• Published 21st Aug 2012
  • 2,874 Views, 192 Comments

(Dis)Harmonics. - overlord-flinx

It does not effect us, it does not see us, it can not touch us; so why is that we fear it so much?

  • ...

Passage Two: Spero neco.

"The Trottanian Empire, the Saddle Arabian Dynasty, the Nation of Hoofinstan, the kingdom of Equestria... All of these were not born in a single day. They were made on the blood and backs of work-ponies and the ambition of making a better civilization than the other. However, a kingdom or any sort of system of governing is nay built and believed to stay on ambition alone. It is the hearts, minds, and wishes of the masses that drive the collective structure of civilization to prosper. Even so, prosperity is not brought on by simply the people... There must always be a head to take the brunt ahead." - Star Swirl the Bearded.

Queen Solaris. The name alone some swore could kill the land under the fool who spoke it. It was a name that only brought pain and misery to the people of Caballussia; and it always has. All knew her shape, young and old; but none knew her face. Many said she didn't have one, that the metal frame of her twisted crown-helmet was placed on her neck to prevent the world from seeing her empty visage. Others said nothing at all, knowing her sight was 'divine' and ever-present; just like her guards. But no matter who you asked, they would all agree on one idea about her: hope was put to death when she was put onto the throne.

Many years ago, before Ponyville, before the library, before Luna's uprising and defeat, before the Elements were unlocked; Caballussia was a much different place. The sun rose and set, the moon ushered in the blanket of night, and ponies roamed the streets of Canterlot. It was a much more uncouth time. It was a more restless time. It was the time before Queen Solaris. The times when Solaris was simply princess, and had as much authority as her sister did. She was young, ambitious, intelligent, and most of all...

"Sister, what are our thoughts on these mandates as per the relocation of those--"

"My young one," her tone was velvety soft and only more so made inviting by the gentle touch of her hoof to her sister's cheek, "There is no need to worry over mandates or such..." her hoof worked slowly against her sister's dark cheek as she looked her in the eyes, "we will place all these actions on the charge of the comity. We must focus on the more pressing and enlarged matters. That is why we are royalty..."

"So we may better the denizens on a grander scale?"

"Exactly... It is my deepest hope that we will change our ailing land. And I know that we will be the cure. But only if we work as one, sister."

"My loyalty will always be to you... My sister..."

...She was hopeful.

It was the hope of Equestria, the hope to build a better tomorrow, that made it to the power that it now stands at today. Not one pony or other species could possibly hope to debate this truth: hope built Equestria. That without hope, Equestria would've faltered and withered into nothing. It had been the hopes of its princess that raised it like a rose from the field, her nurtured love and compassion for her subjects bore the way for the Equestria of today.

If her love had never been nurtured, Equestria wouldn't be what it is.

"The serfs are starving. I move for all possible resources be sent down to them this minute. Every moment they are without food, another could very well die."

"That's a well and good wish, princess. But they are merely slaves..."

"Slaves that feel and have families; much like you or myself."

"And those families and feelings are inconsequential for the ponies of Canterlot. If one were to die, it would only mean sodding for the land they should be tending."

"That's despicable!"

"That is life, princess. Some work, the rest live off of that work."

"Even by your logic, their work provides a service for those above them at the very least. I no longer move for these actions, I demand them."

"By what authority?"

"By the authority of my crown and my royal name."

"Very well. But tell me this, what happens once we feed them? They will want more and more until they are strong enough and healthy enough to strike at us."

"One should've thought of that before treating them like such lower life forms."

"Are you saying you wish for all lives to be treated equal?"

"Equality is what our kingdom stands for!"

"Survival is what we stand for, your highness! And if the weak must suffer so that those of Canterlot may live for another day, so be it. This meeting is adjourned."

Wishes had gone unanswered. Hopes left to dry. The serfs that tried to feed, slowly died off and where replaced within days... The crops came in better then ever that harvest. But from that lessen, a greater knowledge had become known. In weeks, the halls of Canterlot Castle were filled with the howls of death and cries of curdling murder as guards and knights carried out their princess's first royal decree. It was a dark day, and has been that same dark day ever since as the sun remains hung in the dawn of the day with a harsh red glow.

"Citizens of Caballussia, hear your royalty's call! This day, in accordance with the belief of nothing is gained without sacrifice, I've made a great sacrifice. For the future of our civilization and indeed our prosperity I've made our sacrifice. Let your woes be washed away in the stream of blood fresh from the fallen few who questioned my word and crown. Today, our kingdom is reinforced and bettered by the this simple sacrifice. Your lives will be made safe with the loss of your freedom... Your future, your lives, your businesses, your being; they are Solaris's... They are mine. By my crown be protected, by my sun be in terror."

Treachery is brought on by one's own greed to breed sorrow through their cruelty and deception for their own gain. This, is the ideal seed of animosity.