• Published 22nd Sep 2018
  • 1,816 Views, 45 Comments

Like Sister, Like Student - Bronyxy

Sink holes are appearing near Ponyville and the Royal Sisters know they must stop the Diamond Dogs before ponies get hurt. The only ponies who can deputise in their absence are Twilight and Nyx. How will Nyx react? Is she ready for such power again?

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6 Learning the Ropes

After breakfast, Celestia briefed Twilight over tea and cake on the many factors that had to be considered as Head of State. Mostly, this involved reciprocal trust in her advisers who knew the protocols, precedents and procedures necessary to support Royal decision making with everything from routine issues to international political problems. Anything not covered directly by her advisers fell by default to the military, and Canterlot was home to the largest garrisons in Equestria due to it being the seat of government.

Having outlined her responsibilities and explained the mechanisms of command available to her, Celestia rose and motioned for Twilight to follow as they headed off towards the castle’s briefing room. Waiting for them was a select group comprising her senior advisers, the Generals of the Royal Guard and the Night Guard; the three key groups with whom Twilight and Nyx would have to work in her absence.

It was a little unusual to call such a high level meeting over a weekend, so Celestia had softened the blow by providing a plentiful supply of tea and cake for all participants. When the two alicorns entered the room at the allotted hour, the gathered audience had already helped themselves to refreshment and were respectfully seated close to the stage.

The Sun Princess greeted the attendees informally as she strode up to the stage and then waited as Twilight took her place by her side before beginning to explain the mission which she and her sister would be shortly undertaking, and that Princess Twilight Sparkle assisted by Nyx would be deputising for the Royal Sisters.

That, as she spelled out, had only been possible because Twilight, as the bearer of the Element of Magic and former student of Princess Celestia had, under her tutelage learned how to control the sun. Similarly, she explained that Nyx, because of her very close links to Princess Luna was the only pony in Equestria who had even the slightest chance of being able to control the moon.

Whilst everypony knew Twilight as the Princess of Friendship and trusted her implicitly following her numerous brave exploits, concerns were voiced about Nyx due to her age and her chequered past, but both mares worked to put doubting minds at rest and secure their support.

The fact that Nyx would not be working completely on her own autonomy and that she would be responsible through Twilight provided the final reassurance to satisfy even the most sceptical of voices. It was further confirmed that whilst Twilight would be seen representing Celestia at Court, Nyx would be kept firmly away from any and all publicity, to ensure that old animosities would not be given the chance to surface.

With a consensus reached, Celestia advised everypony present of the official cover story that would be issued through the press to cover the Royal Sisters’ absence for the duration, yet continued to give the impression that they were still available to raise the sun and moon respectively. This story focused on their making a journey to the Crystal Empire for family reasons, and occasional rumours would be allowed to surface suggesting that Princess Cadence wanted a foal, leaving the public free to make their own connection, given Celestia’s historically alleged talents with fertility magic.

Before disbanding the meeting, Celestia reinforced the need for secrecy and offered further tea and cake to the attendees if they chose before they headed back to their homes or places of work. Most chose to stay behind and take the opportunity to socialise with the two alicorn Princesses while those with more pressing commitments departed leaving more cake for those remaining.

Eventually, Celestia wound up the informal reception as it was lunchtime and escorted Twilight to the dining room where the lilac pony protested that she already felt a little bloated from so much tea and cake, and wasn’t really ready for lunch.
“You come here not so much because you’re hungry” said Celestia, “But because you have to ensure a regular scheduled break in between all the events you have to fit in to your calendar. If you didn’t schedule lunch at a fixed time every day, then you would soon find that time filled with appointments too and so you would never get any break – trust me Twilight, I’ve been there.”

This made perfect sense to the lilac pony who ignored all the fancy courses on the menu and instead requested a custom order of a celery soup starter and a daffodil sandwich entrée because it was all she was in the mood for.
“OK Celestia” said Twilight, trying to smile despite her bloated feeling, “What have you got for me this afternoon?”
Her lunch companion giggled, “Oh Twilight, I have already introduced you to those with whom you will be working, so unless you have any particular concerns, then you are free to use the Royal library.”

“What will you be doing Celestia?” she asked in response, “Is there anything we can do together?”
“My time is short to prepare for the forthcoming meeting” explained the white mare, “There are many details yet to be fully resolved before I will feel confident.”
“So, when are you going then?” asked Twilight conversationally.
“Oh, didn’t I say?” said Celestia, knowing full well she had wanted to see how both she and Nyx had performed before committing herself, “Tomorrow.”
“I’m sorry Princess” said Twilight, tittering nervously, ”But I could have sworn I just heard you say ‘tomorrow’? Silly of me I know …”
“No, that’s quite right. Tomorrow morning to be precise.”
“TOMORROW?” said Twilight as her face contorted into panic, "But I'm not ready ..."
“I have every confidence in you” reassured Celestia, but her words were lost as Twilight’s self-confidence entered a tailspin.
“But how long will you be?” she asked as soon as she could form coherent words once again.
“I conservatively estimate a week” said Celestia, “Maybe more.”
Twilight’s pupils shrank and her jaw fell open.
“Just try not to declare war on any of the neighbouring countries, and we’ll call it a success” said Celestia reassuringly, turning to leave, “Now if you‘ll excuse me, I have preparations to attend to. Do help yourself to more cake and the library is open to you as you wish.”


Twilight rested her forehooves on the stone balustrade separating the Royal balcony from a sheer drop, looking out over Canterlot in the late evening sun. By tomorrow night, she would be in charge of Equestria and although the thought terrified her, she was placing the pieces together in her mind as a way of coming to terms with the responsibility. ‘Just try not to declare war on any of the neighbouring countries, and we’ll call it a success’, Celestia had told her. How that humour had weighed on her all afternoon.

As she looked out, she suddenly felt the full burden of responsibility for everypony she could see, scurrying around conducting their peaceful business below her, and for the first time truly appreciated the weight that her former mentor carried on her shoulders day after day.

She was so wrapped up in her thoughts, that she did not hear another pony approach her.
“A penny for your thoughts?” enquired a friendly voice by her side.

She didn’t need to look.

She knew the voice.

She had reconciled herself to what lay ahead and wasn’t going to overreact, so continued calmly watching the abstract activities unfolding on the streets of Canterlot as the shadows grew longer.
“You have done this job for over a thousand years” replied the lilac pony, making no conscious movement other than the wind ruffling through her mane, “I can hold it together for you until you get back.”
“That’s the spirit” said Celestia, ”You have a fine body of advisers and a military capability second to none, so you won’t go wrong.”
Twilight turned slowly to look into her purple eyes.
“If I had any doubts, I wouldn’t have put you in this position” said the white mare.
“Thank you Princess” replied Twilight, acknowledging the trust that her former mentor was placing in her.

A disorderly clattering of hooves broke the respectful silence between the two friends and Twilight turned to see a jet black alicorn filly scampering out across the balcony to greet her. The sight of her daughter’s unbridled enthusiasm acted as a tonic and Twilight cast aside her worries in an instant to immerse herself in the joyful reunion with her daughter.
“Mom! Mom!” she cried as she held her mother tightly, “Princess Luna says I can raise the moon tonight all by myself!”
The innocence of her enthusiasm was infectious, and Twilight couldn’t help but break out into a wide smile. She chose a moment when Nyx wasn’t looking up at her to make eye contact with Luna and nod her head in recognition of the responsibility that had just been entrusted to them.

“OK, Nyx” said Twilight ,”Let’s do this together. How’s about I try to lower the sun and then you take care of the moon? What do you say?”
The Royal Princesses exchanged glances and nodded to each other, standing back to give their newly appointed understudies the freedom to perform.

As the sun hovered above the horizon, the lilac pony took centre stage with three pairs of eyes watching her closely.

She aligned her body towards the sun and braced herself, pointing her horn directly at her target. Sparks began swirling around the tip of her horn as she made contact with the sun’s inner spirit and then focused her energy into laying it to rest. Twilight spoke to the fiery orb through her magic, reinforcing their friendship by sending it comforting messages as it slid majestically out of sight and then cut the magical bond as she allowed it to sleep.

Celestia and Luna looked at each other and exchanged appreciative glances. The sun was in safe hooves. Now it was the turn of Nyx to demonstrate her capability with the moon. Luna radiated confidence, betraying no indication of the trepidation she felt inside.

Nyx stepped forward and adopted the same stance as her mother had before her. Sparks flew and her horn lit sending a stream of magical energy probing over the horizon, looking for the subject of its intentions.

Luna continued to stare at Nyx, but was cued by some inner sense when she felt her sister’s gaze fall upon her, clearly beginning to feel anxious.
“Come on” said Nyx under her breath, “Come on, where are you?
“Try treating it as a friend” said Twilight, “Talk to it nicely, like you would any other pony rather than just an inanimate lump of rock.”
Nyx did not acknowledge her mother, but the lilac pony knew she had heard as her expression softened and shortly the familiar silvery glow began to show itself as it began its climb upwards to light the night sky.
Luna exhaled a quiet sigh of relief and Celestia tore her gaze from her sister, shooting an admiring glance to the happy filly who was now dancing with delight before them.
“I don’t think we need to worry, Luna” said the white pony softly.
“Good” responded Luna giving an understated nod in acknowledgment, “I am confident we may be free to focus on our task at hoof, untroubled by concerns about the stewardship of Equestria.”

Nyx happily hugged everypony present and then led them all into the dining room where her breakfast awaited.