• Published 11th Mar 2017
  • 5,892 Views, 386 Comments

Pokémon Eclipse - moviemaster8510

Two teenaged siblings, having moved to the Alola region from Kalos, set off to complete the famous Island Trials, only for wormholes to appear across the region once again, this time summoning creatures from a mystical world calling themselves ponies

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Chapter 28 – Scars

Alice, Sam, the ponies and both of their Pokémon emerged from a large tile foot tunnel, stopping to admire the sudden change in surroundings from green grass and sea to dead brown grass and patches of smog coming from the volcano due north of them.

Starlight couldn’t help but cough. “So… this is our next trial site, huh?”

“Yep. Last one before we can go down south to find more of your friends.” Sam glanced to the western path, seeing a small town with a large coliseum in its center down the way. “Let’s go.”

Walking a bit down the path, the group found a large arched sign that marked the entrance to the Wela Volcano Park. Turning to enter, they were suddenly met by what appeared to be an expansive dry, burned prairie that they would have to cross before they could reach the foot of the volcano.

“Well, we have some more walking to do it seems.” Alice stepped forward to lead the way. “Maybe we’ll get some grinding in along the way.”

“Sorry, grinding?” Lady also cocked her head to Starlight’s query.

“Wild Pokémon tend to like hiding in taller grass, so if you see one, feel free to let Lady battle it and get stronger.”

Starlight opened her mouth to object, but Lady interrupted her with a loud, positive meow.

She couldn’t object, reduced to an accepting smile. “Alright, Lady, if you want to stretch your legs a bit, I’ll let you.”

Lady yowled with much happier energy.

“Then it’s settled.” Alice went down the hill to the first patches of grass, leading the others to follow. “Starlight, I’ll let you take the first encounter if you want.”

“Oh, I… thanks!” Starlight awkwardly stepped to Alice’s side as they reached the bottom of the slope.

Entering the first patch of grass, Starlight treaded slowly and carefully as Lady climbed her front paws to the top of her head and kept further balance on Starlight’s neck, keeping lookout. Fluttershy, being the tail end of the group, cautiously flew above the grass, hoping to avoid a confrontation.

Sam looked back to see her flying above them. “Good idea, Fluttershy. Be our eye in the sky! You too, Comfey!”

Comfey unwound itself from Fluttershy’s neck and let out a happy cry and saluted him.

“Um… okay?” It wasn’t what she had in mind, but was happy to be of help.

As Starlight glanced up to acknowledge her and her Pokémon, her ears waggled at the whooshing sound of a spinning airborne club. Turning back forward, she saw as a bone with a thick round end came flying at them. Starlight cast her magic at the bone, catching it before it could hit her or Lady in their faces. Fluttershy gasped, catching the act right as Starlight stopped it.

Lady studied the bone that Starlight held, only for a Pokémon to come leaping out from the grass. It had a short, brown, upright body and a cream-colored underbelly. What startled Starlight the most about it was the skull that it wore to conceal its head. In her fright, she dropped the bone at her hooves and took a step back, the Pokémon picking its bone up and leaping back, expecting a battle.

“That’s your cue!” Alice shouted. “Go get ‘em!”

Starlight turned her head and glanced her eyes sideways so as not to throw Lady off her head, nodding to her to go out. Lady happily yipped as she bounded off Starlight’s head, standing defensively between it and the Pokémon that appeared.

“Sam.” Starlight’s eyes, like her Pokémon’s, were locked onto the target. “What is that I’m fighting?”

“That’s a Cubone!” he replied. “It’s a Ground-type, so you should be just fine.”

“Great.” She then put her hoof to her chin in thought. “So, you used Bite, Sand-Attack, and Quick Attack when you fought Team Prism… Sam! Any other moves Lady might have?”

“Uh… try Baby-Doll Eyes!”

“Okay, thanks! Lady, use Baby-Doll Eyes!”

Lady stood her legs straight and widened her pupils, which began to twinkle adorably. The Cubone, caught off guard, tripped onto its butt and gripped the cheeks of its skull head, clearly smitten and won over.

“And what did that do?” Starlight asked.

Alice cupped a single hand around the side of her mouth. “Baby-Doll Eyes makes it so that it looks so cute that the opposing Pokémon won’t hit it as hard.”

“Oh, I see!”

The Cubone, embarrassed at the betrayal of its emotions, whipped its club out of its hands from the side, where it spun like a frisbee and struck Lady in the chest with the thicker end. Though Lady yelped out in slight pain, Starlight appeared impressed with how the club managed to bounce off her Pokémon and soar back into the Cubone's hand.

Starlight then refocused back to her hit Pokémon. “Lady, you okay?!”

Lady barked twice with a determined face, Fluttershy, Sam, and Alice almost certain it was telling her not to worry about it.

“Good! Now, use Bite this time!”

Lady charged at the Cubone, which lightly swung its club down into its hand threateningly. She leapt up for the kill, and the Cubone swung its bone club, only for Lady to land safely outside the range of the swing. Building up momentum with the Cubone’s guard left open, Lady pummeled into it and pinned its arms down.

Starlight, who looked nervous at the outcome of her decision, suddenly became elated. “Yeah, nice one, Lady!”

With Cubone completely incapacitated, Lady threw her head down and bit the Cubone at the base of the neck, making it scream out a blood-curdling cry.

Fluttershy was about to avert her eyes with her arms, only for Comfey to block her sights with its flowery vine-tail. “Thank you, Comfey! Lady’s being really rough on that poor thing.”

“Considering where Starlight and I found her,” Sam said, “I’d say Lady’s par for the course.”

As Lady continued clamping down on the Cubone’s neck, she was suddenly checked off of it by another Cubone. Lady gasped at the two-on-one that suddenly formed, the two Cubone’s appearing more confident with each other by their sides.

Sam grunted at the new situation. “This is just like when Lady came to save Fomantis after Honedge nearly beat it. Is this how things happen in Alola?”

Starlight looked miffed, but it clearly didn’t bother her as much as it did Sam or Lady. “That’s okay! Lady, Sand-Attack the new Cubone!”

Lady spun herself and kicked up a burst of dust and soot into the ally Cubone’s eyes, making it growl furiously as it began swinging all around itself, unable to see where Lady now was. The first Cubone charged Lady as it turned around to face its opponent’s, only to have the side of its face violently knocked into by the top of the Cubone’s head. Lady tumbled about on the ground until it landed on its stomach a few feet from Starlight.

“Lady, no!” Starlight began to break into a gallop, only for Lady to pick itself back up and stand resolutely before the two Cubones despite the throbbing it now felt in its head. “You… you’re okay?”

Lady growled at the Cubones. Playtime seemed to be over now.

“What a trooper,” sighed Alice.

“No kidding. Took it in the face like a champ.” Alice couldn’t help but stare at Sam from the side of her head following his remark.

“Okay, Lady, finish off the first Cubone with a Quick Attack.”

Lady broke into a fast sprint, and just as the Cubone whipped its arm back to attack, Lady headbutted it in the top of its chest, fighting through the pain in her new welt. The strike appeared to do the trick, as Cubone tumbled backwards and stayed down on its stomach, finished with fighting.

Starlight grinned. “Nice one, La–”

Her celebration was cut short as the ally Cubone’s bone club was thrown into the back of Lady’s head, making her double over with her arms trembling weakly.


Lady just managed to push back up and turn to face the last Cubone. Sam and Alice clenched their fists tightly; the match was now too close for comfort.

“That’s it, Lady. Use Bite on it, now!”

Lady charged forwards, though it didn’t seem to care about avoiding any possible attacks and just wanted to hit the Cubone. Cubone smugly wound its club back, ready to swing. Lady refused to change its course, and the Cubone swung. Lady then juked over to the same side of the Cubone’s body where it wound its swing back, avoiding it. Leaping back to the center, nothing could defend the Cubone as Lady gripped at its neck with its teeth, throwing it down to the ground.

The Cubone tried to scream out for more help, but with Lady’s unrelenting hold, it could not call out loud enough for another ally to hear. Alone, Cubone struck its club into the side of Lady’s face where it was struck early, easily sending it off.

“Oh no!” Fluttershy cried, Comfey’s similarly nervous squeaks mixing in. “Lady!”

Starlight, Sam, and Alice watched with dread as Lady tumbled and rolled on its side, expecting her to faint at any time if she hadn’t already. However, she landed back on her paws and stood, the adrenaline now coursing through her.

Starlight nodded, noting the window she had now been given. “Good job! Now, finish it with Quick Attack!”

Lady launched at the Cubone, leaping up and slashing at the Cubone with its small claws. Cubone was thrown to the ground next to the other Cubone, who had just managed to get back up to its feet. The second Cubone quickly stood up and began to spin its ally away from Lady and Starlight, the incomprehensible mumbling it made clearly a plan of retreat, and retreat they did as both Cubones ran up north through the grass for their lives.

Starlight put a hoof to her mouth and giggled uncontrollably as she heard her friends’ cheers behind them. Before they could approach her, Lady ran to Starlight, meeting her with a joyous hug.

“That was great!” Alice exclaimed as she applauded. “Nice job for your first battle!”

“Here, take this.” Sam swung his bag around to his side and pulled out a Super Potion from it, handing it to Starlight.

She nodded as she took it in her magic, turning back to face Lady and spraying the side of her face with it, soothing and healing the bump that had just begun to swell. Feeling completely better, Lady gave another hug to Starlight and getting one back in return.

“If you want to do more,” Sam said, “feel free to continue leading the way. I just want to get to the volcano soon.”

“Sounds good to me.” Starlight’s response was reinforced by Lady climbing back up on her back. “Perhaps if you two beat the trial fast enough, we can get to the south part of the island before nightfall.”

“I sure like that idea,” Alice responded. “Take it away, Starlight. Unless, of course, Fluttershy would like a turn.”

Comfey looked up to Fluttershy, its smile appearing to let her know that it would be happy with whatever decision it made. “Um, I think I’m good. You can keep battling if you like.”

“Alright, Fluttershy.” Starlight began to walk forward to the volcano. “Truth be told, I don’t think we should worry too much about getting Comfey stronger. That one attack she did in the trial this morning could probably wipe out both those Cubones with no problem.”

“True that!” Alice stretched her body to the sides as she rested her arms behind her head. “Come on, no time to lose.”

As they all went on to the volcano, Alice did her best to hide the subtle limping in her right leg, opting to stay with the group from behind. Fluttershy couldn’t help but glance down at the back of her legs, noticing the quick jump off her right feet that she made with each step.

Coming through the last patch of grass, leading up to a moderately steep slope that led to the base of the Wela Volcano, Starlight sprayed Lady with another Super Potion, Sam, Alice, and Fluttershy and Comfey following her closely. Without further acknowledgement of their goal, Starlight and Lady came up the slope followed by Sam and Alice. Sam suddenly could not help but notice Alice’s limp, especially going up as she was. Starlight and Fluttershy noticed this too, and they both quickly approached her.

“Alice?” Fluttershy wondered, holding her still with her arms. “What’s wrong?”

“You were limping really badly just now,” Starlight added. “Did you twist your hoof–I mean leg just now?”

“Seriously,” Sam asked. “Should we take a break for a bit?”

“No!” Alice pushed Sam away, making her way to the first hilly pathway up the mountain. “We have to go before–”

Taking her first right step up, she hissed loudly out through her teeth before turning around to sit on the elevation, carefully massaging her calf. Starlight and Fluttershy galloped to her, and Sam quickly ran to her.

“I told you not to overdo it,” Sam scolded as gingerly and sympathetically as he could. “Where are your pills?”

“Pills?” both ponies wondered.

“It’s fine, I’ll get them.” Alice swung her bag off and unzipped the front pocket, pulling out an orange prescription bottle with a white cap.

Fluttershy watched with extreme concern as Alice screwed the top off and shook two white pills into her hand. “Does this have to do with the scar that’s on your leg?”

Alice’s eyes went wide for a moment as she looked up to Fluttershy, but even she could tell that that was enough for a confirmation. “How did you even–”

“I noticed it before you took Lana’s trial yesterday. I wanted to ask about it then, but it didn’t seem like the right time.”

“Scar?” Starlight came even closer to Alice, standing her front hooves on each side of her ankle. “Let me…”

Alice began rolling her sock down, and right away, Starlight could not unsee it from the top down: an eight-inch vertical scar with several marks on both sides where stitches have obviously been.

“How on earth did you get that?” Starlight loudly wondered out of alarm.

“Dammit.” Alice rummaged around her bag for a bottle of some kind, but could not find any. “Sam, do you have something I can take these with?”

“I do but…” Sam unzipped a pocket in the middle of his bag, pulling out an unopened bottle of Moomoo Milk.

“Ugh, that has to be warm by now.”

“I’m sorry, it was the last one we had. I gave my cookie to Salandit, and–”

The startling chill of the bottle stopped Sam as he also felt a tingling in his hand, turning to see Starlight casting a spell on the bottle.

“Here, try this now.” Starlight levitated the bottle to Alice, who seemed relieved by its now drinkable temperature.

“You’re a lifesaver, Starlight.” Alice popped the cap off and slapped both pills into her mouth before taking two large chugs of the milk, wiping her mouth clean afterwards before handing the bottle to Sam. “You too, bro.”

“Seriously,” pressed Starlight. “What happened to you? You must have gotten a serious injury with a scar like that.”

“Well, I did. It’s probably going to take a while for the painkillers to kick in, so I guess you want me to tell you how it all happened.”

“We don’t have to wait,” Sam said with a shrug. “See if Mudbray can be your… Sherpa, or whatever.”

Alice suddenly smiled, appreciating her brother’s stroke of genius. Taking out her Poké Ball and tossing it out, Mudbray appeared by her side. Starlight, already catching on, picked Alice up and set her back down so that both legs dangled freely just a few inches above the ground. Giving Starlight a thumbs up, she patted Mudbray’s side and the brown donkey began to ride her up the path, the rest of her friends following her.

Starlight caught up to be beside Mudbray while facing her. “I’d still like to know how it happened.”

“Me too!” Fluttershy swooped in to hover directly above Starlight. “It’s not too personal, is it?”

“A bit, but I think we’ve reached that point as friends that I can share this with you.”

“Okay… if you say so.” It was a flattering sentiment, but Fluttershy knew a story with blood and quite possibly tears would not be the most pleasant one.

Sam lagged a bit behind, trying to focus on anything else along the climb.

Alice breathed in. “When trainers turn 11, they are allowed to go off on their own Pokémon adventures. I had already gotten my Noibat a few years prior, but that’s another story. I was psyched when I turned 11. I left Lumiose City without so much as a second glance. I aced my first gym and was on my way to the next. I had heard from some older friends of mine that the next gym leader I had to face was… hold on, let me explain. In all the other regions all over the world, they do something called the gym battle system in which trainers battle gym leaders to get badges to be able to compete in the Pokémon League. Sorry.”

“That’s okay,” Starlight cooed. “I have to imagine the bad part's coming up.”

Alice nodded and gulped. “I was on my way to Ambrette Town and had to cross this cliffy pathway to get there…”


11-year old Alice, dressed in blue jeans and an orange t-shirt emerged from the Connecting Cave, greeted instantly by the vast western ocean far down below at the steep cliff she stood on. Looking up north, she could faintly see Cyllage City down the beach, but the high slope was more than enough to make her turn back south and continue south toward Ambrette Town.

While the path was narrow enough to give her both vertigo and claustrophobia, the path was well managed with smooth, well-crafted stairways and paths that would lead her down without any kind of problem. The tall grass on either side was tempting though, and she resisted any urges to stray off and walk into it, no matter what Pokémon may lie there.

Ambrette Town was soon not too far off, seeing the first of the taller rooftops from the crest of yet another hill. She slowed her pace as the need to rush was eliminated. She continued her way, until she spotted a rustling to her left. At this point, she had not encountered a single Pokémon and had never come to this part of Kalos before; it could have been anything.

Slowly sidestepping and facing the rustling with her hand hovering over her sole Poké Ball, the creature inside the grass nevertheless decided to go ahead and ambush her, popping out of the grass and forcing Alice back a foot backwards. The Pokémon appearing to be a floating blue squid with a clear mantle covering the pink top of its head. With its big round eyes and tiny beak mouth, it was certainly adorable. And Alice knew she had to have it, detaching her Poké Ball from her belt and tossing it out, her Noibat appearing out of it.


“Rumor had it that the next gym leader specialized in types that would be dangerous to my Noibat, so I decided to try and catch that Inkay.” Alice let out a deep sigh, feeling the seconds leading up to the fateful moment catching up to her again. “I should have just went to Ambrette Town…”


With Alice giving her Noibat some room to fight the wild Inkay, the back of Alice’s left heel was just a foot or so from the edge of the cliff. Just then, the Inkay shot a beam of rings that changed colors at Noibat, a stray ring flying below and just missing Alice’s right toes by inches. Alice hopped a bit up in shock, and upon landing on her feet, she felt the ground shift down beneath her. She froze, unsure if her paranoia was playing with her or if she had really just about killed herself. Both the Inkay and Noibat looked to her with signs of concern.

Alice could only smile in confidence. “Don’t worry. I’m coming.”

Alice lifted her left foot off the ground and was about to step forward, but her foot started to quickly sink as she felt the crumbling of the ground beneath her. With one last push, she tried to jump to safety with her right foot, breaking more of that section of the cliff off. Having had nothing to push off of, Alice fell into the crevice she created, which was steep enough to drop her down to her certain doom.

She made one last desperate grasp at the grass that grew on the new edge of the cliff and only managed to pull it out with her body weight. She slid down and let go of the clumps of grass in her hands, clawing her fingers into the earth to find some sort of grip. Her hands managed to hold the ends of the crevice as her body swung into the cliff, the hit and awkward clasping of her fingers making her slip off, beginning the fall down.

Alice could only whimper as she waited for everything to end, hoping one last time that something could save her life. With her body close to the cliff’s face, her right calf just above her ankle was caught between the cliff and a piece of rock that jutted out a bit ten feet below where she fell. Alice felt a sudden tug at her leg followed by a sickening crunch and a bassy tearing noise.


Starlight breathed in through her teeth biting her lip while Fluttershy gagged, the details a bit too gruesome to stomach.

“Yep.” Alice shrugged; the hard part of her tale was now over. “A single, compound fracture that tore up most of my shin. My shin practically grew a second knee it was bent so bad.”

“You just want to show them the pictures?” Sam cried out from behind. “I’m sure they’d love to see them based on your lovely descriptions.”

Alice just ignored him. “Thankfully, some trainers were nearby to help me quickly and get me to a hospital right away. However, the doctors said that due to the nature of my injury, it would be at least three years before I would be fit enough to resume my Pokémon adventure. So now I had a new one… the crusade against eternal boredom.”


Sam stepped in through the front door of their house, holding it open for Alice using Benji as a temporary crutch, the gash on her leg stitched. As they passed him, Sam came close to tears to see her sister’s face so vacant, apathetic, completely without caring. Susan followed them as Benji helped his daughter up the stairs, leaving Sam in the foyer.

“Mom?” He came up the stairs after her. “Is there something I can help with? For her, I mean?”

“Yeah… I would just leave her alone for a few days. She needs that more than anything right now.”

Benji and Alice came up the stairs and turned left, passing through the balcony that would lead into the bedroom hallway. Alice turned to Sam, who stood in the middle of the stairs and watched her as she was led into her bedroom. Alice looked to her bed, made neatly by one of her parents, as if it were her coffin. With nowhere else to go, she let her father lift her up and set her down with her head supported on the pillow. On the wall facing her was a flat TV, and with a gentle turn of her head, she saw the remote on her bedstand get taken off by her mother and set beside her.

“I know its not ideal,” Susan said, “but I want what you’ll probably consider imprisonment to be as comfortable as possible.”

“It’s okay, thanks.” Alice was too wiped to agree or be grateful for her parents’ efforts, no matter how badly she wanted to.

“…We’ll… be back in a few hours for another potioning.” Benji opened the door for Susan and they both left.

Alice stared at the remote on her bed, debating with herself whether to even pick it up or not until she found herself staring blankly at it, until her eyes slowly began to close, wanting nothing more at that moment than to take a nap.


“And you’re still walking miles and miles on a leg that’s still hurting you?” Starlight asked. “Isn’t that really dangerous?”

“Well, I mean, the bone and everything is healed, but I tore up some of the muscles in my leg in the fracture, so they’re not quite as strong anymore. I can still go long distances on my leg, but… yeah, it has its limits.”

“Were you able to finish your adventure on Kalos?” Fluttershy asked

Alice shook her head, but it didn’t seem regretful. “Around the time I was okayed by the doctors to be able to go back off on my own again, I learned the family was set to sail for Alola soon, and my brother was going to go with them, and… it just didn’t feel right anymore.”

“What? How so?”

“Well, Sam had already caught Honedge by that point, but he wasn’t really strong or confident enough to leave home on his own adventure like I was. I guess it was lucky for him his sister was stuck at home too.”


Alice sat at a deck chair on the porch facing the street lined with townhouses like hers. Her elevated foot rested on a towel hung on the porch railing, the stitches in her leg gone. On the other side of the sidewalk, Sam stood with his Honedge before him, looking out at Noibat who was perched on a streetlight.

“Noibat, Supersonic!” On Alice’s order, Noibat swooped down closer to its target and stopped in midair, sonic pulses coming from its ears that came right at Honedge.

“Alright buddy, like we practiced.” Sam crossed his arms to signal his Pokémon to defend, but instead, Honedge held up its scabbard like a shield. Sam grimaced, seeing that it technically formed a cross with the angle of its blade and scabbard. It nonetheless did not protect Honedge from getting hit by Noibat’s attack, getting dizzy enough to let its scabbard fall off of the ends of its cloth limb.

Sam grunted, knowing that there was still work to be done on their synching, but could not end the battle here. “That’s okay! Hit her with Pursuit!”

Honedge darted at Noibat with its blade trailing a dark aura. Noibat easily flew up and avoided it, though Honedge continued soaring out until the tip of its blade hit the streetlight, causing it to uncomfortably vibrate as it tried to regain its stance.

Alice continued sitting relaxed, knowing victory was hers. “Quick, while it’s distracted, finish him with Absorb!”

The inner membrane of Noibat’s ears began to glow as it turned back to face Honedge, its foe’s body covered in a green aura before orbs of bright light bubbled off of it and flew into Noibat’s ears. Honedge had enough, and it began to fall down to the street, only for Noibat to catch it by the cloth arm and dangle it safely above the street.

Sam sighed heavily, jogging across the street and directly beneath Noibat and Honedge. “I got him, Noibat, thanks!”

Noibat let Sam’s Pokémon go, allowing it to fall safely into his grasp. Noibat flew back to Alice and perched on her ankle before hopping onto her stomach and allowing her to pet it and scratch behind its ears. Sam began to walk upstairs to step back inside.

“I appreciate you doing this,” Alice spoke up, stopping her brother with his hand on the knob. “You know that, right?”

“Yep.” He began to open the door.

“Hey.” Sam stopped again to hear her out, this time turning to face her. “I still have a year or so before I’m fully healed up. I bet in that time, you’ll be ready to go on your own Pokémon adventure.”

Sam started to put pieces together in his mind. “What are you saying?”

“I’m saying is that you’re definitely getting stronger. You and your Honedge make a good team, and you two will be quite fearsome once you master whatever you’re doing with him.”

“Telepathic syncing.” Sam explained. “Anyways, I thank you for the compliments, but I don’t think I’ll be ready in a year.” He went through the door.

“What if you joined me?” Something stopped the door from closing, and Sam came out slowly, unsure if he heard his sister correctly.

She smiled at him, confirming what she had said.


“All things considered, we do make a pretty good team.” Sam was still a few safe paces from Alice and the ponies, but her words felt warmer than the volcanic path they trekked on, and he couldn’t help but smile. “I can’t wait to see what the next trial brings.”

Sam looked upwards toward the peak of the volcano, which was now just a story or two away from their point. With one last bend in the path, they would probably be at the trial gateway. He never liked listening to Alice’s injury story, but it at least made a good way to pass the time up. Camouflaged on the blackened rock, a pair of purple eyes spied on the group, slithering down quickly so as not to be seen.

“Hey…” Starlight looked around them, not seeing their other companion beside them. “Where is Sam?”

Turning to walk backwards, she spotted Sam beginning to quicken his pace to catch up with their speed.

Fluttershy couldn’t help but giggle. “Come on, Sam! We’re almost there!”

Sam was just about five feet from joining their side when, from the rock wall that separated the paths going up, a large salamander leapt up and blocked his path facing him.

Sam couldn’t help but notice that the creature looked remarkably similar to his Salandit, though its underbelly was a light-purple with squiggly, flame-like magenta markings on its stomach and chest, and it had two thin long flaps of skin that hung off its lower back. It’s half-closed eyes and thick black outline at the top of them gave it a rather seductive, yet deadly look.

Starlight gasped at the Pokémon that suddenly blocked him from them, and Fluttershy, Lady, and Mudbray turning back, Alice also able to see the salamander creeping low and slowly at Sam, hissing loudly at him.

“Sam!” Alice slid off Mudbray’s back and landed on her left foot, consciously keeping the least amount of weight on her right foot as possible. “Mudbray, go after that thing!”

Mudbray charged at the salamander, its gallops clearly heard by it as it turned its head to look behind. With a full-bodied spin, the salamander whipped its tail into Mudbray’s face, sending it crashing into the barrier between the trail. Alice breathed in hard, watching her weakened Mudbray struggle to get back up.

“Oh, jeez!” Sam fumbled over his Poké Balls on his belt, managing to grip the one he wanted and throw it at the salamander. “Salandit!”

Sam’s Pokémon emerged from the ball and stood guard for its trainer, suddenly looking surprised at the foe before it. With the salamander staved off, Sam took his Pokédex out and got a read on the familiar Pokémon.

“Salazzle,” the Pokédex spoke, “the Toxic Lizard Pokémon. For some reason, only females have been found. It creates a reverse harem of male Salandit that it lives with.”

“Eh…” Sam didn’t need to know the last bit, feeling dirty as he put his Pokédex away.

The Salazzle let out a high-pitched roar at Salandit, and Salandit screeched right back. The Salazzle responded by whipping its tail at Salazzle, pinning it against the barrier by its chest. Salandit leaned down and bit the Salazzle on the tail, freeing it and allowed it to charge.

“Whoa, whoa!” Sam stepped forward just as the Salazzle stopped Salandit’s advance with a slash of its claws, freeing the space to spit a strong puff of fire at Sam’s head, which he managed to dodge.

Salandit saw the attack on its trainer and turned back to face the Salazzle, charging its mouth with blue energy. The Salazzle faced Salandit with its mouth glowing yellow. Both of them shot out their attacks, Salandit’s Dragon Rage and a plume of fire breath from the Salazzle meeting in the middle. Both Pokémon shot their attacks continuously and stronger, hoping to overpower the other, Sam watching nervously as Salandit’s attack would push through and then the Salazzle’s.

Starlight bared her teeth; there was no point to letting this continue. “Lady, Quick Attack!”

Lady hopped off Starlight and charged at the Salazzle, who couldn’t help but glance at the challenger now appearing. Narrowing its eyes with its desperate decision, the Salazzle tensed its muscles and spewed purple gas from its pores which soon filled the trail. The gas suddenly mixed with its flame, causing it to ignite. Lady’s mouth and eyes shot open as it realized it was now in the blastzone, only for a large shape to block its path just as the fire rapidly spread out, the shape blocking Lady from the heat. Starlight, Alice, Fluttershy, and Comfey blocked their eyes from the sudden brightness that flashed over the battle.

Salandit was thrown back from the attack while Sam quickly turned his back to the blast, wisps of the fires kissing the back of his shirt and the very ends of the back of his hair. Sam quickly patted as much of his back and head to prevent the places that singed from catching fire. When he felt that he was safe, he turned back to see that the Salazzle had disappeared.

He began looking around nervously. “Salandit? Hey, Salandit, what–”

Sam was caught off guard by his Pokémon hopping onto the bottom of his shorts and climbing up to his shoulder, making him breathe a sigh of relief.


Alice’s concerned voice brought Sam and Salandit to turn to Mudbray, whose entire right side was covered in black soot from where the flareout hit it. Alice and the ponies ran to see if both it and Lady were alright, and it appeared that neither of them were hurt, as both of them stood to face their respective trainers.

“Oh, thank goodness,” Fluttershy huffed. “That was very brave of you, Mudbray.”

“Yes.” Starlight conjured a flexible square-shaped aura with her magic and quickly wiped off the black spots on Mudbray’s body, leaving it otherwise spotless. “Thank you for saving my Lady.”

Mudbray whinnied with glee as its upper lip went up, unveiling its upper set of teeth in a clumsy smile. Alice knelt down and took a Potion from her bag, spraying the spots where Starlight wiped it. Sam came to them with his Salandit.

“Everything okay here?” he asked.

Starlight nodded. “Yes, and it looks like you…” She produced another similar aura and ran it over the back of Sam’s head and the back of his shirt, restoring the color that the flame burnt and the black char that ruined his shirt.

“Thanks for that,” Sam breathed.

Starlight nodded again, understanding Sam’s unwillingness to be very grateful in that moment.

Alice then turned to Sam. “What was that thing? Some kind of mutant Salandit?”

“Salazzle,” Sam answered. “It must be its evolved form.”

“Wow!” Fluttershy broke in. “Does that mean your Salandit is going to become one of those?”

“I think so.”

Starlight cocked her head in confusion. “What do you–”

“My Pokédex entry said there are only females, meaning that my Salandit will become a Salazzle because it's also a female. Come on.”

Sam walked through the group, making his way down the last few hundred feet of the path to their destination. He then looked to his Salandit and aimed the front of its Poké Ball at it.

“Good job,” he said to it as the red laser brought it back inside. “You’ll do great in this one.”

As Sam continued onwards, Alice returned Mudbray back into its ball and began walking, surprising the ponies.

“Alice!” Fluttershy gasped. “What about–”

“I think the painkillers are kicking in. Let’s follow him before he gets himself hurt.”

Starlight, Lady, and Fluttershy looked to each other one last time before they trotted out to join Alice’s side. As they turned the way to the next slope, Alice drew a thin smile upon seeing the poles of the gateway just ahead.

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