• Published 21st Dec 2018
  • 2,337 Views, 63 Comments

Canterlot High Days - James Pwyll

  • ...

From Afar


"Yes, Discord?"

"Is it normal for humans to spy on each other in a creepy way from behind some inconspicuous bushes?"

Celestia arched an eyebrow as she considered her chaotic companion.

"...No...I would say it's as inappropriate for them as it is for us."

Discord nodded seriously.

"In that case...I'd say our dear Twilight has a somewhat worrisome situation."

Celestia's ears perked up, and she again looked to the vortex. Sure enough, there was indeed someone watching from behind a bush on the other side of the road from where Twilight and Sunset were. The young lovers were currently eating a small snack together at a local cafe, completely unaware of the fact that they were being watched. The assailant in question? A girl who appeared to be about their age, with a largely pink hairstyle that was tied back in a ponytail. What's more, she was not alone, as a similarly-aged girl with silvery pigtails was sitting beside her, looking completely bored out of her skull.

"Well...that's rather...interesting."

Discord chuckled at the Princess' remark.

"Indeed...so let's keep watching.

Sour gripped her binoculars tighter and tighter as she continued to spy on the as-yet unaware couple on the other side of the road from her. Her teeth gritted and she panted heavily, her words bathed in venom.

"Stupid Sunset! Stealing my Twily! Nobody takes Sour Sweet's stuff and gets away with it!"

Sugarcoat rolled her eyes to her friend's words, giving her a quick tap on the head to get her attention.

"You know, for Twilight to have been stolen from you, she would have first needed to have actually been yours. And i don't know if you remember, Sour, but you and her were never together."

But Sour waved her off.

"Pfft! Details!"

She hadn't even looked up from her binoculars to say that, instead continuing to focus on her "stolen love" from her hiding place.

"Besides, you and I are on a sacred mission, Sugarcoat. The honor of Crystal Prep is at stake! Those lowly Canterlot High heathens took one of us! That is a crime that cannot be allowed to go unpunished!"

Sugarcoat blinked at her slowly.

"This situation is gonna end very badly for you, isn't it?"

Sour ignored her, as she so often did, adjusting the lenses on her tool of choice before again looking to Twilight. She was laughing, clearly enjoying her lunch date with Sunset, which only served to stoke the fires of Sour's passions.

"Oh, my fair and innocent Twily! Look how you've let that red-haired temptress lead you astray! Don't you know you belong with us? With me? Know you not how I long to smell your hair at night as you sleep?"

For the first time today, Sugarcoat started to look worried.

"It occurs to me that you're probably one of those people who's going to have to pay a lot for therapy bills one day."

Putting her binoculars down, Sour clenched her hand into a fist, shaking it with rage at Sunset's general direction.

"I swear to you, Sunset Shimmer. One day, you shall rue the day you crossed Sour Sweet! You and your children, and your children's children, you shall all weep and despair with the unholy vengeance I shall inflict upon you all for your theft of my beloved."

Rubbing the bridge of her nose, Sugarcoat just shrugged her shoulders.

"Yep, restraining orders all around with this one. Freedom was nice while it lasted."

Sour, ignoring the sage counsel of her friend, started to cackle maniacally.

"Let the world know that Sour Sweet shall never give upon this quest! Twilight Sparkle..."

She leapt up, standing tall and screaming to all the world.


As one would expect in a situation such as this, this bellow caused all eyes in the immediate area to turn in her direction, particularly those of Sunset and Twilight. There was a deathly silence that followed, as Sour finally began to let the moment sink in, realising that she had outed herself. Sugarcoat, for her part, had simply resigned to covering her eyes with her palm, the embarrassment of the moment simply too great for mere words to express. Sour, on her side of things, had stayed in that one defiant pose for almost a full minute before finally starting to move again. Raising a balled fist to her mouth, she cleared her throat, brushed her self off a little, then reached down and grabbed Sugarcoat. The other girl was unable to react before her friend hoisted her up so that she too was standing up, now in full view of everyone.

"See, Sugarcoat? I told you this wasn't the way to the grocery store!"

Sugarcoat eyed her classmate with the biggest death-glare in the history of death-glares, though Sour was unconcerned with it as she continued with her act.

"Well, we two silly girls had better just get to where we were going...which was the grocery store...and nowhere else."

That "top tier acting" apparently did the trick, as many of the bystanders simply elected to ignore them and walk off. But Twilight and Sunset just continued to stare at them for a bit, prompting a nervous grin on Sour's part. The Crystal Prep student, rather than continue to dig this hole for herself, instead took hold of Sugarcoat and began dragging her away, all while the latter continue to stare daggers at her. When the two were finally gone, Sunset blinked a couple of times as she turned to Twilight.

"No offence, Twilight, but...your old friends are kinda weird."

Giggling, Twilight looked back to her girlfriend.

"You have no idea."

Pondering this rather unexpected predicament, Discord turned to Celestia.

"You know...your students could probably do with a few more perception points going their way."

But Celestia was unconcerned, merely sipping her tea.

"Hey, don't forget, those two aren't my Sunset and Twilight."

Discord, taken aback by that, soon developed into one of his characteristic smirks.

"I do love it when you talk like that."

Author's Note:

Sorry if this is a bit of a short one. I just couldn't think of any more to get out of this idea :twilightsheepish: