• Published 16th Jun 2018
  • 2,366 Views, 100 Comments

Exchange of Spoons (Revised) - CommanderX5

Silver Spoon believes that life was thrown upside down as she ponders: Why do her three best friends treat her as if she was a school bully, while a rich snob pony who has been bullying her for years begins acting far too friendly?

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Chapter 6 - Bugbear's Rampage Take Two

Exchange of Spoons


Chapter 6

Bugbear’s Rampage Take Two
Part 1

This can’t be happening! Silver Spoon thought as she followed her cheerful father.

When Crystal Hammer promised to take her to a local water park, she remembered that there was just a small swimming pool in Ponyville, let alone a water park, but she couldn’t care less as it was just a dream. Now it turned out that apparently Ponyville does have a swimming pool.

“So… let’s me get this straight,” she said, matching Hammer's speed. “Discord created a water park as a part of his community service to apologize for all the damage he caused in the past?”

“That’s right. He called it the ‘Disco Pool’ and hired two citizens to run it when he’s busy. It has become a popular tourist attraction ever since,” Crystal Hammer said before looking at his daughter with worry visible on his face. "I hope this amnesia of yours will pass soon. Your recent crusading must have been more extreme than usual." He slowed down, now observing several trotting ponies heading towards the princess’s castle.

I can’t be awake, this can’t be real, Silver thought as she bit her lip, finding it more difficult to deny with each passing second. In any other circumstances, she would be overjoyed to spend more time in the presence of her father. Even exhausting herself in the company of the crusaders was something she could endure. But the idea that what she did with Featherweight was actually real was unbearable.

“Something is wrong.”

“Exactly,” Silver agreed with Hammer before glancing at him. “Why do you look so nervous, Dad?”

“Look.” Crystal Hammer pointed at the gathering ponies before following them, with Silver just a step behind him. “Excuse me!”

A grey pegasus turned around, now staring back with eyes looking in two directions. “Yes?”

“I happened to notice that most of the citizens are heading to see Princess Twilight. Is there some sort of emergency?”

Derpy nodded. “Oh, yes, there is. Rainbow Dash and her weather team flew over Ponyville to inform everypony about some sort of danger, and they asked them to gather at the entrance to the Castle.”

“It does sounds serious, we shall join at once,” Hammer said firmly before looking down at his daughter. “Let’s go.”

Silver Spoon nodded before galloping off to catch up with her parent. “Wait for me!”

Now breathing heavily, Silver Spoon sat next to her father and supported herself against his forelegs before examining her surroundings. Behind her she could see a crowd of ponies, some looking ahead with fear, some with determination, while most just talked with each other. In front was the princess herself alongside a few other mares. Two of them she recognized as the older sisters of the crusaders she always bullied, and the third was an over energetic party pony who Diamond Tiara praised for good parties more than once, which was an impressive feat.

She looked to her left, now staring at her classmates as she noticed the crusaders waving at her with friendly smiles. She waved back, smiling awkwardly. A blush formed on her cheeks in an instant the moment Featherweight joined in and winked at her. Great, just great. The only way he can be less subtle is if he… she bit her lip as her wanna-be special somepony kissed his hoof and then sent the kiss in her direction.

Silver Spoon retreated into the crowd and pressed her head into the ground before covering it with her forelegs in embarrassment. If yesterday and today weren’t a dream, then she would never look at herself in the mirror the same way ever again.

“Listen carefully everypony. Ponyville is in grave danger!” Twilight said with a magically enhanced voice, silencing any murmurs coming from the crowd. “We have only minutes before a family of Bugbears will invade Ponyville. Two fully grown, at least fifteen young ones, and all very hungry.”

Worried muttering came from the crowd as the news sank in.

Bugbears? It doesn’t sound all that scary. I’m sure that the princess can handle it, Silver thought before standing from her lowered position as she wiped dust from her face. “Shouldn’t we go home and hide in the basement?” she asked before looking up. ”Dad, are you listening to me?”


Silver’s ears dropped as she once again looked at the ground.

“Every pegasus capable of fighting, especially Wonderbolt reservists, please follow the lead of Rainbow Dash,” Twilight said as she pointed at her pegasus friend, who flew into the air. Several pegasi from the crowd quickly joined her.

“Those willing to fight from the ground, especially you Big Macintosh, please join Applejack.”

Much to Silver’s surprise, her father went forward alongside with at least half of the crowd, something she never expected to see with her own eyes. He glanced at her with an encouraging smile, as if trying to say that everything will be alright. How can this be real? How can the princess put us in such danger? Why is my father putting himself in peril? With the fewer ponies around, she noticed a familiar face from the corner of her eye.

“Diamond Tiara!” she shouted, waving her forehoof at her friend energetically, who kept staring ahead with an annoyed expression. “Tiara?”

“Pay attention everypony,” Twilight said, pointing at the remaining crowd. “My castle is the most fortified structure in Ponyville, and big enough to provide shelter for all of you until the fight is over.” She pointed at Sweetie Belle’s older sister, who took a few steps ahead. “Rarity will show you your rooms and give instructions on how to barricade the doors and windows.”

“It will not be the most elegant use of furniture, but it will have to do,” Rarity said with a grimace before gesturing for the crowd to follow her into the castle.

“Wait a moment,” a female donkey said as she forcefully emerged from the crowd. “What about my wedding? There’s only a few hours left. Who will help me with the decorations, food, and music?”

Twilight shook her head and shot Matilda a stern glare. “Priorities please. The last time we had a wedding instead of dealing with a threat, we ended up swarmed by an army of Changelings,” she said before shooting a glare towards a black creature hiding behind a wall of the building, who blushed and quickly retreated. “If it wasn’t for Princess Luna, Cadence, and my brother, Canterlot would have fallen that very day.”

The donkey lowered her head and whimpered. Her future husband slowly walked to her side and attempted to cheer her up.

“We will help with the wedding once this crisis is over, but we can’t take any chances,” Twilight declared, before once again facing the remaining crowd.

“Fluttershy and the doctor will provide medical assistance in case somepony gets hurt, while Pinkie Pie will patrol the castle with part of my Royal Guard to ensure that no monster will sneak inside,” Twilight continued.

“Great, just great,” said a bronze pony with an hourglass as cutie mark as he stomped at the ground angrily. “I had a feeling I should have picked up my advanced medical equipment. I can’t heal anypony without my gadgets.”

“Not you, Time Turner. I was talking about the Ponyville doctor, from the hospital,” Twilight corrected before looking towards the medical staff. “And the nurses of course.”

“You can count on us,” Nurse Redheart said with a salute before trotting towards Fluttershy, her fellow co-workers following.

“Oh,” left Turner’s mouth as he glanced at the medical staff. He looked to the side and rubbed the back of his neck, a weak blush visible on his cheeks. After a moment, he gave the princess an awkward smile and dashed towards Applejack’s group.

After facehoofing, Twilight walked forward, now looking at the fillies and colts. She shot a glance at their teacher and said, “Miss Cheerilee, please take your class into the basement. It is the safest place in the castle.” Upon seeing a nod of confirmation, she added, “Pinkie will show you the way.”

I suppose that the basement in the castle is much safer than in my house. Maybe I’m not giving the princess enough credit, Silver thought before retreating her head and stepping back, seeing as Twilight’s stare was focused on her.

“Silver Spoon.”

“Y-yes, P-Princess,” she responded, now standing still as statue.

“I expect you to keep an eye on your classmates and friends. While the basement is relatively safe, I am sure Miss Cheerilee could use your help to keep everypony calm and organized.”

“W-what?” Silver asked in panic, now looking around nervously. Her father was far away with other ponies alongside Apple Bloom’s older sister. Sweetie Belle’s older sister being busy setting up the grown ups inside the castle. Featherweight’s father was assisting Rainbow Dash, and the other parents were also participating in the defense of Ponyville, leaving only Miss Cheerilee. She looked at the teacher and said, “S-she can’t be serious.”

Cheerilee smiled and patted Silver Spoon on the back encouragingly. “Have more faith in yourself, Silver Spoon. If Princess Twilight has confidence in you, I shall trust her judgement.”

She looked at Diamond Tiara in desperation, who kept staring back at her with hostility, her glare alone stopping any words from leaving her mouth. Silver looked at the crusaders out of desperation, hoping against hope they would protest against this ridiculous idea.

“You heard the Princess, yer the boss,” Apple Bloom said encouragingly.

“Once again stealing the spotlight, eh Silver?” Scootaloo said with crossed forelegs as she turned to the side. The look of jealousy turned into acceptance after a short moment as she added, “On the other hoof, I suppose I can play the secondary role this time around if you’re the leader, though I will be the leading pony next time, mark my words.”

“Yay, congratulations!” Sweetie Belle shouted with a happy jump.

Silver Spoon sighed. I should’ve known better. She looked up at the tall princess nervously. While she didn’t find Twilight as intimidating and impressive as either Celestia or Luna, her serious stare and spread wings made her feel insignificant in the face of such authority. “B-but princess…”

“Just call me Twilight, no need to be formal.”

“Princess Twilight,” Silver continued as she pressed forehoof against her own chest. “W-why did you chose me… out of everypony? Shouldn’t you ask one of the other adults instead?” Drops of sweat started to fall down her forehead.

Twilight chuckled before rubbing top of Silver’s head, who blushed upon receiving such a gesture from the highest authority. “Silver Spoon, you know exactly why I would choose you.” She lowered her head and whispered into filly’s ear, “I have faith in you, my number two assistant.”

Silver was stunned. Every cell in her brain started telling her that this must be a dream, or that she was being delusional, not noticing as the alicorn flew away. Her shock didn’t last long as she felt somepony pulling her.

“Let’s go milady, to the castle!” Featherweight said, holding the grey filly by the sides of her belly as his little wings flapped hastily, pushing them both forward at a walking pace. “I swear as your little knight, I shall follow you even into the fire.”

Silver Spoon fixed her glasses and started walking, her ears and head lowered. She sighed and murmured quietly, “Can somepony please wake me up from this nightmare?”

No matter how much she wished for it to be a delusion or a dream, there was still a chance it was reality. A reality she had to face here and now.

As crazy as it sounded in her mind, she was now leading her entire class by the order of Princess Twilight herself alongside her teacher. A family of monsters was about to invade Ponyville, with her own father fighting them on the frontline. Finally, for some unknown reason, the crusaders were still being friendly towards her to the point of supporting her leadership.

Why they would put so much trust into a bully was beyond her.

Yes, she was a bully, a fact she never tried to deny to herself. It was her role to play, a price to pay for being friends with Diamond Tiara. While she often laughed at other ponies’ misery, she never found any actual enjoyment in it, and even to this day she didn’t understand why Diamond Tiara liked it in the first place. What she did enjoy however was Tiara’s happiness. As long as her friend was happy, she could be happy with her, and that was all that mattered.

Was making a friend happy worth making other ponies sad? Was playing the role of a meanie the only role she was destined to play? She never bothered to answer those questions, or maybe she intentionally avoided thinking about them in the first place.

Everytime she was away from her mother, she needed somepony to guide her, a role Diamond Tiara provided alongside respect and protection. Was it really that bad if she said a few mean words to maintain her comfort zone by Tiara’s side?

She shook off those thoughts for now, and then looked at Diamond Tiara, a pony she would approach right away if not for a group of ponies walking by her side. Cheerilee was now far ahead of the class, busy talking with Pinkie Pie.

It was always so easy to play the role of a bully to make her friend happy, but now that those she bullied were showing her friendship and understanding, how was she going to carry on that role? Making one friend happy at the expense of another didn’t seem right to her.

She wished that the crusaders were faking their supposed friendliness, if only to make her choice easier to make.

I can barely make any decisions by myself, how am I supposed to keep an entire class in check? Tiara is my only hope, Silver thought as she sped up, slowly reducing the distance from her best friend while ignoring the looks of confusion she was receiving from others. I hope she won’t make me choose between her and the crusaders. It would be too much for me. She grit her teeth and closed her eyes as her steps became more hesitant.

“Diamond Tiara,” she called quietly from behind her friend. Upon hearing groaning, she sped up, now walking side by side with her friend. “I know you may be busy, but–”

“What do you want, nerd?”

Silver closed her mouth in an instant. It wasn’t the first time Tiara called her a nerd. Being a diligent student, she sometimes ended up getting called an egghead or smart flank by Tiara, but it was always spoken with a joking tone, never with such malice.

“S-sorry if I am interrupting anything, but I… I need your help,” Silver pled.

“Help?” Tiara asked. “You, the rich, popular filly who’s famous for being a teacher’s pet needs help, that’s a laugh.” Tiara looked at her in amusement. “If you need help, why don’t you ask your blank flank friends or your thin boned coltfriend?”

Silver’s ears dropped as she looked to the side, away from the unbearable glare she was receiving. Did Tiara find out about yesterday’s events and was now angry with her? Can this get any worse? Silver thought as she sought the right words to answer with.

“I understand you may be angry that I was spending time with the crusaders yesterday instead of you–” Silver started, only to be cut off by Diamond Tiara.

“I would care less who you spend time with, but the idea I would want to be anywhere near you for longer than a minute is insulting.”

“Please,” Silver said, her words carrying more sorrow with each passing moment. “Everypony is counting on me for some reason, but I can’t handle that kind of responsibility. I can’t do it without you.”

Tiara chuckled and grinned. She glanced at the teacher, making sure she was out of her voice range before looking once again at Silver Spoon. “You just got a position of leadership, from a Princess of all ponies, and you crack in the first five minutes. What a pathetic loooser.

“However…” She smiled maliciously before raising her head arrogantly. “I feel generous today, and your realization of just how useless you really are puts me in a good mood. If you bow to me and admit in front of the class how inferior you are to me in every way, I may consider showing you how a real leader should behave.”

“W-what…” Silver said, barely managing to release any words from her hoarse throat.

“I’m waiting,” Tiara said as she slowed down and sharpened her glare, straightened ears and half closed eyes displaying her waning patience.

“But I thought… I thought we were equal.”

Tiara grit her teeth and stopped in her tracks before grabbing Silver Spoon by the pearls of her necklace. She pulled them until both her and Silver’s muzzle pressed against each other, fear and shock clear in Silver’s wide eyes. “Equal? You dare to say we are equal. Congratulations are in order, you just ruined my good mood, as well as your slim chance of getting my help.” With a swift action, she released the pearls and pushed the filly away, who landed on her side with a weak thump.

Silver Spoon massaged her neck before raising her head, now staring at Diamond Tiara with a look of betrayal, suddenly feeling an emptiness deep inside. An odd feeling she hasn’t experienced ever since her father failed to keep his promise to spend time with his family during her summer vacation.

“Silver!” Featherweight shouted before flying over, immediately helping the mare stand up. The crusaders joined a moment later and formed a wall between Tiara and Silver. “Are you alright?”

“What do ya think yer doin’, pushin’ our friend like that,” Apple Bloom said.

“I dare you to try and do it again,” Scootaloo said with a double stomp.

“I’ll tell Miss Cheerilee on you,” Sweetie threatened.

Tiara growled, as if an angered wolf ready to jump into a pile of meat. “What’s the matter? Just a moment ago you thought we were equal, and now you’re hiding behind a magicless unicorn, an apple-brained earth pony, and both a flightless and muscleless pegasi.” She turned her head to the side in annoyance. “You can’t do anything by yourself, that’s why you try to hide your weakness behind your so called friends. Silver Incompetence, that’s a name you deserve.”

Silver… Incompetence… Two words echoed through her mind as she could do nothing but stare at her friend from behind the crusaders. Her mouth agape and eyes wide. Her throat became dry as she resisted the urge to cry.

Is this what being bullied feels like? she thought, feeling as if trapped in a nightmare. Should the crusaders insult her, she would understand, if an adult called her incompetent, her mother would cheer her up, but being bullied by Tiara…

“What’s up with the sad smiles!” Pinkie shouted cheerfully while jumping from behind Silver, who flinched at her sudden appearance. “Are you scared of the mean flying bee bears? There’s nothing to fear as long as Pinkie is here!”

“What… how…?” Silver murmured before sighing. It’s Pinkie Pie, don’t question it.

“Is something wrong?” Cheerilee asked as she approached and examined the group, quickly focusing her stare at Tiara. Her mood darkened in an instant. “Let me guess, Diamond Tiara.”

The pink filly frowned, returning the teacher’s glare with one of her own.

“I wanted to talk with Diamond Tiara, and I slowed down the rest of the class,” Silver Spoon said, catching everypony’s attention, including the teacher. “I’m sorry.”

Cheerilee tilted her head to the side before passing by the school’s bully, both looking at Silver in confusion. “Are you sure? You can tell me if something is wrong.”

Sweetie Belle was about to raise her voice, but was silenced by Silver’s hoof. “Ssshhh… don’t say it, please,” Silver whispered before retreating her foreleg. She gave the teacher an awkward smile while rubbing back of her neck. “Nothing’s wrong at all, am I right, Diamond Tiara?”

“Yes, like she said,” The bully said while looking at the teacher with an innocent smile. “We just stopped for a moment to have a little chat.”

Cheerilee looked between the bully and potential victim suspiciously before turning around. “We should resume our walk, we’re almost there.”

With the teacher and Pinkie Pie once again ahead of the group, Tiara looked at Silver and whispered, “I don’t know why you covered for me, but if you expect me to return the favour or thank you, think again.” She slapped her tail against grey filly’s muzzle and raised her head pridefully before increasing the distance between them.

Silver whimpered, not bothering to look at the worried faces of the crusaders, but instead staring at the floor. Now this day literally can't get any worse.

Author's Note:

I appologise for the long delay, but I waited for my top proof-reader to return. Now that Soulblade is back, I can focus on finishing this story.

Also, those of you who wanted to see more of how original Silver was handling herself in the alternative world, I hope this chapter was to your liking. I'm looking forward to your feedback.
