• Published 21st Jul 2012
  • 3,351 Views, 100 Comments

Melody for my Dear - FerociousCreation

After a rescue from Big Macintosh, Fluttershy forms emotions for him; however things get in the way

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Naming the Situation

Melody for my Dear
Ch. 11

Even though the circumstance was not as severe as it could have been, the thought of being caught still frightened the fillies that hid under the cloth. Not to mention, being caught in the act of spying on somepony might also ruin their chances of obtaining their cutie marks in such an attribute. With nowhere to go, Scootaloo and Applebloom decided to wait for whoever’s attention they grabbed.

The hooves that the two heard quickly approached from what seemed to be behind them, since they didn’t know which direction they were facing ever since the wagon fell over. The hooves clattered against the earth, making sounds as if the pony was running quickly, but not gaining much distance.

When the hoofsteps drew close to the girls, they skid to a complete stop, causing some dirt and dust to kick up and under the blanket being used as a makeshift shelter by the girls.

“Ah suppose that’s yer wagon?” Applejack’s voice was heard from outside of the blue cloth.

“Yeah… hugh… it is…” The next voice was Sweetie Belle’s and she was slightly out of breath. Scootaloo wanted to say something and respond to her friend, but had to resist the urge because of the circumstance that she and her friend were in. “The umm… hugh… wagon rolled down hill and… hugh… got away from me…”

From Applejack’s point of view, there were no hills to be seen in her perspective. However, the mare assumed the fillies’ wagon rolled down the same hill on which Big Macintosh had a little joy ride in his wheelchair.

“Well, do ya mind if I give ya a hoof?” Being a good Samaritan, Applejack began to approach the red wagon with its crumpled and lumpy blanket that rested beside it.

“Oh no no no,” Sweetie Belle resisted. “Beneath this blanket is a… umm… surprise. Yeah!” The filly’s voice squeaked out of nervous exclamation.

“Who’s it for?”

“But that would ruin the surprise if I told you.”

“Good point. How about ah lift your ‘surprise’ into your little four-wheeled wheel barrow and not look?”

“N…no thanks, I can get this… ugh… myself…” It took a bit of effort to roll the dark blue blanket into a crumpled up ball, and it took more of an effort to push the blanket and the wagon upright, but the filly managed.

“That’s some mighty strength ya got there. Maybe you might get your cutie mark in heavy lifting.”

“Hmm… that may be a good-” Sweetie Belle was cut off as the cloth slowly leaned in her direction and quickly reacted, reaching her arms around to grab the blanket and her face to push it back. Once the bundle was secured, Sweetie Belle spoke in frustration, “Dumb fabric…”

“Heh, some quick reflexes ya got there as well.”

“Heh, I guess I do. Well, I think I need to take this surprise to Big M- opp!”

“Big who?” A large eyebrow lifted from Applejack’s face trying to catch what the filly said.


Dust kicked up as Sweete Belle dashed away, taking the wagon with her.

Meanwhile, Applejack was slightly blinded from the kicked up dirt and tried to see where the little one went off to. It did not take long for the mare to shake her head, smile and walk back to her stall. “Hehe, kids these days.”
Back where the girls started, Sweetie Belle removed the blanket that covered her two friends. Scootaloo and Applebloom were both upside-down with the most irritated look.

“Having a good time,” the unicorn giggled.

“Haha…,” Scootaloo remarked sarcastically. A quick buzz sound suddenly grabbed the orange pony’s attention and caused her to look at her nose. Resting on Scootaloo’s snout was the wasp, giving a friendly wave. “AGH!”

Once again, the wagon made a large thump as it fell over.

The wasp was somewhere in the air, buzzing around for a bit before landing on the wagon. Brushing herself off, Applebloom looked at the wasp and said, “You cause a lot of trouble for a little guy.” One of the insect’s arms rubbed the back of its head, with a sorry look on its face.

From behind, Scootaloo responds to her friend’s comment, “No kidding…”

“Well we have to give it some credit,” Sweetie Belle spoke in defense of the wasp.

“Whatdiya mean,” Applebloom asked.

“It did find Fluttershy and Big Macintosh for us. Maybe you still want to help us out, right?”

Quickly nodding its head gave the impression that the wasp was ready for anything.

“Now how can we find our fish in the barrel,” Sweetie Belle thought.

“Wha-,” Applebloom replied in a confused tone.

“It’s code remember,” Scootaloo responded to her friend. “Anyways, it’s quite easy. All we need is for this guy to do is fly up in the air and track them down.”

“Good idea Scoot! What made ya come up with that one?”

“It’s because the wasp has wings…”

“Oh, forgot about that,” the yellow filly said with a dumb look on her face.

“Can you do that for us… umm…” Sweetie Belle was caught in the middle of her sentence, trying to say something.

“What is it,” the two other girls questioned.

“I think we need a name for our little helper.”

All four of them agreed with a single nod of the head.

Scootaloo was the first to suggest. “How about Startle?”

“Why that name,” one of the girls spoke with a distasteful look.

“It always seems to scare me.”

“No, too mean,” Sweetie Belle spoke, denying the name. “How about Honey?”

“Too generic…,” Applebloom replied with a shake of her head. “What about… Penelope?”

“Aww I love it! The name sounds so cute.”

“And it sounds tough like Rainbow Dash!”

“Then it settles it,” Applebloom exclaimed. “From now on, we will forever call you by the name Penelope!”

Buzzing around with delight, the newly named insect seemed to enjoy its new name. After the wasp finished its joyful flight, Penelope landed on Scootaloo’s snout.


“Hehe, well I we are ever looking for Penelopy, we will look for Scootaloo’s nose,” Sweetie Belle laughed.

“Yeah, yeah…,” replied the now irritated pegasus.

“So Penelope, can you go an’ seek out Fluttershy and Big Macintosh,” Applebloom asked. Before the three girls knew it, the wasp jumped into the air and gave a quick salute, acknowledging the order. “When you find them, head on back here. We three will stay
put." Nodding, Penelope dashed off into the air and out of sight.

With the wasp out and about, the Cutie Mark Crusaders quickly began discussing what to do next. “Since you two went out in the wagon, I am assuming you want me to go next,” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Ah think that would be fair,” Applebloom responded.

“I still don't think that it was ‘fair’ of you to not warn me and push me into the open.” The memory of being shoved without knowing what it would happen still lingered in Scootaloo’s mind.

“Make sure you don’t do that to me,” the unicorn said as she looked at Applebloom directly.

“Don’t give me that look.”

“Why not? You are the one who kicked me int- HEY, look who is back!”

A pair of wings buzzed with delight as Penelope sat on Scootaloo’s nose again.

“That was surprisingly fast,” Sweetie Belle complemented.

“Hehe, yeah… surprising,” the pegasus spoke through her teeth.

“Didya find em,” Applebloom asked the insect. Nodding with a yes, Penelope lifted off of her host’s nose and pointed to its left. “So they are that way, right?” Another yes came from the small friend. “Then take us there!” Making haste, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle hopped into the wagon while Applebloom tied the rope tight around her body again. “Ready girls?”

Inside a back alleyway, three fillies looked from behind a small trashcan to see their “fish in a barrel.” To their surprise, Big Macintosh and Fluttershy were closer to them than they thought.

“Good work Penelope,” Sweetie Belle complemented her small friend as the wasp rubbed the back of its head in embarrassment.

“Shh, they are talking,” Scootaloo remarked with a glare to the unicorn.

“…bananas, lemons, celery, and carrots,” spoke the yellow pegasus from a distance.

“Eeyuff!” Standing beside Fluttershy was Big Macintosh, with a basket full of produce in his mouth. Various colored fruits and vegetables were being carried by the stallion while he looked at the list alongside his friend.

“All we need now is… pears.”

“YUCK,” a voice came from behind the aluminum trashcan.

Ah here ya, random exclaiming trashcan, thought the red pony in his head.

“So, are we ready to go,” Fluttershy asked.


Heading away from the Cutie Mark Crusaders and back into the market, Applebloom found four hooves covering her mouth.
“You almost blew our cover,” Sweetie Belle hissed.


“Hey, we cannot lose sight of them,” Scootaloo barked. “Let’s get a move on!”

“Umm, we don’t need to worry about that,” the white unicorn said.

“Why,” the two other Cutie Mark Crusaders spoke.

“The pear stall is over there.”

An arm from Sweetie Belle darted in the direction of the pear stall. And as soon as Applebloom saw who was at the stall, her eyes burned with fire. Standing behind the green pear stall stood Par, and the colt who offended Applejack, Peal.