• Published 7th May 2018
  • 3,755 Views, 89 Comments

A Queen's Perspective - Equestria Girls - gerandakis

Twilight Sparkle has been a changeling queen for just over a year now. While she is represeting her hive on a royal symposium in the Crystal Empire a mysterious unicorn stals her crown ...

  • ...


Twilight found her friends anxiously waiting around the corner of the corridor in front of Luna's office. As they heard her approaching, the girls turned to her and immediately called out. "Twilight!"

After some greetings Twilight spoke up. "Girls, we may have a problem. Is there somewhere we can talk? In private?"

The girls exchanged worried glances at this cryptic request, but after a moment Rarity spoke up. "Principal Celestia allowed me to set up a dressmaker's workshop in one of the unused rooms at the school. We can talk there."

Twilight thought on that for a moment before giving her a soft smile. "Good, lead the way."

After a few moments, they arrived in front of a room on the school's top floor and Rarity fished a key from her bag, swiftly unlocking the door. The room seemed to be a small unused classroom, various dressmakers puppets stood around the room and a sewing machine sat on a table in one corner. All in all, the room strongly reminded Twilight of Carousel Boutique.

After the girls had entered and Rarity had closed the door behind them, Applejack spoke up. "Now what exactly was it Luna wanted from ya'll?"

"Sunset Shimmer blamed me for destroying the party decorations in the gym."

"WHAT?!" Pinkie interrupted horrified.

"And Luna believed her?" Applejack asked incredulously.

"She had photos. Fabricated evidence."

"How did you get out of that?" Fluttershy asked in a hushed tone.

"Well, it happens that Luna checked the decorations herself before the lunch break. And they were fine then. So this must have happened during the lunch break. As you can guess, I had quite a few witnesses confirming I was elsewhere at the time."

"Yeah, we did gather quite the crowd." Rainbow chuckled, humble as ever.

"And there is the problem. With the decorations destroyed as they are the dance can't happen tonight."

"They need to postpone?!" Rarity worriedly asked.

"That's the problem." Twilight explained as she opened her backpack to let Spike poke out of it. "I need the dance to happen tonight."

"And why, sugarcube?"

"Well, you see ..." Twilight took a calming breath but just as she was about to speak up again, she was interrupted.

"You're from an alternate world and you're a changeling queen there and the crown actually has a magical element embedded in it that helps power up other magical elements, and without it they don't work anymore, and you need them all to help protect your magical world, and if you don't get the crown tonight, you'll be stuck in this world and you won't be able to get back for, like, a really, really long time!" Everyone stared at Pinkie, dumbstruck. Pinkie herself meanwhile simply smiled.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure that isn't the reason." Rainbow deadpanned.

"Nope, she's pretty much spot-on." Spike answered, equally deadpan.

"He can talk!?" Rarity asked while Fluttershy stared at the dog, a wide smile on her lips.

"Oh, yeah! And back where we come from, I'm not even a dog! I'm a ferocious, fire-breathing dragon!"

"This is so amazing!" Fluttershy interrupted, "Tell me, what are you thinking right now?"

"Sure would love a scratch behind the old ears!" At a distraught noise from Rarity, he sat back down. "Uh, maybe later."

Twilight meanwhile continued her disbelieving stare at Pinkie. "How did you know all that?"

"Just a hunch." Pinkie answered with a wide smile.

"Wait a minute! Lemme get this straight. You're a what exactly?" Applejack asked.

"A changeling, I used to be a pony but, well, things happened and now I'm a changeling queen."

"You're a queen?" Rarity aked wide eyed.

"You're from another world?" Fluttershy asked incredulously.

After an affirming noise from Twilight there was a short silence soon interrupted by a resounding. "That ... is ... awesome!" from Rainbow Dash.

"Is that why you knew so much about us?" Fluttershy asked carefully.

"Yes. The two worlds seem to be counterparts to one another. I knew so much about you because you are the counterparts to my best friends. The other Element Bearers."

"Element Bearers, darling?" Rarity questioned.

"Yes. You see, the crown that Vice Principal Luna is keeping is mine," she reached into her bag and pulled out the duplicate Sunset Shimmer had replaced her own crown with. " I suspect this is the actual Fall Formal Crown."

After some short gasps from the girls around her she put the crown back and continued. "The jewel in my crown is something known as an Element of Harmony. The Element of Magic to be precise. It holds great power on it's own but it's main purpose is to act as a focus for the other five elements. Your counterparts are the bearers of those elements, as I am the bearer of this one."

She listed the elements and bearers pointing at each of their counterparts in turn. "Applejack, the Element of Honesty." The farm girl gave a slow nod. "Fluttershy, the Element of Kindness." Fluttershy gave a small smile. "Pinkie Pie, the Element of Laughter." At that four pairs of eyes were rolled leading to a confused 'What?' "Rarity, the Element of Generosity." Rarity gave a prideful smile. "And Rainbow Dash, the Element of Loyalty."

"Yeah, I'd say those all fit quite well." Rainbow pointed out.


"Together the Elements are the greatest Magical Power known, the Magic of Friendship, or Harmonic Magic as scholars have taken to calling it."

"You said you were a Pony?" Fluttershy now asked.

"I was. On top of that, Sunset Shimmer still is one." That revelation got a reaction. Several surprised glances and a gasp from Pinkie as well as a quiet 'Oh my' from Fluttershy. "I kinda was her successor."

"Successor?" Applejack questioned.

"As the personal protégé of Princess Celestia."

"Uhh, Princess Celestia?" Rainbow inquired.

"Oh right, yes, The counterparts of Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna are two of the three princesses that rule Equestria. The Princess of the Sun and the Princess of the Moon respectively."

That revelation silenced the girls for several seconds as they tried to digest this new information.

"So you said you became a changeling, How'd that happen?" Applejack finally spoke up.

"Well you see, a bit more than one year ago, well more like a year and 3 months, but anyway. Me and the others were invited to the wedding of my brother and the third of the princesses, Princess Cadence. Cadence had been my foalsitter at some point so I knew her quite well." The girls listened intently as recounted the events leading up to the wedding. As she finished with the words, "And after that we prepared the real wedding for the real Cadence." Rarity finally spoke up.

"So this Chrysalis character is another changeling queen?"

"Yes she's the queen of another hive. You see, we changelings are organized in hives with generally one Queen and anywhere from a few thousand to several ten-thousand drones."

"Wait, if'n this is like an insect hive does that mean the queens lay eggs?"

"Yes, it does."

"And if you are a Queen, does that mean you do that too?"

"It does, I have close to 1700 children back at the hive, all of them still nymphs of course, and about 300 more eggs still waiting to hatch."

This stumped the girls.

"You have children." Rarity said quietly, Twilight gave a nod.

"1700 of them." Rainbow continued,equally quiet.

"And I love each one of them." Twilight added with a soft smile.

"Well. That was unexpected." Pinkie finally broke the tension in the room and the girls shared a goodhearted laugh.

"Anyways. A few weeks after that wedding debacle we were having a meeting about how to deal with this situation, when an ambassador came in and revealed herself as a changeling from another hive. Led by a queen named Cadista. After some discussion Princess Celestia allowed me to go with one of the trade convoys and visit her hive to learn more about them. But on the way there we were attacked." Several gasps were heard, especially from Fluttershy and Rarity. Rainbow was listening intently, captivated by the story and Pinkie was munching on a bowl of popcorn she had pulled from somewhere. Even Spike, despite knowing the story already, seemed to be listening closely. "I nearly died but Queen Cadista knew that there was one way to save me. A process called rebirth. I could be saved, but I would become a changeling in the process."

Twilight went on to explain a few more things, the girls seemed especially interested in her descriptions of the hivemind. After some more minutes however, the girls' attention shifted back to the problem at hand and Rarity asked: "Now what exactly are we supposed to do about this situation?"

"Well if my time with my friends has taught me anything it's that good friends can get through anything. If we all work together, we can fix this. Who knows, some of the others may even choose to help too."

"Now that's the kinda can-do spirit I'm lookin' for in a Fall Formal Princess! Let's do it, y'all!" Applejack cheered.

"Absolutely!" Rarity agreed with a determined expression.

"Rock on!" Rainbow exclaimed enthusiastically

"Yes, indeedily!" Pinkie, as usual, bore the widest grin of all.

Even Fluttershy gave a whispered 'Yaaay!'

Arriving in the gym, the girls were shocked to see the extent of the damage done but they were determined to do their best anyways, one by one more students came by the hall seeing their work and choosing to join in. In record time the hall was cleaned and then even faster the decorations were restored, more elaborate than ever. By the time they were finished nearly half the student body had come to help.

Their work now done the students quickly dispersed and the girls themselves left for Rarity's home to get ready for the dance, which Principal Celestia had just announced would happen this evening after all. As they left, the Students cast their vote at the ballot boxes set up at the various exits of the school building and the gym, many of them openly voicing their support for Twilight.

At Rarity's home the girls prepared for the dance, some of the time the girls simply spent catching up after being separated for so long, while other times they chose to ask Twilight various questions about both her hive and Equestria. There was some laughter as well, like when Rarity convinced Applejack to let her work her make-up magic. In the end Applejack asked her to remove some of the make up, then some more, and a little more until no one dared tell her she looked exactly like she had before.

Soon enough, however, the time came to head for the dance and the girls did so in a stretch-limousine Rarity had organized somehow. As they drove up towards the school, Twilight entirely entranced by the intriguing technology that was the car they were in, the girls saw other students approaching from all directions, equally dressed up for the dance.

Finally the driver stopped the car and the girls got out, all six of them walking towards the school with purpose before opening the door to the gym and joining the celebrations.