• Published 8th May 2017
  • 1,421 Views, 94 Comments

A Princess's Path - Bluecatcinema

Flurry Heart decides she needs to help ponies like a real royal does.

  • ...

First Assignment

Over the next few days, Flurry excitedly awaited news of a situation that would require her assistance. The two diplomatic meetings her parents mentioned had passed by without incident, and things seemed quiet. Too quiet for Flurry's liking.

"Typical, isn't it?" She told Moongleam one afternoon. "I finally get the chance to do something, but there's nothing going on... It's almost like fate itself is against me!"

"No offense, but I think fate has more pressing concerns to deal with." Moongleam deadpanned.

"Well, some kind of problem is gonna pop up sooner or later." Flurry declared. "And when it does, I'm gonna kick its metaphorical flank!"

"Well, you certainly aren't lacking in confidence." Moongleam noted. "That's a good sign."

"Just you wait, Moony." Flurry smirked. "I'm gonna show everypony what I'm made of. I'm gonna prove what kind of Princess I really am!"

"Of that, I have no doubt." Moongleam beamed supportively.

"Thanks, Moony." Flurry smiled, placing a hoof on her best friend's shoulder.

"I hate to cut and run on a perfectly heartwarming moment, but I must be going home." Moongleam declared. "It's almost time for dinner, and being the supportive friend I am works up quite the appetite."

"Sure it does." Flurry rolled her eyes. "See ya tomorrow, Moony. Hopefully, mom and dad will have an assignment for me by then."

"I'll keep my hooves crossed for you." Moongleam pledged.

After Moongleam departed, Flurry shared dinner of her own with her family, then went to bed not long after, her thoughts still preoccupied with when her first royal assignment would arise.

The next morning, things were still annoyingly peaceful. Determined not to waste her time just waiting, Flurry went to the library, searching for any kind of book that could help her prepare for any royal matters. But since she didn't know what her first assignment would be, she had no idea what to look for.

'It's like looking for an ink line on a zebra...' She thought, as she scoured a row of books.

"Look who's hitting the books." A familiar voice declared. "That's my favorite niece."

Flurry looked over at the library's entrance, where her aunt, Princess Twilight Sparkle, was standing.

"Hi, Flurry." Twilight smiled.

"Aunt Twily!" Flurry trotted over and hugged her favorite aunt, her bond with her not diminished the slightest with age. "I didn't know you'd be coming by today."

"Call it a surprise visit." Twilight returned the hug. "Your parents wrote to me about how you're going to attend to royal duties of your own. My little niece is growing up so fast..."

"And not before time." Flurry grinned. "I can't wait to get out there, and actually do something. Being a Princess is pretty pointless if you can't make a difference."

"I know how that feels." Twilight admitted. "There was a time when I felt like my role as a Princess didn't amount to much."

"And then you and your friends defeated Tirek, you got your castle, and became the Princess of Friendship." Flurry rolled her eyes. "No offense, aunt Twily, but I've heard that story a dozen times already."

"Then you should know how anxious I was to prove my worth." Twilight reminded her.

"So you understand how I feel." Flurry grinned. "Actually having royal duties of my own is the first step in discovering my purpose."

"The first of many, most likely." Twilight declared.

"Not that many, I hope." Flurry frowned. "I've been waiting for too long as it is."

"My point is that you should be patient." Twilight declared. "In time, your purpose in life will become clear."

"I've already waited seventeen years." Flurry pouted. "Isn't that long enough?"

"Your time will come, Flurry." Twilight smiled. "And if personal experience is anything to go by, it'll come when you least expect it."

"But I've never expected it more." Flurry admitted.

"I'm sure you'll find your purpose soon enough." Twilight hugged her.

"Thanks, aunt Twily." Flurry hugged her back. "Now, enough about me. How are things in Ponyville? How are uncle Flash and the kids?"

"They're all doing great." Twilight smiled.

"Let them know I said 'hi', will you?" Flurry asked.

"Will do." Twilight grinned. "But for now, it seems about time for lunch. I hope my favorite niece can sit by me."

"Try and stop me." Flurry chuckled.

Of course, the rest of the family were more than glad to have Twilight join them for lunch.

"I have to say, I'm glad you're giving Flurry this chance." Twilight told Shining Armor and Cadance.

"Well, we figured she'd been waiting long enough." Shining Armor shrugged.

"And she's definitely not a foal any more." Cadance added.

"I suppose I should think about doing the same for my kids when they're old enough." Twilight mused. "But things are so quiet around Ponyville lately, there really wouldn't be much for them to do."

"I know that feeling..." Flurry joked.

"What about you, Anthem?" Twilight asked. "Would you like some royal duties some day?"

"Yeah, right." Anthem snorted. "No offense, aunt Twily, but I'm good with things as they are. Besides, with Flurry on the case, why would I need to do anything?"

"Thanks for the compliment, baby bro." Flurry smirked. "But you're not getting my dessert."

"Aw, rats..." Anthem pouted, prompting the rest of the family to chuckle lightly.

After lunch, Twilight had to return to Ponyville. Flurry saw her out of the castle.

"Say 'hi' to uncle Spike for me." Flurry beamed.

"Of course." Twilight nodded. "And remember what we talked about: patience."

"I'll try..." Flurry rolled her eyes.

"That's my favorite niece." Twilight hugged her one last time.

As Twilight departed, Flurry mulled over her words.

'Patience: not the easiest thing in the world.' She thought.

The next morning, Flurry's waiting finally came to an end, as her parents announced over breakfast that a situation had arisen that their schedule would not allow them to tend to.

"At last!" Flurry cheered at the news. "So, what will I be doing?"

"We need you to go to the gem mine on the edge of the Empire." Shining Armor instructed. "Their output has slowed down to a crawl recently, and they're not being very open as to why. The presence of a Princess might convince them to speak up."

"That's it?" Flurry frowned. "Just going to talk to some miners? That's my first royal assignment?"

"It's not exactly exciting or glamorous." Cadance admitted. "But it's a royal duty nonetheless."

"I guess so..." Flurry shrugged.

"Try not to mess up, sis." Anthem teased.

"You'd like that, wouldn't ya, brat?" Flurry playfully ruffled his mane.

"Seriously, though... good luck." Anthem smiled.

"I don't think I'll need it." Flurry snorted. "It seems simple enough. But I'll still make you proud, mom and dad."

"That's the spirit, sweetheart." Cadance beamed.

"A carriage will be waiting to take you out there in half an hour." Shining Armor declared. "That should give you just enough to clean up from breakfast."

"Sure thing, dad." Flurry nodded. "Don't want to show up at my first royal assignment looking like a mess..."

Flurry finished her breakfast, then raced back to her room, as she did, she almost ran into Moongleam, who had just arrived.

"Morning, Flurry." Moongleam smiled.

"Sorry, Moony, can't talk now!" Flurry said quickly. "I finally got a royal assignment!"

"Really?" Moongleam smiled widely. "Congratulations!"

"Thanks." Flurry grinned. "So you understand I can't hang out, right? I've gotta get ready, then head on out. I'll you all about later, 'kay?"

"You'd better." Moongleam teased.

"Later!" Flurry called, as she rushed up to her room.

Once she reached her room, Flurry hastily cleaned herself up, brushing her mane and washing her face and hooves until she was pristine.

"Not bad, if I do say so myself." She admired herself in her mirror.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light, and a certain draconequus appeared in Flurry's mirror.

"What, no eye shadow?" He smirked.

"Discord?" Flurry frowned, as Discord vanished from the mirror and appeared beside her. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to offer my support in your new endeavor." Discord grinned.

"And how exactly do you know about that?" Flurry asked.

"Well, I maybe, possibly, might have very well overheard your dear aunt Twilight talking to her friends about the letter she received from your parents, detailing your new responsibilities." Discord shrugged.

"In other words, you were eavesdropping." Flurry pointed out.

"Overheard, eavesdropping... same difference." Discord snorted. "Still, I am surprised at how you're raring to get out there. The little Princess, all grown up. It seems like just yesterday you were this drooling little ball of fluff."

Discord conjured up a plush toy version of Flurry as a foal.

"Wah-wah! Goo-goo!" The toy gurgled, an excessive amount of liquid pouring out of its mouth.

"Not funny, Discord." Flurry scowled.

"You used to think that sort of thing was funny." Discord frowned, throwing the toy aside.

"When I was a foal." Flurry pointed out. "I grew out of that kind of humor when I was like, seven."

"Ouch." Discord clutched his chest. "You're definitely not the sweet little foal you once were..."

"No, I'm not." Flurry declared. "And I'm gonna prove it. I'm about to go on my first royal assignment, and I know I'm going to ace it."

"Watch yourself out here, little Princess." Discord smirked. "You might end up biting off more than you can chew."

"Please." Flurry snorted. "It's just a simple inspection."

"But you never know what might happen." Discord pointed out. "There's always some surprise lurking around a corner."

"Somehow, I doubt it." Flurry retorted. "Besides, I'm a member of the royal family. I was pretty much born for this. Whatever happens, I can handle it."

"If you say so." Discord shrugged. "But we really should talk more about this. Later, perhaps?"

"Yeah, sure. Later..." Flurry said sarcastically.

"Wonderful." Discord grinned. "Now, if you'll excuse me..."

Discord vanished in his usual flash of light.

"Whatever." Flurry scoffed at the interruption, then made her way out of the castle.

Two Pegasus Guards were waiting to escort Flurry to the mine.

"Your highness." One bowed, as he opened the door of a carriage for her.

"Thank you." Flurry said courteously.

Once Flurry got into the carriage, the Pegasi carried her over to a small mine on the edge of the Crystal Empire. As Flurry expected, her arrival caused quite a stir among the miners.

"Your highness." One bowed as she bowed. "To what do we owe this honor?"

"I'm here to speak with the pony in charge." Flurry announced, as regally as she could.

"That would be me, Princess." A burgundy Crystal stallion declared. "I'm Pit Prop. May I ask what brings you here?"

"My parents have noticed that there's been a decrease in output lately." Flurry declared. "I'm here to find out why that is, and if possible, help get things back on track."

"Well, I..." Pit Prop mumbled. "The problem isn't so much a decrease in output..."

"Then what is it?" Flurry frowned.

"It's... more like what happens to the equipment." Pit Prop admitted. "They keep getting destroyed."

"Destroyed?" Flurry asked.

"Yes." Pit Prop nodded. "Snatched right out from under us in the dead of night, and left at our camp in pieces in the morning."

"But why haven't you told anypony?" Flurry asked.

"Because we want to take care of it ourselves." Pit Prop said pridefully. "We set a trap for whoever was doing it, and we found out just this morning that we nabbed one of them. We can show you, if you like."

"Okay." Flurry nodded. "Show me this saboteur."

Pit Prop and his miners led Flurry to a small tent nearby. There, inside a cage, was a single Diamond Dog, stocky and stern, his fur ruffled and dirty, a frayed blue jacket around his upper body.

"A Diamond Dog?" Flurry frowned. "That's who been wrecking your equipment? Why?"

"That's what we're about to find out, Princess." Pit Prop smirked. He tapped the cage's bars with a pickax. "You wanna tell us why you've been sabotaging our operation, Muttley? You'd better. You're all on your own here."

"Pony is wrong twice." The Diamond Dog sneered. "Name is 'Fang', not 'Muttley'. And who says Fang is alone?"

Fang threw his head up, and let out an ear-splitting howl. Seconds later, the tent was ripped open, as almost a dozen Diamond Dogs joined the fray.

"Uh-oh." Flurry gulped.

One of the Diamond Dogs, extending a claw, picked the lock of Fang's cage, releasing him.

"Now, ponies will pay." Fang smirked.

"Pay?" Pit Prop frowned. "You're the ones who have been wrecking our equipment!"

"We do that so ponies leave." Another Diamond Dog snarled. "But ponies stubborn. So now we do it this way."

"I wouldn't bet on it, bone-breath." One miner scowled. "You're the ones who are gonna pay!"

"Yeah." Pit Prop agreed, raising his pickax. "Come on, boys! Let's show 'em who's boss!"

"Yeah!" The miners cheered, lifting what was left of their equipment.

'This... this isn't what I was expecting.' Flurry thought worriedly. 'Not even close...'

"We try to be nice." Fang snarled. "But now we do things the hard way."

"That suits us just fine." Pit Prop growled, as he and his miners stepped forward. "Step aside, Princess." He told Flurry. "This might get rough."

"No 'might' about it, pony." Fang snarled, as his pack advanced.

"...Wait." Flurry stepped forward. 'I can't believe I'm doing this... but I am a Princess, and this is what a Princess does.'

"Princess, I must insist you must stay behind us!" One of the Guards yelped.

"I know what I'm doing." Flurry declared. 'I hope...'

"Who are you, pony?" Fang glared.

"I am Princess Flurry Heart of the Crystal Empire." Flurry declared, as boldly as she could.

"That means nothing to us." One of the Diamond Dogs scoffed.

"Show some respect, you-!" Pit Prop started.

"Not helping." Flurry said through clenched teeth.

Pit Prop promptly quieted down.

"I'm sure we can settle this without the use of violence." Flurry declared. "Maybe we can... talk about this?"

"Talk?" Fang sneered.

"Yeah." Flurry nodded. "Like maybe talk about you and your friends not destroying these nice ponies' equipment anymore? We would really appreciate that."

"We don't care about what ponies 'appreciate'." Fang growled. "Because ponies don't care about Diamond Dogs. Just take."

"Take?" Flurry frowned. "What are you-?"

"That's rich, coming from a bunch of gem-grubbing mutts like you!" Pit Prop spat.

"You insult us, pony?" Fang snarled.

"You better believe it, ya mangy mutt!" Pit Prop yelled.

"Okay, maybe we should all just calm down." Flurry said weakly. "Pit Prop, maybe you should put the pickax down, and we can negotiate..."

"All due respect, your highness, but there's no negotiating with these filthy mutts." Pit Prop scoffed.

"This is what Fang was talking about!" Fang announced. "Ponies insult Diamond Dogs! They don't respect us, so why should we respect them?"

"You think wrecking our equipment makes you worthy of respect?" Pit Prop sneered. "Not in this life, pal!"

"Pit Prop, please!" Flurry yelled. "I may be new at this, but I'm pretty sure this isn't how negotiations are supposed to go!"

"You brought that on yourselves." Fang scowled. "And by trying to trap Fang, now you bring this on! Attack!"

"Get 'em!" Pit Prop told his fellow miners.

"Wait, don't-!" Flurry started, before the Guards (literally) swooped in and pulled her to safety.

"We'll handle this, your highness." The second Guard declared. "You stay here, where it's safe."

"But I-" Flurry stuttered.

The two Guards flew back over to assist the miners, each tackling a Diamond Dog. Flurry looked on in horror at the melee, as Crystal pony and Diamond Dog struggled, claws against mining equipment. Pit Prop had jumped Fang from behind, using the handle of his pickax to force his jaws open, and clinging to the Diamond Dog's back as he flailed around, trying to dislodge him. No matter which side won, there were bound to casulties, and lots of them.

"No. No, no, no..." Flurry muttered, horrified at the disaster unfolding before her. "How could something so simple go so out of control?"

Suddenly, Discord appeared, hovering in the air beside Flurry.

"Hello again, little Princess." He smiled. "Is now a good time for our chat?"

"Not really." Flurry groaned.

Discord looked at the battle up ahead.

"So it would seem." He mused. "Things not going as well as you hoped?"

"I thought I had it under control." Flurry sighed. "But then those Diamond Dogs showed up. I tried to get them to talk, but they refused, and they all started fighting, and... Ugh! Why won't any of them listen to me? It's so frustrating!"

"I'm sorry, did you say something?" Discord asked, cleaning out an ear with his lion paw. "I wasn't listening."

"That's not helping, Discord!" Flurry snarled.

"Hey, don't get mad at me." Discord said defensively. "It's not like I had anything to do with how abysmal this has turned out."

"...You're right. I'm the one who messed up." Flurry shook her head. "I tried to calm both sides down, to get them to talk things out, but I failed. Mom and dad are never going to trust me with anything important after this..."

"Well, I hate to say 'I told you so', but I kinda saw this coming." Discord said smugly. "I warned you that things might not be as easy as you thought they'd be. That there could be some unexpected event waiting in the wings."

"And you were right." Flurry admitted grudgingly.

"Perhaps you're the one who needs to work on her listening skills, hmm?" Discord smirked.

"Yeah, I... wait, that might be it!" Flurry gasped.

"What might be it?" Discord frowned.

"Listening!" Flurry grinned. "Thanks, Discord!"

"Happy to help." Discord smirked. "Even if I don't know exactly how it happened..."

As Discord vanished, Flurry rushed back to the battle.

"Princess, stay back!" The first Guard declared, as he struggled with a Diamond Dog. "It's too dangerous!"

"Not for long." Flurry smiled, her horn lighting up.

Flurry used her magic to seperate all the combatants and lift them up into the air.

"Put us down, Princess pony!" Fang flailed helplessly.

"Not until we talk about this." Flurry declared.

"What's to talk about?" Pit Prop protested. "They attacked us!"

"Before, you talked about ponies not caring about you, and 'taking' something." Flurry reminged Fang. "What exactly do you think they took from you?"

"They took lost Diamond Dog treasure!" Fang yelled. "Dug it up and took it away! Fang see it with his own eyes!"

"We didn't take any treasure!" Pit Prop growled. "He's lying!"

"What does this 'treasure' look like?" Flurry asked Fang.

"Like big crystal bone!" Fang declared. "White and glimmering!"

"Wait, you mean that cheap lump of old quartz?" Pit Prop frowned. "That... that isn't a treasure."

"If you think that, then why you take it?" Fang snarled.

"Well, I... thought it might make a nice souvenir." Pit Prop said sheepishly.

"It is not 'souvenir'!" Fang said, affronted. "It is symbol of our tribe! Carved by first chief years ago. Lost in rockslide. Diamond Dogs search for it long time."

"So that's why you broke their equipment?" Flurry asked. "Because you thought they stole your relic?"

"Yes." Fang nodded. "We thought it make good payback, since ponies always busy digging up gems."

"Well, I'm sure Pit Prop wouldn't mind returning yout treasure to you." Flurry declared. "Right, Pit Prop?"

"Of course." Pit Prop nodded. "Just... could you let us down now, Princess?"

"...Oh, right." Flurry said sheepishly.

Flurry returned them all to the ground. Pit Prop rushed over to another tent, while some of the ponies and Diamond Dogs glared at each other, clearly still sore over the fight.

'So far, so good...' Flurry thought.

Pit Prop soon returned, carrying a bone-shaped piece of quartz in his hooves.

"Here it is." He declared. "...Sorry. If I'd known it was so valuable to you, maybe I wouldn't have taken it."

"Diamond Dogs usually just like gems." Fang took the quartz. "But this has different kind of value. Thank you for returning it."

"You know, if you had just told Pit Prop about this in the first place, maybe this could have all been avoided." Flurry declared.

"Maybe..." Fang cringed. "Sorry for breaking ponies' tools." He pulled a jewel out of his jackets. "This buy more."

"Thanks." Pit Prop smiled.

"Come, Diamond Dogs." Fang held the bone up. "We return home in triumph!"

The Diamond Dogs cheered as they followed their leader out of the camp.

"Thank you, Princess Flurry Heart." Pit Prop smiled. "You really saved the day."

"It's what I'm here for." Flurry said humbly. "Guards, let's head back to the castle. My work here is done."

"Of course, your highness." The first Guard nodded.

"And very well done, I must say." The second smiled.

The Guards took Flurry back to the castle. Shining Armor and Cadance were waiting for her.

"So, how did it go?" Shining Armor asked.

"Well, it wasn't quite what I was expecting." Flurry admitted.

"Did you find out why things have been going so slowly over there?" Cadance asked.

"I did, yeah..." Flurry declared.

Flurry quickly recounted the whole scenario to her parents.

"...Wow." Shining Armor frowned. "If we'd known all that was going to happen, maybe we wouldn't have sent you out there."

"It was a little more than I expected..." Flurry admitted.

"But you settled the dispute like a true royal." Cadance beamed. "We're proud of you, sweetheart."

"Even if I needed a little help to do it?" Flurry cringed.

"There's nothing wrong with needing help." Shining Armor told her. "Your mother and I have been helping each other rule this Empire from the very beginning."

"And don't forget your​ aunt Twily." Candace grinned. "Most of her greatest accomplishments only came about because she had help from her friends."

"One of the most royal things you can do is admit when you need help." Shining Armor smiled. "So I'd say you did just fine for your first royal assignment."

"So... You'll be giving me more?" Flurry asked hopefully.

"Yes." Cadance nodded. "You've earned it."

"And next time, I won't be going it alone." Flurry declared. "If it's okay with you, I think I'll bring a friend or two along."

"That's just fine with us, sweetheart." Shining Armor grinned. "Do you have anypony in mind?"

"I have one or two thoughts..." Flurry smirked.

Not long after, Flurry was sharing the news with Moongleam.

"Sounds like quite an adventure." Moongleam mused.

"It was." Flurry nodded. "But next time, I won't be going it alone. I want you to come with me."

"Me?" Moongleam gaped, her glasses slipping.

"Sure, why not?" Flurry grinned. "You're one of the smartest ponies I know. And you're calm, rational and level-headed."

"All true." Moongleam said smugly. "I'll have to ask my parents, to make sure they're okay with it..."

"I sure hope they will." Flurry smiled. "There's nopony else I'd rather have by my side."

"Thank, Flurry." Moongleam grinned.

"That's what friends are for." Flurry declared. "I learned that from the leading authority..."

That evening, Flurry prepared to go to bed. Moongleam's parents had responded to her request in the positive, meaning that Flurry's next assignment wouldn't be undertaken alone.

"All in all, not a bad first day." She smiled.

Discord then appeared.

"Yes, very productive." He chuckled.

"Hello, Discord." Flurry smiled.

"I just popped by to congratulate you for a job well done." Discord declared.

"If it weren't for you popping up at the worst possible time, things wouldn't have ended so well." Flurry admitted. "You were a real help out there, Discord."

"Well, that wasn't exactly my intent..." Discord admitted. "But I'll gladly accept the credit." He chuckled lightly. "You did have quite the adventure today, didn't you? With more to come, I'll bet..."

"Oh, yeah." Flurry grinned. "And this is just the beginning."

"If that's the case, maybe I'll drop in on you again sometime." Discord grinned.

"...What." Flurry said flatly.

"Yes, why not?" Discord grinned. "Things​ have been so wretchedly dull lately, and these little adventures of yours sound like tthey could be quite entertaining. So I think I will drop by every so often." He wrapped his lion paw around Flurry. "Doesn't that sound like fun?"

"Oodles." Flurry groaned.

"Marvelous!" Discord chuckled. "Until next time, little Princess."

Discord vanished, leaving Flurry to finish her bedtime preparations. Even his mischief-making ways could do little to dampen her spirits.

"I've taken my first step to being a real Princess today." She told herself as she climbed into bed. "Now comes the rest..."