• Published 9th Jan 2018
  • 532 Views, 34 Comments

New Story - Super Trampoline

This is a new story about new things. I wrote it in under an hour. I new I could do it. UPDATE: I only wrote the first two chapters in under an hour. The rest I wrote today. Now you new. Jesus shows up but you can't tag the Bible as a series.

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New Day

It was a new day, and Zephyr Breeze was supposed to be working on filling out job applications so he could find a new job. What had happened to his last job? He didn't want to talk about it. He was kind of pretty bitter about the whole thing. Totally undeserved. But hey, learn and move on. But he was not moving on in filling out new job applications. Instead he was three hits into his shake weed and feeling depressed. Boy, I sure have been writing about depressed ponies a lot lately.

"Why am I such a fuck up?" he wondered aloud to himself. It's like he learned a lesson about applying yourself, and then completely forgot it.

His social worker knocked on the door. Turns out Equestria has those. "Zephyr, stop being sad and listening to Nick Drake*. I'll buy you more weed but you have to finish filling out three applications first!"

Zephyr's ears perked. It turns out nothing motivates a depressed stoner like free ganja. Who new?

Author's Note:

*In this universe Nick Drake was of course a dragon.