• Published 25th Mar 2017
  • 1,369 Views, 23 Comments

White Day - Rose Quill

Rainbow Dash asks Moondancer for book recommendations after they both reach for the same book.

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Rainbow Dash sped through the air, hurrying towards the Canterlot Library. The wind pulled at her face as she sped up and banked hard into a turn.

“C’mon, please still be open,” she muttered as she threw her wings open and braked her flight, landing on the steps of the library and rushing through the door and down the aisles, keeping an eye on the shelves.

Twilight told her about an early Daring Do book that was out of print now, telling the story of how she had gotten started in her adventures. The only copy she knew about was in the Downtown branch of the Canterlot Library. Dash had, of course, set off immediately.

She spied the book on a higher shelf and flew up to grab it, only to have it grabbed in a purple aura and pulled down. the Pegasus stared at the shelf for a moment before looking down to see the Unicorn trotting away, garbed in a sweater and her mane pulled into a top knot. She took off after her.

“Hey, you,” she called, coming to a stop in front of the mare. “Is there any way I could possibly persuade you to let me check that out first? It’s the only one I haven’t read yet.”

The Unicorn adjusted her glasses, thick framed affairs with what looked like a tape repair job on the bridge. “Um, not really, no,” she said not unkindly. “I offered to write a comparative study on this against the latest release, Daring Do and the Chest of Chicomoztoc, for definitive signs of growth A.K. Yearling made from this early book, her first best seller, and her second set of releases.”

“Yeah yeah,” Rainbow said. “How long will that take?”

“About three weeks or so,” the mare smiled apologetically.

“Three weeks!” Rainbow cried. “What am I going to do for three weeks?”

“Um,” the Unicorn attempted to cut into the Pegasus’ rant.

“The next book won’t be out for another two moons and it’ll be nearly a moon before I can get a crack at this one,” Rainbow growled angrily. “Why didn’t Twilight reserve the book when she found out about it?”

“Excuse me,” the mare said, raising her voice. “Do you mean Twilight Sparkle?”

“Hmm? Oh, yeah!” she said, puffing up with pride. “I’m Rainbow Dash, personal friend of the Princess.”

“How nice to meet another of Twilight’s friends,” her rival responded. “I’m Moondancer.”

“Oh, yeah,” Rainbow said. “I remember her freaking out about a ruined friendship a while back.”

Moondancer blushed a little. “Was she really freaked out?”

“It wasn't as bad as "Just found a dog-eared page in my book' level freakout,” the rainbow-hued Pegasus replied. “But it was pretty typical of Twilight.”

Moondancer mused for a moment, tapping her chin. “I can’t really let you have this book,” she said. “I’m on something of a deadline. But, if you’d like, I could recommend some other series that you’d probably like to tide you over.”

“I don’t know,” Rainbow said. “It’d be hard to top Daring Do.”

“Oh, I don’t deny it,” Moondancer said. “But it is just to tide you over. What if I told you about something somewhere between Sapphire Statue in suspense and Griffon’s Goblet in action?”

“Pfft,” Rainbow said. “Prove it.”

The yellow-gray Unicorn turned and trotted over to a shelf and pulled a book from it. “This is a book by an author called Brand Sandstone about a young Earth Pony thief that helps overthrow a dominating empire ruled by a despotic god and his all-powerful priests.”

The Pegasus took the book and read the back cover. “I guess this will do,” Rainbow said. “But as soon as you're done, I have dibs on that book, got it?”

Moondancer smiled. “Of course,” she said. She hesitated. “Would you mind meeting next week? I’d like to know what a new reader thinks of it for the next book club blurb.”

Rainbow frowned, then shrugged. “Yeah, sure,” she said. “Why not?”

As she went to check out the new book and reserve the Daring Do, Rainbow thought she caught a glimpse of a shy smile on the Unicorn’s face.

Moondancer nervously sipped at her tea as she sat down. She hadn’t expected to feel such an attraction out of nowhere. Or for an obvious athlete, for that matter. She never paid much attention to them before.

She looked over at her piled notes on the comparative report she was preparing, but she couldn’t focus. Tomorrow was the day she had asked Rainbow Dash to come by to talk about the book. Would she be able to come up with a way to get another meeting in, at least until she could work her nerve up to ask for a non-book related date


She jerked, looking up. “What, what?”

Twinkleshine giggled while Minuette leaned in, smiling. “You were daydreaming, Moonie. I asked if you wanted to get together for lunch tomorrow.”

“Oh,” Moondancer murmured. “Actually, I can’t. I’m supposed to meet somepony tomorrow.”

“Ooooh!” Minuette said. “Hot date?”

“Nonono!” the gray unicorn cried, waving her hooves frantically. “Just somepony that I recommended a book to coming to give me her thoughts on it.”

Twinkleshine leaned over. “You know, Lyra tells me that a certain Pegasus has been talking about a book she got from a rather awesome Unicorn last week,” she grinned. “There wouldn’t be a connection, would there?”

“Maybe,” Moondancer said shyly.

“Moonie,” Minuette purred. “You wouldn’t happen to have a crush on Rainbow Dash, would you?”

She took a sip of her tea to keep from answering, but she felt the heat build up on her cheeks again.

Twinkleshine smiled knowingly. “Come on, Min,” she said, standing. “If we stick around, we’re going to embarrass her to death. Besides, we’ve got that fitting over at Canterlot Carousel in an hour.”

“Don’t tell her,” Moondancer said quietly.

Twinkleshine looked back and winked. “Tell who what?” she asked before waving as she and her friend left.

Rainbow Dash started circling the cafe as she came in for a landing. She had already spotted Moondancer sitting at a table stirring something into her drink. She landed in the street and trotted up. “Yo,” she said.

Moondancer looked up with a smile. “Hi,” she said.

Rainbow sat down, momentarily comparing Moondancer to Twilight. They both had the same egghead look, though Moondancer carried it a little further than Twilight ever had. However, the mare in front of her had a slightly more endearing feel to it, somehow.

“So, what did you think of it?” Moondancer asked.

“It was awesome!” Dash said. “Vin was an awesome heroine and I couldn’t put it down. Read the whole trilogy!”

“You read the entire thing in a week?” Moondancer said with some surprise.

“I couldn’t help it,” the Pegasus cried. “I had to know what happened next, and the way they ended the series, wow. So many things made sense that didn’t when they were introduced.” She smiled at the Unicorn. “Thanks for recommending them to me.”

“Your welcome,” the shy mare replied. “I’m glad you enjoyed them.”

“Got any more?” the athlete asked.

Moondancer smiled. “Oh, quite a few,” she said with a soft smile.