• Published 9th Mar 2017
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For His Majesty - CrackedInkWell

It has been two months after Prince Blueblood came out, and the Princesses decided to help their nephew out by throwing a masquerade to help him socialize with other stallions that had the same interests.

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Chapter VI: Fancy’s Summoning

If one listened carefully as they walked down Illumination Street, a place where some of Canterlot’s elite live during the afternoon, some may get the chance to hear piano music being played. And if anypony was curious enough as to where that melody was coming from, they could trace it to an open window that was a part of a deep blue house with white bricks and a shiny copper roof. However, even if they did trace the graceful melody to which window, they would find some rather tick drapes that covered the pianist from public view.

Inside the two-story house, Fancy was alone at the piano again. This time, he was practicing a Horseshoepin waltz by candlelight. Being around two o’clock, he took this opportunity for relaxation and meditation in the best way he knew how – by the piano. In the near darkness where nopony was able to see, he lit his hooves dance between the black and white keys as his eyes watched over the sheet music that guided them. In that three-quarter time, he let whatever stresses of the day fade away in the flickering light of the candelabra.

For the stallion, it was easier to relax in near darkness, to let his daydreams be set loose on the keyboard. This time, his mind swayed back to a couple of nights ago at the palace ball. In particular, back to when he actually held Prince Blueblood in his arms. An actual prince! Something that never, in his imagination would dare conjure up something as fantastic. Someone who was young, but intelligent; dignified, yet can be easily teased; inexperienced, but still willing to learn and above all… he felt in his gut that this Prince has an interest in him.

But doubt crept into Fancy’s head, ‘What’s to say that he’s still interested in an old fart like me? After all, I’ve only met him once, so who’s to say that his feelings have changed since then?’ He gave a melancholic sigh. ‘He is still a Prince. You would think that someone like that would only demand the best, and Celestia knows that you’re not quite that. It’s not like he’s going to come by and knock on your-’ whatever train of thought that he had was suddenly derailed by the familiar ringing of his doorbell in which he immediately stopped playing.

He listened to the hoofsteps outside of the darkened room, no doubt one of the servants going to see who it was. There was the opening of the front door, followed by small talk that he came through the walls and the window as a mutter before a scampering of hooves that was headed towards him. Getting up from the piano bench, Fancy went over to open the door in time to see his bodyguard, Fleur de Lis coming up from the hallway. “Who was it?” he asked.

The slim, light pink unicorn mare that wore a proud smirk levitated a card over to him. “Guess who has just been summoned to the palace you lucky stud.”

Blinking, Fancy adjusted his monocle and took ahold of the vanilla white card and read it aloud. “‘To Fancy Pants, I hereby summon you to come into the throne room as soon as possible. I’ve already given my guards in order to give you clearance and they will escort you. We have some rather important matters to speak about – Princess Celestia.’” He looked up from the card in surprise. “Well… this is certainly unexpected.”

“A Lieutenant had given me that card,” Fleur said as he walked out into the hallway, “And not only that, but there’s a carriage waiting for you right now.”

“Must be serious then,” Fancy stopped in front of a mirror for a moment to make sure everything about him is presentable. “Any idea what this might be about?” his bodyguard giggled at the question, “What’s so funny?”

“Isn’t it obvious? A couple of days after you’ve danced with Blueblood and now Celestia herself is inviting you? I don’t think it takes a genius to figure out what for.”

The blue-maned unicorn’s cheeks took on a light pink tone. “Is it really about him?”

“What else could it be?” she brushed off his black suit.

He rechecked the card, “It’s rather vague, to say the least. I just hope I’m not in any sort of trouble.”

His bodyguard rolled her eyes. “Since you’re going to be going over to the palace, do you want me to come with you or are you fine with those guards outside?”

“Probably the former,” he put the card into his breast coat pocket. “Hopefully, I won’t be gone for too long so I won’t be late for that new exhibition. Perhaps once I’m done, I could be asked to be dropped off at the Cinder Wood Gallery, which I expect you’ll be there?”

“Of course,” she nodded. “Now come on, let’s get you going.” With that, the two of them went towards the front door where a Solar Guard with a purple plumage stood. Behind the Pegasus was a golden carriage with two guards attached, waiting for him. “Well here he is Lieutenant,” Fleur told him.

The guard saluted, after thanking her, he escorted Fancy to the carriage in which as soon as he got on, they took off. The unicorn could only watch as the streets and houses beneath him were quickly swept away with the wind blowing in his mane. Up in the air, the pegasi easily changed course towards their destination: Canterlot Castle. The flight took only a few minutes before they circled down towards the drawbridge and up towards the gilded entrance. As soon as they touched the ground did Fancy had the sense he should probably take out the guard, and hold it up for the other guards to see.

He was led by the guards up marble staircases and down hallways, through luxurious rooms and around staff and nobles. With each passing room, Fancy was starting to get increasingly nervous as they neared the very seat of power itself. Theories were being born in his head about the real reason why he was being brought here and under such security. While the likely reason of the Prince was there, he couldn’t help but wonder if there was something else.

‘What if I’m really am in trouble?’ he wondered. ‘Have I done something so terrible that the Princess of the Sun would want to confront me? But I haven’t done anything illegal. I know I haven’t, nopony has arrested me. So if not, could it be for some other reason? Maybe it could be our next Canterlot Garden Society’s tea party that’s coming up. Yes, that seems to be the most likely explanation. Although, I do say that this is rather a first that the Princess would want to speak with me directly about this.’

“Wait here,” a guard said that snapped Fancy out of his thoughts. He realized quickly where he stood, at the grand doors of the throne room. A Solar Guard went through them for a brief moment before returning to the affluent pony. “Their Highnesses will see you now,” he said as he opened the door wide for him to enter.

With a last minute adjustment to his monocle, Fancy stepped inside the enormous hall of light, marble, and a velvet red carpet that lead directly towards the Equestrian throne. There, on top of a platform was Celestia, and to her left was the very Prince that he had danced with mere days ago. Taking in a calming breath, the unicorn walked right down the middle until he got to the throne and bowed. “You wished to see me, Your Majesties?”

“Yes,” the Sun Princess nodded, “please rise Mr. Pants, we have something rather important to speak about.”

“So your note said. Only, I don’t quite know why exactly I’m being summoned for.”

The white alicorn looked over to her nephew with a smile, “Do you want to tell him or shall I?”

Fancy gave a confused look before Blueblood cleared his throat. “Before your arrival, my Aunt and I have been talking about my future. In particular… about my…” The blond unicorn blushed a little but tried his best to keep a straight face. “Oh, how shall I put this elegantly…? About my, romantic field that I’m sadly lacking in. You might know that I currently have never announced about me being opened for suitors for obvious reasons… That was, until that night at the ball.” This got both of Fancy’s ears to be perked up at him. “Considering that you are the only stallion that I know that hasn’t taken an interest in me solely for my station.” He was elbowed by his aunt, “And that I do enjoy speaking with you.” Another nudge, “And that I did enjoy your company,” Celestia cleared her throat. With an annoyed grunt, the Prince added, “And that I… I think I may be attracted to you, that we agreed that it’s about time that I did something that I have never done before.”

The affluent pony raised an eyebrow, “And that being?”

Blueblood breathed deeply through his nose, stood up and stepped off the platform until he was face-to-face with Fancy. “With your permission, sir, I want you to be the first stallion that I want to court with. What I’m asking, from a Prince to a Citizen – Mr. Pants, will you take on the title as Royal Consort.”

The older unicorn blinked, taking a quick glance at the Sun Princess who was putting a hoof to her smiling lips as if anticipating, he returned his gaze at the Prince for a very, very long time. “Is this really happening?” Blueblood nodded, “This is… I…” Fancy found himself at loss for words at how unbelievable all of this was to the point that he too wore a blush of his own. “Your Highness, I’m very flattered. I’m rather surprised that out of all the ponies you could have chosen, you’ve picked me?”

“Because unlike those other stallions at the ball,” the younger unicorn admitted, “You were the only one that I never considered you a bore. If you would allow me, I would like to know you better. Now, if you do agree on being my consort that would me that you would be given free access to see me, day or night as I have with you. By law, you would also be protected to make sure that nothing happens to you. Of course, this would mean that we would be able to go on dates, travel together, offer advice and would have the ability to tell me ‘no’ when you see fit. And… if in the event that you don’t want to court me, you can call it off anytime,” here, Blueblood reached for Fancy’s hooves in which he held them. “So would you let me?”

Mr. Pants thought for a moment, “On one condition: If you’re serious about dating me, then I would be free to call you anything other than ‘Prince.’”

The blond unicorn tilted his head, “Then what would you call me as?”

Fancy smirked, “How about Bluely? After all, I don’t think I could date a fellow in which I have to say Your Majesty, Highness, Your Grace, or Prince every few minutes. It would just get repetitive and would distant ourselves.”

Ignoring the giggle from behind him, Blueblood replied, “Very well, I concede to this.” Unbeknownst to the Prince but made clear by his newly made Consort, when he said this, Celestia hoof pumped into the air in her silent victory. He continued, “So… are you doing anything tonight?”

“Well, I do need to be at an exhibition that I think I won’t be able to get out of until six. After that, I should be free from there. What do you want to do?”

The Prince rubbed the back of his head, “I was thinking of dinner, only I’m not exactly sure where.”

“Oh! May I make a suggestion?” both stallions turned to Celestia who spoke up. “I know a very good Istallion restaurant that you may try to visit. It just opened up about a month ago, but I do enjoy the food they have. Il Fuoco Della Cucina, on Nebula Row it thinks it was.”

“Ah yes, I’m familiar with that place,” Fancy nodded in approval. “Excellent kinds of pasta they have, and the only place in Canterlot that serves gelato.”

“So it’s settled then,” Blueblood said, “our first date… at six.”

The blue mane unicorn chuckled, “Oh I wouldn’t say that this is our second.”


“Our time at the ball, was that not our first?”

“No, we were just getting acquainted. You can’t have a first date without getting to know the pony first.”

“Isn’t that what dating is in a nutshell?” Fancy teased. When the Prince didn’t respond, the older unicorn added, “Nevertheless, I am looking forward to dinner. Oh, and just to return the favor,” he grabbed one of Blueblood’s hooves and kissed it. He smirked when he saw that his Highness looked a little flustered, “I’m looking forward to tonight, Bluely.”

After taking a step back, he bowed to the Royals before exiting the Throne Room. With only Celestia and Blueblood left, the two of them turned to one another. Celestia with great amusement while her nephew with a glare, “You’re enjoying this, are you?” he questioned.

“Why yes, yes I am.”