• Published 2nd Jul 2018
  • 2,828 Views, 47 Comments

Dream Child - ShadowStar_IMHP

The Tantabus was a magical construction. It was made for one reason to cause Luna to have nightmares every night to punish herself. Why then did it escape? What was controlling it? When Luna finds out the truth her life is turned upside down.

  • ...

What Dreams may come

Chapter 2
What dreams may come

The voice filled her dreams. It was there in the bad place protecting her. Time had no meaning in the bad place. All she knew it ended in a rainbow. Then she heard the voice again calling to her. She associated the voice with someone that cares for her. It protected her from the bad place. Like what other foals would call mommy. So when she opened her eyes and looked at the face of Luna the first time she felt her first word was right. “Mommy?”

“I shall tend to the paperwork right away.” With a nod from Celestia Raven headed out to get the papers and rooms ready.

The shock was clearly seen on Luna's face and in that time the nurse stepped forward “Do you know your name, Sweetie?”

She blinked “um… is it Sweetie?”

Celestia’s horn lit up the door locked and a golden shine covered the walls “Doctor Checkup, Nurse…”

“Pink Lemonade your highness”.

Celestia nodded “What I’m going to tell you is beyond just patient confidentiality it’s national security. We found her soul trapped and we freed her. Her body Was created by magic this is her first day alive. Given you two are in charge of her well being you need to know her true origin but it does not leave this room.”

Star Shine looked to Celestia “Who are you? Where am I? Do you know my name?” Her strings of questions came to a halt when her belly rumbled and she crunches her snout.

“Nurse Lemonade, I think she can have something to eat. Perhaps a soup light easy to digest.” Doctor Check-up said then nodded to Celestia and Luna. “I have other duties to tend to. Don’t worry I take my oaths very seriously. The protection of the” smiles “ Little princess as every patient is our top priority.” With that, he headed out.

“I shall fetch some nice soup for the sweetie.” Then headed out leaving the three alone.

Celestia stepped forward “To answer your questions I’m your Aunt Celestia. Well, that is if Luna wants to be your Mommy.” She looked at her sister with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

“You... you don’t want to be my Mommy?” Star’s lower lip quivers tears welling up in her teal eyes.

“TIA!” Sighing Luna leaned in and nuzzled Star “you are scaring her. Don’t let mean old Celestia bother you. I am happy to be your Mommy, that is if you want me to be your mom.” A pair of deep purple fore hooves wrap around her neck in a tight hug she returned the hug back.
Celestia smiled seeing the touching site. “I leave you two alone. There are a bunch of news reporters and others waiting.” She came over and smiled at Star Shine “Take care of your Mommy for me. I think you are just what she needs.”

“She needs me?” Star looked confused between Luna and Celestia.

“Sister, what are you doing?” Luna looked at her sister knowing that the solar monarch was manipulating things.

“Your new Mommy has been sad a very long time. Even her big sister couldn’t help. But a cute little star like yourself could finally let her be happy again.” Celestia smiled and nuzzled Luna then Star.

“We talk later Luna. For now, bond a little with your new Daughter.” Smiling she headed out to face the masses.

Luna and Star were then alone in the hospital room the walls a soft blue. Luna then looked to her Daughter. “I would like to name you Star Shine. I think it’s a pretty name do you like it.”

Star settled down and then smiled “Star Shine! I like it.”

“So Star I know you are a special little pony but I want to know how do you know how to talk? Why did you call me Mommy at first?”

“Your voice... the singing I remember hearing it in the bad place.”

“The bad place? What’s that?”

“It scary, all dark. The other voice was there too all mean and angry. Then the singing voice came and I felt safe.”

Hearing this Luna felt a lump in her chest. The filly indeed was banished to the moon with her there was no other place she could think of that matches such a description.

“No, be sad! Aunt Celestia said I make you happy not sad!”

Luna smiled and bumped Star’s nose. “I’m just sad you had to be in the bad place. You do make me happy, I'm very glad you aren’t there anymore.”

A tilt of her head Star thought about it “Okay. That was looooong time ago the pretty lights took me out of bad place to place of stars and doors and stuff.”

“Magic Doors?” Luna looked at the filly with a realization.

“Uh huh. Though sometimes it was bubbles. I figured out I could open the other places and meet other ponies. We played and I learned stuff. There this nice teacher Cheerilee, but she never remembers me. None of the ponies remember me.” Fear came to her eyes and she reached for Luna. “You won’t forget me too will you?”

“No my little Star. I won’t forget you.”

Star settled down again “Good, He said ponies won’t forget me here.”

“He? Who is this he that said that.”

“Oh, he’s a funny thing. A bird claw on one arm, a bear claw on the other. He had a horn and antler. Oh and funny eyes big yellow ones with red pupils.”

“Discord.” A touch of anger entered Luna’s voice.

Star didn’t seem to notice the change in tone. “Yup, he showed me this purple cloud thing and said if I was brave enough and wanted to be a real filly hard enough I will be. He was right here I am. Thought it was scary and I don’t remember what happened after I jumped into the cloud.”

Just then a knock came from the door and Pink Lemonade came in followed by another pink pony with bright blue eyes. “Oh, there she is!” Pinkie Pie said and zipped past Nurse Lemonade and Luna to smile at Star. “I came as fast as I could when I heard it was your birthday!”

“Wha... Pinkie Pie how you get here?” Luna blinked at the pink pony as she blew up a balloon in one breath, and it floated as if filled with helium.

“I took the train silly.” Pinkie said as she passed the Purple balloon to Star.

“Now Pinkie I said I would take you to her room. If you promise not to disturb her and Princess Luna.” Pink Lemonade set a tray down in front of Star Shine then removes a covered dish of Vegetable Soup.

“Here you go some nice healthy vegetable soup, and some apple juice.”

“Thank you, miss Lemonade.”

“That’s no meal for a birthday. Where is the cake?”

Luna looked at Pinkie Pie “Now Pinkie the doctor said she has to start eating gentle meals. Nothing to hard to digest so no cakes for now. Remember even if she’s about five it is her first day of life. You don’t expect a newborn to eat cake do you.”

Pinkie sat back and brought a hoof to her chin. “I guess. But Star Shine didn’t get born like a normal foal.”

“If I not normal. Where do Foals come from?” Star Shine asked with wide teal eyes.

“When a Daddy Pony and a Mommy Pony Love each other very much... Mhmm” Pinkie looked down at Pink Lemonade’s hoof that was now in her mouth.

“That’s not important for now Sweetie. Go ahead and eat your soup. Oh and Pinkie I let her have a cupcake if you behave.”

Pinkie nodded and the hoof is removed. “Oh, I got a super special Cupcake here!” She reached into her mane and brought out a chocolate cupcake with deep purple icing and rainbow sprinkles. “Happy Birthday Star Shine!”

With a smile, the filly shoves the cupcake into her mouth. Getting the frosting all over her mouth.

“Star Shine that was for after your dinner.” Luna Sighs “She’s almost as bad as Celestia.”

“Princess I’m sorry but there is only one hour more for visitation. As of right now, Star Shine has no legal guardian but If you like we could... ignore the technical rules and let you stay the night.”

“That be fine Nurse Lemonade. I do have my nightly duties to attend to.”

“you going to leave me?” Star shine’s lower lip quivers.

Luna leaned down and kisses Star’s horn “Only for a little bit. I will be back in the morning. Besides I’m not going yet we got to fill that belly of yours with more than sugary sweets.”

“But it was GOOOD!”

“I KNOW! It was my best!” Pinkie Pie said next to a face hoofed Pink Lemonade.

“Come on Pinkie you delivered the Cupcake and wished her a happy birthday.” Pink Lemonade dragged Pinkie Pie out the door. “Bye Princess Luna, Bye Star Shine!”

Only when the door closed did Luna wondered how Pinkie knew Star Shine’s name. Luna turned to her daughter who started slurping the soup right out of the bowl. “Here Star shine let me help you.”

Luna stayed with her daughter till the filly fell asleep. As she closed the room’s door she shook her head “Me a Mother...”

“Yes, I thought you be a good mother to the little dear with all the help you provided to the foals of Ponyville.” The voice of Discord said from a receptionist desk. There the mix matching spirit of Chaos was dressed in a doctor’s outfit.

“Discord! What have you done? You lead that little foal to the Tantabus and it could have destroyed her. If I hadn’t reabsorbed it...”

“Oh yes yes yes. I’m well aware of what might have been, but that wasn’t what happened, was it? I trusted you, Twilight and the other bearers to save the day. Like what did happen.”

“Where did she came from Discord.” She stomped the floor so hard it cracked the tile.

Discord rose up and drifted over. “My, my, here I gave you a chance to right a wrong and you get all mad. All I did was a good deed. I never imagine being good could cause such chaos. All those dream and nightmares in Ponyville. As for little Star Shine, you should thank me, Luna.”

“Why Discord? Why should I thank you for risking the soul of a filly.”

Discord smiled and looked at Luna “Because Luna, you were the one who killed her Mother.” With that Discord snapped his talon and vanished leaving a shocked Luna in the hallway.

Author's Note:

I like to thank Sanguine Eyes for proofreading and edits. I'm sure we missed some mistakes so if you see any send me a message and I will fix it asap.

Sadly it seems I don't know where to take the story from here. I might add more if there is interest in me adding more chapters. I want to keep the focus on Luna and how this filly affects her life if I do continue.