• Published 6th May 2017
  • 2,966 Views, 72 Comments

Old Fashioned Love - Rose Quill

The love between AppleJack and Rainbow Dash has already been on a slow burn, but what could make it blaze fully?

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And I'll Fly...

It was late and I breached the waters of wakefulness with a groan. I’d been having a great dream about the upcoming trial matches that would determine which team we’d be assigned to. It’s set up sort of like a cross between a draft and a try-out and was only done at the Northern Region Soccer Academy, but I liked it. It made sure we were at our prime going in.

My discomfort was eased by the slight breathing of the tall girl next to me, once again done up in her typical sleepwear - an oversized t-shirt and a pair of gym shorts. I grinned a little as I realized that the shirt had a pair of symbols printed on the sleeve and reached out to trace them with a fingertip.

As my finger glided over the lines of the rainbow-hued laurel leaves, I smiled, remembering every moment we’d had together, especially the recent fundraiser events we’d done to raise money to renovate Camp Everfree. And I was happy that Twilight had mended some fences with her old classmates. I’d always thought they were a decent bunch when they leaped forward and helped us out at the Games.

Doing that video had been fun once all the kinks were worked out, and working with Indigo Zap and Sunset to edit the thing had made all the awkward takes and goofs look like a great little bit.

My finger began to touch the apple tree that rested above a soccer ball when I heard a sleepy voice mutter.

“No, Apple Bloom,” AJ muttered. “dunking yer hair in pottin' soil won’t make it grow any faster.” She rolled over and draped an arm over me, her golden hair sliding over her shoulder and coiling in its braid.

I worry about her sometimes. Mainly cause her dreams are weird. I mean really weird.

The added warmth from her arm was making me drowsy again, and I hoped that I’d dream about her. The occasional - and expected given my age - less than virtuous thoughts aside, almost every moment I thought about AJ made me feel lighter than air. More than once a long, hard kiss from her would cause me to pony up, wings fully spread and my feet not touching the earth.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve caused quite a few similar reactions on her, but her being the aggressor in the acts is a rare thing and it always catches me off guard.

And I liked it.

Oh, whatever deities there are, did I like it. I liked being the small spoon, the pursued, and the subject of her desires, though we’d never acted on some of the more intimate ones. It wasn’t an issue with us, we wanted to take things slow, for the most part. Neither of us were really sure what the hay we were doing, and I felt lucky just being able to call her mine or be called hers.

Dad loved her. He’d caught me on my way to bed the other day to tease me about the ‘pretty country girl’ that could cook so well. I’d never felt like such a girl as in that moment when my face turned beet red.

Her kin had taken a liking to me as well, more than likely because we complimented each other so well and were positive influences on each other now that the feelings were laid bare. Apple Bloom had been excited to get another sister, even if it was jumping the gun a bit. I had started formulating a plan for that, but it had a while to go before I would even consider putting it into play. I had to get through camp and onto a team first, and my number one cheerleader was right next to me.

I sat up to look at her face in the moonlight, the gentle and childlike look as she dozed. I sighed in contentment and was about to lay back down when her hand shot out and grabbed the back of my neck, hauling me forward to touch noses.

“Whatcha lookin’ at?” she whispered, her eyes sparkling as they slid open.

“You," I replied, feeling an electric thrill from our closeness.

“Any reason why?” she said, her voice still in a soft, gentle tone. It was more feminine than her usual speaking voice, something that I figured I was the only one privy to.

“The moonlight made you look really beautiful,” I said, tilting my head so that our foreheads touched as well.

She blushed and turned her head away. “Yer just sayin’ that,” she said, grinning the whole time.

“Cross my heart, and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye,” I said, reaching to turn her face back to me. “I’m being one hundred percent truthful, Applejack. You look beautiful to me no matter what.”

“Let’s see how you feel after a week at that cabin,” she shot back with a chuckle. “Roughin’ it the whole time, livin’ off the land.”

“I wouldn’t call it roughing it,” I smirked. “It’s got running water, after all.”

She rolled her eyes while I grinned.

“What am Ah going t’do with you?” she asked, bringing her forehead back to mine.

“Be overwhelmed by my sheer awesomeness?” I suggested, going back to the familiar quips.

Her hand slid into my hair and pulled me down into a fierce kiss, and I didn’t think for a second that it was forced.

I felt my wings sprout and spread fully as she pulled me in, resulting in my being slightly above her. I curled the tips of my wings down to shield us out of instinct. When we broke apart, I saw that I wasn’t the only one that had ponied up, her ears flicking in nervous excitement.

“Yer more’n awesome, sugar cube,” she whispered, an excited flush on her face and neck mirroring one I felt on mine. “And yer mine, just the same.”

She kissed me again, and I felt as though I would fly. And I’ll fly as long as she’s there to meet me on the ground.