• Published 5th Mar 2019
  • 2,466 Views, 51 Comments

In Silent Prison - Inky Scrolls

At Applejack's behest, Autumn Blaze pays a visit to a psychiatrist.

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The Whirlwind Arrives

Spring! Despite her name, Spring was Autumn Blaze's favourite season. So much colour, so many growing things, so many new friends to talk to! Every budding daffodil, blossoming cherry tree or babbling brook was something new to enjoy, and now that she had other ponies to share it with after so many years, Autumn meant to make the most of it.

So when Applejack sent her a letter asking if she'd be free to come and stay for a while, Autumn jumped at the chance. What could be better than spending time with her newest, most bestest pony friend?

Without bothering to pack, with barely a brief farewell, and calling her goodbyes wildly over her shoulder as she galloped from the Kirin village, Autumn Blaze hurried as fast as she could to Ponyville, too excited even to grumble at the lateness of the train. After many long hours of travelling, and having caused a minor kerfuffle while changing trains in Canterlot when she accidentally made off with somepony else's umbrella, Autumn Blaze finally arrived at the simple whistlestop that was Ponyville's railway station.

Bouncing up and down with a mixture of impatience and anticipation, she flung herself at Applejack as soon as the two ponies spotted each other on the platform; while the farm pony was still reeling from the collision she cried, "Applejack! It's so good to see you again! How are you? How are your family? How is Fluttershy? Isn't Spring just wonderful?"

Blinking in surprise, Applejack smiled warmly in return; never had she known another pony so like Pinkie Pie. "Ah'm very well, thank you Autumn! It's lovely to see you again too. And Fluttershy's doing just fi-" She broke off as her friend leant in for a bear hug, wincing as she felt her ribs groan under the pressure.

After the hug-attack subsided, and Autumn seemed to have calmed down a little, Applejack realised there didn't appear to be any luggage lying on the platform. "Say, Autumn, have you left your luggage on the train?"

Eyes widening for a moment in horror before the memory of her journey kicked in, the Kirin gave a self-conscious giggle. "Oh, I didn't bring anything! I was just so excited when I got your letter than I just had to leave right away, and I forgot all about bringing anything with me!"

Applejack voiced her concern at the lack of any spare clothes, toiletries, or any reading material for what must surely have been a highly tedious journey; Autumn hastened to reassure her. "Don't worry AJ, it's Spring, I won't need any clothes! I can buy a toothbrush in Ponyville, and I was too busy talking to the voices in my head to have time to get bored on the way!"

"Right. . ." Applejack didn't bother pointing out that, as Autumn Blaze hadn't brought any money either, buying a toothbrush was going to be a bit of a problem. Rather, her focus was on the slightly alarming reminder of a line from the song Autumn had sung when the two ponies had first met: "Stuck in silent prison with the voices in my head." At the time, Applejack had assumed Autumn was referring merely to having had to keep her thoughts to herself for so long, but now she was not so sure.

But there was not time to worry about that now - Autumn Blaze was already skipping along the path, head turning this way and that, searching eagerly for Sweet Apple Acres. "Where do you live, Applejack? Is it far? How long will it take to walk? When we get there, will your family be there? Where does Fluttershy live? Can we visit her?"

"Whoa there, sugarcube! One question at a time. No, it's not far, and we should be there in a few minutes. Mah family will be there, so you'll get to meet Big Mac, Applebloom and Granny Smith straightaway. As for Fluttershy, she lives over in that direction" - Applejack motioned towards the Everfree forest, looming away to the East - "and Ah don't see why you couldn't drop it to see her cottage sometime. But she's looking forward to seeing you again just as much as Ah am, so she's coming round for tea this evening!"

Autumn gasped in excitement and, spying a large red farmhouse and barn in the distance, asked, "Is that your farm, Applejack?"

As Applejack nodded in response, Autumn took a deep, long breath, and closed her eyes while breathing slowly out. When she reopened them she seemed somewhat more composed. "I'm sorry I'm so over-excited, AJ. I just so enjoy seeing ponies and getting to stay with them! I don't have many real friends, you know, even now. The other Kirin all seem to think I'm a bit odd! I don't know why though. Hey!" The moment of calm over, Autumn squinted her eyes against the light of the sun, now low in the sky, and announced, "I think I can see someone outside your farm!"

Seeing a small, yellowish blob by the front porch of Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack replied, "Sure thing, sugarcube - it looks like Applebloom has come out to welcome you. She's been really looking forward to meeting my new friend!"

Mouth turned in a quizzical line, Autumn tilted her head to the side and asked, "Really? Who's your new friend?"

The orange mare smiled at Autumn's innocent confusion. "You are!"

"Aww, that's so kind of you! Do you really think of me as your friend, really?"

"Of course I do, sugarcube. And whoever's a friend of mine is a friend of mah family's, as you'll soon see!"

With that, the two ponies trotted companionably the rest of the way along the unpaved road to Sweet Apple Acres, Autumn Blaze asking innumerable questions and chatting away constantly. Applejack grinned to herself; it was good to have such a lively friend to stay - a pony so completely different from the stolid Big Mac! All the same, however, she couldn't help but feel concerned at Autumn's reference to 'real' friends - it seemed to imply that the voices she was hearing were more than just her own thoughts. Applejack determined to keep an eye on her excitable, eccentric new friend.