• Published 20th Oct 2017
  • 14,553 Views, 157 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Rainboom and Crystal Ninjas - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms are back in New York to help their friends the Turtles take on old threats and new threats, but this time with the help of old rivals and an old friend.

  • ...

Cinch's Epiphany

The next morning down in the turtles lair, Fugitoid, Indigo, Keno, Juniper, and Starlight were off to the side as space was cleared out for something. Suddenly music started playing and out came the Rainbooms and the rest of the Crystal Prep Girls wearing the same outfits they wore for their Dance Magic Music Video.

As they danced around they were accompanied by the turtles, April, Casey, Karai, and Shini who were also dressed up. Leo was in the same black coat and fedora he wore during the turtles time traveling monster hunt with Renet, Raph was wearing a hip hop outfit, Donnie was dressed as Elvis Presley with a matching wig, Mikey was dressed like a High school kid during the 90s, Karai was wearing a green Japanese dress, April was sporting a sixties hippie look, Casey was dressed in his own hip hop clothes, Shinigami was dressed in an 80s styled outfit with her hair looking frizzed, and even Spike was included wearing a Kung Fu outfit his size.

The group was performing in sync with their ninja friends as the same song played for them. The others watched to the side looking impressed, "Now that is a catchy beat." Fugitoid said while moving his head to the rhythm.

"Yeah, and I always hated that song because it played everywhere I was." Juniper added.

"I still can't believe I go on vacation for a week, and come back to find out the girls did something this cool without me." Indigo said in disbelief.

"I'm sure they wish you were in it when they first did this." Starlight told her.

"Oh, well. It still looks cool even without me in it." Indigo admitted.

After performing, the guys took a break, while enjoying pizza, "That was a cool performance." Mikey said.

"For real," Keno agreed, "Hey, I hope you guys didn't mind me picking up a few pies." he motioned to the pizzas.

"You're forgiven." Mikey answered.

"I love these outfits you supplied us with, Rarity." April told the fashion girl.

"Thank you, April," Rarity replied, before looking over Leo's outfit, "Though I'm fascinated by your attire Leo. However did you come across such a wonderful coat and hat?"

"I got this from Renet when we were in Transylvania in the past." Leo answered.

"Well, you pull off the Van Helsing look very well."

"And you guys were awesome," Rainbow put in, "And it'll be better when we perform for our schools tonight."

"Are you really sure it's safe for us to reveal ourselves?" Donnie asked.

"Come on, D, CHS knows you guys." Pinkie reminded them.

"But Crystal Prep doesn't." Raph reminded her.

"That's why this is an opportunity to introduce you guys." Lemon said.

"Will C.P be as accepting of us as CHS was?" Mikey asked.

"Our school has become better now that Cinch isn't there to make everything worse." Sugarcoat said.

"Besides our class trip is about to wrap up, and we want to go out with something cool." Sour put in.

"And our video combined with all of you is the perfect way to introduce you all to them." Sunny added.

"Where are we even going to hold it?" Leo asked.

"Just leave that to us." Twilight answered.

As the students left the lair and headed back to their hotel, a Stockman Bot was spying on them before leaving to report back to his master.

As the sun began setting, Fugitoid, Starlight, and Juniper were escorting the students, and Principals into a old abandoned warehouse that was set up with folding chairs and a stage courtesy of the girls teamwork. Everyone was taking their seats, while the girls and ninjas watched from behind the curtain of the stage all dressed up.

"Everyone's here." Sunset told them.

"I got butterflies in my stomach." Fluttershy said nervously.

"Me too." Mikey added while shaking.

"Remember, guys, stay focused and it'll all work out." Sunset calmed them.

"Sunset's right. Remember together we can do anything we set our minds too." Leo added.

"Ooh, it's time." Pinkie smiled.

On the stage stepped Fugitoid who spoke into a mic, "Welcome everyone from CHS and Crystal prep. I am your host Fugitoid. I hope you're all ready for a spectacular performance by some of my closest friends and some very special guests."

Principal Cadence who was sitting up front with Principal Celestia and V.P Luna, spoke up, "I wonder what guests they have booked?"

"We have a pretty good idea." Principal Celestia answered, as she and her sister shared a smile much to Principal Cadence's confusion.

"And now without further adieu. I give you CHS' very own Rainbooms and Crystal Prep's Shadowbolts accompanied by our special guests... The Ninjas!"

The crowd of students applauded from the hype as the curtain came up with the music beginning. As soon as the curtain was up everyone saw the turtles and were shocked, especially the Crystal Prep students. The group began the dance number, but it didn't last long as a hole was blasted in the wall of the warehouse disrupting the music.

Everyone looked over and saw marching in through the hole were Stockman Bots armed with blasters, and even Elite Foot Bots given Stockman makeovers, "What in the..." Principal Cadence gasped.

"Oh, no." Keno who was sitting with Indigo, Juniper, and Starlight gasped.

The robots lined up on two sides, as Stockman entered armed and ready with his robot suit, "Greetings, everybody!"

"Derek Sockman?" Starlight asked.

Stockman growled, and shouted, "Baxter Stockman!"

"Why're you here, Stockman?" Leo demanded.

"Simple, Leonardo. Revenge!"

"Well, you ain't gonna be getting' much of that if it's you against all of us." Applejack noted they outnumbered him even with his robots.

"On the contrary, Applejack. I've got plenty of back up." Stockman answered, as Bebop, Rocksteady, and Hun entered through the hole.

"Bebop and Rocksteady?" Mikey gasped.

"And Hun?" Casey asked in confusion.

"Turtle Ninjas and Rainboom Girls, we meet again." Rocksteady said.

"Betcha didn't think you'd ever see us this quickly again, huh?" Bebop asked.

"And I still have a score to settle with you for doing this to me!" Hun roared, as Purple Dragon goons entered.

Pinkie turned to the fourth wall, "Talk about letting go issues." Hun was confused, as were the Purple Dragons.

"Whatever. Even with all of you we'll beat you like always because we're awesome." Rainbow boasted.

"Not this time, Rainbow haired girl," Rocksteady said, "Because we got extra surprise for you." Suddenly stepping in through the hole in the wall was Cinch wearing the Shredder armor supplied to her.

"Cinch?!" the students and adults gasped.

"Yes. Me." she confirmed.

"Her wearing Shredder's armor is just a nightmare." Rarity told the girls who agreed.

"What are you doing here?" Principal Cadence demanded.

"I'm here to right a wrong."

"What wrong?" Twilight asked.

"The wrong you and those other girls have done costing me both my job and reputation." the former principal accused.

"What we've done?!" Sunset asked in disbelief.

"Don't put your hang ups on us, Cinch. You did it to yourself!" Rainbow argued.

"I find that highly doubtful." Cinch denied with a stuck up face.

Sunny spoke up to her, "You mind molded all of us into acting like replicas of yourself and only look out for our own interests!"

Twilight spoke up equally angry, "You blackmailed me into joining the Friendship Games, and constantly pressured me one way after another. Even forcing me to unleash magic I could not control, and then had the gall to call me a monster while fleeing like a coward!"

The students were getting nervous from all the rising tension, as Rocksteady looked confused, "I thought you said they betrayed you?"

"It doesn't matter now." Cinch replied.

"What're you even doing with these guys?" Pinkie asked while motioning to the bad guys.

Rocksteady answered, "Abacus and I were once the item."

"Item?" the girls gasped.

Rainbow covered her mouth, "I'm gonna heave."

"Have you been spying on us all this time?" Sour asked in shock.

"Yes! And for good reason."

"What good reason?" Principal Celestia inquired.

Cinch motioned to the turtles, "These monsters! These freaks! They've turned your so called best students and my own into vigilantes taking on things that should be handled by professionals."

"That's where you're wrong, Cinch," Leo stepped forward, "We've only trained them to defend themselves, and they've helped us in a lot of situations. They're capable of so much, but you're too blinded by your ego to realize that!"

"Yeah, no wonder you were fired." Raph snarked.

"And you call us freaks?" Donnie asked insulted, "Look at who you're with."

"Hey!" Bebop called.

"Enough!" Cinch shouted, "I've come here to restore order and I will have it. This magic you constantly use has made you cheaters and a bad influence on everyone!"

Starlight whispered to Juniper and Indigo, "I am so glad I was never taught by someone like her."

Leo spoke to the bad guys, "You shouldn't have come here at all. And we're going to make you wish you hadn't... Ninjas-"

Twilight cleared her throat and spoke to Leo, "Leo, if I may make a request. Could I do it this time? It's kinda personal."

Leo smiled, 'You earned it."

Twilight smiled, back, before calling out to her friends who drew their weapons, "Ninjas! Take them down!"

And so the two sides engaged in battle, while the students and adults went for cover. The Shadowbolts, Fugitoid, Starlight, and Juniper were fighting the Stockman Bots of both levels and the Purple Dragons, while the others went after Stockman, Cinch, and the three mutants.

The Shadowbolts disarmed and destroyed the Stockman Bots one after another while dodging the laser shots from their blasters. As some Purple Dragons were about to come at them from behind, Karai morphed into her snake mode and knocked them out. She returned to her human form and spoke, "Keep your eyes peeled on all sides, girls," she looked around seeing more robots were coming, and spoke to herself, "We'll need back up." she whipped out her phone to make a call.

As Bebop and Rocksteady fought the Turtles, and Rainbooms, Raph spoke up, "Seriously, Rocksteady, you dated a woman like that?"

"Hey, you should see how she looked in high school." Rocksteady argued.

"I don't even wanna know what she looked like back then." Donnie replied.

"Neither did I." Bebop agreed, as he danced around the turtles while firing lasers from his belt.

Hun was facing off against Keno who donned his Nightwatcher attire and weapons, Casey, April, Karai, and Shini, "You know, Hun, I still can't get over the fact this is what you look like now." Casey laughed.

"Don't remind me. Now I have to live with this look for the rest of my life!" Hun shouted, as he attacked them with his raw strength.

Pinkie who was close by spoke again to the Fourth Wall, "Some people just can't handle change."

Hun went over to her and looked to the fourth wall up close, before shouting at her, "Why do you keep doing that?! Who are you talking to? THERE'S NO ONE THERE!"

"Or is there?" Pinkie asked mysteriously before winking at the fourth wall.

Stockman was shooting lasers from his blaster arms, until Rarity used her magic shield power to protect the innocent ones, "I hope I can keep this up long enough for something good to happen."

Suddenly from the very hole the villains entered, came a familiar singing trio, "Hey, guys!" Sonata called.

"Adagio! Aria! Sonata!" April called.

"We got a call from Karai and heard you could use some assistance." Adagio began.

"And we brought it in." Aria said, as the Mighty Mutanimals and Bandit Raccoon approached.

"All right! Reinforcements!" Raph cheered.

"Mutanimals, ho!" Slash ordered, as they went into battle.

And so the additional allies started laying the smack down on the robots and Purple Dragons. As Juniper came face to face with Stockman, the mad genius was ready to attack, only for Bandit to jump at him, "Bandit Raccoon's in your face, boy!" he obstructed Stockman's view with his body.

"Get off me, you rodent!" Stockman tried to pull him off.

Juniper watched as Bandit distracted Stockman before calling out, "Bandit, disengage. I got a shot!"

"All yours." Bandit got off Stockman who was Juniper delivering a flying kick to him.

"Booyakasha!" she nailed Stockman sending him falling backwards.

Stockman got up and looked around seeing his robot army was crumbling at the might of his enemies, and started creeping away. When he got to the hole, Bebop spotted him, "Stockman, where do you think you're going?"

"I've had my fair share of defeats, so I'm punching out and calling it a draw." Stockman fled.

"Stockman!" Hun shouted, only to get nailed by Casey and Keno, "Taking out you two will bring me great pleasure." Hun started attacking the two boys, until Slash tackled him to the side.

"You ain't the only big turtle around here!" Slash told Hun, as the two grappled. It was a battle of strength against the two, until Slash threw Hun over his shoulders and crashed on the floor.

During the battle, Cinch had made her way to the adults and looked at Cadence, "You took my job from me."

"I didn't take it. I was appointed that position when the school board and Super Intendent Amore let you go. All because you couldn't resist trying to tell them what happened during the Friendship Games. And with the addition of the students willing to call you out on your behavior and foul play against Twilight blackmailing her, you deserved to be fired."

"You betrayed me!" Cinch tried to attack with her weapon, only for it to freeze with a magic aura surrounding it. It flew out of Cinch's hands and slid across the floor. Cinch looked and saw Twilight approaching armed and ready.

"Don't you dare lay a hand on Principal Cadence!" she attacked Cinch who could only dodge, having no fighting skills at all, "You're so wrapped up in your own little world thinking everything is all about you, you don't realize you're making everybody hate you!"

"I offered you what you wanted and you passed it up." Cinch reminded Twilight.

"You bribed and blackmailed me with it. And you mentioned you knew I was always an outcast at Crystal Prep and yet you did nothing to help me at all. It was always Cadence there for me when I was down, never you! You said my friends the turtles were freaks and monsters? Well, the only monster I see here is you!" she knocked Cinch to the ground and aimed her weapon at her much to everyone's shock.

"What're you going to do, kill me?" she asked nervously.

Twilight frowned as if the idea was tempting her, until Leo called out, "Don't do it, Twilight. It's not worth it!"

"Don't lose sight of who you really are!" Karai reminded her.

Twilight looked at Cinch who was shaking with fear. The girl sighed, as she lowered her weapon, "I'm not going to do that. Because it's not me. I don't do that kind of stuff. Not even to the likes of you."

As the fighting stopped, The Purple Dragons were dragging Hun out through the hole, while Bebop spoke to Rocksteady, "Dang, Rock, your old girlfriend isn't what you thought she was. Let's get out of here." Bebop said before walking away. At this point to them the fight was pointless now that their forces had dropped and things got too depressing for the fight to even be worth it.

As Rocksteady walked to the hole, Cinch pleaded, "Ivan, help me."

Rocksteady looked back at his former love with disappointment, and answered, "Help yourself for once." he walked away leaving Cinch in tears. Unknown to anyone, as soon as Rocksteady was outside, he had a single tear coming down his normal eye.

Back inside, the ninjas surrounded Cinch, as Leo spoke, "Now you see how it feels when someone turns their back on you when you need them the most? Just like you did to Twilight. It hurts more than anything."

"Even more than shell rash." Mikey said, only to get smacked in the back of the head by Raph.

Cinch for the first time in her life could finally see exactly how Twilight felt during the Friendship games. Alone and powerless to do anything, "I-I'm so sorry. I just thought that..."

"That winning was all that matters or that people expect us to win?" Sour asked rhetorically.

"We learned winning isn't always what matters." Sunny explained.

"And it makes us better people." Lemon added.

"Except unlike you who ran from problems we stayed and faced it." Sugarcoat added.

"Because that's what friends do." Indigo said, as the whole ninja team stood together.

"Even someone like you is capable of Friendship, Cinch, if you actually try to make an effort to understand it." Twilight told her.

"But how? I-I don't know anything about Friendship." Cinch explained in confusion.

"Well, maybe you just need the right people to show you." Sunset answered, as she and Twilight offered her their hands.

Cinch took a chance and accepted their hands before being pulled to her feet. She removed her Shredder helmet and dropped it to the floor before addressing everyone, "I want to apologize to each and everyone of you. To those of you at CHS, I was wrong to belittle you right to your faces during the party before the games. I had no right to criticize you on how you do things at your school. And to my former students, it was wrong of me to try and make you think your only concern was either yourselves and the school. I truly am unfit to lead Crystal Prep as Principal. You deserve someone fair and just. Someone you can trust and depend on. Someone like Cadence." she smiled at her former Dean, who smiled back.

"Thank you for those words, Abacus." Cadence said.

"I can only hope one day I will be truly forgiven for my ill deeds." Cinch said with hope.

"Well, you'll have to be working long and hard to regain anyone's trust." Raph said.

"Raph." Sunset nudged him.

"No. He's right," Cinch agreed, "I will do whatever it takes to show everyone I can change and be a better person."

Twilight spoke, "If you can make an effort in that then it's a start." she smiled.

Cinch smiled back, as Fugitoid spoke up, "well, now that's we've all made up in a way. What say we celebrate?"

"Sounds good to us." Leo agreed.

"But we may have to clean up here." Karai noticed the mess left behind during their fight.

"I suggest we get started right away." Rockwell said.

"Then let us help our friends." Leatherhead said, as he brought over some cleaning supplies.

"Took the words right out of my mouth, Leatherhead." Pinkie agreed.

"And we still got a show to put on." Rainbow added.

"Come on, team." Leo said, as everyone pitched in to make the warehouse cleaned so they could continue with their performance.

Author's Note:

And there you go. I know Cinch doesn't deserve any redemption, believe me. But that's how I wanted to end this fic and not just make her into a permanent villain whose constantly under the illusion that everything she thinks is right and everyone else is wrong.

The outfits the Turtles and their allies are dressed in for the Dance Magic Video are courtesy of my friend BozzerKazooers.

Dance Magic Group 1

Dance Magic Group 2

Dance Magic Group 3

Dance Magic Group 4