• Published 4th Oct 2018
  • 12,619 Views, 273 Comments

Equestria Ninjas: Friendship School - Wildcard25

The New York Ninjas are back in Equestria to teach young creatures the importance of being a ninja, while dealing with the return of old enemies and new ones.

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School Raze Part 2

In the cavern underneath the school, the turtles, their allies, the CMC, and the Young Six looked horrified as Starlight and Sunset were contained in a magical bubble and was somehow siphoning off all of Equestria's magic. And what's worse it was being carried out by Cozy Glow with the Dark Turtles now serving her.

Cozy Glow looked down at her henchmen, “There's no time to lose. We have to get Neighsay out of the picture before he ruins everything.”

“So what do we do?” Dark Donnie asked.

“Time to be extra persuasive.” Cozy grinned, as she left the cavern with the Dark Turtles following her.

The others went up to the magic bubble, as Sweetie Belle spoke, “Cozy Glow did all of this? How? Why?”

“I don't know. But come on, y'all. We gotta get Starlight and Sunset out of there before she comes back.” Applebloom said.

“Wait!” Leo called, as the CMC got too close to the magic mark underneath the captive ponies. Suddenly magical hand started grabbing the CMC who screamed.

“Girls!” Karai called, as she, April, and Shini grabbed hold of their tails and tugged them back.

“That's gotta be what's sucking up all the magic in Equestria.” Donnie theorized.

“But if that's true, then Twilight and the others went to Tartarus for nothing. And if all of Equestria's magic's getting sucked up in there, there's no way for them to get back!” Sandbar panicked.

“We got to get help!” Scootaloo said.

“But Starlight and Sunset are trapped here, and there's no way to get word to Celestia or anypony else!” Sweetie Belle noted.

“We got to get Fugitoid and Metalhead back online.” Donnie said.

“How're you going to do that?” Smolder asked.

“Luckily I come prepared,” Donnie said, as he pulled out two outlets from his bag and connected each to the two bots, “Raph, we can use our T-Phone's to give them a big enough charge to wake them up.”

“Ok.” Raph said, as the brothers channeled electricity from their phones to the two robots bringing them back online.

The two get into battle stances with their blasters ready, “Ahh! Dark Turtles! Cozy Glow! Ambush! Equestria Magic!” Fugitoid panicked until they saw no sign of their enemies, but their friends.

“Did we miss something?” Metalhead asked.

“We know about everything, Professor.” Leo explained.

“Everything?” Fugitoid asked.

“Cozy Glow and the Dark Turtles have teamed up and are trying to suck all the magic out of Equestria.” Gallus explained.

Fugitoid noticed the two captives, “Oh, dear! Sunset! Starlight!” before the Professor could get close, the CMC stopped them.

“Wait, Fugitoid!” Applebloom stopped him.

“You don't wanna get close to it.” Scootaloo warned him.

Suddenly Leo's T-Phone rang. He checked the I.D to see it was from Princess Twilight, “A call from Twilight?” he answered it, while putting it on facetime allowing them to see Twilight.

“Leo!” she cried.

“Twilight!” he gasped.

“Wow. You get reception in Tartarus?” Donnie asked in disbelief.

“It's all a trap...”

“We know,” Leo sighed, “Cozy Glow is behind everything. And the Dark Turtles are helping her.”

“The Dark Turtles are alive?” Rainbow asked in shock, while squeezing in on screen.

April spoke, “They ambushed us and kept us down in this cavern beneath the school.”

“They shut me and Metalhead down with an EMP.” Fugitoid added.

“Oh, no.” Fluttershy gasped.

“Wait, where are Bebop and Rocksteady?” Applejack saw no sign of them on the screen.

“We don't know. The Dark Turtles only said they rocked them to sleep.” Shini explained.

“And Sunset and Starlight are imprisoned.” Raph said, as they showed the girls their trapped friends.

“Oh, this is bad.” Twilight feared.

“It's worse,” Leo corrected her, “Chancellor Neighsay has taken over the school.”

“WHAT?!” the girls cried.

“And we think Cozy's going after him.” Casey added.

“You guys have got to stop her and the Dark Turtles.” Twilight ordered.

“What about you?” Keno asked.

“We're going to try and find a way out of here.”

“How?” Karai asked.

“I don't know, but we'll find a way.”

“Ok.” Leo said, until Pinkie grabbed the phone from Twilight's end.

“Before you end your call, let me introduce you to Tirek.” Pinkie said, as she showed Tirek on screen locked in his cage.

“Ugh, that is one ugly man horse.” Mikey gagged.

“What is this artifact?” Tirek asked, “And how can I see these bizarre ponies in it?”

“Time's up.” Pinkie said, as she handed the phone back to Twilight.

Twilight noticed Mikey on screen, “Mikey, I-”

“Not now, Twilight.” Mikey responded, as Twilight could tell he wasn't happy with everyone's treatment towards him and dropped it before ending the call.

“We got to stop them.” April said.

“But first we gotta find Bebop and Rocksteady.” Leo noted.

“I think they might've taken them further down into the cavern.” Fugitoid suspected.

“Then let's go!” Casey called, as they hurried down the cavern.

They traveled before finding a tunnel filled with rocks, “Oh, man it'll take hours to clean through all this.” Donnie sighed, until they saw some rocks move.

Popping up out of them was Rocksteady who pulled Bebop out, “Oh, finally!” Bebop stretched around to get feeling back in his body.

“Dark Turtles freaks going to pay for burying us alive!” Rocksteady snorted.

“Guys!” Leo called.

“Comrades!” Rocksteady cheered.

“What happened here?” Yona asked.

“Those dark chumps lured us down here and caused a cave in right on us.” Bebop explained.

“I thought we was rid of them.” Rocksteady said.

“We all did.” Leo admitted.

“And it's worse. They're working for Cozy Glow.” Shini added.

“Big Eyed filly is their boss?” Rocksteady asked in confusion.

“Yeah. And she's responsible for the magic draining.” Raph added.

“So then...” Bebop turned to Mikey who frowned while nodding, “Dang I feel like an idiot!”

“So what is plan, comrade Leo?” Rocksteady asked.

“We have to help Chancellor Neighsay.”

The duo blinked, “say what?” Bebop asked.

“Look none of us like him at all, but we can't let Cozy Glow and the Dark Turtles get to him.” Leo added.

“Leo's right,” April agreed, “As big of a pain he is. He may be the only other one who can help us.”

“Correct. So come on.” Leo said, as they hurried down the tunnel, until Donnie checked the clock on his phone.

“Oh, no. Guys it's already morning.”

“That means we don't have much time left.” Karai realized.

“By sundown all the magic will be gone.” Keno added.

“We have to stop them once and for all.” Leo declared.

Meanwhile back at the school, Chancellor Neighsay was standing before all the pony students, ready to lay down the law.

“I am sure you are all concerned about the magic situation. But I want to assure you that this institution is safe, despite the absence of your headmare. As your new headstallion, let me be the first to say that the reign of Princess Twilight is over!” he declared, “From now on, this school will adhere to EEA doctrine, as it should have from the start!”

The students were concerned and started murmuring, until Cozy started clapping, “Thank you, Chancellor Neighsay, for that rousing speech. I know you're a stallion who truly believes what you say. And when you say this school will be run according to EEA doctrine, I know you mean it. And when you say there won't be any more lessons from the Princess of Friendship at the School of Friendship, I guess you mean that, too.” the students hearing that started questioning what the Chancellor was planning.

Neighsay on the other hand tried to correct her, “That's not exactly what-”

“But, Twilight decided to run her school outside of the EEA guidelines. And even though you tried to stop her, Princesses Celestia and Luna trusted her enough to support her.” Cozy continued to twist his words.

“ Well, I-I wouldn't say that-”

“So, since I know you mean what you say, my question is really for the students. Are we going to give the pony who already tried to wreck Twilight's school once another chance to do it?” Cozy started rallying the students who weren't liking the idea of Neighsay running things, “I guess things will have to stay the way Twilight wants them. Which includes leaving me in charge.”

The students rallied together like a mob and piled on Neighsay carrying him off despite his struggling. The ninjas peeked around a corner watching what happened, “I want to enjoy this, but for some reason I can't.” Raph said.

“Me too.” Casey agreed.

In Twilight's office, the students chained Neighsay to it and used a padlock, “Oh, oh, not too tight. We don't want to hurt the Chancellor. I'm sure Twilight will know what to do with him when she gets back. Now, back to class, everyone. We let the EEA disrupt our friendship studies long enough.” and with that the students left.

Neighsay struggled, before speaking to Cozy who placed a box of things on the desk, “Why are you doing this? I thought you wanted to have somepony in charge of the school.”

“Oh, I do. You just aren't the pony I had in mind,” she removed the chancellor's medallion and dropped it in the wastebasket, before decorating the desk with a picture of herself and a pony skull, “I can't very well have the EEA running the school if I want to run it myself. Of course, that's just the beginning. You see, if there's one thing I've learned here, it's that friendship is the most powerful thing there is. And as headmare of the School of Friendship, nopony will have more friends than me! Making me the most powerful pony in Equestria!” she picked up six makeshift dolls of the Mane Six and dropped them on the desk before letting out a maniacal laugh.

Neighsay gulped, not liking this one bit, until Cozy called out, “Ok, boys. Coast is clear.” Dropping from the ceiling were the Dark Turtles.

“About time.” Dark Raph said.

Neighsay gasped, “The turtles?”

“Wrong-O!” Dark Mikey replied.

Neighsay got a better look and gasped again, “These are the Dark Turtles!”

“You guessed it.” Dark Donnie replied.

“Listen up,” Cozy instructed them, “I want the four of you to guard him. Make sure he doesn't try anything stupid.”

“As you wish.” Dark Leo replied, as Cozy flew out of the office.

She giggled evilly to herself, until the CMC walked up, “Hey, Cozy Glow! What's so funny?” Scootaloo asked.

“Are you just happy to be running the school?” Sweetie Belle asked.

Cozy put on her innocent persona, “Oh, I'm just keeping Twilight's seat warm.”

“Still, it's pretty impressive.” Applebloom admitted.

“Is there anything we can do to help?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“We can hang out with you all day if you want.” Scootaloo offered.

“You know, there is something I need help with.” Cozy admitted, as the Crusaders cheered while following her.

Back in the office, Dark Mikey spoke to his bros about Neighsay, “So? What should we do with him?”

“I say we use him as a punching bag!” Dark Raph punched his fists.

“Or, let's dissect him and find out what makes him tick!” Dark Donnie grinned.

Dark Leo stopped them, “No! We're supposed to be guarding him!”

Neighsay spoke up, “Excuse me for asking, but what exactly happened to Princess Twilight and the other teachers?”

Dark Mikey being the idiot answered, “Oh, Cozy Glow duped them into going to Tartarus and trapping themselves there forever! And as for the rest of the teachers, Dark Donnie shut down Fugitoid and Metalhead, we "Rocked" Bebop and Rocksteady to sleep, and chained up those allies!”

Dark Leo smacked him, “Are you done blabbing everything?!”

Neighsay getting an idea from this continued, “So why are you not guarding them? They could escape.” Dark Donnie pointed his spear at him.

“Do we look as stupid as Princess Twilight?!"

“No, of course not!” Neighsay shook his head, “I'm only stating the fact that if they were left unguarded, they just might get out of their chains. They are trained ninjas from what I've heard.”

The Dark Turtles looked to each other knowing the logic in his claim. Dark Leo spoke up, “As much as I hate to admit it, he's got a point. Remember when we captured Spike in Crystal Empire? He escaped because no one was watching him. We should go check on them.”

“Didn't Cozy Glow tell us to stay here and watch him?” Dark Raph reminded him.

“As smart as Cozy Glow is, she's still just a naive little kid. Besides, if Neighsay even thinks about trying to escape, we'll skin him alive!”

Dark Mikey drew a line across Neighsay's throat while making a splitting noise to prove the threat. So the Dark Turtles left the office and went through the secret entrance.

Appearing in the hall was the ninjas who were camouflaged by being close to Bebop, “Think the CMC can keep Cozy busy?” Casey asked.

“No.” Karai answered.

“Agreed. We gotta hurry!” April noted.

They peeked into the room to see Neighsay trying to get his medallion back. He noticed the ninjas, “Ninjas? You really did escape? But how?”

“We had help.” April answered, as the Turtles and the Students entered.

Raph and Casey looked at the situation Neighsay was in, as Raph spoke, “Do we really have to rescue him?” his bros frowned his way, “Just asking."

Upon seeing them, Neighsay looked embarrassed, “Oh, wonderful! I suppose you've all come to gloat?”

“Actually, we've come to undo all your chains and free you!” Silverstream answered, as she flew over to help him.

“But... but why?” Neighsay asked in confusion.

Yona answered, “Now that nasty pony met even nastier ponies, maybe nasty pony not be so nasty.” Yona said, before using her horn to pick the lock on his chains and pushed his chair over.

“Also, we'd kind of like to stop Cozy before she drains all the magic from Equestria.” Leo added.

Neighsay got up and spoke in disbelief, “She's behind that as well?”

“Indeed so.” Fugitoid admitted.

“Surprised us too.” Karai added.

“Not me.” Mikey replied, making everyone feel down.

“Oh, dear. I must get word to Celestia and Luna.” Neighsay said in worry.

“How? Without magic, it'll take forever to get to them.” Donnie reminded him.

“While it's true that unicorns have lost their ability to cast spells, the most potent magic in Equestria is housed in our... artifacts,” He picked his medallion up, “The EEA medallion allows me to travel throughout Equestria. Its magic worked when I tried to chain you up. Perhaps it still has enough to send me to the princesses.”

“So get going!' Casey called.

Neighsay used his medallion to open a portal, before he stepped inside, April spoke up, “Chancellor Neighsay? Twilight told us that you once said that any one of our students here could use friendship as weapon. But the only one who's doing that is Cozy Glow a pony! We just hope you realize that.”

Neighsay looked guilty, before speaking sincerely, “Good luck to all of you.” he went through the portal that closed.

“I hope he makes it.” Ocellus hoped.

“I hope he doesn't come back and lock us up again.” Smolder replied.

If he comes back.” Gallus put in.

Silverstream decided to be positive, “Everything's gonna be fine! Twilight and the others are probably already on their way!”

“I hope so.” Leo replied.

“Come on, we got to get back to Sunset and Starlight,” Donnie suggested, “By now our duplicates will know April and the others escaped.” they hurried.

Back with Cozy and the CMC, they continued down the hall of the school, “It's just so excitin' to have a foal our age runnin' things. We should have an ice cream social every day!” Applebloom said with excitement.

“That's a splendid idea, Applebloom,” Cozy replied, “But to tell you the truth, the thing I need help with most is cleaning.”

“Say no more. Just take us around the school and show us everything you want cleaned.” Sweetie Belle said.

“Well, actually, you could start right in here.” Cozy motioned to a closet.

The three looked inside, “It looks pretty clean already.” Scootaloo noticed, as Cozy's smile shifted to a frown before she slammed the door.

“Do you three think you can fool me?!” Cozy shouted, “I know a diversion when I see it!”

“Boss!” came Dark Raph's voice.

Cozy saw the Dark Turtles rushing over to her, “What're you four doing out here? You're supposed to be watching Neighsay.”

“We did a check on the caverns, and the turtles allies are gone!” Dark Leo answered.

“What?!” Cozy Glow gasped.

“And Neighsay got away too.” Dark Mikey cringed.

Cozy's face started turning as red as Dark Raph's body with steam coming out of her ears and eyes bulging so big they could pop. Finally she screamed, “YOU IMBECILES! YOU NUMBSKULLS! YOU IDIOTS! I give you one job and you botched it!”

“Don't get your curls in a knot,” Dark Leo warned her, “They're still not going to be able to do anything about Starlight and Sunset Shimmer.”

“I will take no chances! Get down there and keep an eye on them.”

“What about you?” Dark Donnie asked.

“It's time I make sure this whole school puts its trust in only me.” Cozy answered.

Back in the caverns, the ninjas, their allies, and the Students made it back to their trapped friends, “How're we going to get them out of there without getting too close?” Metalhead asked.

“I'm not sure.” Donnie said.

“There must be something we're missing here.” Leo said.

“The only thing you'll be missing is your heads.” came Dark Leo's voice, as the Dark Turtles arrived.

“So you guys survived the Technodrome crash?” Mikey asked.

“That's right,” Dark Mikey confirmed, “When our medallions shattered, we took one working Transport Module and burrowed underground and drilled up into this cavern.”

“All we could think about was how we could exact revenge on you all.” Dark Donnie added.

“And then we were approached by a little filly who had big plans.” Dark Rap put in.

“Cozy Glow.” Leo answered.

“Yes. Though we were skeptical at first she told us of her plan to use the six artifacts of Equestria to drain the magic of Equestria, a little plan given to her by the centaur Tirek.” Dark Leo explained.

“Well, you guys haven't won yet.” Casey warned him.

“We're gonna free Sunset and Starlight.” Karai added.

“And stop you crazy akuma's once and for all.” Shini promised.

The turtles good and bad drew their weapons, as Dark Leo spoke, “Boys, destroy!” the Dark turtles attacked the turtles and their friends.

Raph and Rocksteady fought Dark Raph, as the good one spoke, “Taking orders from a love draining parasite, a brain, and a wannabe ninja, and now a kid? Have you no pride?”

“I got your pride right here!” Dark Raph attacked the two, as Rocksteady used his strength to stop him.

“You will pay for bringing the house down on me!” Rocksteady rammed him into the wall.

“Rock, careful, or you'll bring it down on us!” Bebop called, before dodging Dark Donnie, as the real Donnie fought him, “And the next time you Dark Turtles try to bury me and my boy Rocksteady, make sure we stay buried!” he used an energy mohawk on the smart clone.

As Mikey and Shini fought Dark Mikey, the witch girl spoke to the bad one, “You know... since you're Mikey's clone, you must also have his second weakness!”

“Oh, yeah? And what's that?” Dark Mikey inquired, as Shini wrapped her chain around him and pulled him right up to her face.

“Me!” she kissed him, much to Mikey's shock.

When they parted, Dark Mikiey looked love-struck, “Whoa... I don't know if I should knock you out or ask you out?”

“I'll go with the first option.” Shini kicked him off his hooves.

“Way to go, Shini!” Mikey cheered, “But you should take some mouthwash after this.”

“Good point.” Shini agreed, while spitting up.

Leo, Karai, and April were dealing with Dark Leo, as the good one spoke, “We stopped you before and we'll do it again.”

“Not this time, Leonardo. When the sun sets tonight all of Equestrian magic will be gone.”

“Not if we can stop it!” April called, as she attacked Dark Leo with Karai.

Casey skated up from behind Dark Leo and tripped him with his hockey stick, “Oh, yeah, boy!” he cheered.

“Casey, look out!” Keno called, as he tackled Dark Donnie who tried to tackle the sports fanatic.

“Thanks, Keno.”

As the turtles got close together, Leo looked down at his medallion, “Guys, our medallions may not have enough power left. But we need to use what they have left.”

“It's our best option.” Donnie agreed.

“Then let's do it.” Raph agreed.

“Booyakasha.” Mikey said, as the concentrated, and the magic that resided in their medallions filled them up. They engaged their clones once again hoping the magic would last long enough to keep them busy while the others formulated a plan.

As Metalhead served as a bodyguard for the students and Fugitoid, Gallus noticed the six artifacts were the source of the magic bubble, “Hey! This is just like chapter twelve in "Kanthaka's Facts and Artifacts" from Twilight's class!” the others stared at the griffon who continued, “What? I've been studying. Finals are coming up, you know?”

“Actually, I remember that, too! Cozy must've linked these artifacts to act like a mystical magnet, attracting all the magic in Equestria into that orb.” Ocellus noted.

“I hate to say it, but that does sound clever,” Fugitoid admitted, “Though perhaps that was all Tirek's idea.”

“So, we can shut it down by yanking one of these things out, right?” Smolder asked, while looking at the artifact representing the dragon lands.

“Sure, though that would probably cause a magical feedback loop and destroy the whole school!” Ocellus feared.

“Destroy the School of Friendship?!” came a familiar filly's voice. Everyone looked over seeing Cozy Glow and all the other students, “Oh, dear! Chancellor Neighsay was wrong about a lot of things, but I guess he was right about all of you!”

“Oh, sewer apples.” Raph grumbled.

Cozy continued to twist everything into her favor, “After everything Twilight's done for you, why would you want to destroy her school?”

Gallus flew over to her, “We don't! You're the one using these artifacts to drain magic from Equestria!”

Me?! We all just saw you with your claws all over them!” Cozy accused and gasped, “It all makes sense. These creatures want magic gone from Equestria because it's the only thing ponies have that they don't!”

“Technically, there's a magical component when Silverstream and I transform.” Ocellus corrected her.

“And Yona's friends' friendship is magic! Twilight said!” Yona added.

“And you repay her by sending her to Tartarus on a wild goose chase so you could destroy everything she built!” Cozy continued to point hooves, and gasped, “They've even trapped Starlight and Sunset Shimmer in that-that thing with the help of the Dark Turtles! We have to defend this school!” The students started looking ready to fight, while the Dark Turtles were confused.

“She's setting us up.” Dark Raph called.

“That wasn't part of the deal, Cozy!” Dark Leo ordered.

“Deal?” a student asked.

“I don't know what he's talking about. I'd never conduct business with these monsters.” Cozy played innocent, as the Dark Turtles frowned at her pinning all the blame on them.

“Everypony, Cozy Glow has been lying to all of you!” Leo called, while blocking Dark Leo, “She imprisoned everyone and sent Twilight and the others to Tartarus. Remember in your training to trust your instincts. Well, now's your chance to see what your instincts are truly telling you.”

The pony students were ready to trust their instincts on what they knew deep down was the truth about what was happening, only for Cozy to stop them, “They've even corrupted our senseis and used their own teachings against them.”

“No that's not true!” Sandbar called, as a pony knocked Gallus into the magic circle where the magic arms started grabbing him.

“Gallus!” the five Young Students cried, as they jumped in to save him only to get stuck in the bubble with Starlight and Sunset.

“Guys!” Leo called, as the magic started taking them.

“Bigger problem!” Donnie motioned to a vortex opening up below them to take all the magic.

As Cozy smirked victoriously, one of the students spoke, “They just sacrificed themselves trying to save their friend. Professor Dash always said there's nothing more loyal than that. Shouldn't we try to save them?”

Cozy spoke up, “They brought this on themselves. There's nothing we can do.”

“There's always something anypony can do!” Karai called out.

“And it doesn't seem very generous. Or kind.” another pony added.

“Yeah, yeah. The Elements of Harmony are very important,” Cozy continued to change their minds, “They're just not applicable in every circumstance. And with magic gone from Equestria, I'm not even sure the Tree of Harmony will be as helpful as it once was.”

Suddenly to the whole groups surprise six beams surrounding the prison glowed in the elements of harmony and pulled the Young Six out of the bubble. Each of the six were glowing in a color like the elements of Harmony

“What's happening?!” Cozy Glow gasped.

“They're glowing like the Elements! I think the Tree of Harmony saved them!” a pony gasped in joy.

Gallus smirked, “Guess our friendship is pretty magical after all.”

“Hurry! Grab the artifacts!” Ocellus ordered.

“Um, didn't you say that could destroy the school?” Silverstream reminded her.

“But if we don't try, we could lose magic forever!” Ocellus replied.

Leo called to the other students, “Everypony, clear out of here!”

The students barreled out, as Cozy shouted, “Wait! Where are you going?! Stoooooop!” she growled and spoke to the Dark Turtles, “Do something!”

“What?!” Dark Raph asked.


The Dark Turtles tried to run at the Young Six to stop them, but the ninjas blocked their paths. The young Six each grabbed the artifact representing their own culture and tugged them away. This resulted in the bubble disappearing.

“Hurry!” Starlight called, as she and Sunset teleported the students and ninjas out.

A surge of magic exploded with the Dark Turtles in dead center, “No!” Dark Leo called, as the magical wave washed over them. The four screamed, as they started fading while Cozy glow's eyes widened in fright.

All over Equestria, the magic that had been assimilated was returning back to where they belonged. In Canterlot, the princesses were walking with their guards, Neighsay and Blade Swipe, until the four felt their magic return to them. With that the princesses and their guards took it to the sky, while Neighsay used his medallion to open a portal for him and Blade Swipe.

Meanwhile the girls having escaped from Tartarus felt their magic return to them, as Twilight was able to teleport them home. Even the magic sacrificed by the creatures in Tartarus regained it, including Tirek.

Back at the school, Starlight and Sunset teleported the Young Six and ninjas to safety, “Close call.” Sunset gasped.

“Affirmative.” Fugitoid agreed.

“Counselor pony!” Yona tried to hug Starlight who used her magic to stop her from tackling her.

“Uh, it's nice to see you, too.” Starlight admitted.

“I guess magic is back.” Ocellus said.

“It sure is.” April agreed, as she, Shini, and Rocksteady could use their magic again.

Suddenly they looked over and saw four pieces of wood land before them. Each piece was colored like one of the Dark Turtles coats.

“Guess that's the end of the Dark Turtles.” Leo said.

“Good riddance.” Raph replied.

“What about Cozy Glow?” Donnie wondered.

“You've ruined everything!” came said pony's voice. They looked over seeing Cozy Glow furious while her curled mane looked messed up, “Now Twilight and her ridiculous friends can escape from Tartarus!” Suddenly appearing before her were the Mane Six and Spike each frowning at the treacherous impostor, “I mean... Yay! All my friends are safe!”

“You can drop the act, Cozy Glow!” Applejack began, “Your pen pal Tirek told us all about how he helped you suck up all that magic!”

“But I still don't understand why.” Twilight wondered.

Cozy growled, “WHY?! Because friendship is power! You may be the Princess of Friendship but as Headmare of this school, I can collect even more friends than you!”

“You twisted little sociopath.” Raph frowned.

You're the one who doesn't get it, Cozy,” Twilight spoke up, “Friendship is powerful, but power isn't why you make friends. I'm sorry I couldn't teach you that.” she looked down.

“Well, you taught us.” Gallus said to brighten her spirits.

“You can't let one bad apple make you think you failed.” Silverstream added.

“And we never could've stopped her if we hadn't learned what you taught us about friendship.” Sandbar finished.

Cozy spoke up like a brat, “Honesty? Loyalty? Generosity? Blah-blah-blah! I can make more friends without using any of them! And if I can't do it here, I'll do it somewhere else!” she tried to fly off only to get blocked by some of the pegasi students.

“Yeah, I don't think so!”

Cozy tried to find another escape route, only to get blocked by Celestia, Luna, Neighsay, and Blade Swipe. She tried to escape again only to be blocked by the turtles armed and ready. When she tried again, April, and the rest of her human friends blocked her path looking ready to fight her. When Cozy tried again, she was blocked by Bebop, Rocksteady, Fugitoid, and Metalhead.

“Nyet!” Rocksteady snorted.

Cozy suddenly looked around seeing the pegasus guards of Canterlot surrounding her. The filly realizing she was defeated stood down, as two guards restrained her.

“Well, all's well that ends well. Now there's just one thing I have to do,” Mikey began as he announced, “I WAS RIGHT AGAIN!” he pointed to everypony with each word, “In. Your. Faces! Quick question, who's the Biggest Sap in Equestria? Answer, everyone here but me! That's right. I knew Cozy Glow was pure evil, but no one would listen to me. Joke's on you, cause I was right and you're all naive. I am always right about these things,” he turned to his brothers and friends, but pointed directly at Starlight, “And don't... you... forget it!” they looked very embarrassed while Sunset looked guilty, “I was right all along! Booyah-kasha!”

Smolder spoke up in annoyance, “You know, I never trusted her either.”

Mikey put an arm around her and continued, “Me and Smolder were right all along, Booyakasha!”

“Does he do this every time he's right?” Smolder asked.

“Unfortunately.” the Turtles, Main Six, and Allies answered.

“Although, he does at times have a right to it,” Fugitoid admitted and spoke dismally, “Now more than ever.”

Mikey got into Cozy's face, “Check mate! Not so smart now are you, Cozy?” Cozy growled, and lunged at him only for the guards to hold her back. Mikey screamed and cowered away, until the filly was escorted away, “Well, now that that's all done. I think I'm gonna whip up some pizzas... Only for those who actually believed me!” he spoke to the others sternly before walking off for the school.

“So does that mean only I get them with you?” Smolder asked Mikey, only for the other students to give her a dry look.

“Just asking.” she said.

“We should probably give Mikey a long apology.” Twilight sighed.

“I'll do it,” Sunset offered, “I yelled at him. So I have to make it right.” Sunset followed Mikey.

In the kitchen area of the school, Mikey was making some pizzas, “I love pizza, yes I do! I love pizza, how 'bout- oh,” he saw Sunset approaching, and he frowned, “Meanset.”

Sunset cringed at how much that hurt, but knew she deserved it, “I know you're mad at me and I don't blame you. But, I'm so so sorry for what I said to you! We never should have trusted Cozy Glow. And we should've listened to you, but we didn't. And because of that, the girls got trapped in Tartarus and me and Starlight almost got banished to the ether! But worst of all, I yelled at you, when you were clearly trying to warn us! And if we had just listened to you, none of this would have happened! Can you ever forgive me?”

Mikey looked skeptical, before answering, “Well... I already have, girl, but I just wanted to hear you say it.”

“Fair enough,” the two hugged, “And now, I've finally learned that just because you're a immature goofbag, doesn't mean you're always wrong. So from now on, whenever you say something isn't right, I'm going to listen, no matter how ridiculous it sounds.”


“In fact, I Pinkie Promise: Cross My Heart Hope To Fly Stick A Cupcake In My Eye.” Sunset promised and the two laughed.

Later on Neighsay was walking with Celestia, Twilight, Blade, the Turtles, and their allies through the school hall, “I'm glad you're back in charge of the School of Friendship, Princess,” Neighsay sighed, “It's clear to me now that there is nopony better suited for the job.”

“That's really big of you to say, Chancellor.” Karai noted.

“I've learned a lot in the last couple of hours.” he admitted.

“Good thing too.” Keno said.

"Agreed." Blade nodded.

Suddenly the group stopped to see the Young Six dressed in graduation robes with Spike belching out scrolls for each of them, and Metalhead standing by their side.

“What's going on?” Twilight asked.

“Hi, Headmare Twilight! We're just practicing for graduation!” Silverstream explained.

“Graduation?” Twilight asked in confusion.

“Now that we've saved Equestria, we figure we're done with school.” Gallus expected.

Twilight, Neighsay, and everypony else could only laugh at this statement, “Saving Equestria is nice, but I'm afraid it'll take more than one semester to learn all there is to know about friendship.”

“Or being a ninja.” Raph added.

“Told you.” Spike warned the students.

“I had my suspicions as well.” Metalhead admitted.

“Awwww.” the students sighed, as Neighsay spoke up.

“Your headmare is right. I thought friendship was something only ponies should share with each other. But you all taught me how wrong I was. I suppose true friendship can take a lifetime to understand.”

“If it were easy to learn, we wouldn't need a school.” Twilight added.

“But, if it makes you feel better, you did graduate from something.” Mikey said.

“And what would that be?” Ocellus asked.

“Come to the dojo and you'll find out.” Leo answered, much to the students curiosity.

In the dojo, the Young Six stood before the Turtles and their allies, while Twilight, and the others watched from the side.

Leo spoke to them, “Sandbar, Gallus, Silverstream, Ocellus, Yona, and Smolder. For not only helping us defeat Shredder, Krang, and Chrysalis, but also for stopping Cozy Glow and restoring the magic to Equestria, you have more than proven yourselves worthy. Students, come forward.”

The six walked up to them, as the turtles and their allies had weapons to bestow upon them. Leo handed Sandbar his weapon, “For you, Sandbar. The Tanto Blade. To represent your leadership.”

“Whoa!” Sandbar gasped, as he took the tanto blade.

Raph gave Gallus his weapons, as Leo explained, “Gallus. The Duel Swords. To represent your ferocious attitude. A trait that a warrior needs to defend the innocent.”

“Cool!” Gallus said, as he looked at his weapons.

Donnie presented Silverstream her weapons, followed by Leo explaining, “Silverstream, the Double Clawed Staff. To represent your speed and agility.”

“Wow! Amazing!” Silverstream cheered.

Leo spoke to Ocellus, as April gave the changeling her weapon, “Ocellus. The Bladed Tessen. To represent your keen intellect.”

“Thank you!” she cheered.

Karai gave Yona her weapon, as the lead turtle spoke, “Yona. The Mace. To represent your strength.”

“Yona like this very much!” the yak said before accepting her weapon.

Finally Shini presented Smolder with her weapon, as Leo spoke to her, “Smolder. The Kusari Fundo. To represent your skill and heart.”

“Now this is awesome!” Smolder cheered, as she took her weapon.

Leo spoke to the six in Japanese before speaking in English, “Be at one in spirit and body. Be like the dragon.”

“Technically, I'm already a dragon. But I get your point.”

“Hai, Sensei.” the six answered together.

“Sandbar, Gallus, Silverstream, Ocellus, Yona, and Smolder. You are now Ninjas and Kunouichi of the Hamato clan.” Leo declared.

The group cheered, as Silverstream cried with joy, “We're all finally ninjas!”

“Way better than graduating Friendship.” Gallus admitted.

“Come on, guys. Let's say it!” Sandbar called, as the students announced together.


"Now this is history in the making." Blade smiled.

Neighsay applauded, and approached, “Congratulations to you all. This is truly a great honor.”

“Thanks, Chancellor Neighsay.” Sandbar replied.

“Although, it kinda feels weird coming from you.” Smolder admitted.

“I understand my past actions have left a very bad first impression on all of you. But I can assure you that those days are no more. From now on, I will be more open minded in the matters of Friendship with other creatures. Especially you five.” he motioned to the five creatures.

“So what now?” Leo asked.

Neighsay smiled, “I officially give Princess Twilight's School of Friendship the official E.E.A approval!”

Twilight's eyes brightened up with happiness, “Thank you so much!”

“Congratulation, Twilight.” Leo said, as the princess hugged him, followed by a kiss.

Everyone was joyed with all the good news, until Bebop spoke up, “Hold up, yall. Aren't we forgetting something?”

“The Crusaders!” April gasped.

They ran to where they were last seen and opened the closet door resulting in them falling out, “We held her off as long as we could!” Applebloom cried.

“But she locked us in this closet!” Scootaloo added frantically.

Sweetie Belle came out with a bucket on her head, “What happened?! Is everything all right?! Where's Cozy Glow?!”

The group laughed, “Everything worked out just fine.” Twilight assured them.

“As for Cozy Glow, I can assure you — where she's going, she won't be causing any more trouble.” Celestia promised them.

Meanwhile in Tartarus, Tirek was brooding inside his cage, while Cerberus was laying beside him whimpering, “Of course it's boring here now! But at least you're not in a cage!”

Suddenly a portal opened up, as Luna and two guards arrived. The three locked Cozy Glow up in a small cage next to Tirek's, before leaving.

Cozy looked up at Tirek and spoke, “Hey, neighbor. Wanna be friends?” she asked sinisterly before grinning. Clearly she was confident enough she would one day have her revenge.