• Published 11th Feb 2017
  • 2,682 Views, 73 Comments

The Thirty-Moon Roommate - Lux

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Chapter 6- Dream and Nightmare

Chapter 6 – Dream and Nightmare

That night you lay in your bed, thinking about the events of the night and how your life changed so quickly. Most importantly, you were thinking about her. Twilight was beautiful, smart, funny, and a little quirky. You didn’t know how she came to your apartment this stormy night, but you didn’t dare question a good thing. What mattered was she was here in your life. Of course you knew that this had consequences good and bad. It was an opportunity to get to know her now that the portal from where she came from was closed, but ultimately you knew that she would have to return home. When that happened, you knew that there was the possibility that she might never see you again. After all she never intended to visit your world, so would she even want to return even if she could find a way back here? There was no use worrying about the inevitable day when the portal would open. What mattered was how Twilight felt about you in the end that mattered. Maybe if there was a will for her to return here to your world she could find a way.

The telltale sound of your door creaking open caused you to open your eyes and sit up slightly to see what the cause was. There you saw an outline of a now familiar figure standing in the doorway. There was no doubt who it was, as there was no one else it could be.

“T…Twilight?” you said fighting the fog of sleep.

“Hi,” she said as her body was still a silhouette illuminated from the light in the living room. There was something different about her voice, but you couldn’t put your finger on it. “I couldn’t sleep. I guess the air mattress wasn’t as comfortable as I thought.”

“Uh…would you rather sleep in my bed?” you said unsure what else to do and more inclined to help her as quickly as possible to get back to sleep, “We could switch.”

“That sounds like a good idea,” Twilight said as her form stepped into the room a little more, almost like she was sauntering with each step. There was definitely something new with her voice, but the only way that you could describe it was it sounded… sexier, “With one exception.”
Suddenly she flicked the light on to your room, blinding you for a few seconds. When your eyes became focused you gasped at what you saw. There Twilight stood naked in front of you, posing her body like some swimsuit model for you to gaze upon. You tried opening your mouth, but nothing came out.

“I was thinking that it was so awfully lonely sleeping in the living room, and I know that if I have to stay at your apartment for thirty moons that we will develop feelings for each other as well as certain… urges. So why resist them when we can act on them, hmm? So why not I share your bed with you, if you know what I mean!”

“That sounds… nice, wait, no! What’s wrong with you Twilight? You would blush at even the most remotely awkward situations. Why now?”
She gave you a coy little smile as she sauntered up to the side of the bed you were on before leaning over you so that her well-proportioned body was dangerously close to you. Then she opened her mouth as if to say something else to make your heart beat faster, but instead of a sexy response an ear-splitting scream could be heard…


You sat bolt upright as your eyes shot open, letting out an audible gasp as if choking for air. For a moment you looked around, unsure where you were. This was the same bedroom, but now the door was closed just as you left it. More importantly, there was no Twilight in your room. What happened so vividly before was just a dream, the part of you feeding your darkest desires rising to the surface and trying to fulfill in your mind what you couldn’t have with your body.

Another scream shattered through your confused thoughts and the fogginess of sleep. This time it was a more muted but still desperate scream that could have come from only one person. You quickly threw the covers off and got out of bed, staggering as you made your way to the door. You then opened it, about to shield yourself from the light but noticing that unlike the dream, the lights were all off in the living room.

“No! No!” Twilight’s cries could be heard in the darkness, “You can’t be all dead! You can’t!”

“Twilight?” you said, but your words fell on deaf ears as she still kept shouting. You made your way towards the closest lamp and after fumbling for a moment flicked it on. There Twilight was writhing on the mattress as if wrestling with some unseen force. Tears were also streaming down her eyes as a reaction to whatever plagued her sleep. Your mind tried to think about the possibilities of how to wake her from her nightmare. It had to be quick but not jarring lest she be even more traumatized.

“Twilight, wake up! You’re having a nightmare,” you shouted as you kneeled beside her and tried squeezing her hand to return her to reality, “Wake up!”

Suddenly the girl sat bolt upright on the air mattress, gasping for breath just as you did when waking from your dream so suddenly. Her eyes then shot open as she looked around the living room to gauge where she was. Soon her eyes settled on you by her side as you watched her once agonized face starting to relax a little.

“Oh, I’m still here in your apartment,” she said breathing a sigh of relief.

“Yeah, you are,” you said letting go of her hand, “You were having a nightmare.”

“Yeah, I was,” she said shaking a little, “Sorry if I waked you. It was just the nightmare was just… so real.”

“I heard you scream something about someone being dead. What was that?”

She at first remained tight lipped about her nightmare, perhaps because she didn’t want to return to such an agonizing moment, but soon she said, “Where I come from, my friends and I help defend the town from evil.”

“So you’re superheroes or something?” you replied, hoping that talking with her would help her recover.

“Not really. We don’t have costumes or anything, but we do have certain talents that help us. Then again everyone in my world has talents from magical skills to making baked goods. The nightmare I had just now, I was back in my hometown, only it was destroyed by some evil force! I searched for any survivors but found none. Then I saw my friends and they were all… oh it was horrible!”

You knew what she meant as tears once again flowed from her eyes. Her friends died in the nightmare, and not in a peaceful way as you could tell from Twilight’s reaction.

“Twilight, you can’t think that that will happen to your friends and town you live in if you are gone. Otherwise how do you go anywhere where you come from? Bad things can happen no matter if we’re at one place or another.”

“You’re right,” she said as her face wore a faint smile, “I know I can’t worry about this or else I’ll keep having nightmares like this. Maybe it’s different now that I can’t get back on my own. I guess I like a little sense of order in my life, even control. Oh I don’t mind when small things are beyond my control, but sometimes big things make me worry, like when I’m trapped with no one to help me.”

“You don’t have to feel trapped or alone,” you said, “I’m here to help you. Maybe I can’t open the portal, but I will help you be safe until that portal does open.”

“Thank you,” she said as she let out a yawn, “Can I ask you a question?”


“Do you mind if I move this bed into your room, just for tonight? If you feel uncomfortable, I completely understand. It’s just I don’t feel right being alone tonight.”

For a moment the images of that sensual dream popped into your mind as you processed Twilight’s request. You quickly dismissed the dream as this was not some strange unconscious desire but a request from a girl who was hurting and scared.

“Sure you can,” you said, “Let me help you get this air mattress through the door.”

The two of you lifted the mattress and pushed it through the door frame before finding a spot in the corner where you were certain you would not trip over it or worse her should you need to get up at night. She then thanked you and quickly returned to the peace of sleep now that her mind was at ease. As you settled into sleep, you heard the rhythmic sounds of her breathing nearby, making you realize that for now you too were not alone.