• Published 11th Mar 2017
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Pokémon Eclipse - moviemaster8510

Two teenaged siblings, having moved to the Alola region from Kalos, set off to complete the famous Island Trials, only for wormholes to appear across the region once again, this time summoning creatures from a mystical world calling themselves ponies

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Chapter 83 – Turning the Tide

Sam, Alice, their friends, and their Pokémon all stood still as they watched Mohn’s makeshift army of wild Pokémon easily deter, block, and attack the several hybrids near them. Kiawe pulled two Ultra Balls off of his belt and aimed them at his two Pokémon beside him.

“Marowak, Talonflame, return!” The two beams from each ball shot out from the center buttons and connected with both creatures, converting them into energy before they receded inside.

He then turned and ran back to join the others behind him, though could not take his eyes off the Equestrians mingled amongst the humans. “I supposed I’ve missed quite a bit since I left.”

“Understatement of the century,” Capper huffed, crossing his arms.

“Guys!” Each creature turned the other direction to spot Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Gilda running out at them.

Upon approaching the group, Gilda’s legs stopped her several feet from the humans and Pokémon, unable to fight off a skittish face. “What in the hay are you things?”

Rainbow Dash was quick to pick up on her nervousness. “Gilda, it’s okay! These guys are all our friends.”

Gilda seemed instantly pacified for the most part, but still kept up a suspicious expression. “All of them?”

“It’s a long story,” Pinkie Pie said, “and I’ll be sure to make it a quick one, even for me. You see, it was last week when we came over to Twilight for hayburgers and–”

A piercing shriek nearly split the sky, forcing each creature in the group to put their hands, talons, claws, or hooves over the sides of their heads to block the deafening sound. Kiawe turned and looked up to spot the source of the cry, seeing the horrendously large visage of Necrozma in the sky above where Ten Karat Island once stood.

“Necrozma,” Watching it beat its wings to pick up altitude, he felt compelled to let his hands fall loose to their sides. “It's…”

“Yes.” Twilight grunted. “It’s returned.”

“Wait…” Gilda wondered. “Who?”

“That’s another really long story,” Pinkie Pie spoke in again, “but I’ll be sure to make it a–”

“Forget it! Is it a friend or foe?”

Before any of them could answer the griffon, they were stunned silent to watch as Necrozma dove vertically for the ground, pulling up to fly low over the street where Hau was currently located. Just as the ancient being was about fly beneath her and her friends, Cocoon charged her horn quickly and teleported away just as fast.

Chrysalis looked around, unaware that her sister actually left. “Cocoon?”

Hau, Marshadow, Pangoro, along with Fizzlepop, Grubber, and Tapu Koko glanced up at Necrozma as a bright, golden light filled its mouth, spilling out past its lips. It then hocked the bright orb out from its maw and sent it down toward the group. Fizzlepop stood petrified as her horn’s sparkle completely extinguished in the attack’s wake as Hau tensed up as hard as he could to create a protective shield for them all. Just then, Cocoon appeared in front of them all, her horn still charging red. The aura spread out until a dome formed around all seven creatures, the orb striking it shortly after.

Upon colliding, the orb burst open and blasted a pillar of light in both directions, shattering Cocoon’s shield. The force of the pillar striking the ground threw them all back down toward the street. As Pangoro caught Fizzlepop and Grubber, Tapu Koko swooped in and snatched Cocoon before she could tumble to the ground. Marshadow formed into a blanket-like shroud, swirling around Hau and leaving a few inches of room for his body. Upon hitting the street again, Marshadow bounced Hau down as Pangoro slid back with the unicorn and porcupine in its grasp.

The explosion also blew both halves of the Aether yacht out at Kaj, Mina, Hapu, and the three Equestrians behind them. On the beach, Sun and Gladion threw themselves onto their stomachs while Mohn threw Lillie and himself onto the sand to avoid the spray of debris flying overhead. Kaj screamed as she fell to her knees and cowered at the sight of the debris headed in her and her friends’ direction. Mega Mohuku ran out in front of the group and spun around to turn its back to the halves of the boat flying at it.

Each of the bulbs on its back burst open, spraying out a haze of leaves that scattered past the oncoming wreckage. Then, with a faster spin and a half, its tail fanned the leaves out toward the ocean, the force managing to carry the broken pieces of ship safely off. Mina, Hapu, Chrysalis, their Pokémon, Thorax, and Trixie stared amazed as their eyes traced the ship halves as they crashed back into the sea, narrowly hitting two Laprases still wading farther from the shore. With the crisis averted, they all looked back out to the west, watching as Necrozma attempted to survey the damage it caused.

Sam, Alice, and everyone in their group stared slack-jawed at the sheer power their enemy possessed.

“Yep,” Gilda gulped. “Definitely foe.”

“Fizzlepop! Hau!” Alice broke away from her group and reached for another Poké Ball off her belt, her Mimikyu and Raichu following her.

Rainbow Dash swooped around and landed in front of Alice’s path, bringing her to a stop. “Whoa Alice, hold up! You can’t go out there alone!”

“That son of a bitch bastard might have killed them! I have to see if they’re–”

“If you go alone, that thing will definitely kill you too! This is going to sound really rotten coming from me, but we’re all going to need to stick together right now if we’re going to survive this thing ourselves!”

Alice’s breathing quickened and shuddered, but Twilight’s voice brought her to face the rest of her group. “Unfortunately, Rainbow Dash is right. At least with these wild Pokémon fighting these hybrid things, we can focus all our energy on Necrozma now.”

Another screech sounded off to the west. Flying away from the island, Necrozma spotted the blue eastward light about to fly beneath it. Squinting in concentration, it aimed its body down where the light would travel, shrinking down into a thin, lustrous spear of light that suddenly rocketed down at the ocean, impeccably striking the point of the blue light with its own body. With a screech in pain, Tapu Fini was forced out of the aura it traveled on, blacking out for only a moment. In the moment it regained consciousness, it screamed once again to find the Tapunium Z that it was holding now sinking to into the depths.

Though stunned at Necrozma’s sudden disappearance, Shining Armor took the initiative to lead their group on. “Let’s go. We’ll gather the others along the way. Hopefully our friends on the other side of the city are doing the same.”

With Shining Armor cantering down the street, the others were instantly compelled to follow him. With Rainbow Dash, Alice, and her Pokémon leading the back, they had to run at a faster pace to catch up.

As Marshadow uncoiled off of Hau and reformed, Pangoro let Fizzlepop and Grubber slide off of it onto their hooves and feet while Tapu Coco set a visibly exhausted Cocoon onto her own hooves.

Hau got back onto his feet, his hand over his chest as he felt the soreness return. “Is everyone okay?”

“I think so,” Grubber answered. “If it weren’t for Cocoon’s sweet save just then, we would have probably gotten burnt to crisps!”

Hau then glanced to the changeling queen, keeping his eyes on the amulet she now bore. “Cocoon… That was magic you used to save us… How did you–”

“This artifact amplifies the user’s magical capabilities to unspeakable levels,” she panted. “It appears that it’s even useful against these Psychic Pokémon. But that blast… was stronger than anything I’ve ever felt. I don’t know if I can possibly–”

“Guys!” The shout came from two directions at different times.

Hau and the others looked straight ahead down the street, seeing Kaj, Hapu, and Mina running at them with their Pokémon and Chrysalis, Thorax, and Trixie right behind. Coming up from the beach were Sun, Mohn, Lillie, and Gladion.

“Everyone!” Hau gasped. “You’re not hurt yourselves, are you?”

“Not at all,” Thorax said, “thanks to Kaj’s Pokémon.”

Despite the chaos all around them, Kaj and Mega Mohuku were left flushed by the changeling’s kind remarks. Suddenly, a green beam and a magenta beam soared overhead to the western part of the city. Tapu Koko kept its eyes on both with intense precision, enough to alert Hau and Hapu.

Mohn looked up at the corners of the buildings that both beams disappeared behind. “Were those the…”

“I summoned the island guardians to lend us the power to defeat Necrozma,” Hau quickly explained. “Looks like they finally arrived.”

“If that’s true, then where’s Tapu Fini?” Hapu ran westward and looked out as far as the tops of the buildings would allow her. “Tapu… no…”

Necrozma propelled itself at Tapu Fini with its psychic powers, who warded it away with a large current that it conjured up before trapping it inside of a whirlpool that it was quick to break free from. Transforming back into its light spear, it jutted into Tapu Fini once again, hitting it square in its gut. Tapu Fini flipped through the air and rested at a stop, floating unconsciously about. Just before its eyes could close, it noticed a glimmer of light sparkle out of the darkness, jolting itself awake.

Out from the deep, a School-form Wishiwashi rushed up at Necrozma from below, the mouth-formation opening wide to clamp it tight and swim up and away from it. Below the left eye, a single Wishiwashi broke free from its school with a glimmer in its mouth. Swimming up to Tapu Fini, the fish revealed the Tapunium Z that it and its brethren had managed to save, dropping it into the guardian Pokémon’s hands. Tapu Fini and the lone Wishiwashi then looked over and saw as Necrozma broke the entire school apart with a powerful Dragon Pulse, freeing itself. With a quick thankful warble to its helper, Tapu Fini lifted itself to the surface of the sea, bursting through it and flying back east to find Hapu.

Nanu’s Z-Ring began to glow green, at first confusing both him and Acerola. Just then, the green beam from the east soared over the center of the city and over toward them. As it got closer and slowed down, Tapu Bulu revealed itself inside, the Tapunium Z clasped into its cloven hoof hands. Floating down before him, the guardian held its arms out, Nanu feeling compelled to hold his own hands out. Tapu Bulu dropped the Tapunium Z into his hands, leaving Nanu and Acerola to stare at it with wonder and intrigue.

“What kind of Z-Crystal is that?” Acerola wondered.

Nanu frowned in determination. “The one that will save this world and theirs…”

“Ace! Nanu!” Plumeria’s voice prompted Acerola, Tapu Bulu, and the Kahuna to turn to her direction.

Upon spotting Sam and Alice’s massive group coming at them, all three were shocked into taking a step back.

“We followed that light in the sky over here,” Pinkie Pie said, sending her gaze over to the island guardian. “You’re the only thing that hasn’t been here all night, so I’m gonna’ say that was you just now.”

“What are you guys up to,” Nanu grumbled. “I need to get with the other Kahunas right away!”

Spike mounted Twilight, making sure he could be seen and heard. “We figured as much, that’s why we’re going with you.”

“Yeah!” several of the Equestrians loudly agreed.

“Then we gotta’ hurry!” Acerola ran two steps forward, waiting for the others to continue on at the same pace. “Necrozma just attacked one of the guardians, but it escaped, which means–”

A roaring splash emerged out to the west, appearing like a large, golden bubble rising out from the ocean as water flowed off of Necrozma’s wings. Flying higher over the city, it quickly floated over Sam and Alice’s group, staring at them with the implied promise of a quick, graceless annihilation should either of them so much as make a move in any direction.

Just up north, Tapu Lele, Luna, Olivia, and her Lycanroc stared up at Necrozma, clearly having found its prey. Olivia, fearing whoever was soon to be subject to Necrozma’s wrath, clutched the Tapunium Z her island guardian had given her in her hand.

“Olivia!” The four creatures looked off and found Sun, Hau, Hapu, and their groups all running up to her.

Quickly doing a head-count with her eyes glancing over all familiar faces, spotting Sophocles, Molayne, Starlight, Fluttershy, and their Pokémon among them, Olivia sighed to see all were accounted for. As Hau and Hapu came closer with their island guardians right beside them, the Z-Crystals in Olivia and Hapu’s hands, along with the one placed on the side of his Z-Ring, began to glow rather intensely, surprising their groups into a stop. Olivia gasped as she looked to her Z-Crystal, which began to swirl with luminous energy.

As Necrozma kept his eyes on Sam, Alice, and their group, its eyes were instantly caught by the sudden glow of the Z-Crystal Nanu was now holding on to. With a worried huff, Necrozma darted its head to the north, seeing Hau, Olivia, and Hapu with their island guardians now together. With another shrill cry, it spun around to face the northern group, transforming into a light spear to attack with another Smart Strike attack, flying between a large gap between the taller buildings

As the members of the northern group turned, they found that Necrozma was well-over halfway to them. Before Necrozma’s spear form could collide with either of them, a small explosion of sparks erupted before them, a scuffed and bloodied Zeraora appearing out from it. With a tremendous roar and reel back of its plasma fist, it punched forward, the knuckles of its paw hitting the Necrozma’s tip square on.

A shockwave burst into the faces of the humans, Equestrians, and Pokémon behind them, forcing them all to fall back onto each other. Despite Necrozma’s size and force, Zeraora’s strength alone stopped its advance. The plasma that had formed on its fist began to spread off and all over Necrozma’s body, splitting and branching off into bands of lightning. As Necrozma howled in pain, Zeraora shouted through its own, following through on its punch and sending Necrozma flying back over where it came.

“First Impression!” Leaping straight up from the roofs of one of the buildings was a familiar Golisopod, digging its claws into the small of Necrozma’s back and throwing it straight up.

Looking to their right, the northern group saw as Guzma, Ilima, and his Gumshoos watched as Golisopod’s strike continued to send Necrozma higher up, surprising several of them.

“Guzma!” Molayne exclaimed. “Good to have you with us again.”

“I left? News to me.” Guzma watched as his Golisopod fell back down onto the building it sprung off of and returned to him to join the rest of the northern group.

Reaching the apex of its hangtime, Necrozma kept itself levitated in the air, slowly tilting itself upright and floating westward away from the city to be able to see both groups equally. The only thing separating both groups from each other now were a few hybrids from its army on the north/south stretch of road along the western side of Hau’oli, all of whom were still at the mercy of Mohn’s wild Pokémon.

Hau stepped up to the front of his group with Tapu Koko. “Guys, keep moving! Nanu’s just across the way!”

Hau and his group began to run forward toward the left turn, the group south of them beginning to do the same. Before anyone could turn, Necrozma roared and threw its wings out, two massive wormholes appearing at the ends of both intersections. Out from the portals, two incredibly strong gusts blowing waves of sand erupted from both, hitting both groups and holding their advance off.

Sam brought out his Aegislash, who immediately held its shield up to block its trainer and everyone directly behind him. “That’s hot!”

Plumeria summoned her Toxapex, who stood on two of its tentactles to let her stand behind it and shield anyone behind her while looking through one of the gaps at Necrozma. “What are you planning?”

Cocoon raced through her group to join Hau’s side, using the magic of the Alicorn Amulet to create a shield large enough to cover everyone there. As she pushed against the gale’s force, the rest of the humans, Pokémon, and Equestrians advanced with her. It was then that Necrozma let out another screech, its body turning bright enough that it appeared like a white silhouette against the night sky.

Suddenly, each and every hybrid on the streets of Hau’oli began to shine in the same intense glow, the wild Pokémon attacking them backing up out of fright. Then, one by one, the hybrids began to shrink and collapse down at a single point near their chests, disappearing into the pinprick of a void Necrozma had created for them.

As Mistmane lifted Susan up onto a stretcher being carried by Rockhoof and Flash Magnus, Somnambula, Starswirl, Stygian, and several of the changelings continued battling against the hybrids still in the castle. It was then that the bodies of the hybrids began to glow, disappearing within themselves shortly after. Starswirl and the others were left frozen by what had happened, unsure of whether they were victorious or soon to experience something far worse.

“Guys!” Running out from another hallway, Boyle, Mullet, Spittle, and Squabble emerged, their faces as morbidly confused as the other Equestrians in the hall. “Those black Pokémon things just disappeared!”

“We realize!” A changeling shouted out. “But those portals are still here!”

“In any case,” Celestia spoke, “now would be a good time to take this human to a hospital.”

“Human?” The four parrots ran over toward Susan as she began to get pulled away by Rockhoof and Flash Magnus.

With the remaining ponies and Equestrians following closeby, the parrots had trouble getting through. As they spotted her and Benji running beside the two ponies carrying his wife, Squabble squawked loudly in surprise at the appearance of two new humans.

“Where’d they come from?” Spittle asked to anyone around.

“These are Sam and Alice’s folks!” Mage Meadowbrook replied. “The missus took a really nasty blow to the tummy, and her hubby and those two kids of theirs managed to bring her to us.”

Mullet huffed a deeply respectful sigh. “Those two will never cease to amaze me.”

As they exited the palace, Susan glanced back as far as her eyes could allow her, unsure of what they were about to escape from in such a hurry.

Ember, her dragon army, and several changelings, several still in the forms of the creatures they transformed into, stopped their fighting as the hybrids came to a standstill, their bodies filling with light before they vanished seemingly out of existence. As they all began to leave, several ponies still out and about hugged one another, glad for their brief nightmare to be seemingly over.

Ember glanced around at her surroundings, no longer a single hybrid in sight. She did spot Carly and her Carracosta, who were also left stunned by the sudden, random thing that had occurred. Ember ran to her, weaving around the various creatures stopped in her tracks.

“You there, human!” Several creatures had already turned their heads, Carly included. “Find whatever portal you came from and get back home. I have a feeling something bad’s about to happen.”

Carly breathed heavily as she considered Ember’s words, but without further delay, she stepped back with her Poké Ball aimed at her Carracosta, the red beam returning it inside.

Looking up, she gave Ember a nod. “Thank you.”

She spun around immediately after, bolting off and looking for any portal that would return her to Konikoni City. Ember stood still as she watched her off.

At each point where a slight glimmer remained in Hau’oli City where the hybrids stood, winding roots of light began to shoot off in all directions, several of them connecting and attaching to the wild Pokémon. The tendrils continued to spread out, targeting each and every wild Pokémon nearby and afar, including the Laprases in the sea and every bird and insect Pokémon flying above. Hau’s group looked safely past Cocoon’s magical dome, watching as the Pokémon struggled frantically to break free of Necrozma’s hold on them.

Mohn pressed his hands against the inside, deeply upset by Necrozma’s treatment of the creatures. “No… it’s going to kill them too!”

“No,” Mina answered. “That’s not how this thing rolls.”

“What do you mean?”

“Burnet told us herself that she used Necrozma’s powers to send Sam and Alice away into a wormhole. They had them in the palm of their hands; they could have killed those two at any time.”

“What are you saying, then?”

By now, the entire area city had Necrozma’s roots of light spread throughout it. Virtually every Pokémon save for those owned by a trainer was caught in its grasp. Necrozma then threw its wings up, another wormhole appearing above it, though spreading out to become twice its size.

The humans, Equestrians, and their Pokémon all stared up, amazed once again by what their enemy was capable of. Suddenly, the Pokémon caught in the tendrils all began to glow until they appeared to become one with their bonds. On both the north and south sides of the city, the roots were all pulled up at once as they floated toward the wormhole. As they neared it, they began to spiral around into two straight beams as they were both sucked in.

Every inch of the light was brought into the portal, closing as soon as it all went in. As well, the two portals pushing the groups back were closed up too, bringing with it a strange, eerie silence. Soon, there wasn’t a single creature out in the city other than the trainers, Equestrians, their Pokémon, and a now coolly confident Necrozma surveying them all.

As Celestia, the Pillars, the changelings, and the parrot pirates raced through the empty streets of Canterlot, a bright, solar-like light erupted out high in the sky. As the light dimmed, a massive portal appeared from it, facing down over the center of the tallest spire in Celestia’s palace. Fearful of what could be coming out from it, all creatures stopped and turned to face it, prepared to fight whatever would emerge whether they were ready or not.

To their surprise, however, hundreds of large bright beams began to rain out from the portal, several soaring down to the bottom of the cliff Canterlot overlooked while dozens of others shot and whizzed around the rooftops all across the Equestrian capitol. A couple of the beams struck the street and the rooftops of the building, causing them to burst and unveil a Pokémon who suddenly glanced about their foreign surroundings.

Benji glanced its eyes upon several of them, including a Carbink, a Trevenant, and a Wingull. “All Pokémon… but why?”

Mage Meadowbrook read their faces as more appeared in the city around them, reading confusion rather than agitation on all of their faces. “That Necrozma thing your kids were talkin’ about must be bringing them here for some reason, but they don’t look vicious or anything!”

“She’s right,” Somnambula agreed. “We must continue toward the hospital! Sam and Alice’s mother depends on it!”

As they galloped on, the group was now forced to avoid the beams and the Pokémon appearing from them as they continued to be forcibly relocated from their world. Susan looked up at the sky, the beams racing across like shooting stars. Despite the supposed lack of danger she, Benji, and the others were in, she could only imagine what danger would soon befall her children back home.

With the first stage of Necrozma’s plan finished, Cocoon relinquished her barrier spell while Plumeria let her Toxapex back down as Aegislash put its cloth arm around Sam’s, ready for the battle that was about to unfold. Necrozma fanned its wings out, a glimmer shining off the bars. Though no wind was produced, the closest portal pillars by it were snuffed like candlelight, and the next farthest ones were also blown out of existence, both groups on either side taking notice.

Alice gasped as she watched one go out right behind her, reaching out for the portal to Canterlot she knew she’d never make it to. “No! Mom, Dad!”

“Don’t worry about them,” Celaeno assured her. “Starswirl should know how to bring them back here like he did with us.”

“Plus,” Twilight added, “as long as they’re not in the same world as this thing, they’re as safe as they can possibly be.”

Alice looked back forwards forlornly, having no other choice but to acknowledge the objective truth in their words. With the portals, as well as Mohn’s Pokémon all gone from the world, the only thing left for everyone to face was Necrozma itself, and all that separated each group from each other was a few-hundred feet and a single turn at their intersections.

However, before either side could make any kind of advance, Necrozma shone bright for the final time, causing two pairs of bright lights to shine before and behind both groups. As the flash subdued, not a single creature in either group could withhold their terror as they suddenly faced over a dozen hybrids, all appearing rejuvenated, refreshed, and ready to take them on.

With growling going on behind the north group as well, Grubber turned slowly around before whipping himself to face the other side, spotting several more hybrids, the Dexio one included, ready to flank them. “Guys! Behind you!”

Alice, Twilight, and Spike noticed noises behind their group as well, turning around to spot yet another group of hybrids there. As Twilight and Spike detached their Poké Balls from their clips, Raichu and Mimikyu raced forward to become their first line of defense. Joining them were Shining Armor, Celaeno, Capper, Rarity, Kahili, and Kiawe, the latter two’s hands already on their Ultra Balls. Twilight, Spike, Kahili, and Kiawe let their balls fly, sending out Mismagius, Blacephalon, Mandibuzz, and an Alolan Marowak, shuffling in beside Raichu and Mimikyu.

As Sam and Aegislash and Lurantis ran to the front of their lines, he turned around and aimed a Poké Ball at his Salazzle. “Sorry, girl. Not this time.”

As the red beam of the ball shot out, Salazzle stopped with a surprised expression on its face before it connected, receding back into the ball.

As well, a ball’s red beam brought Plumeria’s Toxapex into its ball as well, its trainer replacing it with another Ultra Ball from her belt. “Go, Muk!”

Her ball was thrown out, releasing the bright-colored amorphous blob from it to land beside Sam, who could barely relax as the sounds of detaching Poké Balls snapped off in a crackling chorus. Several more balls were tossed out beside him, letting out Rainbow Dash’s Pheremosa, Mallow’s Tsareena, and Lana’s Cloyster. Stepping up to join the Pokémon were Applejack and Gilda. With their armies prepared, the hybrids were left at a standstill.

Twilight glanced back at Nanu, Acerola, and Tapu Bulu, who were safely between both sets of lines with their own Ultra Balls ready to throw when needed. “Protect Nanu and Tapu Bulu at all costs!”

Celaeno huffed as she swung her swords around before returning to her defensive stance. “As you wish, your highness.”

Up north, the Equestrians and trainers began to quickly organize themselves in a similar matter to face Necrozma’s army. Immediately joining Fizzlepop and Grubber’s side was Hau, Kaj, Sun, Lillie, Gladion, and Mohn, Kaj’s Mega Mohuku, Hau’s Pangoro, and Tapu Koko coming out to stand in front of the two lone Equestrians. After handing Mohn the Poké Ball containing Wicke’s Kadabra and Kukui’s belt, Sun tossed out a Poké Ball of his own, letting his Decidueye out to stand between Pangoro and Tapu Koko. The other three trainers let their balls fly, sending out Starmie, Silvally, and Kukui’s Snorlax, creating a formidable wall of Pokémon to keep their trainers and friends behind them safe.

Facing Necrozma and the other set of hybrids, Starlight and Fluttershy hopped out with Lady and Comfey leading them to join Zeraora and Golisopod as they stepped closer. Joining Starlight and Fluttershy’s sides were Guzma, Cocoon, Chrysalis, Ilima, Sophocles, and Molayne. With the latter four detaching Poké Balls from their belts, they threw them out. Among the Pokémon joining the other four at the front included Hydreigon, Gumshoos, Togedemaru, and an Alolan Sandslash. Standing between both pairs of lines were Olivia, Hapu, and Mina along with Tapu Lele and Tapu Fini, ready to join in once they were desperately needed.

Necrozma let out an uncommonly tranquil breath. “…no matter what I come at you with …no matter who or what I destroy of yours …you still fight with such …disgusting vigoR”

“Interestin’ choice of words comin’ from you, ya’ monster!” Applejack shouted at it.

Another sigh. “?is there nothing that can break your spiriT ?how strong must I make this final attack before you crumble away like the world you kneW”

“Whatever you think you can muster…” Ilima clenched his fists tight. “…it won’t nearly be enough.”

A rousing blast of shouts from his comrades and the Pokémon rallied behind his encouraging words.

Necrozma began to glow slightly brighter. “.very welL”

With a backhanded fanning of Necrozma’s wings, an invisible gust washed over the urban battlefield. Beginning with the closest groups of hybrids, they all flared up with an odious orange aura covering their bodies. Soon, the hybrids in the east were also encased in Necrozma’s energy, Fizzlepop gasping nervously as the muscles in their arms and legs appeared to bulk up.

Guzma smirked and shook his lowered head. “Way to jinx us.”

“?any more wise final words before your defeaT” Necrozma asked.

Sam gripped Aegislash’s hilt tight, preparing them for the end of their last moments of calm. “Bring it.”

Necrozma’s eyes closed; it was finally time. With a throw out of its wings and a screech louder than any it had let out before, all four groups of hybrids closed in on their enemies. Both the front and back lines of each group were quick to respond to the advance. With a shout, Sam shouted and ran out to face a Hypno hybrid coming at him. Running, floating, or flying beside him, his Lurantis, Pheremosa, Muk, Cloyster, Applejack, and Gilda followed him faithfully toward the fray.

In the back, Alice threw a finger forward at their approaching enemies, commanding them forward with a loud cry. Raichu shot out with Mimikyu sprinting close beside it. Spreading out alongside it were Mismagius, Blacephalon, Mandibuzz, and Marowak. Capper, Shining Armor, and Rarity ran out just behind them, Celaeno holding her sword up as she let out a confident battle cry, rushing in with some of the best comrades she’d ever know.

At the north, Chrysalis’s Hydreigon swooped in to lead the charge, prompting Lady, Comfey, Gumshoos, Golisopod, Zeraora, Sandslash, and Togedemaru to meet the hybrids in the center. Zeraora bent over and picked Togedemaru mid-stride, the rodent sparkling up in its paw. Behind them, Grubber swung onto Fizzlepop’s back by her neck, the two of them yelling for battle as they galloped off. Following them immediately after, Pangoro, Hau, Tapu Koko, Starmie, Silvally, and Snorlax ran out, overtaking her. Decidueye drew a feather arrow on the drawstring of its organic hood, waiting for the opportune time to loose.

As Sam and the Hypno hybrid prepared to clash, it swung its pendulum around its hand and made it burn hot and red, readying a strong first Fire Punch. Sam flung Aegislash off his arm with a swing, his Pokémon wasting no time in setting up the formation to catch it with King’s Shield. Already mid-thrust, the Hypno hybrid’s fist struck the center of Aegislash’s shield, the aura appearing just before it bouncing the Hypno’s hand away harder than it had hit it. Sam got low into a wide legged stance, allowing his Lurantis to leap over him and strike the injured Hypno with an X-Scissor, the first attack of the battle.

As the other hybrids ran in, Muk oozed its way around a Kadabra hybrid and an Espeon hybrid’s legs and pinned them down onto the street, a single massive glob of it receding away to form into Muk’s head and arm, which it used to attack both creatures with a strong Brutal Swing. Gilda scooped Applejack up in her talons and pulled up with her, letting her go to fling her up into the very center of their forces. Her back right hoof crashed down onto an Oranguru hybrid, knocking it back away and giving her a place to safely roll to land. Pheremosa landed in Applejack’s gap, twisting around until it was standing on its hands and spinning its legs around in a wide-reaching series of helicopter kicks that widened their space even more. Upon returning upright, the two stood back to back, covering what their ally couldn’t see.

Skystar and Pinkie Pie stood on either side of the latter’s party cannon, Mallow’s Tsareena nestled snugly inside. The three watched as Lana’s Cloyster landed a Smart Strike on a Bruxish hybrid, opening up a path to a pair of Slowking hyrbids right ahead.

Mallow stood behind the cannon with Lana, the two of them frantically aiming the cannon in their direction. “That’s it! Fire! Tsareena, prepare for a spinning Trop Kick!”

Pinkie Pie screeched in excitement and slammed the back button as Skystar covered her ears. Mallow’s Pokémon blasted out, Mallow and Lana leaning into the back to reduce the recoil. With Tsareena soaring out, its body flipped halfway so that the tips of its legs could aim right at its targets. With a shout, it tucked its left leg in before it began to rotate its body, its glowing right leg spinning like a drill. The two hybrids faced the oncoming Pokémon just as it arrived, the tip of the leg driving into the side of the Slowking hybrid’s jaw. Just before it could pass the other, it extended its leg out, its rotation slamming it against the top of its head. An Oranguru hybrid and an Espeon hybrid turned in Tsareena’s direction in preparation to attack, only for Pinkie Pie to tackle the Espeon grunt from behind while Skystar uppercutted her claw into the Oranguru hybrid’s nape, sending it flying to the back of its group.

Mimikyu grabbed on tight to Raichu’s tail-board, and with a tight backflip, Raichu sent Mimikyu careening out at a Metang hybrid, flipping itself back to let the bottom of its disguise slip over its face. The Metang hybrid lost consciousness before the back of its head could slam into the street. Rarity delivered a high-flying kick into the chin of a Kadabra hybrid as Capper swung his bow down onto the top of a Bruxish hybrid’s head. Both hybrids quickly recovered and charged at the two, the latter’s mouth wide open to bite. Kiawe rushed in between them and jammed an end of his flaming baton into the upper jaw of the Bruxish hybrid, a muted thud and sizzle accompanying the hit.

With a controlled twisting of his arms, Kiawe then swung the side of the other end of his weapon into the side of the Kadabra hybrid’s head, sending it to the ground. The Bruxish hybrid, still mostly unharmed, ran back at Kiawe and the two Equestrians, only for Marowak to leap up and land between them, the blue flames on its bone club now turning a spectral purple. With a rapid spin and upward swing, the strike hit the base of the hybrid’s lower jaw hard enough to send it flying back. With perfect timing, a Shadow Ball attack whizzed over the falling Bruxish hybrid’s body and hit the unprepared Marowak in the chest, throwing it back to its trainer. Looking past the chaos, the four of them spotted an Oranguru hybrid preparing another attack between its palms.

Blacephalon chucked its brightly lit head at a Hypno hybrid as Mismagius launched a Thunderbolt attack into a Slowbro hybrid. Shining Armor stood guard of his sister and her draconic assistant as a Kadabra hybrid and Oricoio hybrid approached him.

“Shining Armor!” Looking to the stallion’s right, Kahili threw a 3-iron out toward him.

The two hybrids prepared to attack before he could catch it, only for the Oricorio hybrid to get hit by Mismagius’s Power Gem attack and throw it back and away. The Kadabra hybrid hesitated long enough for Shining Armor to catch the golf club in his teeth by the grip, swinging his neck around to slam the head of the club into the side of the Kadabra hybrid’s face. Shining Armor looked back and smiled to Twilight, thankful for her help.

“Behind you!” Shining Armor turned back around on Spike’s warning to spot a Metang hybrid running at him.

Before the attack could connect, Blacephalon flew out at the Metang hybrid and headbutted it, a burst of flames spilling out from the point of impact as the hybrid was thrown to the ground.

Shining Armor’s ears drooped for a moment. “Shorreeh!”

“Don’t be sorry!” Twilight loudly scolded. “Just stay focused!”

Shining Armor didn’t say another word, choosing to run in toward a Slowking hybrid attacking Kahili’s Mandibuzz with Ice Beam. Celaeno kicked the tip of her crystal peg leg into a Hypno hybrid, sending it flying back onto an Espeon hybrid. Just then, she watched as several Oricorio hybrids took to the air, their arms sprouting feathers and turning to wings that carried them over their earthly and Equestrian foes. Following them with her eyes, she also noticed the Oricorio hybrids on the other side doing the same.

Alice also spotted this, gasping. “Quick, protect the Kahuna!”

“No need!” Two Ultra Balls shot up out of the center of the group, opening up to let a Sableye and Froslass out from it. “Sableye,” Nanu shouted, “Power Gem!”

“Use Blizzard, Froslass!” Acerola commanded.

Nanu’s Sableye faced the east hybrids, and with a throwing out of its arms, shards of bright-red jewels fired out from its eyes, piercing into the Oricorio hybrids’ bodies and felling them, stopping their advance right there. Looking at the west hybrids, Froslass fanned its arm out, blowing a frigid, snowy wind that repelled the hybrids away and forced them to the ground. Between them, Tapu Bulu snorted proudly, Nanu and Acerola nodding in appreciation.

Up north, Sun’s Decidueye fired its arrow, catching the Dexio hybrid’s shadow by the chest, mostly satisfied by its yelp of pain. As the hybrids continued charging out, Decidueye already readied another one, clicking its mouth disdainfully as the Dexio hybrid’s strength managed to pull the arrow pinning its shadow in place. As the first line of hybrids crashed into Pangoro, Mega Mohuku, Starmie, Silvally, Snorlax, and Tapu Koko, Dexio prepared to ram through Hau’s line, only for him to leap up and reel his blazing-purple fist back. His knuckles connected with the Dexio hybrid’s face, a burst of ghastly energy flinging it off its four Metagross legs and onto its back as Hau fell atop of him.

An Oranguru and Hypno hybrid broke through the Pokémons’ line, Fizzlepop and Grubber running to take them on. FIzzlepop hopped her flanks up, bouncing Grubber off. As the hybrids took their eyes off of her for the now wailing, vulnerable hedgehog, they were suddenly caught off guard as Fizzlepop leapt up and kicked the Oranguru hybrid in the face, pushing off to leap at the Hypno hybrid, flipping forward to swing the back of her other hoof atop the hybrid’s head. Upon landing on the ground, Fizzlepop sprung to the side to let Grubber land back onto her.

Grubber panted as he clutched FIzzlepop’s shoulders. “How’s about you warn me next time we try that?”

Fizzlepop snorted in humor. “Why? You’re a natural!” She then galloped onwards again to join the Pokémon at the front.

Zeraora chucked Togedemaru out at an Oricorio hybrid, the round rodent squealing happily as it soared out on an electrical comet-tail of their combined energy. Togedemaru bounced off of the Oricorio hybrid’s head, a sheet of electrical currents flowing down and around its body. Togedemaru continued to pinball between several more hybrids until it was sent back to the ground to roll back to its trainer. Sophocles smiled at the legendary Pokémon, who responded with a thumbs up before disappearing in a burst of sparks.

Gumshoos had its glowing fangs tightly held onto an Oranguru hybrid, who struggled to reach back for it as its grip wouldn’t let up. Finally, the hybrid managed to grab a hold of the scruff of Gumshoos’s neck, pulling it off before slamming it down on the ground. The Oranguru hybrid could not even savor any satisfaction of this victory, as Golisopod rocketed forward with water shooting out from its back like jets to propel it and its claws into Oranguru, tackling both to the ground. A Kadabra hybrid and a Slowking hybrid approached Lady and Comfey, their trainers eyeing them too concernedly.

Trixie ran to her side, with Thorax taking Fluttershy’s. “Don’t tell me you’re going to let these creatures get the better of the Starlight Glimmer!”

Trixie produced two smoke bombs and threw them upon the ground, making them burst open and cover her and the rest of her friends in a thick haze.

Starlight squinted past the acrid miasma, only for Trixie’s intentions to finally come to her. “Lady, use Fairy Wind!”

Lady’s shout was the only clue the two hybrids were given, as the smoke wall Trixie had created suddenly bulged out before a bright pink gale carried it at them from behind. Along with the force of the attack winding them, the smoke obscured their vision and hurt their eyes, giving Comfey and Fluttershy an opportunity to attack themselves.

“Petal Blizzard, Comfey!” From the rest of the smoke, a flurry of leaves and flower petals pierced through in a circular motion, whipping up the rest of the smoke as the twister collided into both hybrids.

Thorax glanced up at the sky, watching as Chrysalis’s Hydreigon soared in figure-8’s above the west edge of the city, Necrozma keeping its eye on it. Rushing out in the direction of the sea, Thorax charged its horn and covered itself in a green flame disappearing behind the cover of the skyline. Noticing this, Hydreigon spun downward toward where Thorax flew. Necrozma then watched as two Heidreigons soared out between two buildings, one following the other. With a growl, Necrozma’s mouth glowed blue before shooting out a Dragon Pulse attack at the lead dragon. The bright, flaming aura ball struck its target dead on, slamming it into the water where it produced a mountainous splash.

The second Hydreigon continued, pulling up until it was about to fly up to Necrozma’s length. The Hydreigon smirked before its body exploded with green flame, expanding out until it broke away to reveal a second Necrozma. Just as the real Necrozma realized its doppelgänger’s identity, Thorax slashed its claws up its stomach, flinging it up higher into the air. Necrozma’s pain-addled shriek distracted everyone and everything in the city, stunned that the ancient creature could be hurt so quickly and easily.

Chrysalis flew over the ocean, taking her eyes off the epicenter of the splash her fainted Pokémon was floating in to look up at her former subject with an odd sense of pride. “Well done, Thorax.”

Necrozma floated back down and away to remain at Thorax’s level, the lighter scratch marks tracing up its lower abdomen to its upper chest receding until they healed and disappeared completely. Staring at its own likeness with a scowl, Necrozma charged its mouth with bright yellow, filling Thorax and Chrysalis with immediate dread.

“Thorax, get back now!” Thorax didn’t need to heed Chrysalis’s dire warning, already floating backwards toward the city.

Necrozma fired its next ultimate attack from its mouth, flying out faster than Thorax could retreat. Upon the psychic-sparking orb colliding with Thorax, every inch of its Necrozma-disguise was instantaneously engulfed in green flame, getting blasted further out from the resulting explosion.

After returning her Hydreigon into its Poké Ball, Chrysalis banked hard back toward the city. “Thorax! No–”

She suddenly felt a horribly uncomfortable sensation cover her body, finding that she couldn’t even move her wings. Looking out from the corners of her eyes, she saw Necrozma covered in a lighter glow, its telekinetic hold on her clear. With a roar, it threw her back toward the city faster than she could control her flight. On the ground, Trixie and Starlight noticed a small shape flying high above them, a light smoke trail tailing it as its green body shone in the faint moonlight.

“Thorax!” they both cried.

Cocoon shot up into the sky, prepared to follow and catch him, but upon hearing a familiar voice’s scream behind her, she turned around to see her sister barreling right at her. With her horn charged, she covered Chrysalis in its magic and began to slow her approach. Letting her go, she was now flying at a safer speed for Cocoon to reach out and catch her, gliding back down to the ground on her wings. The two sisters then looked back as Thorax’s unconscious body continued flying through the air, only to notice another shape soar at him from the top of a skyscraper, shooting out fast enough that it seemed its timing to meet him would be perfect.

“Who’s that!?” Cocoon exclaimed.

Thorax’s eyes opened only a little bit to notice Flannery darting at him against gravity itself, snatching him up in her arms before he could pass her. Though incredibly weak, he groaned in confusion as his savior lowered herself down toward a small deserted beach just outside the eastern edge of the city, gently landing themselves on the sand.

Thorax seemingly gathered all of his strength to keep his eye open, completely baffled by his ally’s suddenly superhuman abilities. “Flannery… how did you–”

“Oh what, you’re going to give her all the credit?” A belt that had been fastened to Flannery’s pants suddenly began to undo itself, Thorax suddenly noticing its brown leather strip and its faded-grey buckle.

Thorax woke up further as the khaki stitching on the bottom slipped out of the strip as it began to grow thick fur. Then, the buckle, which was now also fuzzy, began to meld, warp, and stretch out until it formed into a familiar draconequus’s head, the undone stitching expanding into a lion’s arm and paw.

“Discord!” Thorax coughed. “You got your powers back.”

“Yes, indeedy,” Discord delightfully squealed before putting his index digit over his lips, “just don’t tell anyone!”

“You look like you got the hell beat out of you,” Flannery bluntly stated. “You should be safe here for the time being.”

“What are you going to do now?” Thorax began to grow tired again with his adrenaline fading.

“You just hang in there, Thorax old chum!” Discord’s head and paw began to shrink and change again, returning to its belt form. “We’ll cover for you!”

Thorax nodded once with a slight smile before his eyes shut and he rested his head onto the sand. Flannery knelt down and stroked Thorax’s cheek with her thumb before bending over further and giving him a peck at the same spot, the changeling looking more at peace than before.

Standing up and looking back out to where her friends continued to fight, Discord vibrated around her waist as he spoke to her. “So where to, my fiery friend?”

“I dunno.” Flannery walked to the edge of the shore, facing the direction of the ferry station and docks. “I was thinking of seeing how my sub’s doing. Ready?”

“More than I have since I ended up on this world!”

With a jump and a slight explosion of sand, Flannery and Discord shot out toward the southern group’s battle. Meanwhile, the blasts, zaps, and clangs of Pokémon, Equestrians, and hybrids clashing was slightly muted by the distance between them and Thorax, who breathed easy as he rested on the faraway beach.

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