleep, he didn't need a bed. For that matter, he could start hallucinating immediately, whenever he felt like it. That was understandable: he couldn't do much in Equestria as a genie, and his mind never rested. Beings like him were not limited to confinement of their bodies -- though anything with a soul needed a body to exist. But Gee's body did not impose on him any inconveniences -- about which he was very happy.

The lamp, however, was limiting his body -- and by extension him as well. It restricted him from playing with the world... so naturally he'd always been bored. The only entertainment left for him was, as he had mentioned about it to Daring Do, to express himself. He could literally reshape himself, summon objects for props, change scenery... albeit not irreversibly. His magic could not persist and, once he were done expressing himself, disappeared, and any changes were reverted.

He loathed his predicament -- and, oh, how much! -- but so far granting wishes had proven to be enough entertainment, so, maybe, he needed not complain?..

Maybe... And yet he was thinking... What could possibly become of it all?.. Daring Do wished for nothing and was really boring!.. But now she had an adventure! A shame, if it ended... Really...

So... How could he make it play out?.. if at all? If Daring won... what should be there for him?.. Should he get a reward for his helpfulness? Or, maybe, he was secretly a villain and was to be revealed later on?.. He couldn't tell.

Hiding between space and time, still under the lamp's supervision, the genie frowned. He pretended to be lying full-length on a cot, his arms beneath his head, in a small, lightened and cosy cell-like facility just wide enough to fit his smoky body.

He had recalled the incident earlier that day... Everyone, who might have heard Daring Do shout anything out, had forgotten she had. Daring Do might have forgotten she had... But Gee hadn't.

"A sick mind"...

She'd called him evil, thought Gee. And for what? For having fun?

The genie humphed. What did they know about having fun?! For a moment Gee wished one of his fellow beings had taught them a couple of tips and tricks! He recalled one of them say, that no fun was in making sense. Perhaps, sense might be of some use... But in the end it all always seemed such a bore!

The genie gagged, as if sick.

"And she calls herself a writer?! -- he drew an annoyed sigh. -- What's the point for a hero to face a trial, if in the end the reward is null and nobody is happy?! Trials exist for a reason!.. Of course, -- he added, -- they might do some BORING stuff instead! Since, well! They shy away from any trials! But, as I've said myself! Where's the fun, if the plot ends, before it's begun?!"

"Oh! the plot!" -- he exclaimed and assumed a dramatic pose, complete with his hand on his brow, while still lying. "Where there is no problem..." He sighed. "...No lesson can be learnt!" -- and he sighed again. "Plus, -- he added. -- Isn't it rather entertaining just to see what the hero does?!"

With a smile on his face he engaged into pleasant thoughts and speculations on what the end of Daring Do's adventure might be like...

And in the meantime...

Despite how much Daring was tuckered out, her worry would not leave her. Could the lamp be safe with her enemy... 's henchpony so close to its hiding place? She could not shake off the feeling, that he was only waiting for her to fall asleep... and then to sneak for the lamp and to steal it, seizing control! Though she did know the control would be split, he could flee under the night's cover with it, rendering her wishing useless!

...Then he could deliver the lamp to Ahuizotl, and he would make sure to eliminate her! Even without the lamp, he would!

Yeah, of course, she thought: Ahuizotl seemed pretty mad at him. So he might not actually deliver the lamp to his boss... That, however, was not helping her... No.

Maybe, Gee would do his best to protect the vessel that controlled him... Yet -- a movement so slight separated the henchpony from making his life easier, and her, Daring Do's, harder!.. And, besides, Gee was somehow able to refuse Daring's direct orders! How?! If Gee was supposed to obey his master's wishes, how could he refuse? Was he hiding something from her?..

But, how ever much and hard Daring tried, she could not recall anything from the lamp's terms and conditions that gave Gee the freedom to toy with her. Unless, of course, he was hiding something, in which case...

She recalled suddenly, that Gee had told he was bound to satisfy her requests. And he had also pointed out, that she had requested to see her tale's events. That nagged her: she had to agree, living a life of adventure always paid off, as she needed not go far to find an idea for her next book... but now...

Now... The very tale she was a heroine of didn't seem to gravitate toward a happy ending. That was bad: for stakes were the highest! The very world could end! For real! She didn't want that!..

But a voice was whispering deep inside her, so quietly she could almost not hear it...

It was whispering out her secret desire... For adventure... O! how thrilling should a life be with a little excitement! how plain and boring it should be without any unexpected threats!.. She understood that clearly.

So... If she had endangered the world by not securing and hiding the lamp for good... could it be because otherwise her, personally, and everypony else's lives too would have become plain and dull?..

She tossed in her bed, turned to lie on her other side and moaned quietly. How could she live like that?! Sure, if the villain does his thing and endangers the world -- that's what he does! That's because he's evil! He doesn't care about going as far, as even destroying the world! And... villains always lose! Good is always victorious! And she... she is on the good side, isn't she? She is no villain! She isn't evil!

With those thoughts in mind Daring also recalled, that earlier that day, when she had visited Letterpress... Huh. She could clearly recall she had been concerned pretty with the same issue she was with -- now. Only then she hadn't realised her wish to see her adventure for herself... had led... to... this...

She shut her eyes and moaned. A restless night it was...

"I wonder, -- she thought into her pillow, -- why was Gee so upset?.. About what?" Honestly, try as she might, she could not invoke the memory... Seriously, what had happened after her talk to Letterpress?

Suddenly she heard something that made her jump up in her bed! What was the commotion?!

Someone couldn't have any rest that night too...

Daring thought immediately about Stealth Pun. Naturally he couldn't rest... The lamp was near! Only a mere foreleg's reach away!

Not wasting her time, she scrambled out of the bed and onto her hooves. She didn't know what to expect -- but she had no time.

She bolted out of her bedroom!..

Unlike the others in this house, Stealth Pun was not concerned with anything that night.

No, really. He was just glad: first, that he had in the end reached his destination -- Daring Do had said the lamp was there, -- second, that his boss had not found the lamp, judging by his furious screams... and that he, Stealth Pun, had managed to dodge his boss' fury... Um... And... third -- Stealth was just glad Daring Do, though had attempted an escape, had not succeeded... in a way, uh... At the very least he, Stealth Pun, knew where she was. So, if it came down to it, he could always just hit her on her head again... and then?.. to tie her? Anyway, Boss would be happy to know -- he thought, as he was falling asleep.

It didn't even bother him, that he was spending the night at his adversary's. Though -- why would he be? -- he reasoned with himself, drifting off to the dreamworlds. Daring Do meant him (or anypony, for that matter) no harm. If not for the rivalry separating them... she, surmised Stealth, could be a very pleasant pony to be around...

Just before the conscious world left Stealth Pun, he imagined what it would have been like, if Daring Do had joined forces with his boss...

The rest of the night Stealth Pun...

...would have slept through, if a sudden urge, ahem, to relieve himself hadn't awakened him.

He got up and, all sleepy, stumbled for the restroom...

...And it just so happened, that he walked right into!.. uh, something. He, uh, couldn't really see what...

In... any case! A dishevelled pony jumped out of the bedroom to the noise!

Shouting something, they pounced at him and pinned him down!

Stealth Pun struggled drowsily. He was gradually losing the sleep he had gained and becoming more and more aware of his surroundings. He started fighting back, trying to get up onto his hooves again.

But the pony was clearly not OK with that! No, they resisted his attempts and tried to hold him! To prevent him! To... subjugate him!

Anger fueling him, Stealth hit his opponent with greater force, wishing to shake them off. They ouched and hissed of pain -- pronouncing something to him, but would he listen? No! He would not! If they wanted to incapacitate him!.. Well, they'd have to think again!..

He kept dealing blow after blow to them and appeared to be winning!..

"Ah! Ouch! Ah, damn you!!!"

...But wait... Who was it he was fighting???

Becoming aware of potential consequences of his actions, he shouted to the unknown pony:

"STOP! NAME yourself, and I shan't hit you!!!"

The pony froze, and so did Stealth, both holding each other in a firm grip.

Finally the pony, practically sizzling with discontent, spoke... in Daring Do's voice!

"Stealth Pun!.. What. Are you... doing here?!"

"M?!.. M-miss?!.." -- he gasped in disbelief. "Hold on! -- he released her, though she did not. -- I... I-I... I-I'll t-turn the-the!.. the lights on!.."

"Don't. Bother!.." -- grumbled Daring Do, then called for the genie: "Gee! Please, light this place up!"

As if the being had not been sleeping and had been alert all night long, he announced his sudden presence:

"Let here be light!" -- and there was light.

And Stealth Pun saw the light, that it was good as to see, the unknown pony he had been hitting was indeed Daring Do!..

Embarrassment overtook the stallion:

"Oh!.. P-pardon me, M-miss!.. I-I knew not, who had attacked me!! If... if I had!.. I... would have surely not!.. engaged!.. With you!.."

"Oh!.. -- uttered Gee with interest and a smile. -- "Engaged", you say?.. Well-well!.. That's... too soon... don't you think?"

Stealth's eyes rounded and enlarged. Was the genie implying?!.. He tried his best not to lose his cool...

"Gee, -- said Daring calmly, glancing toward him and letting the name drop like a droplet. -- One more word..."

"Not a word, Mistress!" -- promised the genie, trying to sound genuine and even clasping his "hands" together, and shut up, though clearly amused.

"Stealth Pun, -- spoke then Daring to the stallion, her tone still the same. -- As you can clearly see... it is indeed me, Daring Do. I don't honestly know, -- she shrugged, -- whom else you were expecting to find... Although..." Still holding him firmly, she leant forward. Stealth's heart raced, and he tensed, sweat forming. "...Whoever that be... there is yet a question to be answered. Namely..." Here she inched so close to his face their noses almost touched. "Namely... What... were you doing... here?.. so late at night?"

She froze with the quizzical expression, and then after a pause added:

"Huh?" -- and cocked her head, eyebrow rising.

For some time Stealth couldn't utter a word; chaos reigned in his head! He was in a confused state and was simply staring at her helplessly... almost dumbly... trying to form a sentence...

He did not need to answer, however: for Daring spoke again:

"While you are considering your answer... I have one more question for you..." She paused for some time. "Tell me..."

The corner of her mouth twitched in a smirk: "Did your parents really call you Stealth Pun, huh?"

The genie snickered.

Stealth... well... He... wasn't reacting for a while.

When he was about ready to come up with an answer...

Gee howled with laughter! Albeit exaggerated a bit, but...

Upon that Daring cracked as well. Shaking, she loosened her grip on Stealth, then wheezed:

"Ha-ha!.. No... offence, hee-hee!.. But!.. -- laughter. -- S-s-seriously, though-ho-ho-o-o!.. "S-Stealth... Pun"?!.. Re... re-hee-hee-ally?!.."

She tried to calm down, but it was hard to do with Gee dying of laughter in the most hilarious way imaginable. The sight of his laughing was... contagious!

"Gee!.. -- she tried. -- Stop! Ha-ha!"

The being seemed to pay no heed, though.

Seeing it all transpire before him, Stealth Pun couldn't help but crack a smile as well. The fact of his name being the subject to laughter, on the other hoof... did not please him in his heart.

"All I wanted was to find the restroom", -- he mumbled grumpily, then proceeded to his quest for the... uh, place. Yeah, for the often sought relief... Ahem!..

The genie, upon that, howled even louder, so that he... literally burst with laughter! Like a balloon! Complete with a sound of an explosion! Bang! The shreds of rubber rained from above!..

That, however, is not to say he was made of rubber... He only appeared to be...

Daring wiped the tears away, but did not leave like Gee, and rather followed Stealth.

He, meanwhile, reached his destination and vanished from sight, the door being locked. Daring approached the door... From there she wasn't sure, how to proceed. Something was telling her she ought, uh... not... to have pressed further and knocked... Though the suspicion was still in there. She couldn't believe all he'd wanted was indeed a vacant restroom!

When Stealth Pun was done and ready to return to his sleep, then, as he left the cabin, he was greeted by Daring Do still waiting for him to finish. It startled him slightly, but he was sure there was nothing to be tense because of. Why, can't a lady have an, uh... ahem, urge?

"Please, if you need", -- he offered her politely, giving way to her.

Daring wasn't so hasty. She fidgeted her hooves, shifting weight.

"Be sure, -- resumed Stealth, -- I have not done anything to the, ahem..." -- he noted to himself to stop coughing before long: he felt it made him look awkward.

"Yes! -- snapped Daring. -- I know that! If you tried something like that!.." She stopped, mad at the stallion and at herself for the momentary outburst. She exhaled, then inhaled and continued: "You... had better NOT!.. attempt anything!.."

She fell silent, feeling she had said something like that before. She had made her point, hadn't she?

She sighed wearily, lowering her head:


"Yes?" -- Stealth asked gingerly. Whatever the situation, he would always display a polite attitude!

Daring sighed again:

"Don't 'yes' me!" -- she ordered icily.

She paused; she was worn out.

The stallion remained silent. Maybe, he thought, she just needed... He didn't know what, but he felt compelled to help a lady!

Finally Daring resumed in a hoarse voice:

"You do know where the lamp is, don't you? Tell me..." She shut her eyes and gritted her teeth: it was well past midnight. "...What are you waiting for?"

"Huh?" -- the stallion's face changed, though it was dark too see.

"For an opportunity?? Well??!" -- Daring raised her voice, a bit of hysterics heard in it.

Stealth was staring at her, though, again, it was hard to see.

"Just tell me what it is you NEED from me!" -- she shouted all of a sudden. She shut her eyes again, no sooner had she opened them, then drew a breath: "...Then... go away!!!.."

She felt tears coming up to her eyelids. It would not be long, before she cried... But she stood strong!

"...Right, then, -- pronounced the stallion awkwardly. -- Well... I nee..."

"Then go ahead and TAKE it! -- was Daring still raving, apparently losing control over herself. -- Well??! Go!!!"

It had the stallion dumbfounded, but, to his luck, an idea came to his mind!

He stepped close to the distressed mare -- and spoke:

"Just before I do it... I need you tied".

He was actually a bit ashamed of what he intended to do... He felt hot, as blood rushed to his face. But he could obviously not calm this mare down! So... Well?!

...However, unexpectedly, Daring did not throw a tantrum. Instead she paused and looked at Stealth in disbelief. She couldn't say a word!

"Well... I have said: I need you tied!" -- repeated Stealth. However, seeing the mare's state, he just decided to act another way: "Or... maybe... I'll just... immobilise you some... o-other way?" He stammered, feeling uncomfortable about doing that. But...

He did not fool around and simply seized her firmly. The pony was, apparently, paralysed with shock, as she was not reacting in any way, just staring at Stealth dumbly.

Then he did what neither she, nor he thought to be a right thing to do to one's enemy, especially in their case.

He hugged her.

He embraced her and held her tightly. He was careful not to be snuggling with her -- he wouldn't dare! -- but...

Daring stood... Even more dumbfounded, than before, though could there be more? A thought flickered in her straining mind: was it all a dream or something?.. In all honesty, she could not tell for sure at that moment.

Stealth... was blushing. He was thinking: "Why me? WHY must it be me??" True, he had felt compelled to comfort the raving mare. But... Even though she was a lady, and he was a gentlecolt!.. even then! He should not be hugging his enemy!

But he had seen no other way to be of help! Enemies or not, he was a gentlecolt! He was not to be inconsiderate, especially toward a lady!

Still, the moment felt pretty awkward to him...

They stood there for some indefinite time, until Stealth felt a head leaning on his shoulder. He shuddered. It had cued him, they had already stood long enough. Maybe, even too long.

"Are you feeling better now, Miss?" -- he asked in a whisper.

The head jerked up, and a pair of crazed eyes stared at an embarrassed Stealth.

"Wha?.." -- the head's owner asked, then pushed the stallion away. -- ...Stealth?.. Is that you?!.. What the hay??.. are you DOING??!"

The stallion flinched. "If you are, -- he went on, fighting another blood rush to his face, -- then, I suppose..." Seeing, however, Daring Do's alert state, he motormouthed: "...I suppose, it's a good-night!" -- and rushed back to his mattress, nearly tumbling.

Daring took a second to process the... event. Then with a start she... gave chase!

"YOU! You, good for nothing!.." -- she spat various curses and insults, though she didn't really think she could do anything heroic that night. Nonetheless...

Stealth Pun had already hidden under his blanket and was praying in whisper to whoever were willing to have mercy on him and to PLEASE, SAVE ME FROM HER WRATH!!!

And, whoever that were, they had heard his pledge! Daring Do, still mumbling curses under her breath, decided not to bash the freaky stallion to death with his own pillow (borrowed from Daring Do, but still!) and stumbled back to her bedroom...

She was fuming! Naturally!.. Yet strangely... the thoughts of the pony did not worry her so much. Sure, she wouldn't trust him to stay locked in jail like a good colt!.. But at least she felt she could sleep normally.

At last...

Back into her bedroom, she waddled to her bed and slumped on top of it, eyes shut.

The night had gone well. The ponies had rested, the genie... had not... but he was still OK!

The morning had come! A bright and cheerful morning it was!

Daring Do opened her eyes to the sun's rays. The day seemed to promise only the good things!

She got up and out of the bed and with a slight bounce in her step walked to make breakfast.

As she was exiting her bedroom, she was met with a sight of a makeshift bed being deconstructed by... a stallion...

She slowed her step, until she stopped, and her jaw hung. Right, it wasn't dangling only because it was firmly attached to Daring Do's skull...

"The hay??!.."

Her memory brought her a recollection of the last night... Then of yesterday!

She had recalled what had happened yesterday. The talk with Letterpress! Gee's being upset!.. Ahuizotl's ambush! Then! Her being kidnapped!.. And then her escape!..

And... then she had run into Ahuizotl's henchpony... The same one, who'd stolen her lamp!.. Even though she had managed to save it, but still!

And this pony... Stealth Pun!.. was right in front of her, packing the bed up!..

As she'd recalled it all, the initial shock was replaced with... anger! Stealth Pun... had slept in her HOUSE!!!

The pony noticed someone had entered, suspended the packing-up, rose onto his hooves and bowed his head a little, politely:

"Good morning, Miss Do! Have you slept well? I sure hope you have!"

Daring kept looking at him crossly.

"If you have slept well -- well... your master is waiting!" -- she informed him begrudgingly.

The stallion suppressed the urge to raise his eyebrows in a frown:

"If I might, -- he attempted gently, -- is something on your mind?"

"Oh, I don't know!.." -- Daring barked all of a sudden, making Stealth flinch. The latter felt irritation: not only did his boss make him... but now she was as well? "What are you here for, anyway?!"

"Well!.. Miss! -- resented the stallion. -- Need I remind you?!.."

"Nope, -- answered Daring shortly, her gaze wandering off. -- You've slept one night! Now get outta here!" -- and she stared at him angrily.

"Uh... -- Stealth uttered, feeling he couldn't make her reconsider. -- May I at least have breakfast?"

This cooled Daring Do down a bit. She shut her lips and contemplated.

Stealth waited politely and, in all honesty, nervously.

"...I'll make you a lunch-box!" -- she said coldly, finally, turning her tail to him and storming off into the kitchen.

Stealth nearly choked; if he had been sipping tea, he'd have spat it out. Nonetheless he decided not to argue.

Meanwhile Daring Do had reached the kitchen and proceeded to preparing a meal.

"Ah-h-h! -- appeared Gee out of nowhere suddenly and stretched. -- Good morning, Mistress!"

"Uh-uh, -- she mumbled. -- May you stay well too".

"Oh, I'm doing well!" -- dismissed Gee with a smile.

Daring answered nothing.

"Say, Mistress..." -- spoke Gee up again.

"What?!" -- Daring abandoned her task, turned to the annoying being and locked gaze with his, fuming.

The genie looked aside before answering:

"Well... I was thinking..." -- he appeared to be pacing in his explanation.

"Darn, can't I prepare simple breakfast, Gee?!"

"Oh, would you like to... make a wish?" -- the genie smiled, excitement hiding in his eyes.

"No! Go away!"

With those words she turned back to the cooking. The genie, however, did not want to concede so simply...

"But, Mistress!.. Uh..." Daring wasn't paying him attention, her stern expression set on the ingredients. "This... concerns your book".

Daring stayed the way she was, cutting and chopping something, but then spoke finally:

"Gee... As I recall... My book is, thanks to you!.. Very and very safe!" She afforded herself to look at the genie, and that look was not one of satisfaction. "You said, you didn't want to... how was it?.. Ugh, let's just say, you refused to assist me!" She glared at him.

"What?? No! I can't!"

Gee made to pose, but Daring interrupted him:

"Yeah, of course!.. Listen, -- she added after a pause, sighing. -- I'll talk to you later, OK? Await..."

"Oh, -- sighed Gee. -- Alright..."

"What?? I mean it actually! Just let me finish cooking..."

"Perhaps, -- offered Gee, -- you wish to..."

"OUT!!!" -- bellowed Daring, and the genie, presumably scared, popped away clumsily -- though it is unclear, how one can disappear clumsily.

"Sheesh!" -- Daring snorted and resumed making breakfast.

Stealth Pun was awaiting meekly in the living room. He smelt smells from the kitchen. It made him drool. But he swallowed the saliva.

The makeshift bed had already been dismantled and put away, so all that was left for Stealth was to take the promised lunch-box -- and then to depart!..

However, he thought. Could he make a mad dash for the lamp, and then flee?

Stealth considered it. It appeared, Daring Do had indeed told him the real location of the lamp!.. Could it be... she hadn't lied about it? Or... "H-m-m. I've not been hoping she told me the actual truth... Otherwise I wouldn't have headed for her house... H-m-m, but now... Ah, what may I lose, right?"

After some thinking he'd made his mind up. Warily, so nopony saw him, he tiptoed to his hostess' bedroom...

As he was approaching the door, his heart was racing and pounding. Naturally! In addition to the sense of excitement he felt in his gut, despite his rather... criminalistic occupation, he had been raised in a well-mannered family, and he had been taught about decent ways. And entering a lady's private bedroom was most certainly NOT what gentlecolts did! But that was where, Daring Do had told, the lamp was hidden...

He reached the door, stopped before it and listened. No one seemed to have noticed where he was. Daring was still in the kitchen: he could smell the smells. The genie... Stealth was unsure about him. And even if he did guard the lamp... he was supposed to obey his master... and his master was whoever had a hold of the lamp!.. So...

Stealth turned the handle and pushed the door carefully. It didn't creak. Yet Stealth looked back, in case someone had heard anything... But nopony had. No one came...

Stealth sighed in relief and stepped inside. Closed the door just as... stealthily... Heh...

Then he crept under the bed.

"In all honesty, -- he thought to himself shamefully, -- I should have asked her first, if it's there or not... Just to... be sure... But, then again, no one shall know!.."

He felt around for a small box... It was nowhere.

"Well... I assume, she MUST have relocated it!" -- he cursed in annoyance and was about to creep back out...

However he happened to raise his head a bit too high... and it hit a rather sharp corner!

Stealth yelped, then hissed... then whined silently. He tried very hard not to make a sound... but his head hurt!

"Ouch! What is this damn thing?!"

He palpated the corner... And it appeared to be some object, attached to the bed's underside.

"Huh! Well, I guess, this is not the underside I've... -- he hissed, -- hit!"

Still mad at the object that had caused him such pain, he gripped it. It was rectangular.

"Aha! Maybe, she's not relocated it after all! Huh... why, though? If she had such suspicions of me last night... Could it be a trap?!.."

He didn't stop, however, in spite of his fears. He shook the small box -- and something rumbled inside! His eyes lit. Could it be?!.. He fiddled with the object, which was, apparently, the box he'd been hoping to find. It clicked... and opened!

And inside it was!..

"Boo-oo-oo!" -- someone emerged from inside the box and howled!

Stealth shrieked. That was a short shriek, but... very loud... though Stealth hoped with all his heart it was not!

In the process he hit the top of his head on the bed's underside. He didn't notice that -- so startled he was! -- but his head spun, and he felt dizzy. He scrambled to get out from-under the bed as quickly, as possible!.. but then slowed down.

"OUCH!" -- he rubbed his sore head, still sprawled on the floor. Man, that hurt! "In the name of... Aargh!.. Genie!.. -- he hissed of pain. -- Is that... ow!.. you?"

As it appeared, it was indeed Gee, who had popped out of the box and was now hovering above the unlucky thief, arms crossed.

"Well-well! -- the genie said, frowning. -- What are you doing here... Stealth Pun?" The pony didn't answer and just kept rubbing his head. "Huh? Did your parents not teach you stealing wasn't good?"

"Ouch!.. Did your parents not tell you?!.. -- Stealth shouted, though trying to keep his voice down, -- ...that spooking someone could end badly?!"

"My mistress' wish, -- answered the genie crossly, -- is to protect the lamp... of the existence of which, I believe, you are aware, are you not?"

"So", -- Stealth answered, still hissing and rubbing his sore head that just wouldn't STOP being sore! "It can't be denied. Everypony: my boss, Miss Do, and now you too -- you all do admit there does exist an actual, real lamp!"

"Am I not enough evidence?" -- asked the genie drily.

"Well... -- Stealth hissed again. -- Duh! Your having told me you're protecting the lamp just supports it all! So... How can I not have tried to go for it? Been worth a shot, though, hasn't it?.. Gah! -- he erupted, frustrated. -- Should have known there was a trap!"

"Indeed, -- smirked the genie wryly. -- And now the question is: what shall I do to you now? For, you see? As long, as you don't touch this thrice cursed vessel!.. it's actually OK in my book, as the lamp stays still protected..."

Stealth considered, massaging his head, that wasn't hurting so much now...

Suddenly! An idea came to his mind!

"H-m-m... Say, genie..."

"Don't you remember my name is Gee?" -- asked the genie with slight annoyance in his voice.

"OK. So, Gee..."


"What, if I promised you... I wouldn't touch the lamp?.." -- proposed Stealth, and in his eyes lit mischievous fire. "Would you allow me to... take it... with me?.. Huh?" -- he asked, his eyes almost like those of a begging puppy.

The genie said nothing in response, but the similar fire of mischief sparkled in his eyes as well... though, maybe, for a different reason:

"H-m-m, you know..."

Daring had finished preparing breakfast. She had also eaten. And, as she'd promised just before heading to the kitchen, she had made Stealth Pun a lunch-box. That contained an actual snack, mind you! She was not some sort of prankster!

Even if her hooves itched for that...

She entered the living room, where she'd left the annoying stallion. Naturally, she found no one. She commended him mentally for having packed his bed up: the sheets were folded neatly, as if by a housemaid, and not by a male. At least he had that redeeming quality!

"Stealth Pun!" -- she called for him.

...But nopony answered.

"Your lunch-box is ready!" Silence responded. "Take it and get lost!"

But he did neither.

"I'll... just assume he's in the colts' room", -- Daring mumbled and sat down on the edge of a chair, setting the box down and preparing to be waiting...

Little did she know, what a surprise would await her, when she decided finally to check the restroom, and then the rest of the house...

Author's Note:

So. A long day it has been! It's taken four chapters!

And now things escalate! Stealth Pun is surprising, is he not? Just when we thought!..

He is a gentlecolt, though.

Will Daring find out, what's happened? Will YOU? What is Stealth Pun's scheme? And can Daring foil it?

Miss it not in the next chapter of her adventure!

(I've wanted to make Daring comment on Stealth's name since her capture back in chapter 5!..)