• Published 27th Feb 2018
  • 557 Views, 22 Comments

Collaboration - FerociousCreation

Backdrop is well-known throughout Canterlot for his skill in painting. When he is requested by Princess Luna to paint for her, he was presented with a much bigger project than what he was prepared for.

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Picnic Basket

The day had finally come. After thirteen days, the fruits of labor had finally come to bare its juicy results. I lugged my wagon behind me with a proud smile, eager to witness Luna’s satisfied mood.

“Good afternoon, Lady Nova,” I nodded to the respected guard. “Good afternoon, Lady Vega.”

“Afternoon,” Nova nodded in turn. Vega did the same but kept to her quiet self. The only difference between the silent mare and wordy sibling was the smile Vega gave me. “Princess Luna has been eagerly awaiting your arrival.”


“Indeed.” Nova looked at her sister. “Inform the princess of Backdrop’s arrival.” The signature three knocks rang off the castle walls. The door swung open much faster than the previous days. I saw Luna propped on her bed, and she gave me a wave. She hopped off her bed and started flying over to the door.

“Thank you for helping the princess,” a voice to my left spoke. I looked up at Vega, unsure if my ears were playing tricks on me. She… she spoke to me.

Before I could respond to the guard, Luna yanked me inside with her magic. She and I collided with a force that was close to cracking a rib. “Hehe, hello!” Luna beamed.

“Greetings,” I said while trying to recover from the blow. “You seem unaffected by the impact you caused.”

“Nothing pains me to see my friend.”

“I would like to say the same. However, I think you should be less aggressive with your embraces.”

Luna gently pushed me away and grinned, “Oh, don’t be such a foal.” She walked toward the center of the room and looked up. Before I went after her, I retrieved my wagon and pulled it into Luna’s dwelling.

“It looks wonderful,” the mare beamed up at the nearly complete project.

I heard the door close behind me as I approached Luna. When I gazed up, my artist pride flared. Never in my life had I created such a wonderful piece of work (even though I copied it from a book).

Long black lines ran from star to star, identifying where the constellation was. But the fascinating features were the literal depictions of the ponies and beasts that decorated the ceiling. A pegasus knight, ursa major, and even a much younger Starswirl the Bearded were just several of the images I painted; Starswirl’s iconic beard was much smaller than his more current beard. There were some touches that needed to be added here and there, but most ponies would say it was a complete project as it was.

“I am glad you are satisfied with it,” I said.

Luna shook her head, “It is amusing to know that Starswirl has a chin.” My laughter echoed throughout the room, and Luna joined alongside me.

“What about his attire? Do you know the origin of Starswirl’s cape and hat?” I asked.

“I…” Luna pawed at her chin. “I do not know!”

“Maybe you should ask him.”

“Maybe I will, but only after you finish your painting.”

“It won’t take me too long to complete the constellation, so you might as well prepare yourself to ask the question.”

Luna’s eyes shied away from me. “Actually, I have something else planned for today.” It took me a few seconds before I guessed her “plan.”

“I can assume you are going to hire me to do another project.”

The mare shook her head, “That’s not what I want us to do today.” Luna looked toward her bed, and I followed her stare. Sitting beside it was a wicker basket filled with pieces of bread, fruits, and some wine. The basket was propped on top of a red and white checkered blanket. “I wish to celebrate the completion of your project by inviting you to a picnic.” Hot blush torched Princess Luna’s cheeks. “Would you like to come with me to the garden when you are finished?”

The request left me speechless. It reminded me of the evening White Pillar confessed she was in love with me after the third month of our relationship. The same feeling of sudden truth, quaking nerves, and a rapid heartbeat in the throat all shook my foundations.

But it was no confession. However, I hadn’t fully grasped the concept that Princess Luna was my friend, and I was her only friend outside the castle. The reality of me being invited by the regal sister to eat food with her was so…


I opened my mouth to say that being with the princess is an honor beyond honors. But then I remembered our friendship. It was so strange that I kept forgetting that fact.

“I would love to have a picnic with my friend,” I said. Luna looked at me with a smile brighter than the sun; I wondered if Princess Celestia would become jealous if she knew the analogy I gave to her sister.


“And then, just as White Pillar had heard me enter, she didn’t control her strength and chipped the entire head off!”

“Haha, how amusing!”

“But that wasn’t the best part! When Pillar looked down at the figurine’s head, I said, ‘That’s one way to lose your marbles!’”

Luna’s laughter roared throughout the garden, and it caused a few rodents and birds to flee. She rolled over and kicked at the air, still stunned by my humorous story. Thankfully, her wine glass sat upright in the basket. I sipped at the bitter liquid, not yet fond of its taste. But I drank in support of my friend and her bubbly giggles.

Nova and Vega were on watch, their eyes looking for any possible intruders. Even when I glanced at them for a moment, they would catch me staring. For once, I was glad for their focus. I didn’t want my time with Luna interrupted.

On her back, Luna arched her head to look at me. “You and Pillar sure do have amusing stories.”

“And your stories about Princess Celestia aren’t?” I smiled. “I still can’t get over the cake incident your sister got herself into.”

“Celestia does blend into a white cake with pink frosting very well,” Luna laughed. I had to exhaust all my laughter before I took a bite out of a strawberry. Wouldn’t want to be strangled by a fruit on such a lovely late afternoon.

Luna rolled onto her belly and looked up at me. She levitated her glass over to her lips and sipped the wine. “Not to make you sad for bringing her up, but… How does it feel to be so far away from White Pillar? To be apart from somepony you love?”

I swallowed my food. “It’s hard to describe the feeling, Luna.” I placed my hoof on my chest. “There is this uncontrollable desire to see her again. Every moment I get to see my beloved White Pillar is a breath of fresh air. But the moment our hooves part, there is this urge that flares. Just the presence of her is enough to ease that feeling.” The bitter wine touched my tongue, and I winced. “Why do you ask?”

Luna looked away, “Just curious.”

It was definitely a change in moods going from humorous stories to missing a loved one. Maybe Luna was just curious and didn’t want to make me sad, but her unintended effect did infect me. Ever since Luna had allowed me into the Dreamscape, White Pillar appeared and vanished like a vapor from time to time. I missed her, and my reflection on the wine’s surface reminded me of my mood. I took one big gulp of wine, hoping the effects of alcohol can force me to forget her for a moment.

“I’m sorry,” Luna said and stood up.

“No no, it’s-”

“Don’t lie. I know what I said affected you.” I blinked at the princess, unable to confess the truth. Luna repeated my act and drank some wine, but actually finished her glass.

“Why are you upset now, Luna?” I asked. The massive swig she took was a large indicator that there was something amiss. “You were happier earlier, and we were having a great time now.”

Were.” Luna looked at the back of Vega, and the guard halted and faced the alicorn. They stared at one another without words, leaving me to sit in silence. But I was not about to allow my friend to remain upset.

I stood up, and Vega’s eyes quickly spotted me. Luna turned around to look at me, but not directly in the eyes. “Luna, please answer my question. Why are you upset?” I approached her and felt my knees buckle. The alcohol was beginning its effects.

Surprisingly, Vega, nor her sister did anything to intimidate me when I came forward. I must have gained their trust. Luna dipped her head some more while I continued my pursuit. My arm slowly went around the back of her neck like a puzzle piece meant to fit there. The mare nuzzled my breast, her hair tickling every nerve. “Why are you sad?” I repeated. Luna finally managed to look at me in the eyes with heavy brows. “Tell me.”

“I can’t…” she whispered.

“Yes, you can.” My mouth lifted a gentle smile. “You can tell me anything.”

“But there are things that shouldn’t be told.”

“Like what?”

Then the unexpected happened.

Whatever possessed the princess, it took control. She lunged at me like a bull hungry for the color red. We both fell somewhat gentle, though I didn’t know how. I was on my back while Luna looked down at me with the same frown as before. “Luna! Why are you-”

Her warm lips smacked against my own, stopping any words that may convince Luna to stop her strange behavior. I heard Vega and Nova gasp as Luna continued to press her mouth onto me. She breathed into my lungs, the extra air hissing out my nostrils.

A magical veil captured Luna, and it lifted her off of me. “Luna!” Nova cried. “What has gotten into you? He’s- He’s with another mare!” She was right. I was deeply in love with White Pillar. And Luna just managed to force herself onto me without hesitation.

“Release me…” Luna said with a crack in her voice. Nova did as commanded, but stood nearby. I got onto all fours. Luna had to answer for her actions.

“Why…?” I asked.

“I told you some things couldn’t be told,” she answered.

“‘Told?’ You kissed me on the lips!”

“And what does that tell you?”

“That you love me?” I asked without hesitation. Realizing what I had just said, my face flushed. Despite how flustered I had become in the company of the princess and her guards, I kept my eyes on Luna. “You… You love me?”

“I do.” Luna shifted her hoof in the grass like a shamed foal. “Are you satisfied with this revelation?”

“I-” What was there to do? What was there to say? Princess Luna had confessed her love to me! And all the while, I was in love with another mare. Never in my life had another tell me such a thing. Not to mention, the mare who had just kissed me was one of the regal sisters!

The only thing to do was to ask that damn question.

“Why? Why do you love me, Luna?” She looked up at me, but her lips refused to move. “You are already deep within the waters. You might as well explain to me why you chose to kiss me.”

Luna did not hesitate to answer. “Because I finally found somepony who I can relate to and who understands me!”

“How do I-”

“Let me finish. You tenaciously waited while telling me you can listen to anything I say. So listen.” The princess’ demand somehow intimidated me. I kept myself silent to wait for Luna’s answer. “I love you because… because you helped me. You helped fill that mold I’ve been needing throughout my life. This is not to say that Starswirl or Celestia has failed in making me happy. However, you were an outsider looking in. And yet, you knew what I was feeling. And you know what loneliness feels like! A few days ago, when I was crying about my studies and how I hated being a princess, you did more than just comfort me. You told me that I was a special mare who everypony looks up to. You also said that there is no shame to seek help when I am weary. You told me that everypony has a day where they want to crumble and give up. Even though we both have very different positions in society, you placed us on an equal ground.

“For some reason, your praise, telling me that I was special from you, I just- There was a feeling I had never felt before. And I now know what the feeling is! It is love. Love for a stallion I wanted my entire life. But it is a forbidden love because of the restraints holding him back. I despise myself for being unable to control this undeniable emotion.

“I am jealous whenever you speak of White Pillar. Despite your separation, you constantly remind yourself of her. I am left to only wish I could be with you for just one moment.”

My mouth parted slightly, but only air seeped through the crack. I understood her emotions and her reasons behind them. However, there was nothing I could do to ease what she wanted. “Luna, I-” And there wasn’t much to say. However, there were two things I could tell her. “It truly means a lot to me that you see me in such a positive light. And I am glad to have helped you during your troubles. You have also eased my loneliness as well. Being with a pony such as yourself has been enjoyable from the start; including the more… rough moments. Even when we were both upset, our words and presence is what morphed the negativity into positivity.”

Luna finally smiled, “Funny how I wanted you to keep the praising down to a fair minimum. Now I cannot help but be overjoyed when you say such nice and uplifting words.” The mare’s smile faded, and the heavy air returned. “Backdrop, can I tell you something else.” Saying “anything” might create false hopes I would eventually crash. All I did to answer was with a nod. “Please ease this feeling that I have! I cannot take it anymore! Extinguish this love I have for you!” Luna swiftly came forward and pressed herself up against me. Her touch didn’t cause me to retreat. What magic was cast on me that froze my muscles?

“Let me have you for just one night,” Luna whispered. Her breath reeked of alcohol, yet its heat soothed my neck. “Just allow me to be with the stallion I love for one evening so I can give him my affection.”

My morals quickly went to war with my will to aid Princess Luna. Every memory that contained White Pillar’s face held fast like mythril shields. But the sword of my heart was like a blade of molten rock, able to slice through anything that would come before it. Would I dare slash at what I had built over years of effort to ease Luna’s urges?

The mare before me looked at me with desperation. Pools of aqua gently simmered the fiery sword and caused the memories of White Pillar to subside. Their presence was still there. But the weapon’s heat still contained warmth. And a new feeling washed over me. My friend stood still with stories only she shared with me. I was also lonely and needed somepony to keep me company. Perhaps she and I could share one more nopony would ever speak of. Not even White Pillar will know of it.

We just needed to drink more wine.


Luna sat across from me with very little light between us. She shivered as if winter had entered her bedroom. However, I remained calm thanks to the wine’s chemicals. “Forgive me for being nervous,” Luna said. “I’ve never had a stallion in bed with me.”

“I’ve never had a stallion in my bed either,” I joked. The princess laughed and crawled forward. Her muzzle touched mine. “I will be gentle.”

“Just give me everything you know. This is going to be our only time together like this.”

“Very well.” I slipped my nose off the princess, and my mouth pressed against Luna’s wine-saturated lips. The moment the act was committed, a small amount of regret poked from the inside of my head. But I was already so far in, and there was no backing out.

Luna began to crawl up me as we continued to kiss until we were sitting upright embraced in each other’s arms. I surrendered to gravity and fell backward. Luna squeaked as I kept her close. We bounced and laughed, lost in our moment with each other. The princess’ hot body pinned me down, heating my heart beyond control. I smacked my mouth at her neck, kissing and sucking at it like a juicy peach. Luna moaned out loud, which forced me to pursue more cries of pleasure. My head began to throb as more moans wafted into my ear.

“Oh, Backdrop!” Luna pushed herself off me and plopped onto her back. She reached out to me after I sat up to give chase. “I can’t take it! I just can’t, Backdrop! Just give me everything!”

The pulse in my head suddenly squished my brain. Luna was proposing we- No! I couldn’t! Not even White Pillar and I had dedicated time for sex! That was for our honeymoon! We were saving ourselves for each other! And yet, my damn body crawled over to the mare. I looked down at her, not yet pressing any part of me onto Luna. But I hovered over the princess. Her eyes begged for me. And I wanted to remove that sadness.

Why was it so hard to resist Luna? Why was it so hard! And why is it so hard!?


Luna had to call off Nova and Vega several times. She was being very loud.



I stirred around as the voice disturbed my rest. The bed was very soft, and it called me back to sleep. I was also very warm. Very, very warm.


I opened my eyes and saw the source of the heat. And I quickly recalled the act Luna and I committed. The sadness I thought I had removed still twinkled in her eyes. A headache like no other crushed my skull. It was not caused by a massive intake of alcohol, but because of a guilty conscience.

“It’s time for me to lower the moon. I didn’t want to wake you up, but I need you to let me go.” At once, I removed all restraints from her. My body quickly froze when she left the bed. Luna trudged through her dark room while I remained entangled in her bedding. My project was barely visible, but my eyes had adjusted to the lack of light.

White Pillar was the first thought that hovered about my head. Of course, she was. Pillar was always somewhere in my mind, be it the front or back. Her smiling face was a sharp spear, stabbing into my brain over and over. But it didn’t take long before those lunges struck my heart.

Regret. Depression. Shame. Betrayal. Those were the weapons that wounded me.

What have I done? Why have I smeared what was good? Even though Pillar had no idea of my actions, I had gone and slept with another mare! It didn’t matter if it was with Luna. She was not the mare I loved. And yet, I gave Luna what wasn’t hers.


My eyes swelled and began to overflow with salty tears. I let my cries be known as I wept. I whimpered like a dog, ashamed of its own actions. Every part of my brain and heart couldn’t take in the reality I had created. I tried to force the blame onto Luna, but it was not all her fault. If I said, “no,” I wouldn’t have created two pains. Instead, I allowed myself to give into another mare’s desires. Indeed, Luna and I shared one night alone together. But it was more than a memory. Far more than a memory, indeed.

I opened my eyes to see a more lit up room. The morning sun had come to begin another day. And it came to show my miserable face to the mare I had- had sex with. Luna crawled in bed beside me, but she didn’t get under the blankets or get too close.

“You must hate me, don’t you?” Luna asked.

“Don’t start the morning by assuming what I’m thinking,” I jabbed. “But let me ask you a question of my own: do you feel guilty?” Luna didn’t respond with words but her own tears. I was glad to know she and I were in the same boat. “No, I don’t hate you. In fact, I am more upset at myself. Just know that this is the last time we will ever do something like this.” Luna opened her mouth, but I predicted what she was going to say. “And before you say it, this does not ruin our friendship. But it will make it awkward.”

“I understand.” The princess looked down at the blankets as her crying intensified. “I just… why couldn’t I keep myself from wanting you? And why do I still want more?”

“Because I am restricted,” I answered. “But I don’t think I will be for very long.”


“White Pillar will hear about this. I am going to tell her what I had done.” The pupils in Luna’s eyes shrunk. “I won’t tell her it was you I slept with, but… my conscience would eat me alive like cancer. She needs to know about my treachery.”

“If you are going to do that, then I might as well confront her, too.” Luna let out a sigh and looked at me with shame. “We did have sex. And there may be a chance that I might become…”

“...pregnant.” At least I was ashamed of the fact that I cheated on my fiance, and not because of the chance of a foal coming into the picture. But a child would make everything much more complicated.