• Published 11th May 2018
  • 1,245 Views, 50 Comments

Civil War: Light vs Dark - PonyJoel

Do you really know what Dark and Light actually mean? Do you really know what they represent? Only a few ponies know and everypony else is oblivious to it.

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Train Ride To Canterlot! More Questions & Answers!

Author's Note:

A long train ride to Canterlot. To pass up the time, more questions will be answered. Twilight eager to learn about Sotnas's side of Equestrian History.

Comment if you please.

Hope you enjoy the chapter.

Have a nice day/night reading.

Sotnas and Twilight are now boarding the train. The ride will be 15 hours long. It'll be more than enough time for more of Twilight's questions to be answered. Twilight and Sotnas are sitting in their private car for business only. Nopony else will be entering through the car unless the conductor tells them that they have arrived at their station. Now the train started to pull out of the station.

"So now that it'll be us for the ride, you ready to answer more of my questions?"


"So do you know the mother of Princess Celestia?"

"No. Celestia mother died when giving birth to her. Sometimes in nature, our magic cannot help those who'll end up dying. It's the fate of life at times unless you are immortal."

"How did Celestia became an immortal?"

"I taught her the immortality spell. She asked me when she was 20 years old. During that time, I found her attractive so I thought perhaps we can spend our time together for all of eternity. What a shame. Due to my actions, she basically doomed us while she reigned Equestria in an illusion. I take full responsibility for that mistake."

"So she wasn't born as an immortal. Interesting. Does she really have a sister named Luna?"

"No. Luna is a figment of Celestia's imagination. To fill a void within her story. If Luna was real then I would be talking about her more than Celestia."

"Are you sure that Luna is a fake?"

"Yes. Luna doesn't exist."

Twilight sighed. She knows that Luna exists. She knows that Luna is alive. Breathing and doing her duties by coming into the dreamland and helping ponies with their nightmares.

"Is Princess Cadence a fake."

"No. She's real. Just living in the moment as a Princess but in reality, she's a common Pegasus living in a lie."

"Are my wings a fake since I was born as a Unicorn."

"Yes. Your wings may feel real but when magic is manipulated, it can feel real."

"Is it possible for an Alicorn to exist?"

"Yes. An Alicorn can exist but he or she will have to become a leader than understand the true nature of our world and the magic it provides. Not to change the way our world flows or else things will become unbalanced. When a world becomes unbalanced, then everything starts to fall on one side while the other side gets destroyed. The Alicorn purpose is to make sure our world is balanced. Never a one-sided affair. Celestia did the opposite of that."

"Is Celestia a real Alicorn?"

"Yes. She is doing a bad job as one. If Queen Omega saw what she is doing, Celestia would be obliterated right then and there."

"Discord, the Lord of Chaos, is he real?"

"No. Discord is not real. We never saw his kind before. Even when we were creating homes for species of the unknown searching for a new place to call home. Griffins, Dragons, Yaks, Moles, Gophers, Tigers, Lions, all different sorts of creatures came and we took them to new places in our world. A Draqonacuss is nonexistent. Celestia must have a brilliant idea for naming preposterous creatures."

Twilight took a breather. She allowed her mind to come clear. She couldn't believe that Discord and Luna are not real. Just figments of Celestia's imagination. She didn't want to believe Sotnas for what he was saying but there he is. Calm and answering each question that was thrown at him. There must be a greater explanation for all this. A lie that is stretching to new places just to get closer to Celestia. That is a good possibility but then again. Sotnas can read her mind if she indicates him for lying. For now, she plays it out and continued to make progress.

"Alright then. Sotnas, why don't you come out of your paradise and spread the knowledge to everypony else?"

"Interesting question Twilight. The reason why I don't leave paradise is due to the fact that Celestia is always watching. She has eyes all over Equestria except for places where ponies should not go to or deserted landscapes like deserts or wastelands. Quite funny how I mentioned wastelands when she's living in one right now."

"Eyes all over Equestria? Please explain."

"Certainly. Celestia has her guards all over Equestria. They report to her in case anything suspicious to her were to make an entrance. She already has eyes on me going into Canterlot as we speak."

"How can you tell?"

"One pony everywhere is a spy. The magic they use is faint but you can sense."

"Why would the magic be faint?"

"That is how you know magic is being manipulated."

"So, are any of my friends real?"

"Yes. Most ponies in Equestria are real. They are just living in a lie. That is all."

Twilight sighed in relief. At least her friendship is real despite everything else Sotnas was saying to her. Twilight can understand Sotnas better than she has earlier.

"Have any more questions for me to answer?"

"Just a few more before I take my nap."


"If Celestia is telling the truth and claims that you're a phony. Then how would you respond?"

"First of, I'm not lying. Second I'm telling everything I know because the truth must be set free. Third, if I was lying, then why would I be telling you all of this and fourth, I would have killed you from the minute you dropped in. Not giving you any chance of recovering."

Twilight took it all in and kept thinking to herself that he is lying the whole way back but she acknowledges his statements and his honesty in a way. Can someone corrupted can act this way...?

"Alright last question before I go to sleep. If Celestia decides to accept your request by all means, what would you do?"

"Simple really, take back what she is giving to use and renew the land. Allowing other ponies to join us by their own free will."

With that being said and done, Twilight fell asleep. She was a bit too tired to continue to ask. Sotnas watched his traveling partner fell asleep. He then looks up at the night.

"If only you know the exact truth about this whole situation. Then you'll see everything like we do." He laughed a bit knowing that victory is coming soon. Sotnas couldn't wait to see Celestia and how he's gonna exact his revenge on her for taking everything away from him and his colony.

The train made it to Canterlot. Sotnas and Twilight got off the train. Twilight is now escorting to the castle to meet up Celestia. When the two meet each other, everything will change.