• Published 11th Feb 2017
  • 2,679 Views, 73 Comments

The Thirty-Moon Roommate - Lux

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Chapter 4- Trapped

Chapter 4

You sat in the chair next to the couch, watching Twilight as she lay motionless on the couch. As you watched her chest rise and fall with an almost hypnotic rhythm, your mind couldn’t focus on the beautiful girl lying next to you but all the events that happened this night. You still couldn’t fathom how the power cut off or how she was able to lift that book without touching it. The only thing you could say is that this was magic, no way to deny or justify it otherwise. There was also no doubt that this girl in your apartment was something special, and not just the way she looked or the way she acted. You couldn’t decide whether you believed she was from another world or not, but after seeing her magic, you were willing to believe her. What concerned you the most was not what happened but what was next. Would she wake up after what happened? Would you need to send her to a hospital and if so, what would you say happened?

“Unnh,” a voice was heard from the couch which made you leave those thoughts behind and turn your attention towards Twilight. You stood up and rushed to her side as she shifted her body on the couch. Soon her eyes fluttered open, meeting your eyes. You relaxed a little and breathed a sigh of relief as she slowly regained consciousness.

“W..what happened?” Twilight said as if waking from a deep sleep.

“You don’t remember?” you replied in a concerned tone.

“I…I remember trying to prove that I could do magic, but after that I can’t remember.”

“Well, you managed to levitate a book in the air, and then send it flying towards my head,” you said sheepishly.

“Oh dear! I didn’t hurt you, did I?” she said which made you feel warm inside how despite her passing out she was concerned about your well-being.

“No, I’m fine. The book missed me. What else do you remember?”

“That’s it. The next thing was waking up on the couch. I feel like I’m missing something though.”

“After you did your magic with the book…”

“Telekinesis,” Twilight said lifting her head.


“It’s called telekinesis.”

“Right, telekinesis. After you used your telekinesis on the book you suddenly passed out. I grabbed you in time before you collapsed and put you on the couch. Don’t worry, I didn’t do anything.”

“Thank you for catching me, but why would you do anything other than that?”

“Err…” you said realizing how you realized that she trusted you and now found yourself in an awkward situation, “Nevermind. How are you feeling now?”

“My head hurts and it feels like I’m in a mental fog,” she says trying to stand but could barely sit up.

“Here, let me help you. Give me your hand.”

She reached out her hand which you at first hesitated remembering the last time you touched her. Casting aside all doubt, you took her hand and tried pulling her up. At first you managed to help her to a seated position, but when you tried to help her to her feet Twilight stood for only a few seconds before her legs began to wobble like they had no muscles in them. Suddenly she collapsed back onto the couch pulling you down with her. When you finally recovered, you found yourself lying on top of her, your face and body dangerously close to hers.
“Sorry!” you suddenly replied as you suddenly stood up.

“No, I should be the one apologizing for pulling you down. I guess I need some time before I can stand. You know, we have to stop meeting like this, first me tripping and falling into you, and now pulling you on top of me. I can see what you mean by awkward.”

She gave a little giggle as her face blushed before slowly sitting up. She then patted the seat next to her, offering you to sit once again which you didn’t hesitate.

“So, what did you think it was that caused you to pass out?’ you said trying to make her feel better after the last incident. “I mean, do you pass out often when trying to do magic?”

“No, in fact this was the first time in a great while that I passed out! Telekinesis is natural to those like me where I come from, just as natural as walking or taking a breath. Here, however, I had to use all my energy just to levitate a simple book! I guess I used too much and, well, I passed out. Your world doesn’t have that much magic, does it?”

“Not really,” you said with a shrug. “Most people think that magic is just something from fantasy books, not real. Anything that was once seen as magical is now seen as science. Honestly, I’ve only met a few who are interested in magic, and I don’t think I’ve ever met someone who could do telekinesis like you, Twilight? Sadly, many who claim to move things with their minds or are telepathic or can talk to the dead are revealed to be fake. It’s a shame really. I’d like to be someplace where magic is everywhere and seen more as fact than fiction.”
“Oh, well you’ll have to visit me sometime when I get…. Home,” Twilight said letting the word ‘Home’ draw out like a deep breath. It was then that you noticed tears were starting to fill the corners of her eyes and she looked down.

“Twilight, what’s wrong?”

“I…I don’t think I can get back home, not when I have to expend all my energy to levitate just a book!”

“How did you get here in the first place?”

“In my world, there’s a portal in a castle that allows me to enter other worlds. I’ve used it before to visit another world, one that’s sort of like this, where some of my friends are. I’ve been doing this so frequently, it’s become almost a routine, but not this time.”

“What happened this time?”

“I don’t know. I remember I was floating through the cosmic stream that linked my world to the other world, but then a storm of energy suddenly appeared. Before I could do anything, I was thrown into the storm and then I ended up here, well not here but in the nearby park.”

You knew the park well. It was a mere five blocks away from your apartment and a nice place to go to relax and let your mind wander a bit. It had a large playground, spacious fields for sports or relaxing, and walking trails which cut through forested areas. You could see how Twilight got so soaked from the storm if she appeared there. There was another thought in your mind, one that seemed foolish at first but quickly gained strength. You remember the wish you made, your desire to have something new in your life. Was the storm that Twilight encountered a manifestation of your wish? You tried to dislodge that notion, hoping that it was a mere coincidence, as you tried to delve more into Twilight’s problem.

“So where exactly did you appear in the park?”

“I appeared at some monument of a horse with a saddle. That’s where the portal appeared.”

“That’s General Daniels’s Memorial. He was a war hero who the park was dedicated in his memory. The horse doesn’t have a rider because it signifies the General passing on. Anyway, you appeared there, but did you try to reenter the portal?”

“Of course I did, but by the time I recovered the portal suddenly closed. I tried using my magic, but I passed out just like I did now. It takes a lot more magic to open a portal than it does to use telekinesis. When I did wake up, it was nighttime and it was pouring rain. I did the only thing I could think of and seek shelter, and that’s when I found you. Oh what am I going to do? I can’t jump back into the portal, and because my magic is so weak here I can’t even open it back up! This feels like the time I first went to that other place and almost getting stuck there.”

You listened carefully to her words, knowing now the problem she faced. What struck you as interesting, however, was the last part of her once having the same thing happen. Maybe this could help her now.

“What happened before, with the other world?”

“I was chasing someone who took something important of mine, but before that I was told that I only had a few days to stay in that other world. If I stayed any longer the portal would close, and I’d be stuck there for thirty moons.”

“Did you say thirty moons?” you said now realizing how dire the situation was escalating.

“Yeah, I did,” she said lifting here head, “How does your lunar cycle work here?”

“There are thirteen moons per year, one for each month with a thirteenth moon called a blue moon.”

“So you mean that if your world works the same as that other world, then I’ll be trapped here for over two years?” she said as you could see her start to panic, “Oh no! I can’t stay here that long. What about my friends, my duties, my studies. What if something bad happens and I’m not there to stop it? I….I….”

She suddenly collapsed into a pile on the couch, crying uncontrollably at the revelation of being stuck here. You could barely fathom how you would feel if you were in the same place, forced to live there for years without any means to return home. You always had a way to get from one place to the next even if you were lost, but not Twilight. You believed she could survive in this world just fine, but should she really have to face this alone.

“I want to help you,” you said putting a reassuring arm around her.

“How? You said it yourself, you don’t have much magic nor does anyone here.”

“Maybe, but there are other things I can do.”

“Like what?”

“You can stay here, in my apartment, until we figure out a way for you to get back or, worst case scenario, when the portal opens back up.”

“Oh no, I can’t burden you with having you stay here,” she said rubbing the tears from your eyes.

“It wouldn’t be a burden, in fact I’d be happy to help. Besides, you shouldn’t have to face this challenge alone.”

“Oh thank you!” she said embracing you as her tears changed from sorrow to joy. You returned the embrace, allowing her to rest her head on your shoulder, feeling that same warm almost electric feeling when the two of you connected. As the two of you held each other, each pondering the uncertain future, the lights in the apartment suddenly came back on as the storm dissipated outside.

Author's Note:

And now we see why she can't return back to Equestria and a potential cause for why she's here.

How will she find her way back? How will our protagonist deal with living with Twilight? Will she be forced to stay for Thirty Moons?

Find out soon in the next chapters!