• Published 27th Jan 2018
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My Brave Pony Starfleet Magic: Season VII - DakariKingMykan

The Ponies face an evil treasure hunter and evil Bat creatures

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Episode 20: Part 2: Worse Curse

“Previously on Starfleet Magic…”

While conducting strong training to master their newer but heavier super armor, the team had received a deep space letter concerning Lt. Sephy Dancer, alive on the Planet Firmos. Eagerly, our heroes set off, while Slash decided to follow them, breaking out a powerful and cursed sword for his hunt. Now while some of the ponies try to help Sephy remember, the rest went off to locate a piece of the mystic map, with Slash hiding in the shadows!


Meanwhile, the other teammates were digging about in a field a few miles away from the village, still in search of the map piece.

Their super strengths made digging a breeze, but there were large and very deep holes all over the place.

Applejack popped her head up and wiped her brow “Whoo! Workin’ on a farm all them years sure pays off, but I can’t find that map piece here.”

Artie came out, “I got nothing too.”

“Me either.” said Rainbow.

Suddenly, Spike leapt up from his hole shouting “BOOYAH, whose da treasure hunter now?” and he held up the final map piece.

“Whoa! Way to go, Spike.” said Dyno “Viva…” added Myte.

Everyone huddled in to look at the piece and spike bragged and acted all cocky “No need to thank me or anything. I was just doing my job.”

But the others seem more interested in the piece than his bragging much to Spike’s dismay.

The map piece showed more lands of Equestria of old, even with a picture of the moon on it. It also had writing on it, and Buddy scanned it with his visor for the text translation.

“--Four will the challenges be complete from last to the first. But only by…”

…The text stopped.

“We’ve got to get this to his majesty now!” said Buddy.

“With this piece of the picture,
He’ll be please for sure.” said Rhymey.

“Well what are we waiting for?” Rainbow said with enthusiasm, but just as they were about to head off, they were attacked by a bombardment of magical blasts and shots.

Buddy dropped the map piece and it bounced along until it hit someone’s boot--Slash’s! He snickered as he picked up the piece “Thank you for finding my treasure for Me.” he mocked

“You snarled Artie!”

“What in the hotel bills are you doin’ here!”

“Cleaning up some loose ends, that’s what!” sneered Slash “It seems this planet has done quite well since we were last here. Perhaps we should’ve blasted it up a bit more.”

“What?” snapped Spike “So, Sienna was responsible for this planet being in such a mess!”

The others all felt the rages rising, especially Buddy’s, “You attacked an innocent planet, disrupting its beautiful flora and endangering its way of life…?! That’s way low!”

His magical aura began to flare up around him as his power began to increase. The others looked in awe, and then stood by his side.

Slash only snickered, “You think you outnumber me? Think again!”

That’s a when three powerful Jemma-Nites appeared.

A Boxer; with strong a solid boxing mitts fitted over its huge hands.

A Swordsman; armed with two powerful diamond blades

…And a Gunner; armed with a powerful laser blaster on its left arm.

The team transformed.



“Dragon Power”

“Let’s take ‘em!” shouted Buddy, and everyone rushed into action.

The Jemma-Nites all rushed forth with their weapons ready.

Meanwhile, the others, still unaware of the danger, were touring around the village and getting to know all the Fermentials and bonding with them.

Grand Ruler felt that so much more could be done for the planet to get it back to its former rich and blissful glory.

As for Sephy, she still hadn’t regained her memories yet, but she was enjoying seeing all her people getting along with the newcomers, although she noticed that one of the ponies wasn’t…


He was just sitting on the steps of Town Hall.

She walked right up and sat down next to him. “Hey. Why aren’t you out there meeting the people?”

Magnus didn’t know how to answer at first, “I guess I’m just a little too excited, and nervous at the same time.”

Sitting near her like this brought on many memories to him, and as Sephy enjoyed the quiet moment she began to feel a little warm and cozy.

“Is something wrong?” Magnus asked.

“I don’t know… I… just feel really comfy right now.”

Magnus took it as a good sign that her memories were starting to surface, but he was told by his superiors not to try and rush it and let the potion run its course.

“Can I ask you something?” Sephy asked.

“Oh… um… sure…”

“If I’m really one of you, I mean when my memories come back, will you take me away from here?”

Magnus didn’t understand what kind of question. “Why do you ask?”

“Well, it’s just that… I’m very happy here, and I promised to help the Fermentials rebuild their world whichever way I can. I don’t really think I can just leave them all like that.”

Now Magnus felt worried. “If… you’re really happy here…” he paused trying to hide the idea of leaving her behind “I don’t think we’d take you back. That wouldn’t be fair to the Fermentials, or to you.”

Sephy felt rather flattered, and also slightly mesmerised by the sound of his voice. He sounded so honest, so caring… and so…familiar!

She could hear his voice in her mind…

“I joined Starfleet to help protect the worlds and their beauty, and I know you can do it do… I’ll show you everything I know.”

Rarity watched the two from afar “Oh, isn’t it lovely.” she sighed “Any second now, Sephy will get her memories back, and then… ahh… the romance will bloom once more.”

Pinkie and Fluttershy sighed with her at the thought of that happening.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise.

Everyone stopped and turned to look way out beyond the village, and they could see a whole load of smoke in the distance.

“What was that?” asked Sephy.

“It could be trouble.” said Magnus

Grand Ruler didn’t like the looks of the smoke, “Lightning… let’s go!” he called.

“Right…!” Lightning agreed, and he and the others all rushed off.

“I better go too…” said Magnus, and he excused himself from Sephy’s company, but he turned back and told her “Try to keep the people calm…”

Then he was a gone, and Sephy couldn’t take her eyes off of him until he was completely out sight.

“Mayor? Are you alright?” called Tomakar

Sephy didn’t answer, she was far too lost in her thoughts which were now going crazy as her memories began to unfurl before her eyes…

Everything from her life in Unicornicopia…

Meeting Magnus at the Starfleet Academy…

Falling in love with one another…

Being part of the same unit with Magnus in commander, but they were always there for one another.

“Sephy, I want to be with you always… not just as your commander, but as your life parter. I love you more than any power, or anything I’ve seen in this universe.

…Sephy… Will you marry me?”

“Oh, Magnus… Of course, I will!”

The final vision was that of when Sienna and her band of treasure hunters invaded, she, Magnus and their unit all tried to intercept which resulted in Sephy getting shot, her spacesuit being damaged and she was teleported off into space!

SNAP!! Sephy gasped hard!

“Mayor!” cried Tomakar “What is it? What is wrong?”

Sephy didn’t answer, but asked “My spacesuit…! Where is my old spacesuit?”

Tomakar was most confused.


“VINE WHIP”Buddy lashed at the Boxer.

“SUPER STAFF”Artie knocked the Swordsman’s blades away.

“WARD SWORD”Rhymey hacked Gunner’s gun in two.

“Our turn!” said Dyno.

“Si” agreed Myte.

The two brothers held hands,“BOOM-BOOM FLARE!!”

KAPOW!! The monsters were destroyed in three big explosions.

“YEE-HA…! Blown to Bits!” cheered Applejack.

“That was almost too easy.” added Rainbow.

Slash didn’t seem the least bit upset. He was even sniggering...!

“Um, what’s with him?” asked Spike.

Slash then sneered at the team, “Those monsters were just to get you all warmed up. Now the real fun begins!” he reached for his sword.

“What’s that?” wondered Buddy.

Slash drew the sword from its sheath, and all at once there was a huge wave that pulse from its blade, enveloping him with a sudden bust of power, and Slash began to pulse, and grow in size as his muscles bulged and he took on a more demonic form.

“This is getting creepy!” cried Artie.

Slash looked completely different now; he had shed his armor as his muscles were now bigger than ever, his eyes were all red, and his voice had gone deeper and raspier than before.

“The Dakon Sword!” he growled “This blade has been with me for centuries, we have slaughtered so many, and with each and every life taken did it’s mighty power increase, but at a terrible price…

For all the ruthless lives I slaughtered, the power begins to curse its holder; consuming them in such power and lust!”

“I’m not surprised.” growled Spike “All those creatures you killed…!”

Rhymey gripped his sword tightly, shuddering in anger,

“The very thought of all whom you’ve killed,
…It makes me sick to the core
You may have come far, you be quite skilled,
…But you will destroy NO MORE!!”

His magical aura began to glow softly around him, showing just how serious he was.

Slash, rather than wasting time, swung his sword hard, forcing a powerful airwave at the team, knocking them all back hard.

“What was that all about?” groaned Applejack.

Slash laughed “I just told you; this sword has incredible powers.”

Surely enough, the Dakon Sword began to flare up for a fire attack.

“Watch out!” shouted Buddy, and everyone dodged as Slash unleashed a huge wave of flames that flew way out over the field and made a big explosion.

“Madre de Dios!*Mother of God!*Did you see that?!” cried Dyno. “This isn’t going to be easy!” added Myte.

Slash snickered and prepared to attack again. “When this sword is drawn… IT MUST TASTE BLOOD!!”

Suddenly, he was bombarded from behind by many blasts. He turned round and saw the rest of the team glaring at him.

“I don’t know how you followed us here, Slash…” said Lightning “But we know it was you and Sienna that messed up this planet.”

Grand Ruler stepped forth, “You will pay for your misdeeds! This planet may not be in Starfleet’s jurisdiction, but we can still protect and avenge those in need!”

Slash seemed slightly amused, “Go ahead then; try to beat me. I can’t tell what a thrill this will be, for when I win, I’ll be rid of you no good pests forever, as well as leave here with another piece of the map.”

Magnus clenched his fists “You caused me to lose the one I love, and even though I found her… I’LL MAKE YOU PAY!!” and he charged forth, and all the others charged in as well.

Slash was incredibly outnumbered, and yet he fought with the strength of a whole army; he blocked their every attack with his sword or his free arm, or even by kicking his legs up.

Then it got serious, he swung his sword knocking Buddy, Artie, Rhymey and Spike’s weapons away with such forceful swings.

“A’rgh!” Spike groaned as he held his aching claw “I didn’t think he could hit us that hard!”

“That’s it! This guy needs to be taken down a notch!” said Pinkie “Come on girls…!”

The Equestrian ponies all agreed, and prepared to Valkyrie, but just as they shouted out their command,“VALKYRIA!!”and began to transform…

“Not this time…!” hissed Slash and he plowed his way through the other fighters, knocking them all down.

“GIRLS LOOK OUT!!” shouted Artie.

The girls couldn’t’ transform any faster, and Slash stood before them ready to strike them all hard, “It’s been fun, ladies…!”

The girls gasped through the light as they saw Slash bring his arm down to destroy them, but suddenly, the girls were teleported away by Grand Ruler and Krysta, and Slash missed, striking the ground and making a huge crater.

The girl’s transformation had stopped due to their moving from position. “You girls okay?” asked Grand Ruler.

“We’re fine…” said Fluttershy.

“…Just barely!” groaned Rarity.

Slash turned and growled fiercely at the team. He seemed more demonic than ever now due to the sword’s curse.

“We’ve got to destroy that sword.” said Starla.

“Yeah, but how do we get it away from him?” asked Magnus.

“You girls fly up high.” said Lightning “Then try to transform again. We’ll keep him distracted.”

The girls agreed and up they went, high into the sky.

“Oh, no you don’t!” thundered Slash, and the Dakon Sword began to spark with electricity to shoot at the girl, “Take this!”

But both Lightning and Grand Ruler flew up high and used their Uniforce powers to generate a huge shielding sheet of energy to block the blasts, allowing the girls to fly safely through the clouds and out of sight.

“Let them try their stunt! It makes no difference to me!”

“We’ll see about that!” shouted Magnus, and he rushed forth with his fist glow brightly,“MAGNA PUNCH!”

He struck the villain hard in his gut, but hardly did him much damage at all. Slash then attempted to hit him hard, but Magnus zipped off.

“DRAGON FLAME-WHEEL”Spike came charging in!

Slash held his sword out like a shield, blocking him off, and sent him hurling backward along the ground. “Ugh!” Spike growled “If only I could become the Majestic Dragon...” but he knew he couldn’t due to the darkness and chaos not being strong enough to properly trigger the transformation.

Lightning’s team stepped forth…






Lightning and Grand Ruler fired small streams of Uniforce at Slash too.

KAPOW!! What an explosion. Everyone watched in such anticipation, but to their horror… Slash leapt out of the smoke, high up into the air.

Now he looked even viler than ever, with red markings all over his skin, and he was snarling like the fierce monster he was transforming into.

“Thanks to that curse,
He’s growing worse!” cried Rhymey.

Slash barely even spoke; all he did was snarl and growl. He then took one huge swing of his sword sending a massive wave of electrical currents at the team. Strong explosions blew all over the place knocking the fighters all about.

“Such… Power!” groaned Grand Ruler “I’ve never faced anything like it!”

Slash didn’t speak, he just snarled and growled, and prepared to strike again, only for a bright light to shine from above as Valkyries of Harmony descended from the sky with their swords ready.

“Let’s rope ‘em girls.” said Applejack.

The girls all agreed and pointed their swords at Slash, ensnaring him with their magical light bands.

“Okay, let’s sap his power!” said Rainbow.

The power drain began, and Slash was shocked like crazy.

“It’s working!” cried Futtershy.

“Keep it up!” shouted Rarity.

Slash suddenly began to struggle and fuss about, and the force was pulling on the girls. “Whoa! Hey…!” said Pinkie!

In one swift wave, Slash actually broke his arm and his sword free from the binds.

“He’s broken free!” cried Rarity.

Then everyone watched as Slash gave a huge swing of his sword, actually slicing the magical binds, freeing himself, and yanking the Valkyries hard down to the ground, and they de-transformed.

“Girls!” cried Lightning.

The girls were weak, but able to get up onto their feet.

Slash had only sustained a little damage, but hardly enough to even come close to being defeated, and worse… his cursed sword was now glowing like crazy, and made Slash grow two twice his normal size, bigger and fiercer than ever.

“This is so not good!” said Krysta.

“If only we could destroy that sword!” said Starla.

Lightning clenched his fists, “There’s only one way now, and I hope it’s enough…” And he told to everyone “Give me what little power you can!”

Everyone could sense what Lightning was planning, and agreed.

First, they gave what little magic and energy they could spare to Grand Ruler; he absorbed the power into his three horns.

The fighters all felt exhausted, and de-transformed, but then they watched as Grand Ruler pour the magic over to Lightning as well as giving him some of his own, nearly exhausting himself as well.

As for Lightning, with all that power now coursing through him, he transformed into his Enticorn form.

“Wow!” said Magnus “I knew the Commander could do it, but I’ve never actually seen it before.”

“It’s so powerful and so dangerous that he doesn’t use it very often,” said Grand Ruler “Not unless the situation really calls for it.”

Lightning and Slash glared at one another strongly.

“This is it!” Lightning said “You’re going down!” he concentrated hard and his glowing hands glowed even brighter than ever,“ULTRA-UNIFORCE!!”

He fired his force straight at Slash, and Slash raised his sword actually defending himself from it, much to everyone’s complete and total shock.

“I… need… more power!!” cried Lightning, but sadly, none of the others could spare him anymore energy as they were all drained out, even Grand Ruler couldn’t heal the others while he himself was weakened.

Slash was growing more and more furious, and was ever so slowly starting find just a tiny bit of extra power to push back on Lightning’s force.

“No!!” shouted Magnus “He’s going to break free!”

Everyone else couldn’t believe this was happening, but suddenly… a ray of hope was insight.

“Magnus!” called a voice.

Magnus and the team turned, and there she was in her full battle suit. “Sephy?” said Magnus, and his fiancée smiled lovingly at him.

Sephy then hovered up high, “Here, this will help…!” her horn glowed and in a shower of sparling specks, the team all felt their strengths being restored a little.

“Whoa!” said Rainbow “This is awesome.”

“Incredible! I can feel my strength returning.” added Buddy.

“It’s one of Sephy’s special spells; Healing.” said Magnus “She used to help all my troops when they were falling in battle.”

Suddenly Sephy just collapsed. “Sephy!” cried Magnus. He knew that when Sephy overused her healing spell it would drain her of her own energy and render her weak.

“Everyone, lend me your power!” said Grand Ruler.

Everyone agreed and gave their newly restored powers into his three horns. All at once, his horns and his body glowed in a golden light and he fluttered up alongside of Lightning.

The two nodded at one another, and Grand Ruler turned to face the snarling Slash.


POW!! His power added to Lightning’s; the Dakon Sword began to crack up, and it shattered as the power consumed Slash’s monstrous body.

KAPOW!! An enormous explosion that rocked the very earth itself and could be felt for miles, and in the midst of the explosion, the map piece was thrown into the air and landed safely in Starla’s hands.

Lightning de-transformed to his normal self, feeling pretty beat, even Grand Ruler felt tired out, but not so much they couldn’t stand.

As the smoke cleared, Slash lay on the ground, in his normal form. He just lay there, bruised and battered from the explosion. “I… failed you… Sienna.” he groaned before lapsing into unconsciousness.

Grand Ruler then zapped Slash with his magic, shrinking him down and imprisoning him in a capture sphere.

“We did it?” cried Pinkie “We beat Slash!”

“And we got the map piece back!” added Artie.

Suddenly, all was quiet as everyone looked over as Magnus went over to Sephy, scooping her up in his arms.

“Sephy?” he peeped softly.

Sephy opened her eyes. She was only a little tired. Her smile grew as she gazed up at him “Magnus…”

“You remember?”

She nodded at him, “I thought I’d never see you again, my love.”

Magnus smiled lovingly down at her, “I’ve missed you so much.”

The two gave into their feelings and came together in a deep kiss, to the delight of everyone watching them. Rarity wiped the tears from her eyes.

After a good long rest, Grand Ruler decided it was time for everyone to leave. “We must get the map piece back to United Equestria at once, as well as transfer Slash to prison where he won’t cause any more harm.”

Tomakar and the Fermentials understood this, “We can’t begin to thank you all enough for saving us from that horrible monster, as well as beating it for attacking our world in the first place.”

As for Sephy and Magnus, they were having a bit of a hard and sad moment. “Magnus, I can’t leave. I just can’t abandon the Fermentials. They’ve done so much for me and they need my help.”

“But, Sephy… I can’t just leave you here, not after all this time and finally finding you again.”

“You don’t have to.” Lightning said to them both “Grand Ruler’s decided that this planet could use a Starfleet Outpost on it, to protect it from future invasions, and help restore the planet to a better state again.”

“That’s right…” agreed Grand Ruler, and he looked proudly at Magnus and Sephy “And this outpost could use a couple of commanding officers to lead them.”

Magnus and Sephy liked the idea, and with their leadership and Starfleet’s resources, Firmos would be beautiful and flourishing again in a matter of weeks. Maybe it wouldn’t be as beautiful and as rich as it used to be, but still comfortable and beautiful for life to be blissful again.

“Of course, we’ll do it.” said Magnus.

Sephy nodded.

“Right, that’s settled.” said his majesty.

Pinkie leapt for joy “Aww, now it means Magnus and Sephy don’t need to separate again.”

“I think that’s already established, Pinkie.” grumbled Rainbow, but she, too, felt just as happy for the couple.

“Well, I’m afraid we must go now.” said Lightning “The sooner we get back, the sooner we can arrange for our forces to come here straight away and help you all out.”

Magnus stepped forth and shook Lightning’s hand “Thank you, Commander, and will you tell my men it was an honor to serve with them, and I’ll miss them.”

Lightning smiled and promised he would. “Good luck, you two.”

After exchanging final farewells, the team was off; soaring through space on a magic pathway.

“I’m so happy for Magnus and Sephy.” said Fluttershy.

“Me too.” agreed Buddy “And in a short while, the planet will be blossoming again. I just can’t stand it when trees and plants get sick like that.”

“Don’t forget about our little mission…” said Spike “We got the last map piece.”

“Quite right, Spike.” said Grand Ruler, and he all patted Slash’s sphere that was attached to his waist, “And thanks to our little friend here, the final showdown with Sienna is just around the bend.

We have much to do, team.”

Everyone agreed as the all continued on their way to the upcoming adventures and battles ahead.


In our next episode: In a desperate act to locate the Elements of Chaos, Sienna allows Starfleet to take her map piece which unveils the secret location, only to then take everyone aboard her ship in attempt to destroy them all, and Mako is on the verge of treason.

Can the team get to the elements before Sienna does, and will Mako truly have to turn against his own sister?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Mutiny for the Bounty: Part 1”)