• Published 1st Jan 2018
  • 428 Views, 1 Comments

My Singing Ponies - Dead Calzone

My Singing Monsters / My Little Pony Crossover

  • ...

The start of something musical

Spike opened his eyes. He felt the ground beneath him. Grass.

He rubbed his eyes and stood up. He looked around to find a forrest.

Is this Everfree?

Spike looked around once more. This wasn't everfree. For starters, the trees were green and luscious with fruit, ranging from sweet apples to sour lemons. Above him, the sky looked bright blue, and the sun shone as bright as it did in Equestria. The sky had what Spike expected: Birds, clouds, an air vehicle with a strange creature in it.

Wait, what?

Spike did a double take. It was some kind of blimp, followed by what looked to be a griffon. In desperation, spike ran after the flying things, hoping to find an answer to this predicament. He ran past the trees and through the rocks, when he found quite a peculiar sight.

It was a human.

The human was about the size of what he read in the books, about, six feet. It had dark brown hair, a dark brown aftershave, and blue eyes. It wore jeans that sagged down to his boots and a shirt that read "Music is my life." Currently, it was looking at a clipboard, checking off various items.

Beside the human was some kind of fiery hawk, with wings as front legs and fire at the tips of its tails. It almost looked like Gilda, except that it had an expression of great enthusiasm.

Only one thought came to Spike at this moment: I am definitely lost.

"Alright," said Steven, "We've got all these orders completed, and we should get payment in two to five business days."

Glowl beamed in excitement. "And then we can find more friends!"

Steven chuckled. "Yes, Glowl. Then we can see if there are more elemental combinations." He looked down at his order form. "We just need to --"

Suddenly, they both heard a rustle in the trees nearby. Glowl and Steven exchanged looks. Steven signaled Glowl to check the forrest. She stepped towards the sound with hesitation. Stepping closer and closer, her heart raced faster and faster. She moved aside a branch and found something amazing.

"Steven," she called out, her eyes focused on the newly found thing, "You might want to take a look at this."

Confused, Steven headed towards where Glowl was, and found what looked like a new monster.

This monster looked like a purple lizard with green spikes. Its green eyes were locked onto Steven in fear.

Steven gave the creature a friendly smile.

"Hey there, little guy," Steven said, kneeling down to better see the creature, "Who are you?"

"I-I'm Spike," it replied, nervously.

"Are you lost?"


Steven's head was filled with questions at this point.Who is he? What is he? Is he...one of THEM?

Though now was not the time for speculation. Now was the time to sing.

"Follow me," said Steven, "I may be able to help you."


Twilight looked around the castle. There was no sign of Spike. She called out his name again. No answer. She creaked open the door to his room. There he was, sleeping under the covers of his bed. Twilight gently closed the door. She went to the kitchen to make gem pancakes. That would wake him up for sure.

She heard the steps of Spike enter the kitchen.

"Good morning, Spike," she said.

"Who's spike?" a young voice answered back.

Puzzled, Twilight turned around. In place of Spike was a furry green creature, about the same size of spike. It had two beady eyes, two feet, no arms, several teeth (none of them sharp), and a single antenna with a flower bud on top.

Twilight stared at it in fear. She had no idea what is was or what it wanted.

The creature hopped onto the table and started devouring the pancakes. It seemed to enjoy the meal.

I need to get the others, thought Twilight.

Furcorn liked the pancakes that this new friend had made. He didn't know who or what she was, but he still liked her. He especially liked her cooking. He never thought of putting rock candy into flapjacks.

Suddenly, his new friend reentered the room, along with several others. These creatures, like the one he had met, had four legs and a picture on their butts. They came in all different colors ; one of them even had rainbow hair. He noticed that the rainbow creature didn't want to be here, as if it had just woken up from the middle of a nap. The pink one, however, looked like she would explode from excitement. An orange one wore a cowboy hat, and a white one was grooming its hair. The yellow pony seemed nervous, as if something would happen to her.

"Alright, girls," said the purple one, "Does anyone know what this is?"

The creatures saw Furcorn and gasped. Then they all looked at the yellow pony.


"You're good with animals, Fluttershy," said the purple one, "Maybe you can convince it not to attack us."

Wait, thought Furcorn, they see me as a THREAT?

The yellow one seemed scared as it looked at Furcorn. "Okay," it said, "I'll try."

The creature started walking towards Furcorn. "H-hello," it said, "What's your name?"

"I'm Furcorn," he replied, "Who are you?"

"My name is Fluttershy."

Suddenly, Fluttershy didn't seem scared anymore. It seemed...curious.

"Where did you come from?"

"I'm from the continent."

Now Fluttershy seemed puzzled, as did the other creatures.

"Um, you don't want to...hurt us, do you?"

"Not really, no."

"Oh, ummm..."

Fluttershy seemed scared. This worried Furcorn. Fluttershy had nothing to be scared about. He LIKED her. He walked up to Fluttershy's long hair and snuggled up in it. "It's fine," he said in a comforting voice, "It's all going to be okay."

Fluttershy, after some hesitation, hugged Furcorn back.

"You're not scary at all, are you?" said Fluttershy, "You just need someone to look after you."

Furcorn smiled. He was in a safe place now.

He felt at home.