Fancy’s Fleur
By Dark Lord Fancy Pants
Chapter 1
Note: The events in this story Take Place Directly after the end of the garden party in “Sweet & Elite” (except for the parts that take place in the past.)
The garden clock struck 9 times, it was then all of the elite & upper crust citizens of Canterlot knew it was time to head back to their homes. One by one the lined up and left the party through the exit at the back of the garden courtyard, as they left Fancy thanked them all for coming, and wished them a safe trip home. After saying goodbye to his guests he turned back to the garden, there at the table set his newest acquaintance, a young mare from Ponyville named Rarity. Fancy slowly trotted up the young lady and the rest of her friends. “I must thank you again Ms. Rarity for attending tonight’s festivities” he said with a smile. Rarity looked at him, and blushed a bit “Yes, well, thank you, and again I’m sorry my friends and I may have ruined it for you.” “HAHA” Fancy Pants chuckled “Not at all my dear, in fact I was delighted to meet your friends; it’s refreshing to meet some ponies that know how to have fun for once.” “Anyway I was wondering if you and your friends would be ever so kind as to join me at my manor for a late dinner, I rarely get to show off staff’s cooking skills these days, I’m sure they would be delighted if you and your friends stopped by.” Rarity’s eyes grew big, she smiled & shouted “YES, YES OF COURSE” her friends overheard the commotion and looked at her, embarrassed, rarity blushed again, and said..”I mean yes, we graciously accept your humble offer.”
Later at the mansion Rarity & the others couldn’t help but notice how immaculate the place was, a simple yet elegant Victorian gothic designs a large hall leading into various rooms, A Library, A Living Room, A Ballroom, and even a pool. It was easy to see that Fancy’s reputation wasn’t all talk, he really was one of the crème de la crème of Canterlot Nobility. “Wow” said Pinkie Pie “this is like the biggest house I’ve ever seen, I bet you could have a super duper party in here!” “Indeed” said Fancy Pants. “I have hosted many events here in the past.” “Oh by the way Ms. Sparkle, I believe you said you enjoyed a good book did you not?” “Oh yes, I love to read!” Said Twilight in an excited voice. “Well then you will have to be sure to remind me to show you around my library once we finish our meal.” Fancy said with a smile. The seven walked together until they reached the Dining room, which was of course just as impressive as the rest of the house. A long rectangular room with a large rectangular table in the middle that could easily host 50 if not more ponies. Fancy set at the head of the table and gestured for the rest to take a seat as well; he picked up a small bell with his horn and rang it, a young looking stallion and a mare in chief’s uniforms dashed to the table. “Ahh, there you are Flambé, cookie.” “Yes sir” the two said “my friends & I would like a late night snack, would you mind whipping something up?” “Not at all” the two said in an excited voice. “We’ll prepare our finest Dishes!” “Excellent” Said fancy with a large toothy grin. “Hmm well that gets that out of the way, now the only thing left is to find out where Elizabeth ran off too.” “uhh, Elizabeth?” Rarity asked “Oh yes, you see Elizabeth is…” “Elizabeth is right here darling” came a voice at the entrance of the room. Rarity & the others moved their gaze towards the door; they saw the skinny pink unicorn with the fleur-de-lis cutie mark enter the room and use her horn to pull up a chair right next to fancy pants. “Ahh, there you are Elizabeth, I was worried you had up and left me for some other colt” Fancy said jokingly. “Oh you, don’t be silly you know you’re the only man in my life pantsy.” “HAHA, she, she called him pantsy” Pinkie said giggling loudly.” “Um, nice to see you again mam” Rarity said in as humble voice as she could. “Um, Mr. Fancy Pants, sir, if you ah, don’t mind me asking, what kind of relationship do you and Ms. Elizabeth have?” Fancy & the mare stared at each other, then back at Rarity, “Not at all my dear, in fact it’s one of my favorite stories, you see, believe it or not, Elizabeth here is my wife!”
Writers Note: This is my 1st fanfic I apoligize if it ends up incredibly cheesy.
Not bad for your first fanfic. Although I highly suggest you sperate each sentence when another pony is talking.
You mean each paragraph. I'll have an easier time reading it.
On another note, these 2 need character icons for searching.
Not bad for a first fanfiction, I enjoyed this chapter, although...
You need to separate each paragraph per speaking role
Other than that
just put each thing of dialog on a septet line and your good.
They have them.
Not a bad first attemt. Only real issue is formating. That's why the enter button is. Your friend.