• Published 22nd Feb 2017
  • 2,058 Views, 131 Comments

Equestrian Fanfiction: The Meet-up - Lise

The first real life meet-up of Lyra's fan fiction site. Let the masks fall!

  • ...

4. The Late Arrivals

"I still can't believe that's Jade," Diamond Tiara whispered. "Just look at him!"

Across the room, standing uncomfortably between Amethyst and a massive table of treats, the pony in question was doing his best not to seem uncomfortable. The expression on his face could only be described as a mix of utter confusion, hesitant joy, and a touch of regret. He had barely said a word since they had got him from the train station, only partially loosening up when with the pony he was talking to. Lyra had just managed to get him from Amethyst's clutches for long enough to have a proper, albeit short, conversation—to a large part concerning his behavior on the site. Much to her surprise, Jade had agreed with every last word, apologized profusely, then thanked her for welcoming him to "such a magnificent place."

"I mean he's like a doll." Diamond mused. "A finely crafted porcelain doll. Don't you think?" She turned to Dinky, who was sitting on the floor nearby. "And I was expecting a fight. Your sis is really into him, though."

"I guess." Dinky shrugged.

"Just look at them! She's been clinging to him like an alligator to a plushie."

Lyra chuckled at the image. Amethyst's attitude had improved quite a bit since their arrival, partly due to her getting enough sleep. It was undeniable she focused a lot of her attention on the site's troublemaker, though calling it a fling would be going too far. Fluttershy and Goldenboy, however, were a different matter altogether: costumes aside, Fluttershy hadn't removed her wing from her boyfriend's back for over an hour.

Maybe Midnight Castle really brings ponies together? Lyra thought. Wouldn't that be nice?

"Hello, ladies." Soarin approached, eating a slice of pie. "A bit far from the table, aren't you? Blue went through so much trouble to buy 'good quality food' for us to enjoy. Half of it has unpronounceable names."

"Nah, I'm good." Diamond Tiara smiled, probably her only genuine smile for the day. "I had a bit at my place. Dink, you feel like something?"

"Maybe later." The little unicorn slid her hoof along the floor.

"Wow. Tone the enthusiasm down, will you? You're wrecking the roof," Soarin remarked, finishing the last of his snack. "Why the melancholy? Are things that bad back home?"

"I don't want to talk about it, okay?" Diamond Tiara snapped. "Just—" Dinky placed a hoof on Diamond's shoulder, cutting the filly short. There were a few moments of hesitation. Lyra stood up, ready to intervene just in case. Thankfully, it didn't come to that. "Maybe we can not talk about real life, okay?" Diamond turned away. "Please?"

"Uh-huh." Soarin stepped closer. "I can tell you one thing for certain, though." The dramatic silence made the filly look him in the eye. The moment she did the Wonderbolt poked her nose with his hoof. "Boop!"

"What the hay?!" Diamond Tiara pulled back, covering her muzzle. "What are you? Five?!"

"Hey, it works on my sisters," Soarin said, pleased with himself. "They're going through a goth phase right now. Anyway, I must get going. The Ponyville train is finally about to arrive in twenty minutes. Just six hours late. No biggie, eh?"

Six hours delay due to sheep. It would have been hilarious if SweetStuff hadn't become a ball of nerves as a result. Lyra had received close to a hundred messages on the subject ranging from "I'm so sorry" to ranting to text weeping. Thankfully, those had stopped an hour ago once the train had been cleared to leave for the capital.

"You want to come along?" Soarin stretched his feathers. "It's only proper.She also sent me ten PMs asking about you."

"Sure thing." Lyra stood up. "Are we picking up anypony else?"

"Nope." Soarin checked his hoofheld. "Lurkling and company said they'd fly here in a few hours. Pinkie Pie just messaged me 'Wait' three times." A new message appeared in his scrollbox. "Make that four. Everypony else will—"

"Can I tag along?" Diamond Tiara interrupted. "I could use some fresh air."

Lyra and Soarin looked at each other.

"Umm, sure thing." Lyra took the initiative. "We can get some ice cream on the way." The humph from the filly showed she was anything but thrilled by the idea. "Or not."

"Want me to join, Di?" Dinky offered, standing up.

"Sorry, Dink. I just want some me time for a bit," Diamond Tiara said, making Dinky's ears flop down. "You keep an eye on the kindergarten once they—"

"Can you believe this?!" Twilight Sparkle trotted to them with a grumble. "Blazen and Eric? That's the most absurd theory I've ever heard! Twist has a serious issue with logic. When we get back I'm talking to her parents and her teachers. There are things that go beyond bad reasoning!"

Everypony stared at the Princess. It was no secret she had been arguing shipping pairs of the Everhere main cast the last few hours, to the amusement of all. Lyra had long lost interest in the battle of notes, but judging by the ruffled feathers of the alicorn it couldn't have gone too well.

"I'm not one who doesn't like a well founded argument, but—" Twilight stopped, finally reacting to the looks she was getting. "What?"

"Err, Twi, we were actually on our way to pick up SweetStuff from the train station," Lyra began. "And we—"

"Ah, great. I'll come along and tell you about the discussion on the way." Twilight beamed. "It would be much more efficient that way. Trotting helps the mind digest information better."

"That's nice, but—"

"If the train is as expected we'll be there and back just in time for the special guests," Twilight went on, once more oblivious to her surroundings. "If we hurry we can even grab a bite on the way. Not that we need to, but we can sit down calmly and discuss proper shipping practices as grown adults."

"Twi, maybe you can just wait until we get back?" Lyra asked, moving her glance towards Diamond Tiara several times. "It's never good to be a crowd, you know."

"Wha?" Twilight glanced around in confusion. "What do you—" The annoyed expression on Diamond's face spoke louder than words. "Oooh. Right!" The Princess nodded several times. "Take your time, then. This conversation isn't going anywhere."

"Look, I'm not an idiot, okay?" The filly stomped her hoof. "Everypony knows I'm going through shit. You don't have to tiptoe around me." Tears formed in the corners of her eyes.

"RR." Lyra moved closer. "Two days without worries, remember?"

"Well, yeah." The filly rubbed her eyes, her back to the main group. Some had noticed the small exchange. A quick sign from Lyra made them take no action. "Why not?" Diamond Tiara cracked a fake smile. "The shit will be waiting for when I get back home."

Yes. Shit always stays in wait back home...

"Mother..." Lyra bit her lip. She hadn't expected such a turn of events. Her parents had never hid their feelings about being gay. There had been many "conversations" on the topic, none of them good, but at least there was a back and forth. Now that Lyra had announced her decision not to bear children, it was like an invisible wall had formed between her and her parents.

The elder unicorn couple didn't say a word. Both of them looked at Lyra with deep disappointment, maybe even disgust? Lyra's father coughed, then went to the kitchen, probably to get a dip of the brandy he used to hide behind the flour. Lyra's mother remained, staring at the air between her and her daughter. It was as if Lyra had just ceased to exist.

"Mother, don't be like that." Lyra tried once more. "It's not something anypony can control."

"Like a cripple?" her mother asked, her face twitching as she spoke. "If I had known I was raising a cripple I'd have taken the appropriate measures."

"I'm not a cripple!" Why must we always go through this?

"Aren't you? A proper mare would have settled down by now, married a good stallion, found a job. What have you done?"

"Just so you know I have a job!" Lyra wanted to shout, yet she didn't dare to out of fear her yelling would bring her to tears. She was hurting as bad as it was. "I'm also studying for two majors, both in prestigious—"

"What matter is all that if you don't have children?" her mother asked drily. "And the only reason you have a job is because of the school's help. Without it, and us, you'd be nowhere."

"Really?" Lyra snorted. "I leave my roommate, come all the way here to find a job all because of you and this is the thanks I get?"

"I don't remember your father and I getting any thanks for feeding you. And clothing, and washing, and paying for the finest schools in Equestria. Tell me, do you intend to pay any of that back? No?"

Lyra gritted her teeth. She was so close to saying something she'd regret. Why did I even come here? she wondered. Things were complicated before, but now after her announcement, going back home had become outright intolerable.

"Look, I didn't come here to ask for money." Lyra decided to change her approach. "I'm already making enough to get by and Bon Bon is well off."

"So all it takes is a little coin to get you to lift your tail?"


"Even an earth slut several years older than you?" This was the very first time Lyra had heard her mother swear. The experience hit her like a brick wall. What the hay, Mom?! "Your father and I have been very tolerant until now. We let you go though your confusing phase, we even let you live with that wreck of a unicorn, but this?" She shook her head, lips pursed. "Announcing you're not going to have foals and instead are running off with some earth pony baker? That is just too much."

"You know what?" Lyra's stomach ached as if she had eaten thorns. Her entire body rebelled against she wanted to say, yet her will prevailed. "Coming here was a mistake. This whole thing was a mistake. I must have been so naive to think I could make things right by you. You've clearly made up my mind, which I would have appreciated if you'd shared before I broke up with my 'older earth pony baker' marefriend!" She was breathing heavily. "Now that I know, I'll be leaving Canterlot. Disown me for all I care."

The pain in Lyra's stomach got stronger. There was no turning back. Despite her anger, despite the rage, she wanted to cry. After such words she could no longer have any connection with her parents. The ponies she loved, the ones she relied on, the ones she shared so many happy memories with were gone, never to be seen again.

Silently, Lyra went to the door. Opening it, she stopped, taking one last look at her mother.

"You know what the funny thing was?" Lyra asked, voice trembling. "Bon Bon wanted to have foals as well. She had almost convinced me to go through the magic procedure before you insisted I return here to be close to you. Well, fat chance of any other mare going that far for me now. Not with my record of broken relationships. Goodbye, Mother." She ran out, slamming the door with magic behind her.

"Sweetie Belle!" A high pitched yell filled the station before the train had fully stopped moving. "There's no way you're going outside like that, young lady! It's dark and cold, and I distinctly remember Rainbow Dash warning me of an unexpected shower-storm. Now be responsible and put on your umbrella saddle!"

On the platform, Lyra and Soarin looked at each other, then up at the sky. There wasn't a cloud in sight. Difficult to imagine where the information was coming from, but it was completely made up. That did not prevent from some of the few ponies at the station to check as well.

"I think Crash must have missed the memo," Soarin whispered as the train came to a stop. "We moved the shower to next week because of the meet-up. Blueblood's request."

There was no doubt in Lyra's mind what "request" meant, still she was impressed by the effort involved. Getting a prince to change the weather plan for a silly meet-up was among the things that went in ponies' memoirs.

"Mare, she wasn't kidding that her sister gets annoying." Diamond Tiara pushed between the two. "And I thought she only embarrassed her at school."

"I don't know." Soarin checked his hoofheld. "She seemed quite nice to me... Lurkling and companion are on their way. Guess we'll have a full house. That only leaves Pinkie and her mystery guest."

"Quite nice, eh?" Diamond Tiara smirked. "Sure. Whatever."

Soarin was about to add something, when the first class carriage door swung aside, letting a host float out bags and boxes and arrange in two tidy piles on the platform. Whispers started to circulate. A few porters rushed forward to get the luggage on their carts. And then, Rarity emerged in all her glory. This wasn’t the first time Lyra had witnessed the Element of Generosity’s overly dramatic entrances, but she had considered that taking into account the late arrival and the fact that the station was nearly empty, there wouldn't be as much fanfare. Clearly, she had assumed wrong.

Mane brushed to perfection, wearing an elegant dress—the latest in Equestrian fashion—Rarity descended the train as if she were visiting royalty. A wave of her mane, she scanned the platform, searching for somepony in particular. Her head froze as she focused on Lyra, lips curving into a smile. A second later she waved to Soarin.

"Soarin, darling!" Rarity rushed towards the Wonderbolt. "So lovely to see you. You simply must tell me how you've been! My apologies for bringing Sweetie so late. We had a dreadful experience with sheep blocking the tracks."

"Really? You don't say." Soarin tsked a few times with such conviction that Lyra couldn’t tell if he was joking or being serious. "I'm sure nothing a small banquet wouldn't fix?"

"Oh, you charmer," Rarity giggled. "Alas, I'll have to decline. I've already made arrangements to go over my sales estimates with Sassy. The work never seems to end," she sighed again in her typical fashion, waving a hoof as she did. "At times I think the forces of evil are conspiring against me. I'd like them for once to attack after a major fashion exhibition, but where such luck?"

"Hey, Rares," Lyra interrupted, earning herself a glare. "It's really nice of you to let SweetStuff, I mean Sweetie Belle, attend the meet-up. It means a lot."

"Oh, nonsense, darling." Rarity's expression instantly changed. "Having Sweetie focus on reading and writing is cause enough for me to agree. And let us not forget that enchanting song she was inspired to create. Between you and me I was starting to get worried about her future."

The usual talk. Lyra remembered when her own parents shared such concerns, driving her to subconsciously pick two majors: music and magic. Hopefully Sweetie Belle wouldn't go through the same ordeal. The Conservatory was more time consuming and demanding than all the magic studies combined.

"We've had such arguments, let me tell you," Rarity went on. Lyra heard Diamond Tiara let out a defeated groan. "Her falling grades, her ever-changing hobbies, the playmare stash I found in her wardrobe..." It took great effort for Lyra not to snicker. That must have been an awkward situation. "At the end of the day she's just a filly. Better have fun now before real life kicks in. Wouldn't you agree, Lyra darling?"

"I'm really not the best pony to ask." Lyra's smile didn't falter. "But as a musician, I can say she has everything needed for the conservatory. Maybe we could—"

"Oh, absolutely, darling!" Rarity glanced at the station's clock, no doubt rushing things for her meeting. "But listen me waste time talking about myself. I'm sure you're eager to return to your convention. Sweetie, dear," she said sharply turning around. "You really should get off the train now. Your friends are waiting."

A combination of grumbles and sighs came from the train as a response. Moments later Lyra could see why. Red-faced with shame, Sweetie Belle emerged, making her way onto the platform, hesitating with every step. Her dress, for lack of better word, was closer to a high fashion exhibit piece that one would reserve for the Grand Galloping Gala. Lyra had never seen so many pearls and ribbons in one place. It was as if the filly was wearing a dress made of night sky constellations twirling and floating around each other...and she clearly hated it. To make her embarrassment complete, she also had an umbrella saddle of the same design, despite the obvious lack of rain.

"Cool saddle, SweetStuff," Diamond Tiara chuckled. "I guess it protects you from moonbeam showers, huh?"

Sweetie Belle turned a deeper shade of scarlet.

"I tried to keep it close to your story series, but I'm ashamed to say that I stopped reading after a few pages." Rarity remarked. "Not that it was bad, but there simply aren't enough hours in the day."

"Oh, you definitely caught the essence of it." Diamond wouldn't drop it. "Maybe a bit more sparkles, though?"

"Can we go yet!" Sweetie Belle squeaked.

"Well, look who's in a hurry now!" Rarity frowned. "After I had to practically drag you off the train. There's simply no pleasing some ponies." She humphed. "Come along, Soarin. We can't have her highness be late, can we?"

"Um, of course." The stallion trotted behind her. "Changed your mind about joining?"

"Oh, heavens, no." Rarity stopped, her ears flicking up. "I'll be working through the entire night. Yet I can't just leave Sweetie Belle without inspecting the conditions of her accommodations. Not that I don't trust you, but she is rather sensitive when it comes to that sort of thing. Very sensitive fur, you know."

"Rarity!" Sweetie Belle squeaked. "I do not have sensitive fur!"

"And the ponies that are at this convention," Rarity continued completely ignoring her. "I'm sure they are all fine, with you and Lyra organizing the event, but I just want to briefly take a glance. Just for curiosity's sake, you understand."

Must be nice having a caring older sister, Lyra thought. Being a single child seemed fun growing up, yet now she felt like she could use someone close to her side.

"Well, you have nothing to fear." Soarin flapped his wings. "I have reserved a room at one of the best hotels. Also the owner is a friend of mine, so if you have any—"

"Room? We'll be needing two, darling," Rarity said, with a coy smile.

"Two? Sure." A smudge of panic was painted all over Soarin's face. Getting additional rooms on such short notice wasn't easy. Hotels, especially good ones, had the tendency to get filled out during the weekends. "I just thought you would be sharing a room."

"Oh, my sister and I will. Her friends would need one as well. Can't have them sleep on the floor," Rarity laughed.

"Friends?" Lyra blinked. This doesn't sound good.

To confirm her fears, another filly popped out of the train—a yellow coated filly with red mane and a huge bow. Apple Bloom?! Lyra felt a shiver. She opened her mouth to say something, but was already too late.

"You invited them?" Diamond Tiara shouted, causing half the ponies on the platform to look her way. "What the hay, SweetStuff?!"

"Sorry, sorry." Sweetie Belle cowered, her umbrella tilting dangerously to the side. "I couldn't say no. They are my friends and they promised that—"

"Well, buck me! It's not like I'm going through a crisis because of your friends" Diamond stomped on the ground. "Did you bother thinking about that?! Of course not!" she snorted. "Why would anypony think about Diamond the freak? I knew it was a mistake coming here."

"Hey, don't yell at her!" Apple Bloom trotted to them. "Ain't her fault you always get in trouble! She's been doing nothing but think about you and your feelings!"

"Well she has a weird way of showing it! Or maybe she's just stupid!"

"And you're just mean! I reckon if it weren't for your ma and pa you'd—"

"Girls, stop!" A shout made everypony stopped. Somepony new was standing at the door, the orange pegasus that was the cause of Diamond's outbursts, the same that had broken her heart. "I made her take us," she said firmly. "And even if she didn't I'd have come anyway. We need to talk."

"I've nothing to say to you!" Diamond Tiara turned her head away. Her left forehoof pawed the ground.

"Well, I have!" the orange pegasus said. "Just for a few minutes. Please?"

Diamond Tiara said nothing. Total silence surrounded the platform, occasionally interrupted by the sound of arriving trains and moving luggage carts. The scene was surreal. Lyra had witnessed her share of dramas, but never one so public. Canterloteans preferred to keep such matters behind closed doors. Having it in the open, where everypony could see and judge, was terrifying and captivating at the same time.

"Damn you, Scoots," Diamond whispered through her teeth. She then trotted to her.

We can never say no, can we? Lyra sighed.

"She's in trouble again," Twinkleshine whispered outside the mare's bathroom. "I heard that she got into a fight with a teacher in her previous school. They almost kicked her out last week. Rumor is that she did something really terrible to her previous tutor."

"Oooh?" Minuette leaned forward, trying to peek through the crack in the door. "I wonder why. Let's ask her!"

Despite herself, Lyra giggled. Minuette had always been one to ignore danger, although in this case Lyra had to admit she was curious. Little was known about the new arrival: she had appeared mid year without an exam, wasn't particularly interested in magic, and started getting in trouble with teachers the very next day. The ponies who had tried to become her friends had gotten the cold shoulder, or a hoof in the muzzle.

"Why are we here exactly?" Amethyst asked, eyes almost squinting. "Let her deal with her problems."

"Hey, don't be like that." Minuette shoved her. "You're gotten into plenty of trouble—"

The bathroom door swung open. Everypony froze. A head popped out. Wild electric blue mane, purple glasses, an engraved horn on her forehead—this was the new addition to the S.G.U. that everypony was talking about. Glancing over the small crowd, no trace of a smile, the unicorn tisked.

"You, come in here," she said, looking straight at Lyra.

"Umm, sure?" Lyra said, uncertain. Every instinct told her to say no. Even if none of the rumors were true the transfer student hadn't shown any tendency of being friendly.

"I just need your help with something, 'kay?" The other urged.

Damnit! Lyra bit her lip. She didn't want to go, not really, yet at the same time there was something alluring about the unicorn. With a frame as small and slender as Minuette's and fur almost as brilliant as Princess Celestia's, she would definitely pass as beautiful. Lyra should have been happy she was asked to assist, yet at the same time she felt like walking towards the edge of a cliff—great view until the fall.

"Okay." Lyra did her best to put on a smile and trotted in.

The bathroom walls and ceiling were covered in graffiti. Most were text, with a few badly drawn pictures for color. Lyra didn't approve of the practice in the least, finding it foalish and silly. At the same time she had to admire the penmanship. Why can't I write like that? She stared at a set of lines next to the mirror.

"It's a song," the white unicorn said, the slightest hint of emotion in her voice.


"These are the lyrics of my new song. I was feeling bummed so I wrote it just now. Now see how crap it is."

"You did all this?" The thought was both impressive and terrifying. To ruin an entire bathroom in a few minutes required considerable skill.

"Yeah. There was nothing else to do during magic class so I thought of this."

"Umm, you didn't take notes?" Don't go there. Don't go there! "This is going to be part of the exam."

"Mare," the white unicorn snorted. "I'm only here to waste a year before I apply for the Conservatory. My magic is worth shit. Only reason I got to enroll was because my family's connected."

"Oh," Lyra looked away, pretending to focus on another set of wall lyrics.

"Hey, don't sweat it. You're one of the cool ones." Lyra felt her heart skip a beat. "You're the coltfiction mare, right?"

"Lyra Heartstrings." And of course she'd know me by my nickname. Her ears drooped down. For some unknown reason she felt rather upset by the fact.

"I'm Vinyl—Princess of Dropouts." A marker materialized in the air, then started jotting more lines on the ceiling.

"Why do you do that?" Lyra asked.

"Write lyrics? Mess up bathrooms?" Vinyl didn't seem particularly concerned, jotting on text as if the room was her personal textbook. "I'll clean it up. I just want to hear somepony sing it."

"I can do that." Lyra nodded. She knew that she'd get in trouble for it. There was no way they could clean the bathroom, and singing would only make it look like she was the instigator. For some reason none of that mattered.

"Great." Vinyl crossed out a few lines of text. "Don't take too long. I got in some trouble with a teacher, so they'll be dragging me to Tia's office soonish."

"No prob." Damn it, Vinyl! Why do you make want to get in trouble for you?! "Just tell me where to start."

"Why, this is a most spectacular venue," Rarity said, trotting over quickly to examine the nearest curtain. "A bit dated, but elegant. And near the palace too. Why, if I had known I might have joined your gathering."

"Why don't you?" Lyra closed the door. "It's a small event and there's plenty of—"

"Twilight?" Rarity's voice rang through the room. For the most part the comment was left unnoticed. Dinky had taken Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom to join the rest of the foals, who were still having a heated discussion about shipping and writing. Meanwhile, the older ponies had gathered around the table, enjoying a more civilized discussion focused on site gossip and real life. Twilight's ears twitched. Alarm covered her face as she turned around, just in time to face Rarity rapidly trotting her way. "Darling, I didn't know you frequented such events."

"Err, hello, Rarity," Twilight began, guilty smile on face. "I—"

"And to offer your old home to host it?" Rarity didn't let her finish. "But then, you always were a patron of literature."

"Right! A patron of literature." The Princess nodded eagerly.

"Well, it's certainly a relief. When Sweetie Belle told me about this, I thought it would be a wild party with colts galore. You know how fillies her age are."

"Rarity, we've been over this," Lyra sighed. "This is just a small fanfiction gathering. Nothing questionable is going on. As I've said you're welcome to stay if—"

"I know, darling, I know." Rarity her hoof on Lyra's shoulder. "And I trust you, but you must admit that some of the attire of the participants is a bit risqué. Why, look at this—" she pointed at the three cosplaying ponies. The moments she did, Rarity's froze. For several seconds she stared, as if trying to convince herself what was seeing was true. Then, finally, she let her hoof down. "Fluttershy?!"

"Umm, hello?" The pegasus smiled meekly in her Molly costume.

"Fluttershy, darling, why didn't you tell me you were here?" Rarity asked, then turned to Lyra. "Why didn't you tell me she would be here?"

"Well, it isn't like we knew you'd be here either," Twilight grumbled.

"Who else is here?" Rarity started looking around. "Pinkie Pie? Rainbow Dash? I know Applejack isn't since she’s working on fixing her the barn again."

"No, it's just us," Twilight said. "Although, Pinkie will be arriving at some point to host her trademark party."

"Oh, right." Rarity chuckled. "Sounds like something she'd do. Wouldn't be an event without her. Still, to see both of you here is quite extraordinary, if I do say so myself. Oh, and Fluttershy, you look absolutely magnificent, my dear. There are a few design choices I don't entirely agree with, but you know us fashion enthusiasts—we could never agree on anything." Rarity let out a high-society laugh. "I made a costume for Sweetie Belle as well, of course, though definitely not as brave."

"Your design are always unique as well, Miss Rarity." A voice said from the group.

Coco Pommel emerged timidly from the group, removing her own custom-made hat, so that Rarity could recognize her. Poor Rarity. Lyra took a step back. Even poorer Twilight and Fluttershy. By early next week the whole of Ponyville would know the news, quite possibly parts of Manehattan and Canterlot as well. Despite her many qualities, Rarity had a tendency to gossip, and learning that her friends were closet Nightlings was undoubtedly gossip material.

Lyra levitated a sandwich from the hors d'oeuvre table, then went to a quieter place in the room. With Sweetie Belle here, along with two unexpected guests, almost everypony was accounted for. The only ones remaining were Lurkling and his wife, who were supposed to arrive shortly, and Pinkie Pike, who was biding her time doing something somewhere with somepony. To be honest, Lyra was surprised how well things had gone. True, she felt exhausted and the train delays had made her feel a little anxious, but all in all things could have gone far worse.

"Lyra?" Dinky joined her. "Have you seen Diamond?"

"Yes, she was right—" Lyra pointed on reflex at the group of foals. As she did she noticed that the filly in question wasn't there. "Oh. She might have gone for some fresh air. Normal after the ‘surprise’ she got at the station."

"Yeah... Sweetie Belle is stupid." Dinky frowned.

"Hey, now. I'm sure she thought she was doing the right thing."

"Well, she's still stupid." The filly stomped on the ground. For a split second Lyra could see anger surface on her face. "I'll see if Di’s on a balcony or something." She started to walk away.

"If she's not, check outside," Lyra called after her. "And if she's not there, call me, okay? I don't want you walking through Canterlot after dark, understood?"

Something akin to an answer was muttered in response. Lyra could only hope it meant a yes. Everything will be fine. Diamond is a smart filly. Having Scootallo come to the meet-up was a bit of a shock, but the filly seemed to have handled it well, not counting her initial reaction. During their walk from the station, the two had even exchanged a few words. Naturally, Lyra knew full well the hurt would continue for months more, at least. She also knew she'd be keeping an eye out just to be sure the two didn't sneak off anywhere alone. The last thing Diamond needed was to have her heart shattered again.

"Can I have everypony's attention, please!" Raven said loudly from the center of the room. As she did, Lyra could feel butterflies flutter about her stomach once more. "Having in mind that there are a number of important shipping discussions going on, I'll try my best to be brief." Laughter filled the room. "As you know, I'm Luna, not to be mistaken with TheRealLuna, and am one of those responsible for organizing this event, along with our lovely CEOWitch. Of course, the whole reason we have an event in the first place is thanks to the incredible work of Lyra and her magnificent team who did something we considered impossible, and that is the creation of not only the first Midnight Castle fansite, but a place where ponies can get together to write, read, and help each other out in anything Nightling related."

"You bet she did!" Amethyst yelled, causing everypony to burst out in laughter.

Trying to embarrass me will get you nowhere, Max. Lyra smirked. She'd expected such a reaction and was not in the least bit bothered. Still, she decided to play the part expected of her, covering her face with a hoof.

"Now, what some of you might not know, is that I'm also the production assistant of the project," Raven went on. "I'm sure a lot of you suspected, but I can now confirm it's true. It's my job to help organize such events, and I hope this tonight will turn into a tradition. Also, I've prepared a special treat for you all!" Silence was restored, broken by whispers of speculation. S.Child’s name was mentioned more than a few times. "The reason why none of you can see the sexy flank of our CEOWitch, is because he's gone to bring a few very special guests of honor. Namely, the magnificent Fleetfoot who served as the character model for Euryala, Spitfire—our chief consultant, who also happens to be captain of the Wonderbolts, and Prince Blueblood, or Bellucio as Lyra likes to call him, who's also been a significant driving force behind the scenes."

You too, Raven? Lyra's fake embarrassment just became real. Laughter and comments flew her direction. Meanwhile, Rarity was whispering questions to Fluttershy in an attempt to keep up with the inside jokes.

"But!" Raven raised her voice. "But, that's not all! A few hours from now we'll be taking a very special guest. I'm not going to say who, but can assure you that everypony will be extremely excited what they have to say. With that, I give the floor to Lyra."

"Wait what?" Lyra blinked. Nopony had warned her that she had to give an opening speech. Desperate, she glanced at Raven, who only looked back with a smug expression amid the sound of stumping hooves. "Err..." Just great. "Well, I can say I didn't expect to be ambushed like this, that's for sure." Her heart was pounding so much she could feel it in her throat. "The only thing I can say is ‘we made it’. We! Without you I'd just be a crazy loon with a dream. It's thanks to you that the site became what it is today. If Tech were here I'd be sure to thank him for fixing my terrible code. However, that's not the only one I want to thank. Code, Max, Brush, RR, thank you for believing in me and pushing me to register the site. Paint, thanks for the lovely art that has brought joy to many. At times too much joy." Stars! I sound like an idiot! "SweetStuff, thanks to the remarkable song that I expect to be taking Equestria by storm. And...honestly, I should thank each and every one of you here. I know I say this a lot on the site, and I mean it, but you've brought me joy when I thought I had none. Now, since I'm dangerously close to putting everypony to sleep, I'll just shut up and let you enjoy the evening listening to ponies that actually matter. The first Midnight Castle meet-up has officially begun!"

The room erupted in stomps and cheers. It happened. Lyra relaxed internally, as ponies rushed to her with hugs and words of support. We really did it. Now all I need is for a real Bellucio to appear.