• Published 5th Oct 2017
  • 602 Views, 52 Comments

OH BOY - Super Trampoline

Rainbow Dash loves pancakes. What other things does she like? Read on to find out! Story 2 of Doubleshotober

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Rainbow enjoyed writing My Tiny Gecko fanfiction; the surprising part is that she actually was half-decent at it. She didn't usually use an editor; to tell the truth she barely even proofread her stories. However, due to a recent turn of events, Super Trampoline was currently editing for her; he was surprised how few corrections he was suggesting.

"I must confess, I expected these to be trash and drank a lot before coming here; I'm shocked that they aren't, and I'm especially impressed with your deft semicolons usage; I'd say this batch is ready for publishing."

"OH BOY!" Rainbow declared.

Author's Note:

Yes, I know this is flagrant semicolon abuse; I'm very sorry.