• Published 27th Feb 2018
  • 557 Views, 22 Comments

Collaboration - FerociousCreation

Backdrop is well-known throughout Canterlot for his skill in painting. When he is requested by Princess Luna to paint for her, he was presented with a much bigger project than what he was prepared for.

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“Backdrop?” Luna asked with a dipped brow.


“You promised…”

I looked up at the ceiling to avoid the princess’ negative expression. The constellation project had its first stage completed. It was a marvelous sight to behold. Even though aged paper was not the most appealing thing to look at, my painting mimicked exactly what I was aiming for.

But the mare I was avoiding flew into my eyesight, and she looked down at me. “Hoof it over…”

I was glad that Nova and Vega were stationed outside of Luna’s room. Otherwise, they would have asserted themselves and take what was hiding under my paint buckets. But Luna was my friend, and I did promise to show her my latest letter from White Pillar.

“It’s under the marble-black paint-” Luna blinked out of existence and reemerged above my wagon. “-bucket.”

She levitated the bucket and claimed the letter from my beloved. I flushed as Princess Luna boastfully proclaimed:

“Dear Backdrop,

The moment I read your last message to me, I could not risk delaying my response. It fills me with joy that Princess Luna has asked you to paint for her. To think that my fiance's work has been recognized by one of the regal sisters. Don’t tell her I said this, but perhaps you can suggest to the princess to hire me to erect a bust for her.”

“Is that why you resisted giving me the letter?” Luna grinned.

“Pillar didn’t want you to know she wanted to be hired by you as well,” I said.

“When is she returning?”

My ears flopped back. “Continue reading…”

Luna blinked at me, but I gave her no words. So she resumed the letter’s story:

“As you know, being an artist takes so much out of us. And though my work brings me to do what I love, it does not bring me closer to you, my love.”

“Aww,” Luna moaned.

“Work has delayed our next meeting and added another month of labor. I know you don’t like it when I cry, but as I currently write this, my tears dare to make the ink on this letter run. Continue to remember me, and I will do the same.

Your foundation to our love,

White Pillar.”

Princess Luna hugged the paper with a high-pitched giggle. “That was beautiful! And so sad!”

“It is indeed lovely and depressing…”

“Why were you so resistant in showing me this letter?”

I stepped away from Princess Luna. “I wanted you to not worry about me and my troubles. You have more important matters to tend to, like your studies and ruling.”

Luna creased her brows, “Has our last four days of talking to each other not been enough to allow you to trust me with your troubles?”

Oh, what a crime to have offended the princess! “It has been plenty of time.”

“Then explain why you kept this from me? Two days ago, you told me you would bring the latest letter from your beloved and show me her words. You even told me you got the letter yesterday but said you forgot it. Was that I lie?”

Indeed, what a crime to have offended the princess! “It…” My head dipped to the ground. “Forgive me… It was a lie.”

Despite the shame I presented, Princess Luna smiled at me. “All is forgiven.” I smiled as her words sang in my ears, but my heart was still hurt because of the hidden truth. “Now let me embrace you again like all friends should!”

Luna swooped down on me like an eagle plucking a trout from the water. She was very affectionate with her hold. Her cheek brushed against mine, and her body warmed my cold soul. I didn’t think much of the notion.


Up and down I flew. Back and forth I went. Eyes to the pages. Eyes off the pages. The challenge was finally present. It was time to paint the constellations. However, because of my constant pacing, I hadn’t applied a single stroke of paint in over an hour. It was a very difficult task indeed. Much more challenging than I would have considered.

A yawn escaped Princess Luna as she sat on her plush bed. Her head bobbed a few times before she caught my stare. “If you didn’t sit on something soft and comfortable,” I smiled, “you wouldn’t drift off to sleep as you normally do.”

“Why don’t you read about tedious politics, and I paint a pretty picture for you?” Luna replied. “And I do not drift asleep. I simply take a break by closing my eyes and meditate.”

“So you sleep.” For a princess, she was not the best at holding her ground during an argument. Then again, she did appear exhausted, so her thoughts were definitely not as collected.

“Why have you not begun painting?” she asked. “You look like you are procrastinating.”

It was my turn to start exhausting my excuses. “I am having a difficult time wondering how to apply the constellations to the ceiling. I am simply moving about to try and get an idea.”

Luna grinned, “So you’re procrastinating.”

“Touché, Princess.”

Another yawn sang from Luna’s throat. “I think I have an idea to help us both… meditate.”

“I assume you mean sleep and procrastinate.” An aggressive pillow attacked me, controlled by the princess.

“Let me help us both without being criticized.”

I grabbed the pillow to halt the assault, but it rattled and lifted me into the air. “Inform me, then. What can you do to help me get my mind clear?”

Luna brought the non-lethal weapon over to her with me in tow. “Lay down with me.”


Luna’s magic left the pillow, and I fell onto the bed. My legs hung above me as the princess looked down at me. I scrambled a few inches away from her, flustered at how close I was to Luna.

“Hehe, don’t get any ideas,” Luna smiled. “I am well aware of your love for White Pillar.”

“And while I am sure you want to aid us both,” I began, “me being on your bed has me quite… flustered.” My body shifted into the soft mattress and blanket. “It is quite soft, I admit. No wonder you keep falling asleep when you read your books.”

An unamused stare leered at me. “Do you want me to help you or not?”

Perhaps I shouldn’t tease the princess too much… “Yes.”

“Good,” Luna nodded. “Now, close your eyes.” I did as instructed while keeping myself from talking. “Think about your project. Do you remember what the constellations look like?”


“Hmm… Alright.” The bedsprings sagged and bent, and I had a strong feeling that Luna was getting closer. “Now, open your eyes.”

I creased my brows, unsure of what Luna’s aid was going to bring me. But I opened my eyes. And to my surprise, I was not in the princess’ room anymore.

Luna and I were on a bed, but instead of seeing the deep-sea blue her blankets bore, we sat on top of a pure white mattress. A gazebo arched over us, and it appeared that I was outside. Various flora surrounded the world in a strange blend of colors.

“Where are we?” I asked.

“The Dreamscape,” Luna answered. “And this is my realm.”

Naturally, my body rose. But I stopped my haste, and I asked, “May I look around?”

“Just don’t wander far,” she said. The wooden floor squeaked as I stepped down. The aroma of flowers tickled my senses. Everything around me felt, looked, and smelled real. Even the blades of grass poked at my hooves. I was tempted to roll around to test the grass if it would cause me to itch, but I chose not to.

“It’s lovely,” I said.

“Thank you!” Luna smiled as she swam through the air; not figuratively, but literally. She twirled in the air before touching down. “I’d be disappointed if what you saw didn’t impress you. What you see is my imagination at work. Watch.” The mare grabbed my hoof and suddenly, the world around us blurred, then materialized into Luna’s room.

“So anything you imagine-”

“Comes into existence, yes. You are also bound by limitless powers, so long as you believe in yourself.” I looked up at the ceiling to see the same rot yellow I had applied to it in the real world. “You said you were having a difficult time planning on how to paint the constellations,” Luna said. “Why don’t you try and imagine it complete?”

Instead of doing that, I decided to do something else. I reached deep into my mind and didn’t think of something, but somepony. A blur of white shivered in front of me before it became the mare I loved so much.

“White Pillar!” I cried. Pillar’s eyes widened the moment she saw me. Her arms claimed my body and yanked me into a strong hold.

“Aww!” Luna squealed. “You imagined your one true love!”

How could I not? Dreaming about Pillar was one thing. But in the Dreamscape, I could feel Pillar’s fur against me. But there was something missing. Her white fur and red mane were present. Even her cutie mark, a tall white pillar, was on her flank. When I noticed what was not there, I frowned.

“What’s wrong?” Luna asked.

“Her warmth… I can’t feel it…” Pillar’s eyes went wide as she faded from my grasp. I collapsed to the floor along with my broken heart.

“Oh, Backdrop.” Luna sat beside me and placed an arm around me. “I’m sorry you miss her. But I want to let you know that I am here for you. After all, I too know what it means to feel alone.” As upsetting as it was to hear Princess Luna confess her loneliness, it made me glad to know I could relate to somepony.

“Thank you, Princess.”

Luna. I am your friend. And I would like for you to call me by my regular name. Unless you prefer me to call you Mr. Backdrop.”

A smile possessed my lips. “As you wish.”

“Now…” Luna looked up at the ceiling. “...allow me to help you with your imagination.”


It was strange to consider that I was not as good with imagining as I thought I was. I was an artist, bound with ideas only dreams could capture. But my thoughts were proven wrong when Luna personally allowed me to delve into the Dreamscape and practice trimming out the details of my project. I was even able to move the stars in the Dreamscape to picture exactly what I needed to paint.

But there were times I was not granted access to Luna’s realm. However, because of my time with the princess, I was able to build a higher sense of confidence within myself. My imagination was able to stretch, warp, and create the constellation with ease. Everything was so much more clear in my mind. And I had the princess to thank for that.

My eyes were closed, my vision a black void. But the tiny details spotted the inside of my head as the stars literally twinkled on the imaginary ceiling. I opened my eyes and looked at the progressed project. Generic lines ran across the dome with a few stars already spotting the surface. I was surprised that eleven days had passed since the start of my endeavor. And I was proud to serve and be Princess Luna’s friend.


Unfortunately for the regal sister, her endeavors with her studies were becoming quite taxing. Because of Luna’s moan of distress, my imagination lost its powers. But I was quick to walk over to her bed.

The princess scowled at her textbook. “I wish I could set things on fire with my eyesight,” she grumbled.

“Are you planning on asking Starswirl to teach you the ways of pyromancy?” I asked.

Luna smiled at my humor. “My sister is more in tune with heat, so maybe I should ask her instead of Starswirl.” Her joy was short lived. A magical veil shrouded the book before her, and Luna levitated it.

“I can’t take this anymore...” she mumbled.

“What do you mean, Luna?”

“I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE!” Luna cried as the book was launched across the room. I knew she was stressed about her studies, but the outburst was too sudden. As expected, Nova and Vega charged in.

“What’s wrong, Princess?” Nova yelled, her eyes on me as if I had the means to threaten Luna.

“Get out!” The alicorn’s voice quivered, and her brows creased dangerously low. I stepped to move, but she instructed me, “Not you. Them.” Both guards obeyed with no delay and left with their armors clanking as they moved.

When the door closed, the tears came. “I can’t take it, Backdrop! I just can’t take it anymore!”

“Your studies?” I asked while helplessly witnessing my friend sob bitterly.

“Everything! I can’t stand it all!” Luna slammed her face into a soft pillow. I wanted to climb onto the bed, but I didn’t know if I was welcomed to get close. Luna was close enough for me to claim a hoof with my own. Thankfully, the princess didn’t repel me, and she lifted her head. Because Luna aggressively bashed her head onto her pillow, it lifted along with her. A blue horn poked out the other side, showing just how much force she applied.

“It appears you skewered your pillow,” I said.

“So it seems,” Luna mumbled. It saddened me that my humor didn’t win a second time. When Luna’s hooves removed the pillow, I saw her puffy red eyes.

“What has you so upset? And saying ‘everything’ does not explain anything. I need to know what everything is to you.”

Luna’s hoof grasped mine. “I mean everything as in everything that is required of me. Study endlessly, rule as a princess, be admired without anypony knowing my loneliness.”

“Doesn’t Princess Celestia know about you feeling alone?”


My brows naturally creased. “Why not? And I thought us talking helped ease your loneliness.”

“Don’t think your efforts to ease my stress has gone unnoticed. You are a very sweet stallion and-” Luna blinked at her stabbed pillow. “Just understand that our friendship has eased a lot of my heartache.”

“I am glad to hear you say that, Luna.” My heart fluttered as the compliment sank deep into my mind. It also cracked in several places. My princess was in pain, and it was my duty to aid Luna. Not as a loyal citizen, but as a cherished friend. That fact alone persuaded me even more to vanquish her depression.

“Can you at least discuss the details of your troubles in detail?” I asked.

“I’ll try,” Luna choked. She cleared her throat and began her rant…