• Published 29th Apr 2018
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Equestria Ninja Girls: Wanted Bebop and Rocksteady - Wildcard25

The Turtles and Rainbooms must take on Bebop and Rocksteady who've allied themselves with an alternate Shredder and Krang

  • ...

Looking for Action

Outside CHS one Friday afternoon, the Rainbooms were busy with their activities. Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie were busy training against each other in ninjitsu, while off to the side was Twilight fiddling with something, Rarity was reading a magazine, and Fluttershy was petting Spike. Fugitoid walked over carrying take out bags, "I'm back, girls! Come and get it!"

The girls stopped what they were doing and each took a bag from the Professor, "Thanks, Fuge." Rainbow said.

"We appreciate you getting lunch for us." Rarity said.

"It was my pleasure, Rarity." he answered.

"Girls, life's gotten dull hasn't it?" Rainbow asked.

"What do you mean 'dull'?" Fluttershy inquired.

"Look at us. We've been doing the same routine these past few weeks," Rainbow explained, "I mean we haven't had to face any magical enemies in a long time. I mean Princess Twilight and our counterparts got to take on some ancient dark creature with the help of six legendary ponies."

"I know," Sunset agreed, "I can't believe all this time those legendary figures were real. Wished I was there when it happened."

"Based off what Twilight wrote back to you, Starswirl the Bearded didn't sound like the friendly type." Rarity reminded her.

"Yeah. He really hurt Karai and Starlight's feelings." Pinkie added.

"Well, she told us he learned his lesson." Fugitoid replied.

Rainbow sighed, as they were getting off track "My point is we've become so used to fighting evil around here it's a part of us."

"Well, she does have a point," Applejack agreed, "Old Foot clan's disbanded, Tiger Claw's gone off the grid, and Shredder's dead. I can't believe I'm even sayin' this, but I actually miss the Kraang and Triceratons."

"Me too," Pinkie agreed, "At least they always kept us on our toes."

"There hasn't even been any more traces of Equestrian Magic here." Sunset put in.

"Do you think it's possible there's even any evil left in the world?" Rarity asked.

"Highly illogical." Twilight replied.

"We should do something different," Rainbow suggested, "Any ideas, girls?"

The Rainbooms began pondering, until Pinkie gasped, "I know! Let's go to New York and see the Turtles?"

The Rainbooms looked intrigued, "Well, it wouldn't hurt to visit them." Twilight admitted.

"Maybe there's some action in New York?" Rainbow added.

"And I wouldn't mind seeing our friends again." Rarity put in.

"I wouldn't mind it either." Fugitoid agreed.

"So how about it?" Pinkie asked.

"Let's do it!" Sunset confirmed.

"I better go home and pack what I need." Rarity started planning, as the girls rolled their eyes and laughed.

Later on, Applejack was driving her truck with Rainbow in the passenger seat and everyone else in back. They had reached New York as nighttime was closing in. They drove through the streets, while looking around once again feeling nostalgic, "Oh, I'll never tire of this city." Fugitoid marveled.

"Me neither." Fluttershy agreed.

Twilight spoke to Applejack, "On your left, A.J. There's an entrance to the sewer Donnie built."

So Applejack drove into an alley, as Twilight pressed a button on a remote given to her by Donnie last time they were in the city. The button triggered an opening in the ground leading to a tunnel into the sewer. A.J drove her truck down it, as it closed.

They parked the truck where the Party Wagon was, and got out, "Bet the turtles are going to be super surprised to see us!" Pinkie cheered.

"Hopefully if they're not too busy." Fluttershy noted.

They walked to the lair entrance, and saw Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey lounging around looking bored out of their minds, "Hey, guys!" Sunset called.

The four turtles saw their friends, and Leo spoke up, "Twilight? Girls?"

"Hey, Leo." Twilight greeted.

"Hope we're not intruding or anything." Fugitoid said.

"Nope, not at all." Mikey answered.

"What're you all doing here?" Raph asked.

"Nothing going on back home, so we decided to come here and see you guys." Rainbow answered.

"What's going on with you boys?" Applejack asked.

"Seeing you girls is the highlight of our day." Donnie answered.

"How is that?" Rarity wondered.

"Like you girls, nothing's been going on with us lately either." Leo explained.

"Ouch." Rainbow replied.

"Yeah, we haven't had anything decent to fight in a long time." Raph began.

"And I haven't been able to make anything useful to us in battle." Donnie said.

"And I've watched so many reruns of our past cartoons, there's nothing special about them anymore." Mikey complained.

"Well, we're here right now. So why don't we do something together?" Twilight suggested.

"Twilight's right. I'm tired of sitting around doing nothing," Leo agreed, "Let's go up top and see if there's anything going on."

Donnie spoke, "Could be a good idea. I have been getting some strange readings in the city."

"Worth checking out." Fugitoid stated.

"Come on, team." Leo said, as the Rainbooms armed themselves and headed out.

Out in the city, the turtles, Rainbooms, and Fugitod were on patrol, with Raph, Sunset, and Rainbow Dash jumping a roof top. Raph spoke into his T-Phone, "Mikey, you or Pinkie Pie spot any bad guys yet?"

On the other side of the building was Mikey skateboarding onto another roof, with Pinkie following behind him, "Nada, bro."

Pinkie being her usual self was popping up all around the roof top, "Nothing here. Or here. Or here. Definitely not here," she pulled out her cellphone, "Rarity, anything?"

Rarity who was standing outside a dress shop answered, "Nope. Nothing unusual here, darling. Applejack?"

Applejack who was looking down at Antonio's answered, "All clear. Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy was in an alley talking to some stray cats, "None of cats here have seen anything strange."

Mikey contacted Donnie, "What've you got, D?

Donnie was with Twilight and Fugitoid checking the readings, "This is strange," Donnie began, "I'm picking up a strange type of inter-dimensional portal energy, but I can't pinpoint the source."

"Indeed, this is very odd." Fugitoid agreed.

Twilight hung up her phone, "Leo's not picking up his T-Phone."

"You don't suppose he's doing something dangerous without any of us, do you?" Fugitoid asked.

"Knowing Leo, yes." Donnie answered.

Leo was currently inside a 7/11 store keeping it casual while wearing a trench coat and fedora, until a goon entered while holding a knife to the clerk, "Empty the register, all of it!" he ordered.

Suddenly Leo appeared, and spoke, "Don't you know it's a school night? And class is in session." he got into a fighter stance.

"Don't do it man, I'll use this!" the goon warned him, only to get defeated by Leo who dropped his hat. The clerk gasped at Leo who quickly snatched his hat and bolted.

On the roof above the shop, the group minus Mikey and Pinkie were watching the goon be taken in by the police, "Beating street punks isn't as rewarding as it used to be." Leo said.

"Yeah. Especially if they go down as easy as that." Rainbow agreed.

Donnie spoke to Leo, "Leo, you shouldn't be taking risks like that."

"Donnie's right, what happened to ninjas stay in the shadows?" Twilight asked.

"That is what Master Splinter taught us." Sunset Shimmer noted.

"Things aren't the same as they used to be, guys. This city doesn't need us anymore."

The group gasped, "Leo, you can't be serious." Twilight said.

"Twilight's right," Rarity agreed, "I mean sure there's not too many villains active, but that doesn't mean the city no longer needs protectors."

"Yes. Aren't there still renegade mutants somewhere out there?" Fugitoid inquired.

"Most of them have gone underground. Don't know if they're coming back." Leo answered.

"Hey, where's Mikey?" Raph looked around.

"Yeah. Pinkie Pie's not here either." Applejack noticed.

Mikey was still skateboarding on a roof top while beatboxing. Pinkie was following him looking bored, "Come on, Mikey, there's nothing happening here."

"Let us go you creeps!" came a voice from down below.

Mikey and Pinkie went to the edge of the roof and looked down. They saw the ninja turtles from the alternate dimension being tossed into a pile. Standing above them was who else but Bebop and Rocksteady.

However, the two were dressed slightly different. Rocksteady wore brown boots, darker camouflage pants, a yellow muscle shirt with a single bandolier crossing it and a single grenade attached to it, on his head was an army helmet with a pair of goggles. Bebop was wearing red sneakers, black tight pants, a red vest, a necklace made of small bones, and wore turtle shells for shoulder pads.

"Whoo, definitely feels good to be on the winning side of a beatdown." Bebop told Rocksteady.

"Let us finish the job then, eh?" Rocksteady asked, as he powered up his blaster.

Raphael cried, "Wait, wait! You can't kill us. This is a kids show!"

Pinkie spoke to Mikey, "He's right. We don't conduct that kind of violence in our programs."

Rocksteady halted his blaster, as Bebop asked Raphael, "What're you talking about?"

The Rhino spoke, "Uh, hmm Crazy one is right. How weak and pathetic they look, da? Not very sporting."

"Fine, let's take these losers back to Shredder and Krang. They'll know what to do with them." Bebop said.

Rocksteady tossed the four turtles in the back of their van, and they drove off with Michelangelo complaining, "This is totally bogus!"

"Do you Turtles ever shut up?" Bebop asked feeling annoyed.

Mikey and Pinkie landed on the ground and watched the van drive off, "Oh, no!" Mikey gasped.

"Mikey, we gotta warn everybody!" Pinkie cried. The two ran off to rendezvous with the others.

Soon the team were gathered around the to who explained to them what they saw in a panic.

"Slow down, you two. Are you sure you saw our counterparts from the other dimension?" Donnie asked.

"That's right," Pinkie answered, "I could tell from the pudginess and belt buckle initials."

Mikey spoke up, "And Bebop and Rocksteady were there, looking like bad news, wearing dead turtle shells and everything!"

"Dead turtle shells?" Fluttershy gasped.

"That's not fashionable even for those two." Rarity said with a shiver.

Raph spoke to Mikey sounding skeptical, "Are you sure this isn't like the time you said you got chased by a chupacabra in the sewers?"

"Or when you kissed Renet back in the Wild West?" Donnie asked sounding equally skeptical.

"Or saw Thor eating a hot dog on Fifth Avenue?" Leo finished.

Mikey answered, "I kissed Renet, and it wasn't a hot dog, but we really saw the other "us" s."

"Bebop and Rocksteady threw them in their van and drove off towards Chinatown!" Pinkie finished.

"Chinatown, huh?" Donnie asked.

"Perhaps we best investigate?" Fugitoid suggested.

"Yeah. As annoying as those counterparts of you are," Rainbow began, "Especially Raphael. We can't just leave them."

"And if Bebop and Rocksteady have gained access to something new. We need to find out how." Twilight added.

They drove through China Town in the Party Wagon, while Fugitoid flew above them, and Twilight used her magic to levitate the Rainbooms in the air. They stopped in an alley, as Donnie was looking at his tracking device, "The source must be around here somewhere." he said.

They heard the sewer lid clanking as if something was moving, "Maybe it's coming from underground." Pinkie suggested.

"Let's move." Leo ordered, as they went into the sewers.

The team was walking through the sewers before entering the old pneumatic transit subway tunnel. Twilight looked around in awe, "Amazing how many trains used to use this old line back in the day."

"Glad they don't use it anymore." Rainbow said.

"Any word on the source, Donatello?" Fugitoid asked.

"It's getting closer. Right up... ahead." Donnie explained, as they exited the tunnel, and came upon a giant spherical fortress on giant treads with a giant eyeball on top of it.

"What is that?" Rarity gasped.

"Is that a technodrome?" Leo asked in confusion.

"Not like any technodrome I've ever seen before." Donnie explained.

"Indeed," Fugitoid agreed, "It looks more like an early prototype."

"I say it looks like a giant golf ball on wheels." Rainbow noted.

"What's that huge eye for?" Donnie wondered.

"It's used for a periscope, Donnie. What else?" Pinkie answered bluntly.

"Then maybe you can explain the giant foot painted on the front?" Donnie asked sarcastically.

"It's the symbol of the Foot Clan," she answered, "No offense, D, but you really are behind on the uptake." Donnie scowled.

"So how're we going to infiltrate that thing?" Raph asked.

"Yeah. I don't think we can just walk right into it." Sunset added.

"Why don't we try the open door?" Mikey suggested as he motioned to an open side hatch with a sign hanging above reading 'enter here'.

Twilight looked in disbelief, "You gotta be kidding me."

"Why would a lair like this place have something like that?" Applejack asked.

"Who cares, let's get in there." Rainbow said, as the group got closer and ninja'd their way up before entering the hatch.

They landed inside and looked around seeing the hall was dark and empty, "No security? Who are these clowns?" Raph asked.

"Probably cocky if they think they don't need security in case of intruders." Sunset answered.

"Shh," Leo shushed them, "Look." he whispered while motioning to an open door.

The group crept to the door and peeked inside. They saw who else but Krang from Two-Dimensional Earth in his yellow bulgy man-baby body talking to someone, "Is that Krang?" Leo asked.

"Yeah, Subprime's cousin." Applejack recalled.

"The one with the funny voice." Pinkie giggled.

"Of course," Fugitoid gasped, "Subprime and the rest of the Kraang banished this one to another dimension while he took an old model Technodrome with as his base of operation."

"And who's that he's talking to?" Twilight asked, as the human figure turned around giving them a better view.

"No way." Donnie gasped.

"Is that..." Fluttershy trailed off.

"Shredder?" Raph asked in surprise. It was indeed Shredder who instead of their normal Shredder wore a gray muscle shirt with black pants, a purple cape, and his own version of the Kuro Kabuto helmet. On his shoulders, wrists, and knees were pads covered in spikes that were smaller that their Shredder's blades.

"That must be the Shredder from the other turtles dimension." Twilight theorized.

"Something about him doesn't make him look as bad as the Shredder we know." Sunset said.

"Yeah. Our Shredder had a cooler helmet." Mikey stated.

"And that cape just doesn't look befitting for him." Rarity added.

Leo shushed them, as they crept inside while keeping hidden. Mikey looked and saw the alternate turtles stuck inside a prison surrounded by purple glowing bars, "It's the other us'."

"And there's Bebop and Rocksteady." Pinkie motioned to the two mutants.

"What on earth are they wearing?" Rarity gasped in shock.

"Looks like an 80s style look." Pinkie noted.

"Well, the 80s were a good time in some fields of fashion." Rarity admitted.

"Let's move." Leo said, as they started to get closer.

Leonardo in the cage called out to the villains, "You'll never get away with this Shred-Head!"

Shredder answered him, "But I already have, my meddlesome mutant!" he laughed.

"So what next, boss man?" Rocksteady asked.

"Now with those troublesome turtles out of the way we will need you fools to run some... errands." the Shredder answered.

Krang spoke, "We need to fully power up the Technodrome so we can conquer this dimension!"

As the ninjas and Rainbooms got closer to the cage, where the alternate turtles noticed, "Dude, you found us!" Michelangelo cheered loudly.

Raph shushed him, as Raphael spoke, "We totally had this without you posers getting in the way."

Fluttershy scowled, "Raphael, what have we talked about with the insults?"

Raphael sighed, as he answered, "If you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all."

"That's right." Fluttershy nodded.

"We could always just leave you here, Raphael." Raph told his counterpart.

Leonardo spoke, "Thanks for the save. Turtle Power!" he declared.

"Are you kidding me?!" Twilight asked while face faulting.

"The turtles?!" Krang asked in shock, "And the Rainbooms?!"

"There are more turtles?" Shredder asked in shock, "And why are there so many teen girls here?"

Krang spoke to Shredder in worry, "Do something. These turtles are actually dangerous! And these girls are even worse!"

"Do you really think a bunch of teenage girls are so threatening?" Shredder asked in sarcasm.

"Actually, we've been told we're very meddlesome." Pinkie said, as she was suddenly leaning up against Shredder.

Shredder and Krang backed away feeling startled, "How? When did she?" Shredder asked in confusion.

"I told you, they're dangerous!" Krang panicked.

"Well..." Shredder turned to Rocksteady and Bebop, "Don't just stand there, Blisters for brains, take them down!"

"With pleasure." Rocksteady answered, as he and Bebop held a blaster each and opened fire on their enemies.

The ninjas scattered, as the alternate turtles shouted, "Go Green Machine!"

Raph growled, "Don't call us that!"

Rainbow ran around while dodging shots from Rocksteady, "You guys got some serious firepower."

"Thanks. Our new boss has shared with us his technologies." the rhino explained.

Sunset avoided an attack from Bebop and went for Shredder using her kunai against his small bladed gauntlets, "What're those blades even made from cheese graders?" she asked.

"Oh, great a girl with a smart mouth." Shredder sighed, as he threw a punch, but Sunset dodged and laid a hand on him and suddenly a flow of memories came rushing into her head.

She saw this Shredder much like the Oroku Saki they knew indeed was a ninja who trained along side Hamato Yoshi of the alternate turtles world as students of a Noble Foot Clan. But this Shredder framed Yoshi by making it look like he tried to assassinate a Daimyo thus expelling him from the clan. She then saw Saki take the Foot clan under his wing and turned it into a criminal organization. Some time after Saki usurped control of the clan he came into contact with the Krang they fought in the other world and a partnership was born.

She removed her hand from him and spoke, "Even in another dimension your jealousy of Master Splinter led you down a dark path!"

"How do you know?" he demanded.

"Your memories say a lot." she answered.

Fluttershy and Mikey in the midst of fighting came face to face with Bebop holding a blaster in their faces. The two braced themselves, only for bubbles to come out of the blaster, "Um, bubbles?" Fluttershy asked.

"Bubbles?" Bebop asked in confusion, before dodging an attack from Mikey. He altered a setting on the blaster that released a n energy wave, "Now that's more like it." he turned the ray on the rest of the turtles, Rainbooms, and Fugitoid knocking them down at the prison the other turtles were held captive.

"I have you just where I wanted." Krang pressed a button on a control panel, and suddenly a red liquid was coming up from the ground and covering the ninjas. As it started coagulating, they found themselves stuck.

"What is this stuff?" Raph demanded.

"I can't move!" Twilight struggled.

Shredder laughed at them only to feel a tug at his cape. He turned around seeing Spike tugging at Shredder's cape with his mouth, "Mangy mutt! Let go of my cape!" Shredder tried tugging it back, but Spike was persistent. After Shredder pulled harder, Spike let go and Shredder fell backwards and landed on his butt.

The alternate turtles laughed at Shredder's misfortune, as the villain looked at his cape, "And I just got this back from the cleaners!" he whined.

"So send me the bill," Spike answered, "Oh, wait, I'm a dog. I can't pay."

Krang turned to Rocksteady and Bebop, "Don't just stand there. Get that dog!"

"With pleasure, boss brain." Rocksteady said, as he tried to grab Spike, only for the dog to slip under his legs.

Spike tried to make a get away, only for Bebop to slide in front of him and picked him up by the scruff of his neck, "Let me go!" Spike struggled.

"Sorry, Fido. But you ain't getting away from this little piggy." Bebop laughed, before putting him inside a small cage.

Krang looked at the captives, "Finally all my enemies here and captured," he turned to the robot, "What's this? Professor Honeycutt? Now this is a bonus!"

"I see even with your banishment for millenia you haven't changed a bit." Fugitoid mocked him with slanted eyes to look like he was frowning.

"And you've gotten even mouthier than ever," Krang noted, "But you know, Zayton, I'd be more than willing to let you go as long as you serve me as my weapons inventor."

Fugitoid continued to bear his frowning expression, "I will never build weapons for you, Krang."

"Have it your way." Krang said dryly.

Rocksteady and Bebop aimed their blasters at the captive ninjas, as the Rhino spoke, "Freak Turtle Ninjas and Rainboom Girls are finally finished."

Rainbow spoke to the others, "You know I'm starting to think having things be dull aren't so bad now."