• Published 11th Mar 2017
  • 5,888 Views, 386 Comments

Pokémon Eclipse - moviemaster8510

Two teenaged siblings, having moved to the Alola region from Kalos, set off to complete the famous Island Trials, only for wormholes to appear across the region once again, this time summoning creatures from a mystical world calling themselves ponies

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Chapter 46 – New Moon

Fluttershy led Twilight, Spike, and Rainbow Dash towards Iki Town. Rainbow Dash flew a bit faster to stay beside Fluttershy, already knowing where exactly she was heading to. Twilight caught up with her coming close enough between Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash that the tips of their wings grazed against each other.

“Fluttershy?” Twilight asked. “Where are you taking us?”

Fluttershy kept her eyes on the familiar sight of Hau’s home. “It’s just like when Starlight and I first came here. We were found by Tapu Koko who brought us to Hau!”

“Wait.” Rainbow Dash flew ahead and twisted herself to face her. “I thought you said Sam and Alice found you.”

“Well, right. What I meant was that if it weren’t for them, Tapu Koko and Hau would have found me first.”

Twilight frowned suspiciously. “So, what you’re saying is…”

“That our friends are probably with Hau, or at the very least, he knows where they are.”

“Fluttershy, we gave the humans a chance, and now we need to–”

“I know, I know! But I know Hau, and I’m sure he’d gladly help us and stay out of our way for you.”

“For me? This is in our best interest!” She then sighed in apparent defeat. “Alright, fine. We’ll meet with this Hau person and then we leave immediately, okay?”

Both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash nodded, the latter rolling her eyes. “Yep, got it.”


As they got over the mainland, they quickly descended down towards the town, looking to make the battle platform their runway. With a quick swoop up and gentle fall down, Spike dismounted Twilight as she, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy looked to Hau’s home before them.

Several of the townspeople stopped what they were doing and looked to the ponies and dragon walking to the house, most of them shying away to the shade along the sides of the buildings. Twilight stepped up to the double doors and banged it three times, stepping back in line to await whomever would answer.

“Remember,” she whispered. “They’re here, we get them and leave. If not, we find out where they are and leave.”

“Yeah, we got it, Twilight.” Rainbow Dash’s lack of enthusiasm was pungent.

A single door swung open slowly, Hau peering his head through the gap and finding the three ponies and dragon standing there, instantly smiling upon recognizing them.

“Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash!” He threw the door open, kneeling down and throwing his arms wide. “It’s great to see you again!”

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were quick to try and accept his hug, only to be pulled back to the deck by Twilight’s magic. Hurt, Hau stood up and looked down at the miffed alicorn.

“Hey, I remember you,” he said with his hands to his hips. “We talked the other night with–”

“Sorry,” Twilight roughly spoke, “but we don’t have much time. Did you by chance meet any–”

“Spike!” Thorax rushed in through the other door towards his friend, Spike elatedly catching Thorax’s lowered neck to hug him. “It’s really you this time!”

Twilight breathed a sigh of relief as she witnessed Spike and Thorax’s reunion. “Looks like they’re here.”

“I have a couple more in here with me.” Hau began to walk back inside, holding one of the doors open. “Besides, it’s probably safer in here.”

“Let me see!” Twilight checked Hau aside as she entered, finding Luna and Trixie lounging on the couch and sofa. Upon seeing Luna, Twilight let out both a thankful and a worried sob as she weakly trotted over to her. “Luna!”

“Twilight?” Luna shot off the couch and stood before her. “Oh, my darling Twilight!”

Twilight threw herself into Luna’s arm, getting hugged close to her chest as Luna’s tears dripped onto Twilight’s mane. “Thank goodness you’re safe.”

“Excuse me!” Trixie knelt on the sofa and peered over the backrest. “I am here too! Where’s my tearful reunion?”

“Yep, hey Trixie!” Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy trotted in, their appearance surprising Trixie and Luna as well.

“Rainbow Dash! Fluttershy!” Luna separated with Twilight and gave both pegasi hugs of comfort. “You’ve come too! Tell me you are not hurt.”

“No,” Fluttershy answered. “On the contrary, we’ve been very well taken care of while we’ve been here!”

“I can see what you mean. This human has been a tremendous help so far.”

“Yes, I see.” Twilight turned to Hau and gave him a gracious nod. “Thank you sir for helping me find them. Now we need to be off.”

Hau could hardly spin fast enough to track Twilight walking back to the door that Thorax and Spike had just walked through. “Whoa, whoa. Where are you off to?”

“To Ula’ula Island. I sent the others there to find Shining Armor, Discord, and the guard you were all traveling with.”

“Hold on. And you sent them alone? By themselves!? Please tell me you’re joking!”

“I’m not! And considering everything you put us through this week, I think we’ll take our chances on our own. Guys, come on!”

She put her hoof on the door and expected to hear steps coming her way, only for silence to fill the room. Turning back, Hau, the ponies, dragon and changeling looked at her with grave concern.

“What are you doing standing around?” she snapped. “Let’s go! Our friends need us!”

“Twilight, please calm down!” Luna stepped up, reaching her hoof out. “I understand you’re upset, and you have every reason to be, but humans like Hau aren’t your enemy. Our real enemy is out there, quite possibly watching our every move, and you and I both know that they’re unlike any threat we’ve ever faced.”

Twilight breathed in, letting Luna’s words stew in her mind. “I can handle them. If I can keep them from letting them use their Psychic Pokémon on me, I’ll be just fine. I’ve already done it once before.”

“And yet you still ended up getting caught by one of them!” Spike shouted.

“Spike, be quiet! You’re not helping!”

“Frankly, you’re not either!” Hau stepped in. “You can’t possibly know what they’ll do next.”

“I’ve faced them twice now. I’m pretty sure I know how they work by now.”

“No, you don’t, and even if you did, they’re too strong for you. It doesn’t matter if you’re facing a Beldum or an Alakazam, one little Psychic attack…” He loudly snapped his fingers, “and you’re done! And if you can’t fight, how are you going to save your other friends?”

“We’ll find a way! I mean, Trixie, Thorax. Didn’t you manage to stop Queen Chrysalis and the changelings with Discord and Starlight without using magic?”

Thorax and Trixie rubbed the back of their necks, feeling slight validity to Starlight’s points.

“To be fair,” Thorax groaned, “it was our love magic that stopped them that time, and I don’t know how that will help us here.”

“Plus,” Trixie added, “all of the stuff I used to distract the changelings is at home, which is… yeah, sorry.”

“Ugh!” Twillight turned around and kicked the back of the door in frustration. “Why won’t you work with me here!”

“We want nothing more than that, Twilight, but you’re making a tremendous fool of yourself right now!” Twilight was stunned to hear that come from Luna of all ponies. “Even with Trixie and Thorax with me, we were no match for those humans that attacked us. The fact that Hau took them all out single-handedly shows how badly we need someone like him on our side right now.”

“And I can tell you right now that it will only get tougher from here,” Hau argued. “Team Prism aren’t the kind to mess around, and considering how many times they’ve been thwarted, they’re only going to get a lot meaner and a lot stronger.”

“Then we should get moving before it’s too late!” Twilight shouted.

“You’re right. That’s why I’m coming with.”

“I ju…” Twilight’s head dropped to the side as if the bones in the side of her neck had instantly vanished. “Have you not been taking the hints? I’m not accepting your help!”

Rainbow Dash hovered over Twilight, making herself as imposing as she could be. “Twilight, I know you can be an egghead sometimes, but right now, you’re acting like a grade A jumbo-sized egghead!”

“Rainbow, stop!” With a magical yank of the tail, Twilight pulled her back to the ground, bringing her to eye level. “I’ve already heard it from Luna, I don’t need to hear it from you to.”

“Yeah, I get it, you’re mad that those guys at that Aether place couldn’t get us home and dragged your brother and a bunch of others here too. The thing is, Hau has nothing to do with them. He’s just a chill dude who wants to help his friends as well as ours, so why are you taking everything out on him?”

“Rainbow, please…”

“And what about Sam and Alice? They’re just a couple of kids who came here to do this Island Challenge of theirs! They went out of their way to make sure Starlight and Fluttershy were safe, and you’d rather send them away for what? Because you’re angry over a couple other humans? I’m not as smart as you, Twilight, but even for me, that’s super dumb–”

“STOP! SHUT UP” Twilight’s shriek silenced Rainbow Dash and left the space around them just as quiet. Several moments went by before Twilight’s upset breathing provided the only ambience. “I wish I never heard of humans! I wish I never knew Alola or this world existed! My life would be so much better if none of this existed...” Twilight sunk to sit down, her words sounding more blubbery as her eyes welled with tears. “I’d be home… with my friends… family…”

Finally Twilight buried her face into her hooves, sobbing loudly and devastatingly. Hau, understanding her pain, ran his hand through his hair and breathed in and out through his mouth in a calming blow. The other ponies also looked to her sympathetically, unsure of how to console her. Finally, Spike slowly came to her, reaching his arms up and sliding his claws around the back of her neck. Pulling himself close, he hugged her neck and let it rest on his shoulder. Twilight brought Spike in as well, letting her tears fall to his back.

“Yeah… I know… I don’t like being here either. But…” He pushed her off so she could look into his eyes, also getting her to stop her crying. “If you can answer this question for me honestly, I’ll go with you alone right now.” Twilight stayed silent, awaiting his question. “Do you really believe that you wish you’d never known Acerola or Guzma? Noah? Amy?”

Twilight opened her mouth to speak, but the two-letter word was not there, and she knew it’d never come. She looked away, the shame sinking in.

“What about Lillie? She’s one of the people responsible for us being here, but I know that you both really like each other. Are you really going to tell me your life would be better without her in it?”

Twilight slowly brought her head lower, about to cry more, but wiped her eyes, keeping herself calm. “They invaded our world, Spike. They forced us here.”

“And Lillie said she was sorry. You know she meant it, and you know they never wanted any of this to happen.”

“But… what if it keeps happening? What if they can’t bring us back?”

“I doubt he’d accept that.” Hau knelt beside her, petting the side of her neck. “Sun and I go way back, and he’ll move all the stars in the sky to make sure you get home safe and sound. In fact, I’m certain he’s looking for other ways to do it as we speak.”

“C– Come on, guys…” Her sobs were oncoming.

Thorax came up to her. “Uh, listen, I know I haven’t been on this world for very long, but I already know that Hau is someone I’d really like to help us find our other friends.”

“Even… I have to admit that what he did for us back at the canyon was… pretty spectacular.” Trixie’s confession left her profusely blushing.

“Hau is our friend,” Fluttershy spoke up, “and if he’s offering to help us, we should let him.”

“We don’t like our situation any more than you do,” Luna finished, “but it’s clear from Spike’s words that you’ve made plenty of friends while you've been here, and I’m certain that you wouldn’t want to throw that friendship away over something like this.”

Twilight finally broke down, crying onto Spike while leaning against Hau’s chest. “You’re right… I’m so sorry! Oh… oh no!” Twilight shot up and ran out to the deck, her wails of sadness only getting worse as she cried out to all of Iki Town. “I sent Starlight, Rarity… Applejack, and Pinkie Pie out there alone! What have I done?!”

“Twilight, get a hold of yourself!” Rainbow Dash quickly swooped out and scooped her friend back indoors, shaking her body out of hysterics. “Do you really think Sam and Alice would just let them go off alone after they left? And what about your other friends? I bet they’re looking for them right now, or they’re helping them if they did!”

Twilight wiped her face and faced her friends, this probable fact calming her further. “Still… we need to get over there. We’re losing daylight, and we need to hurry.”

“And…” Hau put his hands over and behind his back. “I’m guessing I’m invited too?”

Twilight couldn’t help but chuckle, gladdened by his apparent forgiveness. “Of course you can come with. If you can save my friends by yourself, I don’t know whose hands we’d rather be in.”

“But wait!” Fluttershy exclaimed. “Hau, you have Fighting-type Pokémon. Aren’t those really bad against Psychic-types.”

Hau’s face brightened with realization. “That’s right! You haven’t met my new friend, have you?”

“New friend?” Both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash said in unison.

Pulling his arms to his sides and holding his fists up, the shadow beneath Hau from the ceiling lamp light darkened into a solid black before stretching out a foot or so. Fluttershy squealed in panic as she hid behind Rainbow Dash, quivering. Rainbow Dash and Twilight were both deathly fascinated by what was happening as the head of Hau’s shadow rose up before taking the shape of Marshadow, whose vacant-looking eyes were gazing right at Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Once it’s ascent from the ground was complete, Fluttershy went still before collapsing, Comfey coming off of her neck and trying to shove her awake.

“Huh.” The Marshadow seemed less concerned for Fluttershy than interested. “She must have never seen a Ghost-type Pokémon before.”

“Her other human friend’s ace Pokémon is a Ghost-type,” Hau responded.

“Could have fooled me.”

“And she has a Comfey?”

“Hau?” Twilight wondered with a shaky voice. “What is that thing?”

“This, guys, is Marshadow. Crazy story, I know, but I actually met my grandfather while visiting his grave, and–”

“Whoa, your grandpa’s a zombie?! That’s awesome!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“No, I was visited by his spirit, and he summoned Marshadow and linked his soul to mine.”

“So you… Marshadow… combined souls?”

“Pretty neat, huh?”

“That’s more than pretty neat! That’s just incredible! I can’t even believe I gave up on this world! There’s so much it has to offer!”

As Twilight happily hopped around on the floor, Fluttershy came too, looking at the small creature that had made her faint, though appeared much less terrified.

“What are you supposed to be?” she asked it.

“Look!” Marshadow began to get annoyed. “We can’t keep explaining ourselves if you’re just going to faint each time.”

“Oh! This one talks…”

“This is Marshadow,” Spike explained, walking up to it. “Hau’s grandpa had him join Hau to help us. Hey there, I’m Spike.”

Marshadow seemed confused as Spike reached his hand forward. “Spike?” Eventually, he put his own arm out, allowing Spike to grab hold and shake it.

“Spike and I are actually really close friends,” Thorax explained. “He’s partially responsible for bridging trust between ponies and changelings such as myself back on our world.”

Marshadow slightly cocked his head, letting the information sink in.

“Is that it then?” Luna asked. “Are we ready to depart?”

Hau looked to the bedroom. “Not quite. There’s one last thing I need to do and a couple things I need to get.”

Hau walked to the bedroom door, forcing Marshadow to come follow him, leaving the Equestrians by themselves.

Twilight continued looking until Hau was inside. “Now what?”

Hau, his folded jacket stuffed into a child-sized backpack. stood outside of Professor Kukui’s lab facing both Kukui and Ilima, who were both rather shaken by Hau’s tale, especially with the new Equestrian friends of his, as well as Tapu Koko and Marshadow beside him and Comfey back around Fluttershy's neck.

“And you really think I’m suitable to look after the island in your stead?” Ilima crossed his arms close to his chest, visibly uncomfortable. “I mean, this is all incredibly sudden…”

Kukui nodded, his normally cheery demeanor gone. “It seems that the Kahuna has plenty of faith in his Captain. Though, for the first time in a long time, I too am at a loss for words. Are you sure you need to leave the island?”

Hau was also incredibly serious. “I’m positive. Hala entrusted Marshadow to me for the purpose of saving Alola. Right now, my duties call me to Ula’ula. And that’s where I must go.”

“Well, if that’s how it is…” Quickly coming to terms with the decision, Kukui put his hands to his hips and smiled wide. “Then I wish you the best! You’re a fine trainer, and I’m as certain as a Smart Strike that you’ll do just fine!”

Hau smiled himself, glad to hear one of Kukui’s similes. “And you shouldn’t have to worry too much, Ilima. Tapu Koko will be staying here.”

After sharing a glance and a nod, Tapu Koko floated itself to Ilima’s side. Though its presence was imposing, Ilima did his best to look strong and proud for it.

“I’ll do my part too,” Kukui responded. “No offense, but I can’t see much of a Prism Infestation with all of you gone.”

“None taken,” Rainbow Dash excused. “Besides, if trouble comes looking for us, then we’ll give them more trouble than they can handle!”

Ilima grinned, humored by the pegasus’s courage. “With your spirit, Team Prism is doomed.”

Hau pulled out a Ride Pager from his shorts pocket. “Thank you again. I should hopefully be back before long.”

“You take your time,” Kukui bid. “You just focus on getting your friends home, alright!”

Hau was already scrolling through the Pager, finding a Charizard on it and summoning the ball onto its slot. “Right.”

As Hau threw the ball to his right, Marshadow receded into Hau’s shade before a harnessed Charizard appeared from the ball, stretching its tired limbs out. Hau ran to his steed and quickly climbed aboard, the other Equestrians following him with their wings flared open, ready to fly.

Hau glanced to the setting sun, which was already about to disappear behind the skyline of Hau’oli City. “We can hopefully make it to Akala Island before dark.”

“Akala Island?” Trixie guffawed. “But you had specifically told us–”

“I don’t think my Charizard can go that far for that long. I haven’t ridden her since before I was a Kahuna.”

Twilight groaned. “Is there at least a way we can talk to Starlight and the others when we get there?”

“Yeah, sure.” Hau was busy tying his bag firmly to his seat. “I’m sure someone in my contacts knows where they are. But yeah, we’ll need to get going now. Trixie, you don’t mind letting Twilight carry you, do you?”

Twilight grinned at Trixie as she sparked her horn, unnerving her. “Umm… is it okay if I ride with you? So we can, you know… bond?”

As half-baked as it sounded, Hau got the message, smiling and scooting as far forward as he could. “Hop on!”

Trixie took a galloping start, leaping onto the Charizard’s knee and bounding up, Hau catching her by the forearm and pulling her the rest of the way up, where she sat behind him and rested on the seat.

“Holding on?” he asked her.

She awkwardly slipped her arms around his waist. “I am now–”

“Charizard, yah!”

With heavy beats of its wings, Charizard was airborne and began to make its way east, Trixie's screams audible below. With Spike mounting Twilight, she took off close behind Hau as Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Luna, and Thorax flew in a close group with each other for Akala Island. Ilima, Kukui, and Tapu Koko watched them go off toward the dark-orange sky, the sense of dread impossible to leave their thoughts.

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