• Published 11th Feb 2017
  • 2,678 Views, 73 Comments

The Thirty-Moon Roommate - Lux

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Chapter 12- Therapy

Chapter 12 – Therapy

The four of you cleaned up the store in no time, sweeping up everything that was broken and putting back what fell off the tables. You could tell that Twilight was still a little upset that she caused such chaos, but the more things got back together the more her mood lightened up. It was clear that she was looking forward to Trixie’s Reiki treatment as a means to hopefully unlock her powers. This gave her a renewed sense of hope that she could return home. While you were happy to see her one step closer to her goal, you couldn’t help but feel sad that just as soon as you got to know her she was going to be leaving you with little more than a promise for her to return.

“Alright, now that everything is cleaned up, are you ready Twilight?” Trixie said making some final adjustments of the items on the tables.

“I think so,” Twilight said a little nervous. It wasn’t the fact that she was scared about the upcoming treatment but the possibility of her losing control of her magic again.

“Don’t worry, you’ll be fine,” you said to her as you put a hand on her shoulder.

“Oh, are you not coming to this Reiki massage thing?” she said a little shocked, “It’s not a girls’ only thing, is it?”

“No, it’s not,” Trixie said with a giggle, “I performed this on guys, too. He can stay if he wants.”

“If you want me there, Twilight,” you said leaving the decision up to her.

“Please, I’d feel better if you were there,” she said giving you a smile, “After all, you’ve been there for me all this time.”

“Alright then,” you said giving her a salute, “Lead the way, Princess.”

“Excuse me?” she said giving you a shocked look like you just revealed a big secret of her.

“Err…it’s just a joke.”

“Oh, right, a joke!”

“Alright you two,” Starlight said, “Let’s get this started. Just follow us.”

The four of you made your way through the door off to the side and into a small open room. There was little furniture in the room save for a metal card table with folding chairs surrounding it. The table was decorated with a blue cloth adorned with moons and stars and had an unlit candle and a few crystals. Off to the side in the room, there was a padded table that looked like a hospital gurney.

“Let me just collapse this table and chairs before I wheel that table over,” Trixie said as she began to carefully remove the items off the table before collapsing the table. Starlight and Twilight helped fold and move the chairs. Soon the table was rolled into position and ready for the treatment.

“Alright Twilight, I think we’re ready,” Starlight said, “Just hop up on the table and lay down on it. See that thing attached to the table that looks like a big puffy ring? That’s where you put your face into and helps cradle it while we do the massage.”

Twilight nodded and hopped up onto the table before lying down on it and putting her face into the cradle. As she lay there, you couldn’t help but feel strange looking at her that way in such a calm way.

“Ok,” Trixie said, “Now you’re going to feel my hands on your back. You might feel a warming or tingling sensation, but there shouldn’t be any pain. If there is, let me know and I’ll lessen the massage. I’ll try to explain everything as I go through it. Are you ready to begin?”

“I’m ready,” Twilight said as her voice was muffled in the face pillow.

“Let’s begin,” Trixie said as she began running her hand slowly down Twilight’s back saying, ‘I’m first going to scan the chakras you have to see if there are any holes in your aura field. Once I find them I will focus on these areas as well and the rest of your body.”

With that you watched as Trixie let her hands hover barely an inch away from Twilight’s body and proceeded to move it from the back of her head to her hips. Occasionally Trixie would pause as she focused on an area before moving on to the next section.

“Hmm… most of your chakras are ok,” Trixie said like a doctor after performing and examination, “Your third eye and heart chakras are especially open which means that you should perform magic very well. It does, however look like your root chakra and solar plexus chakras could use an opening as well as the others balanced which I will do now.”

She then proceeded to massage Twilight’s back by moving her hands in concentric circles. Twilight didn’t seem to mind as she lay there without comment. It was strange for you seeing this massage treatment. You’ve seen it done before many times in the shop and have had your share of Reiki attunements. There was nothing new to this routine, except for of course Twilight. Deep in your mind, you somehow wished that it was you standing her and giving her a massage if nothing more than to comfort her. Perhaps it was also a way to tell her how you felt about her when words failed to do justice. You dared not interrupt Trixie’s work, not when she was trying to help Twilight correct her magical surges.

“How do you feel Twilight?” Trixie asked her charge, “Anything sore or numb?”

“I actually feel very relaxed,” the voice from the donut shaped pillow responded.

“You did feel a little stressed to me, but that I can understand after what was told to me. Although you may not feel it right now, your chakras should be aligned right. While this won’t dramatically boost your magic, it will, however, allow you to control your magic better and thus make it more powerful.”

“That’s sounds good,” Twilight said, “I could use the focus now.”

“There is something I wanted to ask you, and I hope you don’t mind,” Starlight said, “When you magic was going haywire we all saw … wings and a horn.”

Twilight looked up from her pillow with a concerned face as if she knew about it. Casually, she tried to deny knowing it by saying, “What? Wings and a horn? Uh…what did they look like? They weren’t real, were they?”

“Not real, but ethereal,” Starlight said, “Sometimes energy emitted from a person can form into a shape. Usually this is depended upon one’s spirit animal and manifests when doing intense work with them. Most of the time only the person with such ethereal appendages can feel them, but this time we all could see them. As for what they looked like, the horn was long and spiraled like a unicorn’s while the wings were feathery and large.”

“Oh, those,” Twilight said as if relieved while she tried concocting a response, “Yeah, I’ve had something like them when doing some magic. Not all the time, but when I’m using lots of magic.”

“What’s the wings and horn from?” Trixie said.

“Well, I have two guides,” Twilight said, “One is a unicorn and the other is a Pegasus.”

“That’s neat!” Trixie said, “Mine’s only a crow, and he can be hard to work with.”

“Anyway,” Starlight said, “Now that the Reiki treatment is done, can you try sitting up? Just do it slowly as your muscles are still relaxed.”

Twilight nodded and slowly rolled over from her lying down position while sitting up.

“Still feel ok?” you asked her.

“I feel great actually. It’s my energy is back … like I’m feeling…”

“Unstuffed?” Trixie said with a smile as she brought over a crystal that was once on her reading table, “Yeah, that’s the best way to describe it. That’s what Reiki does, unclogging your magical system. So, let’s try something out here. Can you try taking this crystal from my hands?”

“Are you sure that is smart after what happened?” Twilight asked. You could see that Starlight was a little nervous letting Trixie do this, putting the love of her life in harm’s way.

“You can do it, Twilight,” you said trying to hide your doubts, “I have faith in you.”

“Alright, here it goes,” Twilight said taking a deep breath and concentrating on the crystal resting in Trixie’s hands. Soon Twilight’s purple eyes began to give off a soft glow like a lamp as the quartz began to vibrate in Trixie’s hands. But then, just as it looked like the crystal was about to levitate, you suddenly watched as Trixie began to lift off the ground!

“Hey! Lift the crystal, not me!” Trixie said surprised as she flailed her legs as she hovered a foot in the air.

“Oops, sorry,” Twilight said amazed that she had such control over her magic. She slowly put Trixie down before taking the crystal with her magic and bringing it to rest in her hands.

“I did it!” Twilight said excited, “I lifted the crystal.”

“You also lifted me,” Trixie said, “I think I can say your magic issues are cured.”

“Oh thank you!” Twilight said as she hopped from the bed and hugged Trixie, “Now I might be able to get home.”

“You’re welcome,” Trixie said, “As for getting home, let’s not jump to that yet. It takes time for your magic to get back to its full power. Starlight and I will help you get home, but we have to do a little research first. It might take a few days, but we’ll let you know when it’s ready.”

“A few days?” Twilight said a little discouraged before trying to look on the bright side saying, “Well, it’s better than thirty moons.”

“Right,” you said a little discouraged that she didn’t want to stay, “Better than that. Still, we can always hang out while you’re here, right?”

“Of course!” Twilight said, “I’d love for you to show me around.”

“Well, how about I start with one of my favorite things to do,” Trixie said, “Clothes shopping.”

“Shopping?’ Twilight said surprised that Trixie would recommend it.

“Yeah. You don’t think I go around dressed in this robe and hat all the time, do you. Besides, I don’t think you want to spend however long you’re here wearing that,” she said before looking at you and saying, “No offense.”

“None taken,” you said, “It was the best I could do.”

“How about I stay here,” you said, “I don’t think that I’d do well with advice on women’s clothes.”

“Ok, I can see that not being your area,” Twilight said.

“I want to stay here,” Starlight said, “There’s something I want to talk to him about.”

“Really,” you said not sure why Starlight wanted to stay behind, “Oh, ok.”

“Then it’s settled. I’ll take Twilight shopping and will be back in an hour or so. See you later!”

“Bye you two,” Twilight said before following Trixie out the door, leaving you two behind.

Author's Note:

Yes, I've been to a local magic shop and have had a Reiki massage which is fairly accurate in the way I portrayed it.

So, now were'e at the halfway mark I believe. I know how the story ends, but I have to work on the next chapters.