• Published 11th Feb 2017
  • 2,678 Views, 73 Comments

The Thirty-Moon Roommate - Lux

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Chapter 7- Plan and Pancakes

Chapter 7

Although the rest of the night was uneventful, the previous events kept you from truly having a good night’s sleep. There was just too much on your mind that kept playing back like a broken record. Meeting Twilight for the first time, the fact that she was not from another world, the nightmare she had, not to mention the strange events going on that you saw and felt which you could not deny was magic; all of this was too much for you to handle! Your only saving grace from insomnia was the same person whose presence caused this whole issue: Twilight. The fact that she was there in your bedroom sleeping soundly on the air mattress made you feel at peace. It was as if her presence caused both storm and calm. Although you didn’t know why, it almost felt like her being here was meant to be. You weren’t a huge believer in destiny, that your life was plotted out like some story. With her being here and the feelings you had, you began to wonder if maybe there were somethings that couldn’t be chalked up to mere coincidence.

There was still one nagging question that remained in the background of all the questions of who Twilight was truly and how to get her home. Was what you were feeling meant you liked her? She was gorgeous, smart, and funny, the type of girl you’d give up everything just at least to be friends with. Even so, your mind was torn between simply being friends or even entertaining the idea of moving beyond that and having to face her ultimately leaving you when she returned to her world. There was no use dwelling on the particulars of what could be with your relationship after having just met her one albeit emotionally charged day. Yet no matter how much you tried to put it out of your mind, the thought still lingered.

The morning arrived sooner than imagined as the alarm clock cut through what little sleep you had. You slowly woke up as your mind was filled with the fog of sleep and lingering questions. Looking over at the side, you noticed that the air mattress was now empty. For a moment you began to panic, thinking that she had gone somewhere in the city such as trying to return to the park. Then you smelled something coming from beyond the now open bedroom door. It smelled good and tasty, and you could guess who was responsible. You got out of the bed and made your way into the kitchen. What you saw shocked you. The kitchen table was set with two place settings with a towering plate of pancakes in the center.

“Good morning,” Twilight said in a more cheerful tone. “I managed to get up sort of early despite last night. I figured we’d both be hungry, so I made pancakes. I hope that they’re ok.”

“This is really nice. You didn’t have to do this.”

“Well, you took me in and comforted me last night. It’s the least I can do. Besides that, I find sometimes eating something that I like after a stressful moment helps comfort me when I don’t have a book around.”

“So you like books and pancakes. Got it,” you said before trying a piece of the fluffy pancake on your plate. “Wow, this does taste good. Really good!”

“I’m glad you like it,” she said before giggling a little.

“What’s so funny?”

“Well, there was one time when I was having trouble adjusting to my new home. I was having trouble sleeping and would often just study something before I couldn’t stay awake any longer! Well one day when I was having pancakes for breakfast with my friends, I fell asleep on top of my breakfast. And I remember when my friend tried to wake me I said ‘I’m pancake, I mean I’m awake!’”

You burst out laughing hearing the store, joining in on the funny moment until you said, “Reminds me when I fell asleep at a movie theater. I awoke to find that the not only the movie was over but there was no one in the theater!”

“That is funny!” she said as the two of you continued your breakfast. Finally you helped her clean up as a thought crossed your mind.
“Twilight, I’m thinking of your problem getting home.”

“Oh, you have something new?”

“Sort of. I said I know magic, but I have a friend who is even more into it than I am. She even has her own magic shop in town, and it’s not far from her.”

“That’s great,” she said as her eyes brightened. “Do you think that your friend with help open the portal up?”

“I don’t know honestly,” you said with a shrug, “but it’s worth a shot.”

“So does this friend have a name?”

“Yeah, it’s Trixie. Strange name I know.”

You noticed that Twilight’s face changed to a shocked expression like you revealed the darkest secret.

“Something wrong?” you asked her.

“No, it’s just that I know a Trixie where I’m from. She…wasn’t a nice one at first, but she soon learned the error of her ways. Since then she’s been kind of a friend to me.”

“Well, I don’t know your Trixie, by mine is nice. She does have kind of an ego with her talents. She is really skilled though, and actually got me into learning magic. Do you want to visit her today? Her shop is open.”

“That sounds nice,” she said, “Maybe your friend will help.”

“Alright, first we’ll check out the monument and then we’ll head to Trixie’s store.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Twilight said as the two of you agreed on the plan.

Author's Note:

Short chapter I know. I'm in the process of formulating where this story is going next with the further chapters.